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Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu

Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

The angel halted her tears long enough to hear what the mistress had to say, and it made her feel better, at least in the short term.

It was true, angels were caretakers. And they were beings of love. But even in the celestial realm, love, and the ways of expressing it, were topics of debate. And God, in her ineffability, did not expand upon the subject significantly - leaving the Archangels to delegate the rules as they saw fit. Some Archangels were lenient - others were not so much. Physical love - the sort that Mae wanted dearly to express to her mistress, was a dangerous subject. What was an expression of love as opposed to an expression of lust? What was the correct professional distance for a guardian angel? What was it for a reaper? What about a reaper who was filling in as a guardian angel?

The lines were very blurred, and all Mae could think of in a time like this was that here was Harriet, object of both her love and desire, opening her arms and feelings to the angel, and Mae wanted nothing more than to bury herself in a warm embrace and drown her concerns out by kissing this young woman.

And so, with Harriet giving all the signs of consent, Mae once again pressed her lips against the Mistress' and kissed her deeply, this time not for show or for teasing anyone else, or even for simple gratification. This time it was to express her devotion to Harriet, and to hopefully feel a connection with this kiss - the kind that would let the angel know that this mortal felt the same way about her.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Rosa slipped into the water to enjoy herself, sinking as much of her frame into the water as she could. Now that she wasn't scrubbing the place or being grappled with by a naked guy, it was really quite nice. Everyone's attention was on Richard, for now, which meant she had a precious few moments of solitude before they carted him off to join that lech in the infirmary or whatever they were going to do with him. Her towel was still floating further out... and not to mention it, but her vision was now all distorted by the water on her glasses. She could do something about that... or, she could just relax.

Emily stared at Rin while her explanation rushed out, but she still had to get Rin to repeat herself. "Well... that sounds right about like something that'd happen with him around, so alright. Let's see... he's not dead, so that's a start," she started, indicating how he was rolling around moaning in pain. "Aaaannndddd... well, I don't think he has a concussion, so he'll probably be fine," she finished, opening one of his eyes and staring into his eye with her robo-eye, her pupil shining a light into his. "Damn, you got him good, though."

It took Micra awhile to get to Richard, owing to the fact that she had to go all the way around the edge of the spring if she didn't want to get wet. "Thanks, uh..." Emily said as Micra draped a towel over the man's privates. Evidently she had no idea who Micra was - probably due to the fact that, as a robot, she wouldn't have had a medical record.

"Ah, it's not a good idea to-"

There was a rather disturbing crunch as Micra lifted Richard's head to put it into her lap, and he groaned with renewed displeasure. "Ah... well, too late now. It's not a good idea to move people with head injuries around, you know?"

Regardless, it was already done, and he was still rolling around bellyaching about his bruised stones. "I think it's best we let him rest a little before anything else," the doctor said. "Try not to move him round too much," she said, ushering the rest of the gawkers back inside the mansion. "I'll be in the infirmary if you need me again." As they left, Alivia's voice was clearly audible, despite appearing to be a whisper. "Did you see that thing?!"

A few moments later Richard appeared to have come out of his stupor of pain enough to open his eyes and look up. The sun was at Micra's back, framing her face with it's setting radiance.

"Nnguhhh... am... am I dead?" he asked. "Did I drown, or something...? That must be it, isn't it... why else would there be an angel here..." He face went all funny as he started to cry. "I didn't wanna die yet..." he said, starting to blubber.


Harriet giggled happily when Mae leaned in to kiss her, sighing as their lips met. She returned Mae's kiss passionately, removing an arm from Mae's back and reaching up with it to hold the back of Mae's neck, pressing even deeper. To replace it, she hooked one of her legs around Mae, pulling their lower halves together, squeezing the angel against her as if she were holding on for dear life. Her body was warm - as it always was - but strangely, she grew far warmer than anyone would have normally, almost hot.

Seduction 2: Micra Boogaloo
Micra rolls a 5! With her cunning of 2, that's 10.
Richard rolls a 1! He's pretty fucked, in a manner of speaking.

Mae loses 3 stress, putting her back down to only pretty freaked out. Harriet loses 2 along with her, honk.

S 6/20
F 24; S 0/30
F 20; S 6/10 (!)
F 14; S 0/30
F 14; S 0/20
F 10; S 9/30
F 8; S 2/30
F 4; S 0/30
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Now by her lonesome, Rosa could finally get a break from all the chaos, both self-inflicted and not. She was still naked, which was not all that bothersome, though she still preferred being covered up instead to not cause any awkwardness in the surroundings. Taking a quick peek while raising up her glasses, the silver-haired girl located her towel and went for it, possibly using the thing to wipe the lenses a bit to at least get a vague view of the surroundings. Being blind was not usually a good thing.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Harriet's willing acceptance was a soothing balm over Mae's pummeled ego. The angel was still on shaky territory regarding her overall dilemma, but for these blissful moments at least, she could set aside her worries and fall deeply into the beautiful lady's arms. As the mistress wrapped her leg around the taller angel's waist, Mae redoubled the efforts of her passionate kiss, sighing heavily as her tongue dared to entangle with Harriet's, swirling over one another again and again. She could truly feel the connection between them, physically as a glowing warmth spreading out from the mistress and heating the angel with the power of her passion, getting hotter and hotter.

Then it occurred to Mae that things were getting abnormally hot, and she pulled back slightly so that she could speak.

"Ah... Harriet? You're practically burning up. Is there something the matter?" Mae said, still looking at the girl with half lidded eyes and a passionate, throaty tone in her voice.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

"Rin is sorry! She really didn't mean it!" That was the poor girl's answer to Emily's statement of 'getting him good', and with Richard still rolling around it just made her feel all the more awful. She was supposed to be a good girl, not some ball-smashing monster! And this was supposed to be relaxation time! And why the hell did he fall from getting a towel to the face!
"Did you see that thing?!"
And why the hell was it so big?!

Of course Rin really couldn't tell all what was going on. Her glasses were lost in the spring somewhere, and everything looked like fuzzy shapes of vague colors. She spotted a few of them leaving, and Alivia and Emily's voices sounded like they were leaving, but the continued wailing over to the side said that Richard was still having a rough time. As blind as she was the short maid didn't think she could do anything to help, so she went back to looking for her eye wear. They had to be somewhere around h-


"Sorry!" She didn't know who she bumped into, but she could tell she ran into someone. Even then she couldn't tell who she ran into, and with a bit of an apologetic bow she went right back to searching. Okay, this time Rin needs to be careful. She doesn't need to run into one of the walls-


Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Sammy, now sitting on the floor, her legs spread apart frowns at the screen as virtual-Harriet begins to explain the reason for this 'project'. The alien girl didn't understand most of it, clearly confused by her expression though nonetheless she sits through it, wondering why her mistress happened to be naked. Not that she minded of course. However, when the word 'sexuality' popped up Sammy suddenly shows a deeper interest in the video, her still erect phallus twitching as Harriet squishes her breasts together. As the mistress begins to play with herself Sammy's puffy eyes open wide as she leans forward, a hand slowly making its way to her penis, fingers gingerly coiling around the base.

Sammy remains transfixed at the screen as virtual-Harriet teases herself, a blush rising in the alien's cheeks as her mistress, or at least the recording openly displayed her naked form to Sammy, a hand slowly stroking her large member. Though as Harriet's eyes lock onto the alien's, the older woman's legs parting to reveal her most intimate parts, a finger gently teasing herself, Sammy's pumping begins to slowly increase in speed, the young alien's fingers tightening its grip around her length as pre-cum begins to form, trickling down the tip of her penis. "Y-yes..." Sammy replies, a mixture of desire and revulsion in her voice. This is most certainly not Harriet and Sammy knows it, the object of her affection no doubt tied up with that angel, laughing together at the dirty, perverted alien. Sammy couldn't blame them, though despite that she still desired to be with Harriet, and a part of her hated herself for it.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Im so sorry Mister Richard it was not my intention Said ashamed after heard the strange sound and then the recommendation from the doctor, really worried for the young man health safety. She continue taking care of stop him of don't move too much as her attempts to comfort him looks to don't be enough, until he finally get calmed and look to her.

Richard words make the maid android smile and blush, but before be able to thanks him he started to cry. Oh please don't cry Mister Richard, you are alive and... thanks but i'm not an angel, i'm one of Mistress Harriet maids, my name is Micra and i will take care of you. Micra start to wonder if he remember when he nearly see her naked some moments ago, maybe the hit has make him lost part of his memory.

She stay looking to his eyes and caressing his forehead with her soft hand. Please don't move Mister Richard, the doctor said than you must stay quiet and rest a little. The little pink haired girl sometimes just cant stop herself to look at the towel who cover the rod like snake from the man, she is worried than he could be very hurt and decide to check it with a little trick.

I'm sorry for move you so roughly a moment ago, i was scared than something bad could had happen to one of our workers, but... you looks to have a great... body, yet is so full of wounds. Slowly Micra start to look each part of the young man caressing his old wounds with soft touches, each time getting more lower until where she can reach without hurt him, as she does this with the other hand press a little her bathrobe and lower her head to a side giving to Richard a little view of her cleavage, her soft sexy breasts nearly touching his shoulder and then slowly Micra look the towel again trying to see if Richard get a boner what will said her than he is very fine. Of course than she will try to hide the fact and return to her started position comforting him.

Try cunning (if that dont make me lost FPs) to make Richard get hard and ready (im not trying sex: )
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Mae found it difficult to tear herself away from the intimacy she was sharing with Harriet. Though the angel was ageless, she had harbored her feelings unrequited for quite a while - for a mortal at least. To have them suddenly revealed like they'd been...

Though, as reluctant as that would have made her, it had little to do with the difficulty pulling away from her charge. The girl was doing her utmost to keep their lips locked together. She was holding onto Mae with all of her might, resisting her every movement that wasn't further against her. It was almost as if she was trying to swallow her up, quicksand, in the form of a woman that had begged Mae to show her affection. The Mistress grew hotter and hotter... and... barely noticeable to the angel, almost imperceptible - she felt the faintest trace of... something. It made her queasy.

Try as she might, though, Harriet was no match for the angel's celestial strength, and at last, she was free* - and breathing quite hard, as well. At the mention of her unusual temperature, the Mistress immediately uncoiled from her full-body deathgrip on the angel, and felt her forehead and around her neck with the back of her hand, checking her temperature. "Mmmm... well... it's... kinda like Domonic's iciness, except... not. ...It's also bad, so I guess we should stop," she said - the whine in her voice signifying her reluctance to do so.

"Um... well... I guess Sammy'll join us later, so there's not much else to do but get a move-on. C'mon, Mae."

Seemingly Wanting to hurry, Harriet pulled Mae along as she ran into her room to dig through her closet - pulling out two bathrobes, monogrammed "Harriet", and one of those Japanese swimsuits. Her feverish heat already seemed to be dissipating...

Strange... what was that? She couldn't remember Harriet ever getting like that before...

Unashamedly stripping in front of Mae - and even taking a few extra minutes to tease the angel, grinning at her over her shoulder with her back turned to the maid as she pulled her dress over her head, and them unhooked her bra and slid off her shorts, before wrapping herself up in her robe.

Now covered up again, she took the other robe and swung it over Mae's head, draping it around her neck and on her shoulders like a scarf, or a boa. "Here, sweetness, you can borrow this. Now, your turn!" she said with a giggle.

Harriet let Mae change... though, even if she hurried, Harriet still seemed in a hurry, and flashed her with a peek at the inside of her robe, a glimpse of the pale bare flesh of her chest and the orbs that rested on it - along with a silver cross that wasn't there before. "You know, the quicker you strip, the sooner you get to wash me all over," she said with a wink.

When she was done, she pulled her along, back down the stairs and out to the hot spring - leaving the swimsuit hanging on Sammy's door.


The hologram flickered, and then resumed playing. Harriet rubbed her finger in the cleft of her slit, her butt still raised off of the the floor. "Ooh..." The Mistress said, a glimmer of witness starting to spread along her lower lips. "You know..." she muttered with a pleased sigh, plopping to the ground and taking the hand no longer holding her in the air to continue playing with her breasts. "Since this is going into Phoebe's data banks, no one's probably ever going to see this..."

Harriet slipped her finger into her pussy, pressing her palm into her button. Her whole hand drew back, Harriet's palm rubbing against her clit before she rubbed back down, her finger disappearing into her folds. "But, even then... just being on ca-aa-ahhmera like this..." she continued, her voice quavering as she hit a particularly sweet spot, and she sped up. "Nn- being on camera like this, it gets - haah! - it gets me so excited!"

A video of Harriet indulging in her desires, never meant to see the light of day, let alone another person's eyes... and yet, Sammy was watching it, seeing the Mistress pleasure herself before her eyes. And, though she'd never had much to do with Harriet before now - her and her mothers having stuck close to Mister Bernard - she remembered - Harriet, while 'a bit of a spoiled brat', as her grandfather himself had put it - had never been one to hold a grudge.


A yelp of pleasure brought her out of her reverie. The Mistress dug her finger deep into herself with a gasp, and then drew it out, bringing it up to her mouth and sucking on it, slowly pulling it out through her pursed lips as she tasted herself. Then, she gave the camera a devilish glare, and it seemed as if she were staring directly at Sammy.

""Hey, Phoebe!"

"Yes, Mistress Jones?" responded an even tinnier recording of Phoebe's disembodied voice.

"Make sure you get my good side, now!" she said with a giggle, before leaning back and spreading her netherlips, displaying her pussy for the camera. Evidently Phoebe had gotten her meaning, because the view zoomed in on her intimate place, slick with her juices.

When it zoomed out, the mistress fell back to fully lie on the floor, her long silver hair pooling all around and under her. She reached down and started flicking across her bean with one hand, while with her other, she dove her fingers - first one, but quickly escalating to three - into her cunt and pumped her sex, her hips bucking into them. Sighs and little "aah"s no longer sufficient, she gasped and moaned as she fucked herself.

"Uhhnnnn... I'm about to come, Phoebe! Make sure you get it!" Harriet cried. She kept up the pace, and after a few seconds, her toes started to flex to some unheard rhythm. Her hips started to thrust in time with them as well, and then--

"Aah... aah... ah, ah, a-"

Her body tensed up all of a sudden as she hit her orgasm, her hips raising off the ground, legs shuddering, girlcum running down her hand.


Harriet stayed like that for sometime, until at last, she collapsed back onto the ground, panting.

"So -hahh, hahh-! What did you -hahh- learn... hahh... learn from that, Phoebe? -hahh, hahh, hahh-" she asked, panting.

"...I'm not sure, Mistress Jones."

"-Hahh- Well shit. I guess... hahh, hahh... I guess well try again tomorrow, then. -hahh-"

---@ ='^'= @---​

MEANWHILE, in the hot spring, where there was somehow far more naked people and far less smut going on, Rin was stumbling about in the water, bumping into everything - including Cammy - but her glasses, while Micra tended to poor ol' battered Richard. Cammy, in the meantime, totally did stuff too.
Rosarita waded through the steamy waist-high water of the spring to reacquire her towel. Even if it wouldn't dry her off, she could still cover herself up with it, after all, right? Even so, she tried to wipe her glasses with it, as well - and, with a good wringing, managed to wipe her glasses dry them off enough to see properly.

As she walked over to the edge of the spring, to sit against the side, though, she felt her toes bump into something else. Picking them up, she found Rin's glasses. She looked up to the hyperactive little girl just in time to see her run herself directly into Cammy's deep cleft of cleavage.

In the meantime, Richard, now informed that he had not recently passed, seemed suddenly much relieved - though he still couldn't stop crying, apparently now with happiness.

"Uumm... okay..." he blubbered in response to Micra's request. Staring directly into his eyes as she was, when she looked down in the direction of his crotch, it was hard for him to miss.

Equally hard to miss was the peek at her breasts she was giving him, though he almost might have, considering how a very attractive girl he'd never met before had complimented his body, was not only rubbing her hands all over him, but was rubbing them lower and lower... and he suddenly realized he was clad only in a towel that didn't even cover him properly. He averted his eyes - only to get an eyeful of Rosa's shiny, wet, naked body, and Rin's head stuck in Cammy's tits.

He twitched his hands up to cover his crotch, but suddenly stopped, and started mumbling at a very rapid pace - the specific words of which Micra was close enough to hear:


Try as he might, he couldn't stop his dick from rising. Only half-covered as it was, it looked ready to essentially shrug off the towel that was been put in place to cover it. Micra could pull the towel down, so it would tent rather than stand free in the air, if she wanted to...

As she conducted her little diagnosis with the man, the door into the mansion hall opened - rather than the one into the locker rooms they were using - and Harriet and Mae emerged. Seeing the man in Micra's lap and Rin in Cammy's cleavage made the Mistress pause.

"Hello, girls," she said at last, her usual smirk returning. "Having fun, I see?" She walked over to Richard, looking down at him from above. "Hello, Dick. Met the girls, I see?" she asked, grinning at him.

Richard seemed to panic when he heard Harriet's voice - his mantra getting noticeably shriller.

Smut Horizon breached. Where we're going, we won't need... uuuhhhh... something.

S 6/20
F 24; S 0/30
F 20; S 6/10 (!)
F 14; S 0/30
F 14; S 0/20
F 10; S 9/30
F 8; S 2/30
F 4; S 0/30
Alpha,Rita's escaped!
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Somehow, after a decent deal of paddling around the pool, Rosa managed to find her towel. It was sopping wet, as one would expect from it being immersed in the spring, but it was nothing a quick wring couldn't fix. With the somewhat drier towel in tow, she headed back towards the edge after wiping at her glasses to enable somewhat clear vision to herself once more.

When she did get to her place, the glasses maid could feel something brushing against her foot, an item which revealed itself to being a pair of glasses that belonged to Rin. The other maid surely wanted them back, so Rosa turned to the other just in time to see her dive into Cammy's chest. With what she had seen already, that was far from the strangest thing today. "Rin dear, when you get out from there, I have your glasses here for you. They were at the bottom of the pool." she called to the other maid, wrapping the towel around herself and sitting down before Richard developed too much of a boner. Still, she held onto the glasses until Rin got there to pick them up.

And as if it wasn't enough, Harriet opted to show up with Mae as well. The whole scene was already perverted, and the mistress would surely make it even worse. But this was her relaxation time dammit, so the silver-haired maid decided to remain on her spot still, doing her best to ignore the rampant derpery.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

*slosh slosh slosh BUMP*


*slosh slosh slosh BUMP*


*slosh slosh slosh FUMP*

That was...different... For a moment Rin wasn't quite sure what she had run into, but it felt like her face had wedged itself been two large and soft...

"Hello, girls."

At the same time that Rin realized where her face had become trapped she also heard Harriet bursting onto the scene. This couldn't look good, not in any way, shape, or form, and as she sat there stunned Cammy would most likely feel the shorter girl's face burning red with embarrassment.

"Rin dear, when you get out from there, I have your glasses here for you. They were at the bottom of the pool."

The sound of Rosa's voice was enough to get Rin to act, and as she wrenched herself loose she swore she heard a pop as her head was freed from the almighty suction that was Cammy's massive chest. Of course nothing of the sort happened, but for the poor girl it made no difference. Everyone had to have been staring as her body was nearly swallowed by that massive valley, and all she could do was let out a small yelp before diving down until she disappeared under the water.

A moment later her head started slowly rising, and a moment after that her nose finally broke the surface so she could breath. She gave Cammy probably the most pathetic look of apology the woman had ever seen, and a few seconds later her head could be seen shuffling in the water as Rin starting making her way over toward Rosa. Or at least she hoped it was Rosa. She still couldn't see a thing, but that was where she thought the voice had come from. Once she was relatively close her eyes started searching for some shape that looked like it could be a person, and when she found it she held out a timid hand and waited for Rosa to pass her glasses back.

Thankfully she was relatively close to her target, and once the glasses were returned she put them back into place and looked out into a watery world. Her frames were soaked, and the water on the lenses were causing everything to look weird, but as she reached for her robe she suddenly realized her one piece of clothing was soaked. This caused a very quiet whine of distress, and after a bit of fumbling underwater Rin's arm rose and dropped a pile of wet robe onto the bank of the spring. As much as she would have loved to keep something to hide her decency in front of Richard wearing soaked clothing of any sort was just too uncomfortable. But that left her naked, and without a towel nearby all she could do was stay submerged as she was and hope the man would leave so she could run out and get some replacements.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Sammy had fallen silent once more as the video recording began to play again, the aliens grip on her member beginning to tighten as she slowly continues to stroke herself off, her eyes never leaving Harriet. "M-mistress..." Sammy mutters quietly, desire in her voice as the picture zooms in to between her mistress' legs, giving the alien a perfect view of Harriet's womanhood, juices flowing freely.

As the picture zooms back out, now displaying Harriet spread out on the floor, a finger penetrating her slit, Sammy slowly increases her movements, the aliens hand and member slick with pre-cum. As Harriet slipped in additional fingers so too did Sammy increase her speed. Hunched over, eyes barely open and body flushed red Sammy stares unblinkingly at the video displaying on her window-monitor as her hand moves rapidly up and down her phallus, soft moans escaping the girls lips.

"P-please, l-lets cum t-together..!" Whispering out an unheard request to the video recording Sammy quickly nears her own orgasm, eyes transfixed on Harriet's lower half as the older woman finally reaches her orgasm. "P-please, I-I can be a g-good girl as well..." The sight of Harriet's form tensing up as powerful moans build into a final drawn out cry of pleasure is too much for the alien girl. As Harriet spills her honey over the floor Sammy too cries out, falling backwards, the alien maid ejaculates, ropes of thick semen splatter her chest and stomach, pooling between the alien's breasts as the last few shots cover her hips. With the last few droplets oozing out the tip and trickling down her length Sammy stays on the floor, her chest rapidly rising and falling, tears streaming down the pretty alien's face once more as she tries to stifle her crying. Once more ashamed that she had allowed herself to act in such a disgraceful manner in front of Harriet and had allowed herself to take pleasure from a video of the mistress that more than likely hated her now.

For a good while Sammy lies on the floor crying and covered in her own mess, the heat of the alien's lust still burning quite strongly, her masturbation session not being enough to fully extinguish it. Sammy knows she'll have to do something about it later, but for now she is content to push it to the back of her mind and allow herself to wallow.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Trying to see if Richard member was not hurt, Micra continued touching and caressing the man wounds until suddenly he start to whisper something as a mantra, maybe taking a little the android attention who never stop to look everywhere until the huge meatrod start to wake up, happy to know than the young male is fine and get hard dont cause him to much pain. Micra tried her best to reduce his shame, trying to pull the towel down but then the door close them opened letting the mistress reach the hot spring at the side of one of the maids than werent with them. Micra was worried than the maid named Sammy was not with her, maybe the poor girl is having too much problems after eat that spicy food.

The pink haired maid dont have time to think too much of this, as Harriet start to ask about what is happening, at her personal way to said it. Welcome my Mistress, we were waiting you when the poor Mister Richard was heavily wounded in an accident in side the hot spring Micra take a moment to decide her next move and then turn to the poor man. How do you feel now Mister Richard, it still hurt you? Said Micra as she softly touch his head.

I must do something important right now, but i will stay looking at you if you need something,. Said Micra trying to see how bad he is, before try to move his head with care to dont hurt him and be abe to get up to help her mistress to wash herself, as she just had come here at this hour for that motive.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

"OH!" Cammy chirped out innocently as she felt Rins head wedge itself gently into her cleavage, "Oh my Rin, I didn't know you were that kind of girl! I don't mind if you wanna play around a little, but don't you think out here in front if everyone might not be the best place for it?" she said as the shy bookish maid dove down under the steaming water to hide from the situation, before quickly diving under to retrieve the timid maid, "Now now, don't go underthe water too long! You could drown!" she said as submerged herself and pulled the girl out of the water and back into her chest. "Come on now, Rin! If you get yourself water logged I'll have to give you Cee-Pee-Arr~" he said drawling out every syllable of the word in a sing song voiceaking suggestive shapes of her lips. Just then she noticed Harriet and Mae making their entrance, "oh..... Hi Onee-chan and Mae........ I see you two could finally join us in the baths~ Where's poor Miss Sammy? Shell miss all the bath time funs~" she asked playfully deciding to mix thins up a little.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

The angel frowned at this new mystery.

"So you've been experiencing this temperature change before? Whatever it is, Mistress, I don't like it. Something feels 'wrong' about it. Few things make angels queasy just by being sensed, and that makes me feel bad. We'll have fun now because... well, because you want to and I want you to feel good. But - this isn't over. When we have free time, you must let me do some research on your problem okay? This isn't something you can just ignore."

So saying, Mae let Harriet drag her to the bedroom's wardrobe, and when she stripped, so too did the angel, showing off her body in all its glory to the mistress of the household when the cheeky stripteaser had turned around, hopefully surprising her with the forwardness. The angel smirked and struck a pose which demurely covered her lady bits while still managing to look sexy. She then took the robe that Harriet had wrapped around her neck and turned around, as she slipped it on, not before flashing her lovely bottom to Harriet.

"I'm positively giddy with anticipation, Mistress. Let's get there quick so we can get rid of these pesky robes as well."
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

"What?! N-N-N-noooo! Rin's a good mrf!" Without a second to allow her redness to die down Cammy and her gloriously gargantuan bust plucked that poor little girl from the water and placed her head back where Cammy thought it belonged. For her part Rin's arms and one of her feet had kicked out while her futile struggling left her unbalanced, and that was how she stayed once her face was planted back in her coworker's cleavage.

Why is this happening to Rin?!

Whoever she asked had no answer, and after a few more moments of Why Why Why she started to wonder what she could do. She should try to push the woman away? No, she only threw a towel at Richard, and he went splat. She didn't want to hurt Cammy, too! So should she shake her head free? She pictured it, her head turning left and right and back while Cammy let out a surprised squeal and Harriet commented on what a fine motorboat the pair were making. Somehow that sounded worse...

Maybe a bit of licking- NO! RIN IS A GOOD GIRL!

A few more ideas popped forward only to be dashed as either too rough of improper, and that only led to one conclusion. Rin is stuck... Her cheeks buried against two mountains of flesh, her skin burning with embarrassment while the rest of her simply froze without anything else to do, no exit in sight, she really was up shit creek without a paddle. It was probably why she let out a sad little whine and did nothing else.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni


Sammy lay in the silence of her room for some time, Phoebe remaining quiet long enough for her to regain some of her breath - and to cry out some of the turmoil in her heart.

"I... do not understand," she said at last, interrupting the alien's sadness. "None of Ms. Jones' entries on sexuality indicate distress or lament after orgasm. Are you alright, Ms. Perkins? Do you require assistance?"


Outside, in the hot spring...

"N-n-no, Ms. Micra, i-it doesn't hurt a-at all, r-really!" Richard stammered out in a panic. He didn't seem to be telling the entire truth, but for a guy who'd smashed his head against rock and then had a surprise session of pretending to be a submarine, he was doing quite well. The feel of her hand on his head seemed to calm him, though his eyes still darted rapidly from Micra ro the mistress.

Harriet gave the Micra a confused frown, one eyebrow raised. "'Heavily injured'? Why, what happened? You guys didn't kick his ass or something, did you? ...Come to think of it, why were you even in here by yourself? I'da thought you'd be hanging with the others."

Richard sorta babbled for a minute before repeating his story of how he got hurt, and then came to soothe his injuries in the spring. All he had to say as to how he'd got hurt, however, was a hesitant "I fell". "'You fell?'" repeated Harriet, obviously dissatisfied, to which he nodded with an almost audible gulp.

The mistress shrugged, but evidently was more interested in getting in the water than playing detective. Unceremoniously disrobing, she piled the garment off to the side. Then, she gathered up her long, silvery hair, and pulled it over one shoulder, so she wouldn't sit on it when she sat down - conveniently also forming a curtain to hide most of her slim body, and protect her non-existent modesty. Harriet stepped into the water and took a seat, leaning against the edge with a sigh, and then ducked her head under the water. Her hair and everything else now wet, she pulled a bottle of shampoo from a little bucket of shampoos, soaps, and other things that one of the girls had remembered to bring out apparently. "Would you girls mind giving me a hand?" she asked cheerfully. Harriet hopped out to sit on the hot spring's bank. Pouring out a handful of the shampoo from the bottle into her hand, she started to lather up her scalp, kicking her feet idly.

Micra, in the meanwhile, had managed to get up from tending to Richard without maiming him further. Harriet's tresses were certainly long enough that she - and even the other maids - would certainly not be unwelcome aids, though if they boldly elected to scrub somewhere else, Harriet would certainly allow them to.

As she started to wash herself up, Harriet kept a bemused eye on Cammy and Rin, wondering what the heck the pair was doing. Rin's feeble and hesitant attempts to release herself made her grin, which her adorably piteous whine extended from ear to ear, shortly after which, "Maybe it's like a Chinese finger trap, Rin! Push in deeper and you can get out!"

S 6/20
F 24; S 0/30
F 20; S 6/10 (!)
F 14; S 0/30
F 14; S 0/20
F 10; S 9/30
F 8; S 2/30
F 4; S 0/30
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Mae removed her own robe just after Harriet discarded hers. The angel's wings reduced in size and tucked in to allow her easy access to the hotspring, where she submerged herself beside the mistress. She giggled at Harriet's not so overt attempt to get all her maids to paw at her, and made sure that she was the first one to start mixing the shampoo into the long strands of silvery hair.

"No need for you to wash yourself Mistress. I can handle this, you just relax."

The angel cozy'd up to the mistress and made sure to touch one of her legs to Harriet's below the water's surface as she made to lather the rest of Harriet's flowing hair. A few of her fingers managed to soap up some of the mistress' flesh below the water level too after a while, but in a teasing manner.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

lol blue, in the last post i was already moving to wash her hair, i just was very busy working to post

Harriet ask for help was not needed, as Micra was moving toward her to do what the young lady had nearly begging to the android in her attempt to bring her here when they were in the dinning room, maybe Micra was not so needed, but she cant just let another woman try to do this important work, if an unskilled maid fail, it would be her responsibility for allow her do her work. Even when Mae was so entranced in Harriet by her young imperfect love, Micra just ignore the lust angel and take the control in this hard task, focusing her senses in the complete wash and clean of her mistress, giving to the mistress a soft massage on her head and shoulders, her skilled hands tried their best to settle the expectations of her mistress as she let than Mae start to clean a small portion of the Mistress long hair, after all Micra could undo any mistake than the angel could do.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Sorry plmnko, I missed that. Assume however that Mae, who was accompanying Harriet this whole time, would not have been deterred. Micra would've been washing Harriet's hair along with the angel.

The angel washed Harriet's hair and body in tandem with Micra, not exactly competing with the android maid but merely adding her own touch to the experience. She was certain that the more maids' hands touching the mistress, the happier Harriet would be. Since the android maid had tried to do the majority of the mistress' hair, the angel focused on Harriet's body as well, lifting one of Harriet's legs and then massaging her foot. The angel knew better than anyone what Harriet liked, and intended to earn the praise of her mortal charge.
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

As the AI speaks to her Sammy sits up, her eyes red and puffy from crying, the alien maid's cheeks stained with her tears. "I-it's nothin'..." Sammy mutters bitterly as she wipes her eyes once before looking down at her cum stained body. She sits there for a moment longer in silence, her head hanging low before looking back up at the screen. "It... it's my own stupid fault... I... I guess I got too involved in my research of mistress Harriet... allowed myself to fall for her..." Her voice cracking, as if threatening to burst into tears once more, Sammy falls silent again. Once it seems she has everything under control the alien speaks once more.

"But... it's in my race's nature to develop feelings for those that we spend a lot of time with..." Now getting up Sammy wipes the semen off her body before getting dressed, choosing to wear a loose fitting tee and a pair of her boxers, which does nothing to hide her still erect member. "And now I've gone and ruined everything. I shouldn't have attacked the other maid like that, but... she acted as if she is the only person in the universe that could ever have feelings for the mistress. I... I wouldn't have hurt her, or Harriet..."