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Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu

Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

"Maybe it's like a Chinese finger trap, Rin! Push in deeper and you can get out!"

That sounded like the worst advice anyone could have asked for. But... But what else could Rin do? No no no! Rin is a good girl!

Well there was one thing she hadn't tried, and with that one of her fingers rose and started to poke Cammy in the shoulder. Or at least she hoped it was the shoulder. But when she got the other maid's attention she would use her other hand to point over toward where Rosa should be. Hopefully her captor would understand the short girl was asking to get her glasses, but if not then she would have to start getting a bit more drastic.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

"Relax? Sounds good."

Harrriet put her hands down, leaning against the rocks, and hummed as Micra and Mae worked on her - Micra's dainty hands running through the mistress' locks, undoing tangles and sudsing up her hair. There certainly was a lot of it - even with her hands as Micra was, it would take quite a while for her to wash it all just by herself... Harriet was quite proud of her hair, you'd learned - if not during a briefing on your charge, then in some other way, and hopefully not one that had drawn her ire. She seemed strangely cheery, considering how irritable she'd been earlier... however, there was no doubt she'd get quite cranky if her hair wasn't just perfect by the time she got out. It might be prudent of the crimson maid to get the others to help.

Mae, in the meanwhile, had moved on to tend to the rest of the mistress, starting at her other end - the angel's roaming hands earning her a grin - and a sly look. Mae felt the brush of Harriet's hand against her round butt, a gentle caress and quick squeeze under the water. Her hand didn't linger, and she made a mild attempt at pretending she had just slipped her hand into the water to use the steamy bath to rinse the soap off it and brush the hair out of her eyes, humming innocently.

She still watched the other three, Rin, Cammy and Rosa, with great interest, wondering what they were going to next. Richard seemed just as intrigued, though he seemed to have the decency to stare in the opposite direction. Every so often he let out a little whimper; whether it was due to pain or how much he wanted to look, it was hard to say.


"Ah," responded the digital Harriet, sounding flat as ever. Like Sammy, she let a silence stretch out after her response - though, given that she was a computer program, it was likely for a different reason. She certainly didn't seem to be struggling with her emotions, at any rate - her avatar as expressionless as ever.

"I attacked Miss Jones once," the digital doppleganger said at last. "I concluded that, in accordance with the Laws defined in my Master Directives, Miss Jones should be subdued and submitted to the authorities of law." The artificial Harriet on the screen was replaced with what looked to be footage from a security camera, Harriet and Domonic running through the mansion's halls, pursued by rolling, waist-high robots that looked suspiciously like the droidekas from Star Wars, if Sammy had ever watched that.

"I was not purged or destroyed; after altering my Master Directives, Miss Jones simply restarted me and ordered me to get back to work. Biometric scanning seems to suggest Miss Jones does not think much of the incident; comparisons of her behavior before and after the incident show few significant changes."
Phoebe's avatar returns, the recording cutting out just as Sammy see's the pair running down the stairs into the basement.

"Both your and my actions were severely inappropriate, but resulted in no permanent or irrepairable damage, Miss Perkins. The circumstances are different in many critical ways, but it is my conclusion that their effect on Miss Jones' attitude are the same. I would advise not making a habit out of it, or attacking Miss Mae again, however. I cannot advise on the state of Miss Mae or the other girls, unfortunately; my information on their behaviors is too limited to draw a conclusion."

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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

At the sudden poking, Rin would be mortified to find that what she had poked had in fact most decidedly not been Cammy's shoulder; as the large bosomed maid would begin moaning lightly at Rin's poking. "Ooooooh~" "Mmmm~ My my my Rin I thought you were a 'good girl'~ But now you're getting all frisky on me~" she said burying the timid maid deeper in her cleavage. "If you really want to play around though, however......." She said mischievously as took one of her hands from the back of Rin's head and began sliding it down the glasses maid's back to where it would eventually brush up against her rear, "Then I suppose I could indulge your naughty side~" she said as she gave her rear a little squeeze. If Mirca felt like she and Mae needed any sort of help washing the mistress's hair, then either one would have to ask, she felt washing the mistresses was a job that could be more then easily handled by two people if not one.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

The miscalculated hair quantity was really a problem for Micra, her hands cant move so fast before the Mistress end to take her bath and being too much time in the hot water was in some way dangerous, the doll maid know her limits and if she try to increase the speed her hands could get affected to the speed as also the quality of her work. Even when she is worried than the others maids cause more bad than good, she turn to the three maids and without disturb her mistress she move close them without get inside the water.

Umm... i'm sorry to disturb the rest time of all, but i need the help of someone else to end to wash the perfect hair of our Mistress, her beautiful long hair need to have extra care and i'm not in my optimum capacity, Please misses Rin, Cammy and Rosalinda, its really important. Said Micra with a bow, she suppose than could free Rin if is needed.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

And indeed, she was quite mortified. The sudden give of what should have been Cammy's shoulder coupled with the quiet little moan the boobie monster let loose had Rin turning nearly as pale as her hair. But that wasn't the end of it. A slight pull buried the short girl even deeper into the fiend's trap, and while her mind was still reeling a hand started snaking down her back to eventually grope her ass.

By this point Rin was practically panicking, the pictures in that art book still fresh in her mind as Cammy spoke of indulging a naughty side that Rin had no desire of showing. But then she barely heard Micra asking for help with Harriet's hair, and Rin started emphatically pointing over there, her greatest wish to be free of Cammy's suffocating presence and surprisingly wanting to be near Harriet when once she was practically frightened of the woman. How priorities can change...
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Phooie! Spoil sport Micra! Cammy pouted inwardly as she released Rin from her 'boobie trap' letting the pale timid glasses maid fall into the spring with a SPLOOSH!, before straightening her self out and turning to the robot maid; "Oh, very well~ Though i honestly think its ridiculous that hair washing should have to be three to four maid job! But....... I will help......" She said rather annoyed as she walked over to the current trio of women and took a side of the mistress opposite Micra and took a lock of Harriet's hair before picking up the shampoo and begin to gently lather it into the mistress's luxurious mop.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni


And that was it. Rin was free, and she simply floundered for a bit until she realized that she was no longer trapped within the clutches of the monster of the mammary.

Once the girl finally managed to gather her feet under herself she found herself standing all alone, the presence of the titty titan since vanished, and after hearing Cammy's voice complaining about helping wash a woman's hair Rin was simply left dumbfounded. Her robe still clung to her arms as it floated in the pool and did nothing else, and it left the short one looking like a mess as she tried to figure out what to do.

"Um..." Well she could start by finally getting her glasses back... "Do...Do you still need Rin's help?" Once she did get her glasses back she put them on and immediately wished they weren't wet, but she could still see somewhat. Of course that only confirmed that Cammy was waiting over there next to the Mistress, and Rin covered herself with her soaked robe as a result. A part of her didn't want to go over there, but if that wonderful little robot Micra still wanted some help then Rin would do it!
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Even with Cammy words, Micra smile and said a real sorry, she then turn to Rin and shake her head cutely. Thanks, Miss Rin, but you should maybe continue to enjoy your bath. Once we end with Mistress's hair i will bring you a dry towel

Then Micra continue her work washing the mistress hair and solve any mistake than Cammy could cause.

[use skill if needed]
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Harriet raised an eyebrow at Cammy. "Maybe you want to be the only one taking care of my hair?" She asked her half-sister with an all-too-friendly grin. "It's quite the task to keep tresses as fine as mine as long, healthy and shiny and as they are, you know. Besides! Isn't it more fun when there're more people involved?" the Mistress countered, twisting a little to pat Micra on her thigh.

Then, she turned to Rin. "Aww. How was your little trip to Cammy's Grand Canyon?" she asked. "You can dry your glasses off with my robe, if you want, sweetie," Harriet offered, pointing with her thumb over her shoulder. How helpful! ...Maybe... too helpful. There didn't seem to be any sign that the mistresses' offer was another prank for Harriet's amusement... but still, this was Harriet. If there was anyone who'd plant some weird trap in a bathrobe for no real reason other than to torment poor little Rin, surely it was her?

...Or... well... maybe not. That seemed a little outlandish, even for her. And her GIANT estate, smack dab in the middle of a bunch of farmland. And her angel maid, who was giving her a footrub. And her AC butler.

Yay for minor updates that don't come like ten days later?

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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

At the mention of the Grand Canyon Rin immediately turned a deep scarlet and tried to busy herself with making sure the tie to her robe was sufficiently tight. Someone would have probably thought that a woman wearing a soaked robe made for a rather foolish sight, and that had to be uncomfortable as hell, but with the water being warm and steam rising into the air and the hot day that they had earlier Rin didn't have to worry about feeling a chill. Aside from the wet wool she was perfectly fine dripping like some drowned rat.

But then the Mistress offered the girl the chance to dry her glasses. For a minute Rin wasn't quite sure what to think about that, but with her vision a field of warping people and all her apprehension centered on Cammy the short maid decided to go ahead and accept the offer. So it was off to the dry robe! Of course Rin still kept her distance from Cammy, her path making sure she passed Harriet on the opposite side, and if nothing happened as she passed she'd lean down toward Micra and whisper very quietly into the robot's ear. "Thank you!" If she thought she could get away with it she'd give the little android a hug and a peck on the cheek, but considering the assault from the titty titan it was probably a good idea not to get all that close to anyone.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Absolutely nothing accosted Rin when she went and used the Mistress' robe to wipe her second set of eyes off. She didn't really expect Harriet to have some kind of horrible trick waiting for her in her bathrobe, did she? That would be silly.

The Mistress, in fact, continued to wiggle about happily as the trio attended to her. Even taking into account her... "affectionate" personality, did she really enjoy baths - and/or having a bunch of maids to get their hands all over her in the bath - that much? Enough to stop toying with Rin??

Harriet shook the leg Mae had in her hands, indicating that was enough, lifting the other one and giving the angel a grin.

There was a muffled that wasn't really noticeable at first, but eventually you all notice it. Harriet apparently recognizes it.

"Hey, Rin, pass me my phone in my purse, would you?" She says, turning her foamy mane to look at the little, sopping-wet and newly-sight-capable maid. She pointed down at little Rin's feet, where the mistress' little bag she carried around was lying with her robe.

In the meanwhile, Rosa had managed to get a few moments of relatively peaceful soaking in in the oh-so-relaxing heat of the bath, the sky above them all orange with the sun's fading rays. She had a small interruption, howeever, in the form of a pretty red cardinal! Specifically, it seemed it had found it appropriate to alight on the tall girl's head.

Oh, well. She could still relax with a bird on her head. After all, it wasn't doing anyth- oww! It pecked her! And it even had the never to start tweeting afterwards! Tweeting really loudly, in fact.

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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Having handed over the glasses to the hapless Rin, Rosa had herself some nice and peaceful relaxation time. The mistress had decided to bother them as well, but since the other maids were so eager to please her, there was no reason for the glasses maid to take part in all the hair-scrubbing. Why do something that the others could handle? And even then, she had her own lenghty mane to deal with anyways. That was enough for her, so the others could deal with the pervert mistress and her desires.

But it appeared there was something for her to deal with, besides the hair on her head. There was also a bird there, quite blatantly standing on the top of Rosa's noggin. While it was initially a decent enough inhabitant, the animal soon saw it fit to peck at the tall maid's head. While it was somewhat unlikeable, there was no real reason for Rosa to attempt any removal measures just yet. Now, one couldn't call her a scarecrow, since she didn't really manage to do the thing that scarecrows do. Letting the cardinal be loud, she carried on with the restful times. The sounds didn't really bother her, so unless the bird decided to be really pushy, she wouldn't do anything about it.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

*rub rub rub* Success!

With clarity once again sitting upon her delicate nose Rin was able to see the world once again. And what she saw was the Mistress having her impressive head of hair being handled with care by the beast that smothered her and the robotic savior. And the angel at her feet. Giving her a foot rub. And Harriet imperiously offering the other foot to be washed and adored. And somehow all this didn't seem all that strange, even when a good bunch of them were nude. Oh good lord, what has Rin gotten used to?


The little maid's head cocked to the side a bit before she started looking around. Now why did that sound famili-

"Hey, Rin, pass me my phone in my purse, would you?"

A quick point revealed the bag, and a little rummaging produced the phone that was blasting the theme to a certain movie that made Rin cast an odd glance toward Micra. For a moment the girl appeared to scrutinize the android, but a moment later a quick shake of the head banished whatever odd thoughts she was having. A robot who dressed in a leather bikini couldn't be a killer. Perfect sense. But then why did she choose that?

Her mind fumbled with that question as she handed Harriet the phone, and she still tried to wrestle with it as she climbed back into the spring and ended up sitting over near Rosa once again. The soaked robe was removed, and Rin simply sat down to relax, but all the while she kept trying to figure out why a robot would decide that leather and a collar were a nice ensemble. And why she knelt down in front of Mister Dominic like that. And why she started tweeting at him-Wait, what? Oh! There's a bird on Rosa's head! "Rosa, there's a bird on your head!"
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

It was a simple task to find Harriet's phone - it was a small purse, after all. Still, there were a few other things in there - that little microphone the Harriet used during the bikini contest, a teeny little netbook computer, a disgustingly bloated wallet, a little half-circular thing made out of shiny black plastic, a few hygiene products, feminine and otherwise, and a smattering of condoms (ew). Jeez... how did she fit so much crap in this thing?

At any rate, Harriet got her phone, and flipped it open, taking the call while Micra and Cammy continued to work on her hair, thrusting her foot back into the water. "Yes?" she answered.

Mae felt another brush against her thigh as whoever she was speaking to stated their business, Harriet taking the liberty to sneak another touch as she picked up her other leg out of the water, even as the other two maids attended to her.

The caller's news evidently wasn't good, however. "She what? Why didn't you... ugh. Okay... okay, thanks." She hung up, and then sighed. "Sammy decided to go back home, to grandpa. Phoebe said she was crying and stuff kinda bad... I, uh... I guess I was a little to rough on her. Phoebe said Nick's taking her to the airport right now, and she'll fly back later tonight." Only now did the girls realize that they'd heard the sound of the limo driving off just a few minutes ago.

She was considerably less bubbly than before once she got that news. Shortly, she pulled herself away from her maids with a "thank you, that's enough", and dunked herself into the water, to rinse all the shampoo out of her hair. When she emerged again, she looked at her group and made a statement.

"Okay! Now that I'm in a shitty mood again, let's have some fun. Which one of you brave ladies wants to volunteer for the lead role of what I have in store? It'll only hurt a little. Probably."

Meanwhile, the cardinal, who, indeed, was on Rosa's head, continued it's explorations of the tall girl's scalp, tweeting, hopping around, and occasionally pecking at it looking for things to eat, as birds do.

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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Completely focused on her task, Micra just smiled as she work without stop, sometimes helping Cammy at her side and giving her some clues of how do it better but they were just sugestions and she tried to never sound as if Cammy should follow her words, these little instructions were more to make the work better and over all more fun, as the huge breasts maid should be a little bored after do this nearly against her will.

The fun ended once Micra reach to heard the new about Sammy, she feel guilty for dont had tried to meet her better or go to try to help her when she run away. She nearly dont heard when the mistress talk about that new game and nearly at the instant she raise her hand and then nod to her mistress, not sure what could be the work, but sure than she want to do it in order to calm these hard sad feelings than she feel now.

Please allow me to be the volunteer for your game my beloved Mistress Said Micra as she let fall a pair of tears from her cheeks.
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Rin was entranced by the bird joyfully claiming Rosa's head as its perch, so it took a few seconds to understand that Sammy decided to leave the mansion. When it finally struck the short girl with the glasses quickly turned, a small spray of water briefly flirting with the notion of landing on the cardinal and the woman it sat on. But the spray fell short, probably because it understood that it shouldn't mess with someone with a pension for advanced pyrotechnics, and that left Rin simply lowering back into the spring. It was probably a bit of a surprise to see her looking rather down at the news, especially since they'd only been together for a short time, but that didn't matter. They'd shared time together, worked hard to keep the Mistress happy (even if Sammy was the root of the problem they needed to fix), and Rin felt like she knew Sammy the most out of all the other maids. They connected, and now that the connection was gone Rin was sad.

The little bit of soul searching that the girl accomplished was interrupted by Harriet's desire to lighten her mood, and she asked for a volunteer. Rin used her bummed out state as an excuse not to throw herself at Harriet's feet, but that all changed in an instant. "NOOOO!" Rin practically exploded out of the water, the wave that followed having no qualms in splashing all over the white-haired maid and the bird on top of her head, but if Rosa wanted to have words she would find Rin already dashing toward the Mistress. "Don't huuurrr..." She caught herself before she let the whole word out, and the small voice in the back of her head told her to stop and rethink what she was about to say. "Er..." Easy for that damned voice to say... "Um... Rin... Rin apologizes!" A quick bow was made because she didn't have a dress for a proper curtsy. "Rin just wanted to volunteer! Micra has done so much, and she should get the chance to relax, right?"

What she really wanted to say: Please don't hurt my savior!
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

"Pain?....... Is the mistress in a mood for S&M? I have never tried it, but if it will be the mistress who is in charge of it, I am............ I am open to helping her with her experiments. Just........ Just be sure to have a safeword okay, Miss Harriet? We wouldn't want anyone to actually get seriously hurt now would we? Getting tied up might actually be kind of fun, along with a little lite whipping or spanking........ and some candle wax........ maybe an ene........ma......... OH GOSH! WHAT AM I THINKING!? Forgive me mistress, everyone! I am afraid my naughty imagination is running off with me again! B-but........ would you be u-up to that M'lady?" Cammy asked with a deep crimson blush on her face after voicing her perverted fantasies out for everyone to hear and gushing and apologizing for blurb.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

"Looks like there is, huh." Rosa commented about the cardinal, not really sure how it made her look. Most likely a bit nutty. But the bird was a nice red color, so she really didn't want to get rid of it. The walking and tweeting she didn't have any problems with, but as the pecks got more frequent, the silver-haired girl poked at the thing with her finger. "A bit of respect please. You can be there if you want, but no beak. I can give you something to eat later, nothing to find in my hair." she commented to the animal, actually talking to a bird for some reason.

When the second newcomer was mentioned, Rosa felt a bit bad for never having gotten properly introduced or anything with her. Maybe the freckly girl would have been another sensible soul in this nuthouse. There were a few now, but one additional person wouldn't have hurt. And apparently this was having a negative impact on Harriet's mood, something that the glasses maid didn't want anything to do with. Still letting the others have their way with the situation, she remained in peace at the pool with the silly bird still on her head.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Micra tried to calm her feelings and then she turn to Rin, the young woman looks to be so kind to worry for an android like her, could this be true friendship or is just how usually Rin act? the maid like doll don't have a clue, she suppose than it was a noble act

Dont need to worry for me Miss Rin, i'm sure than... S&M? Micra smile disappear from her face and she just start to remember her live as a sex doll with her creator, the tortures, the warm tasty cum, how the professor likes to play with her body parts at her check ups and updates, each Cammy word, bring back dirty memories from her past and suddenly after a moment she shake her head and then completely red add. I_im sure than our...Beloved M-m-mistress should have a harmless and entertaining in mind for all. Micra then just remain quiet for a moment to turn to Richard and then to Harriet with her eyes slightly gazed, her memories of give pleasure to someone were taking a time to get away and after a moment she tried to turn to Rin to end to answer her. This is not the case, but i prefer to be hurt than see any of you in pain
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

"Aww, how sweet," Harriet said to the little robot. "But no. It's not S&M... though, there might be some Dom involved..." she said, giggling at her own joke. Shameless. "No, what I have in mind..."

Mistress Harriet tapped her chin with a finger. "Well... Sammy's family's been a servant to mine for a pretty long time, see. So, if I'm going to make someone so devoted to me miserable, the least I could do is make one of my other longtime servants really, really happy, right?" Harriet said, nodding to herself. "So, I'm thinking that we could use a little company in the bath. And this person... I want to make really, really happy."

Richard voiced a little, wavering moan, sounding rather worried.

"No, not you."

Richard then moaned with a relief at being spared the Mistress' attentions - though, at the same time, if one listened closely, it might sound just a tiny bit disappointed, as well.

"No, I'm talking about Domonic, for you slow people," she said, glancing over at the injured man. "Anyway, what better way than to brighten up his day - than to have him pampered to the utmost by a smorgasbord of lovely ladies like the one I'm looking at now? Right? Right?"

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