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Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Attack Rolls:

Mira: 22 & 5 vs. Human: 8 & 11.

Mira lands one hit for 75 damage. The Human has 485 HP left.

Grapple Attempt:

Human: 3 vs. Mira: 27.

Mira dodges with ease!

Mira has 91 Stamina now.


1: Kill kill kill!

2: Sex sex sex!
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Mira smiled as her attack finally hit and she managed to dodge her rapists attempt to get her back to the ground. Finally she was getting used to this, at least she hoped so, she moved forward and went back onto the offensive. She would kill this bastard and move on.

-Furious Strike Chain this time around, maybe it wont be horribly countered this time.-
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Attack Roll:

Mira: 30, 21, 14 & 15 vs. Human: 9, 8, 1 & 29.

Mira lands 3 hits, 2 of which land critical! Mira deals 350 damage to her foe, leaving him with 135 HP.

Grapple Attempt:

Human: 6 vs. Mira: 15.

Mira dodges him again.


1: Finish Him!

2: Other.

6/8 Adrenaline Left.
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

As Mira swings landing blow after blow a smile creeps across her face, the happiness she feels as she slashes into her rapist is hard to describe. She stands across from him keeping herself calm and she moves on him again, this time ideally to finish this fight and move on, hopefully not spending more time on her back with his cock inside her.

-Second verse same as the first, this time with some EXP at the end, hopefully.-
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

((Could have sworn I replied to these 5 days ago. Must have been a dream!))

Mira begin s her attack motion, too late realizing the human has baited her into attacking on his terms! Before she can react, Mira finds herself pinned to the ground once more, with his dick thrusting inside of her! Mira suffers 30 pleasure, and gains 50 KP. She had 71 stamina left until she has an orgasm.

The human has 140 stamina left until he fills her again.


1: Try to get away before you orgasm.

2: Give in and have an orgasm.
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

(Wow just wow, Mira is eating all kind of shit luck against this guy, guess it's about submit time.)

Mira struggled as best she could, her body was growing in heat, she hated herself for liking this but she did. She wanted more but for now she wanted to escape, she needed to escape and kill this thing, it had already raped her and filled her cunt once, she hated to think what the corrupting influence would do once she came.

-If she escapes, Furious Strike Chain honestly I don't think Mira is gonna last long here she is really unable to fight this guy and I'm just fine with that.-
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Escape Rape Attempt:

Mira: 12 vs. Human: 20

Mira isn't going anywhere.

Pleasure Roll:

Human: 18 vs. Mira: 3.

The human continues pounding Mira, drawing her closer to her climax. Mira suffers 30 pleasure, and gains 30 KP. Mira has 41 stamina left, while the human has 110.


1: Keep trying to get away.

2: Let him fuck you to an orgasm and hope the adrenaline boost is enough.
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

(wow she really has shit luck or I'm just picking horrible attacks, any suggestions cause I feel like I am either unlucky as shit or I just don't understand how these attacks work.)

Mira grit her teeth as she felt her pleasure building, that orgasm could end her, at least her resistance to this thing, she needed to get free and finish him, or at least hit him. God she was almost completely useless here, the place would be her doom.

-Struggle to get free, and then stalk her foe, what she was doing was not working she needed a new plan.-
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

((It's just the dice rolls hate you right now. Eventually it'll balance out, Mind Flayer had the opposite when we first started, his dice rolls were godly for like 15 fights or something, then he had a bad stretch, and now it's 50-50. Just the luck of the dice roller really)).

Escape Rape Attempt:

Mira: 4 vs. Human: 22.

Mira again can't get away.

Pleasure Roll:

Human: 9 vs. Mira: 21.

Mira however isn't giving up her orgasm so easily.

Round 2:

Escape Rape Attempt:

Mira: 17 vs. Human: 8.

Mira finally gets free!

Grapple Attempt:

Human: 6 vs. Mira: 22.

Mira dodges him easily this time, and finally has a chance to attack!


1: Attack!

2: Run Away!

3: Other?
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

(Sounds about right, here's hoping her luck turns around)

Mira finally got free and stood up circling her foe, he was stronger then her and seemingly faster then her. She needed a better plan this time she would wait for him and before he tried to grab her slam into him with another series of attacks. Hopefully this time connecting.

-Furious Strike Chain, here's hoping for some good luck.-
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Attack Roll(s):

Mira: 20, 30, 21 & 7 vs. Human: 18, 5, 18 & 4.

Mira lands all 4 hits, with one being critical! She deals 350 damage, and KILLS the human finally!

Loot Phase:

Human: HP Potion

Mira gains 200 XP, and finds an HP potion!


1: Move Onward.

2: Rest a little bit to gain full stats (chance of being caught after 1 round of rest)
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Mira struck at the human cautiously finally connecting again and again, with each blow her hope surged. She could do this, she would not get corrupted and become like this human. She would escape and be free! The human fell at her feet and she searched him for items, something to help, finding an HP potion on him. She stared at it not completely sure what it would do but still happy to have it. She got back to her feet and pressed onwards, hopefully her next fight would not be quite as rapetastic.

-Push onwards-
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Mira decides to move onward, and soon she finds herself in a rocky area. As she moves through the small rocky area ...

Trap Evasion Roll:

Trap?: 13 vs. Mira: 7

She fails to notice the oddity of the rock until she steps down, and hears a sudden clicking sound. Before she can react three suction cups come flying out of a hidden panel in the rocks, and two instantly latch on to her breasts. As they do, she feels a strange sensation below her belt, and looks down just in time to see the third suction cup latch on to her ... dick? Before she can process this new thing, the cups draw tight around her, and yank her to the ground, where they immediately begin to suck on her. Mira suffers 40 pleasure as her tits, and her dick are sucked on, and she gains 60 KP. Mira has 53 stamina left until she orgasms.


1: Get it off me!

2: Suck me to an orgasm!
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Mira wandered into the new area as the suction cups emerged and wrapped around her, unable to react to her new phallus that had apparently grown in place. She moaned in pleasure as they began sucking upon her, she needed to resist, but the pleasure was so great, she shock her head as she moaned on her hands and knee's struggling to get free as best she could, she didn't want this thing to make her climax, she didn't want anything here to make her climax. Her mind raced as her body gave in, pleasure washing over her, she wouldn't be able to continue resisting this thing if she came, so she clenched her fists and tried to yank the things off of her.

-Resist and escape.-
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Escape Trap Attempt:

Mira: 16 vs. Suction Trap: 28.

Mira fails to get away!

Pleasure Roll:

Suction Trap: 30 vs. Mira: 4.

Mira's struggles only allow the trap to suck on her most vulnerable spots, causing critical pleasure! Mira suffers 80 pleasure, and it's too much for her to handle. Her body completely betrayed her, hips thrusting madly against the incredible suction on her dick. A powerful orgasm tore through her, her dick spurting her seed into the suction device fixed to it wildly. At the same time her dick was wildly spurting it's pleasure, she could see, and feel, her breasts being milked, watching perhaps with some shock as milk was sucked out of them. She was being helplessly milked for her pleasure, and her breast milk, which shouldn't have existed since she wasn't pregnant, yet it did. As she was drained of all she could 'offer', Mira felt herself getting a little light headed, and she realized it had taken some of her Mana, as well as her Life Force with her orgasm! Mira gains 130 KP, and loses 8 HP and MP. Mira has 192 HP, 12 Mana and 183 Stamina left until she orgasms again. As her orgasm finally dies down, and she regains control of her body, an adrenaline surge goes through her! 8/8 turns in the adrenaline boost state.


1: Try to get free before you orgasm again, or worse, it literally sucks you to 'death'.

2: Give in and experience another orgasm.

3: Give in completely and let it suck you until you know nothing anymore.
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Mira struggles vainly as she feels her body orgasm, the pleasure rocking through her body, her eyes roll back as she screams in pure pleasure. Her body weakens as she slumps down against the trap holding her sucking her body empty. She weakly tries to resist but her body trembles, she wanted another orgasm like that, more then she could wanted to admit. She needed another one, she stroked the suction cup around her new dick letting it being sucking upon her again. She wanted another ride.

'only one more then I'll get this stupid thing off me.' She thought to herself as she felt the adrenaline surge through her body, a small voice screaming deep in her mind, 'this may be your only chance to keep it from corrupting you completely!' the voice was probably right but so quite, Mira didn't listen to it, she could get away after one more.

-Give in and experience another orgasm-

(OOC note does the adrenaline boost go away after her giving in orgasm? Cause character wise after her first orgasm she was gonna give in to what ever had her for one more when I put her together. Just curious if she'll still have that when she does attempt to escape after it makes her cum again.)
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

((No an orgasm while the adrenaline boost is in place removes it for good in that fight. We'll see what happens, how many turns she needs to orgasm again)).

Mira has given in to the pleasure, and continues to be raped.

Over the next 5 turns, Mira experiences 200 Pleasure, and gains 250 KP. Eventually, the pleasure causes her to have another orgasm! Like before, she can feel herself growing weaker, and loses 8 HP & MP. She has 184 HP, 4 MP and 193 Stamina now. At the same time, she can feel that the adrenaline has been raped out of her!


1: Get it off!

2: Other?
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Mira relaxed as the last orgasm rocked her system, her cock felt so good, her breasts better then she had ever experienced before. She slumped as the tentacles continued their work on her body, and a lazy smile emerged on her face as she wanted little more then to give in to the pleasure. She felt her body react and it was not long before the trap brought her to another orgasm, she sprayed her seed into the trap again her breasts still releasing almost constant milk.

As she came down from her second orgasm she felt her essence drain more noticeably, and her face shifted as she realized what it was doing. Her mind rocketed out of the pleasured state it was in and went back to work and her hands grabbed the trap and began yanking it from her body, she needed it off as quickly as possible.

"No no you don't get to drink me to death!" Mira screamed as she worked to free herself.

-Break free-

OOC sadface, ah well at least that weakness is gone and she wont submit to something more dangerous later, we'll see if she can escape the life sucking plant without that adrenaline.
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Escape Trap Attempt:

Mira: 23 vs. Trap: 27.

The Trap holds onto Mira, and continues it's work.

Pleasure Roll:

Trap: 14 vs. Mira: 9.

Mira suffers 40 Pleasure and gains 40 KP as the trap continues to suck on her despite her struggles. She has 153 Stamina left until she orgasms again.


1: Keep struggling until you get free, or it 'KO's' you/KP Caps you.

2: Give in and experience another orgasm.

3: Give in until it either 'KO's' you, or your KP maxes out.
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Mira mentally curses herself for being so weak as to give into the thing before. She needed to get free before another orgasm rocked her world. She could feel her limbs growing tired and weaker with every moment, she needed to free herself now, or possibly never.

-1. Resist until free, although if two orgasms come along before she can get free it's going to suck the resistance out of her and can use her until it's done with her.-