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Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)


Nov 9, 2008
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(Continuing directly after "Deja Vu")

After Danielle showed Ashley to the sitting area, it was then that the soldier-garbed woman bowed out as she headed back outside, on the claim that there were others she had to help rescue and secure. Looking around the lobby, the purple-haired girl would that it was strangely empty and silent despite the name, asides from the sounds of machinery a distance off, and a woman who appeared to be modifying something...
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

(Ok, After waking up... I'm semi-raging at the fail posts I made so... Here's a replacement.)

Upon entering the lobby, one would immediately be greeted to the sight of a person seemingly standing guard behind a counter to the left of the entrance, the person appearing to be bored out of their skull as they polished a handgun without looking up to pay any real attention to any visitors. After one proceeded a few steps further into the lobby, one would find there to be a sitting area to their right, where a carpet had be placed over the hard stone floor, various reclining chairs and coaches having been placed there for one to make themselves comfortable. Most of them made of a rather expensive leather, as if they had been stolen from a specialty furniture store. From there, one would be able to see that the hallways were designed in a "circular" manner, with apparently nonfunctional elevators paired with stairs hidden behind doors held slightly ajar nearby. The faint sounds of machinery filled the lobby, the source barely visible from the sitting area, as one could slightly make out a messily dressed woman working behind a door on the right hallway...

After performing a similar task as Danielle, "Jess" excused herself as she headed upstairs claiming that she had been tasked with fetching something by Eva despite not having any further direct communication with the said woman. That said, knowing the psychic midget from hell, it wouldn't be strange for the girl to issue orders with telepathy...
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Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

The purple haired Ashley gave a wave and a smile to the exiting Danielle, calling out, "See you, and thanks!" The empty room unnerved her a bit, reminding her slightly of the desolate campus she had awoken in. She looked around a bit, straightening out the oversized white T-shirt and baggy brown pants, before pacing around the lobby for a few minutes. Finally, she grew a bit impatient and walked over to the working woman, and asked, "Hi, I'm Ashley. New here," while extending her hand.
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Looking up from her work, the mechanic-like woman readjusted her goggles so as to make direct eye contact with Ashley, her face covered in grease and sweat.

"Ah, welcome. You're a new piece then? Pleased to meet ya, name's Maggie."

Taking the hand offered to her with the cleaner of her own, she smiled at the newcomer.

"Sorry about how I look, been kinda busy getting everything ready for the round to come. Heaven knows we'll need all the firepower we can get."
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Pollusia practically skips into the lobby, just ahead of her sister and their new pet... before realising, as ever, she has yet to find any clothes. Hands placed to cover her intimate regions more appropriately, she makes her way into the lobby, smiling nervously at anyone and everyone.

After a long, uncomfortable pause, she makes for the sitting area, and pools herself onto one of the sofas.
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Shaking the woman's hand, Ashley gave a short laugh, then said, "I'm going to have to get used to being called a 'piece'. Sounds kinda cute at least, though." She winked at the last bit, then waved off the girl's apology for her appearance. "Are you kidding? If Danielle hadn't had a spare tent lying around," she said with a wave at her billowing clothes, "I'd be walking around looking like I just got off work from a strip club..." Ashley's joke trailed off as she noticed the naked blonde entering the lobby. Realizing she had beenspeaking quite loudly, Ashley stammered for a second, the shut her mouth and put her face into her palm, before looking up with a blush and giving a small wave to the girl. She hurriedly looked away, as she was already beginning to stare. Stupid, Need to think of a way to apologize later.

With a sigh, Ashley looked back to the mechanic and asked, "So... uhhh... what you working on? With all the hardware all over this place, you all must be stocked for bear, already,"
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Castea also makes her way into the haven, slightly behind her sister and equally without clothing; or rather moreso, due to her sister's pair of pink legwarmers. She does, however, carry what is probably a familiar looking to most ornate dagger in one hand, as well as a leash that connects to a collar on a red haired demoness, who unlike the pair of twins actually is clothed; a small black bra and panties covering her more private areas and matching black stockings and gloves covering her arms and legs.

Also moving over to the sitting area, the girl comes up with a novel way of covering herself by having the demon sit upon her lap and wrapping her arms around it. She then looks over at Pollusia, "We really need to organise getting some clothing," she says with a frown. "And a room, Rua needs feeding still, remember?"
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Pollusia gapes at her sister for a moment.. quietly taking in the girl gawking at her from across the lobby, then shakes her head.

"Even if you look decent.. you can't wear a succubus as clothing. It just doesn't work. She's.. not your colour."

She flashes a grin, then moves on to more serious matters.

"Agreed. Clothing, a room.. and I wouldn't mind some food soon-ish myself."
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Although Rua was slightly surprised when she was placed upon Castea's lap, it did not take long before rather "devilish" and mischievous ideas began to fill her mind. Indulging herself in the embrace for the moment, the red-haired demoness shifted herself a bit so as to be in a slightly more favorable position, her tail beginning to move about slightly in anticipation to reflect upon her emotions...

While she had been told not to be rude, a little fun and teasing couldn't hurt right? Letting a smile full of mischief "accidentally" slip to Pollusia, it appeared that Rua was up to something...


"I'm actually trying to get some power back to the elevators at the moment, its rather tiring to walk up multiple stories after a mission after all. Would be nice to have some luxury, even with our current situation. Then after this, I need to get back to working on some of the traps around the perimeter."
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Castea chuckled slightly. "Now Pollusia, you know very well that I can make almost anything work. Are you saying I don't look good with her on me?" she asked with an innocent smile. "Maybe we should ask around, see if we can get some clothing and things...?" she added.
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

"Oh, that would be nice. Some of that stuff looks heavy," Ashley said, nodding at Maggie. "And I guess when you're part of a 'game' like this you need all the luxury and comfort you can find."

As Ashley finished her response, she noticed more women entering the lobby and glanced over. Her eyes grew wide at the sight and she immediately turned back to Maggie. In a barely audbil hiss, she said, "Omigod, the naked girl is multiplying!" After another quick glance, she muttered, "Theres, like, another one now, and she's bringing a stripper in on a leash!" Thinking about the situation, she asked in a more inquisitive tone, "Is that... normal for this game?"
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

"A stripper on a lea-..?"

Maggie looked quizzically at Ashley until she saw the said succubus bound by the chains, immediately realizing what she was referring to.

"Oh...yeah... pretty much given all the rapist monsters, although 'strippers on leashes' are a rarer sight unless you count the ones Miss Eva takes to her room."
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Pollusia quietly glares at the mischievous succubus, and shakes her head in despondency at her sister.

"Fine.. be that way. I'm warning you, though, she's planning something. As for clothes.. those folk over there have been staring at us since we came in. Maybe we could ask them? And since you're the more dressed one of the two of us.."
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Castea pokes her tongue out at her sister. "The moment I stand up, you're the more dressed of the two of us, remember?" she says with a grin as she points to the pair of leg warmers.
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Pollusia pouts, desperately, bottom lip protruding in her effort to persuade her sister.

"Pllllease don't make me go and talk to them, Cas.. you know I hate talking to new people.. I'll hold your pet for you while you're gone, if you like? I'll totally owe you one, as well.."
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Ashley nods at Maggie, her lip curled in thought. "I guess it makes sense that girls would come in naked from time to time. Hell, if I hadn't gotten so lucky, that d... I mean, I would have lost more than my panties," she said, stammering a bit as she tried to gloss over the embarrassing details of what happened to her at the campus.

With a glance over at the naked blondes and the scantily clad succubus, Ashley said, "Well, I'm going to go say 'Hi' to the Double-Mint Twins and their pet. No need to make them feel more uncomfortable than they already are. It was nice meeting you, Maggie." With a slight wave and a smile, the girl walked over to the other group.

"Hi!" Ashley called as she walked over, slightly hunched and keeping her arms in front of her, as if she were trying to hide the fact that she was clothed. "I'm Ashley. Nice sword." She nodded her head at the rapier in the first girls hands, then smiled and added, "And legwarmers."
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

"Hi," Castea responded, even if it seemed to be her sister this newcomer was more interested in. "I'm Castea, and this is Rua," she said, referring to the girl in her lap, "And Pollusia," she finished, pointing over to her sister. "We just arrived, and were wondering if we could see about getting a room and some clothing..."
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

"Actually, I just arrived a few minutes before you three did," Ashley said, turning to Castea, giving her and Rua a small wave. "Waiting for someone named Reina to explain what's going on. Sorry, I don't know where you can get some clothes.The woman who picked me up had an extra set," she said, motioning to her own attire. "Maggie over there has been here a while, she works on the traps and stuff. Maybe she knows where they keep extra clothes?
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Pollusia looks up wide-eyed, reminiscent of a startled rabbit, and stutters something in response to the rapier and footwarmer comments..

"Ah! Uh.. I.. I thanks, I guess."

That said, she gestures at her sister, somewhat helplessly, indicating that she would explain everything. Meanwhile, Pollusia tries to cover her nakedness, squirming on the sofa in a vain effort.
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

The guard seated near the entrance looked up from her pistol quizzically as she saw a white-haired woman enter the building, somewhat puzzled at the sight of a woman wrapped in chains slung over her shoulder.

"Rough time I take it?"

"Don't remind me."

The earlier statement having been right on the money, the latter let out a sigh as she dropped her load onto one of the chairs in the sitting area, having yet to notice the others.

"This is the last time I'm taking back a stubborn twit like this. Next time I'm just leaving them there."