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Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)


Claire awakens as she is set down, still chained up. She glares hatefully at the person who had kidnapped her. She was prepared for whatever the stranger would do. She hadn't broken last time, and she wouldn't break this time. She pushed the fear to the back of her mind, and doesn't say a word, just glaring up at her.
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Castea timidly waves to the newcomer, somewhat worried about what this seemingly angry person might do if she crossed the wrong line. "Um... hi. I'm Castea, I'm new here... do you know where my sister and I could maybe get some clothes...?"
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

(Paranoia = no fwends for Claire.)

Claire doesn't take her eyes off the person who brought her in, still glaring at her, her eyes full of hate. As the blond girl speaks to her, she slowly swings her head toward her, her expression not changing. 'Probably some kind of trick, get into my head. Not gonna happen.' Claire thinks. She glances down at her body, naked under the chains, and then glances back up at her, answering with her body language, and then grunts; "Claire."
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

The white-haired woman looked strangely at Castea for a moment as she asked this, evidently confused at why the girl was still naked.

"Weren't the ones responsible for rescuing you supposed to have given you some?...Like this one-"

The woman stopped to glare at Claire as she gestured towards the chained girl, to indicate who she was referring to.

"-Was supposed to get some, but she kept making such a fit that we ended up having to leave her in chains for the meanwhile."
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Castea frowns slightly. "I think she's busy punishing one of her underlings... or something to that effect..." she half-mutters. "Little girl, creepy mind powers... you know the one?"
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

It did not take long for the white-haired woman to figure out who Castea was referring to, and come to a realization regarding their predicament.

"Ahhh...That'd explain it. Hold on for a second then."

Turning around and calling to the resident mechanic, the formerly frustrated girl opted to ask Maggie in regards to the clothes, somewhat unsure of their location as she had been making do with the ones that had been allocated to he room.

"Hey Maggie! Do you know where the extra clothes are?"

The response would prove disappointing however, thanks to the 'preemptive' Eva and her manipulation of events...or perhaps just meddling.

"I think they're in that storeroom over there, door's locked though since Miss Eva took the key with her. Something about how the clothes were to be distributed in an "orderly fashion" with her supervision..."

"...You have got to be kidding me..."
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Castea let out a soft groan as she slumped her head forwards, bumping it into Rua's back. "Why me...?" she asked softly.
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Ashley crossed her arms in front of her chest and said, "Well that's just not right. Who does this Eva think she is to deny people clothes?" Thoroughly aggravated at the predicament, she walked over to the door and took a look at the lock. "Oh, it's just a simple doorknob lock, we can open this thing easy. Anyone got something narrow and straight I could use? Like a needle or a paperclip or a hairpin?"
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Suddenly, the silent Pollusia speaks up.

"So.. if Eva has the key to the room with the clothes in.. why don't we just go and get the key from her? It's easy enough."

Aware of the number of people around her.. somewhat more than she was used to, the girl's voice drops an octave or so, even huskier and more masculine than normal.
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. If she's already "punishing" someone, then interrupting her is asking to be dragged into it. Same goes for the lock picking, not quite sure how you're explaining that to her later."

Dodging the other part of Ashley's question, mainly as the woman herself was unsure of how to answer that without arousing the psychic's anger, she began to ponder for a bit before continuing.

"Although I can probably give you the clothes that I was going to give that one over there for now. I only have one set though, so you're either going to have to share or strip that pet of yours.

Naturally, this earned the white-haired one a semi-hostile look from the red-haired demon...
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Claire continues glaring at her. Her expression does not change, nor does her train of thought as the white haired woman indicates her.
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Castea chuckles slightly. "Don't worry Rua, I won't make you give us your clothing," she says, giving the demon a gentle peck on the cheek. "Go on Poll, go get dressed, I'll just keep wearing her..." she offers.
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Pollusia glances at her sister for a moment, then back to the general conversation.

"Um.. Actually.. I'd prefer you gave them to Castea. They're more likely to fit her, after all.. I usually have to wear men's clothing. Plus I'd rather she put clothes on as soon as possible. Even if she has to take them off again to feed tha... Oooh."

Pollusia glances around their new friends, then leans over to whisper in her sister's ear.

"Do you think we could trick any of them into feeding our new pet for us..?"
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Castea raises an eyebrow. "Maybe, but I promised I'd keep Rua happy and safe; I think she should get to pick who feeds her, as long as they're willing to do so..." she whispers back. "Besides, it's not like Rua isn't cute..."

Castea then notices the other girl approach, and looks up. "Oh, uhm.. thank you..." she replies.
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

"Hmph," Ashley says, moving away from the storage room door. "I'd like to hear how she explains making the girls that come in here stand around in a drafty room and wait until she deigns to show up and unlock the door."

With a sigh, she moves to stand next to the blondes at their succubus, then looks down at the clothing she had on. Gesturing to the two, she said, "The clothes I have are kinda big, I wouldn't mind parting with one, if either of you want something to tide you over until Miss Eva shows up?" Ashley didn't seem to have heard Pollusia's whisper.

Finally she looks at Claire and asks the white haired woman, "What about her? You just gonna leave her chained up forever?"
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Claire glanced aside at the girl who mentioned letting her go with her eyes, assuming it was another attempt at tricking her into a false sense of security. She still did not speak, and still did not turn her head or move in any other way. She just kept glaring at the woman who had dragged her here.
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

"I suppose.. worth a try, though."

That said, Pollusia takes a deep breath or two. Time to show people she wasn't afraid of being naked around them.

Standing up, she lays the rapier on the sofa beside her sister, and pads around the chained girl. She crouches down in front of her, and just.. looks at her. Eye to eye contact, no blinking, no looking away. After a long moment, Pollusia purposefully breaks the eye contact, and speaks.

"You're looking pretty scared. I can kinda understand that. Things have been.. turned upside down. Tell you what. I'll explain a few things, that I wish someone had explained to me about an hour ago. Basically..we're here as part of some sick fuck's game. She calls herself the Lady.. and we're the enemy. We gotta fight her, and her pieces.. and we can do this as a team, or by ourselves. It don't matter to her, she gets her fun either way. Any questions so far..?"
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

(Insane paranoia is a problem when trying to reach someone. Surprisingly hard to write too.)

As the blond girl makes eye contact, what little movement Claire had been making ceased. Panic attempted to well up in her, but she pushed it down, knowing all too well that these kinds of people could smell fear. She does not blink, just stares right back into the persons eyes, her scowl unchanging. She listened to what the girl before her said, having heard much of it in some form or another before, from the notes and from the one who'd captured her.

When she finishes, Claire responds; "Yeah. Who came up with that line of crap? And even if it is true, why do I care?"
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Pollusia laughs, and sits down beside the obviously demented girl with a smirk.

"Because.. some freaky psycho chick with witch powers is gonna be after your ass sooner or later. She doesn't seem to be around yet.. but sooner or later, the Lady will come for all of us.. As for who came up with it? Dunno. If I'm honest.."

At this point, Pollusia glances around furtively, then leans a little closer to the chained girl.

"I'm not too sure if we're being set up by the folk who brought us here as well. See that girl on my sister's lap over there, though? She was trying to kill us earlier. We kicked her ass, and my sister -made- me spare her life.. She's shit scared of the Lady, too. So either this whole thing is a whacked out conspiracy.. or someone, somewhere, is telling the truth."
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

"I don't know, is she ready to behave herself?"

Returning Claire's glare, the white-haired woman did not seem too happy at the thought, especially after what she had been through to get the girl here.


Rua spoke out as if in protest at Pollusia's accusation of intended murder.

"I couldn't kill you back there even if you didn't stab me that rapier...the Lady's rules wouldn't allow me to either way... Traitors aren't that lucky though..."

Shuddering at the thought of the last part, Rua became silent again, remembering what fate she was almost certainly doomed to.