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Gloria (Shortbus)

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Gloria's sheet, for future reference.

Gloria found herself after having traveled for quite some time, in the city of Melior, the capital of a small archduchy named Archanea, that was settled between the kingdoms of Ellyria, Adravan, and Dorrach. She entered one of the many taverns in the city of Melior to relax her weary body from the long travels with a nice drink, and also gather some information while she was at it. Luckily for Gloria though, the tavern had an Inn attached to it for her to rest in and whatnot as well. Upon entry, Gloria saw people of all races within the tavern, ranging from humans and elves, all the way to even orcs and succubi. All were sitting and chatting with seemingly no concern about each others race or anything of the sort, and she noticed the bar itself was run by a middle aged human man, who was serving a couple of mugs of ale to a pair of younger men.

When she approached the bar, the bartender smiled at her cheerfully. "Hmm, haven't seen your face around these parts before young one. What brings ye to Melior? And what'll ye have lass? Ale, mead, or something else? We got plenty in stock," the bartender asked Gloria, gesturing at the bottles of wine and other harder liquors he had on the back shelves.

Glancing to her right, Gloria would notice a beautiful young succubus sitting in a young man's lap, and the ones sitting with them at their table were all cheering at the two, as the succubus leaned down to kiss the man. "Woo... go for it Kevan!" another man cheered at apparently his friend.

"Heh, don't mind them lass, young couples always doing that sort of stuff these days," the bartender chuckled softly, getting Gloria a drink of whatever she liked. "First timers here always get their first drink on the house, so don't worry about paying for that one. Especially cute first timers like yerself," he added with a wink.
Re: Gloria (Shortbus)

Gloria would get off the wagon that had carried her for what felt like a week but was probably only a few days time. Offering her services as something of a mercenary, Gloria wanted to simply get out of her backwater town and make a name for herself. Her first step, which she was able to achieve was simply getting out of the middle of nowhere village she had lived in.

Disembarking, Gloria would instinctively find herself trying to get information about where she was now. She knew that she was in Melior, which was part of an Archduchy that was not part of the larger kingdoms around her. Looking around, Gloria would pick what looked like a Tavern and walk inside.

It was a sense of culture shock that Gloria was feeling, as she would see almost up close and personal a great variety of races that she had only previously heard about almost as legends and fairy tales. Taking a moment to scan the surroundings, Gloria would see a possibly friendly face. Another human was behind the bar and he would start to speak as Gloria continued to scan the room.

Looking around, Gloria could not help but stare at the "elephant" in the room. A female seemed to be going down on a man and the barkeep had played it off as if it were a common occurence. Gloria would start to engage the barkeep as they continued to speak with each other.

"Fame, Fortune, Just about anything a small town nobody like me would be looking for. Maybe just a job perhaps? Some way to test my mettle or even just earn a few coin performing a simple task perhaps. Though.. maybe not that.." Gloria would finish by gesturing toward the woman that was going down on the man while the others around seemed to be celebrating the occasion in some way.

Having continued their talk, Gloria would be offered a drink and it seemed impolite for her to refuse. Sitting herself down at the bar now that she seemed to be accepted by the present company, Gloria would start to look for what she would use that freebie on. Looking around and almost pointing at random, Gloria would identify something that she thought was a fairly mundane drink. Pointing toward it, Gloria would ask for it. "Been travelling for a while, and I think I just wanat something simple. I appreciate the offer though and thank you for your generosity."
Re: Gloria (Shortbus)

"Heh, well ye can find fame And fortune here in Melior, If you know where to look lass," the barkeep told Gloria with a smile. "And if yer looking for a means of testing yer mettle, check out the job board over there on the far side of the bar," he added, pointing behind Gloria to a large board where several slips of paper and or parchment were tacked up to the board.

"And aye, the succubi here do that a lot with the guys and gals they like. No shame, those lasses. And of course lass. We're a generous city here. It's one reason most the kingdoms that surround Archanea don't bother us so much. Well that, and the fact they make a killing off of the trade with us, as we have the only truly functioning portal that leads to elsewhere other than the other portals here in Midgar, well, save the portal in the elf lands far to the east. So trade with Celestia, the Netherworld, and the like, goes Mostly through us, and because the other kingdoms don't want to incur the wrath of those otherworldly lands, they Mostly leave us alone. But what sort of work are ye looking to get into? Perhaps I could steer ye in the right direction," the barkeep said, giving a mug of a simple but rather good tasting mead to Gloria to sip on while she looked around to see the job board, and think about her response to the barkeep.
Re: Gloria (Shortbus)

"That's exactly what I was hoping for, Sir. Should I dare ask your name? Might be good to have a friend here in a foreign land." Gloria would remark to the barkeep.

Turning her head while the barkeep had started to move about making the drink that she had ordered, Gloria would notice the succubi again and sort of shake her head in disbelief. After a few more seconds of watching what was going on with a morbid curiousity, Gloria would spot the board the bartender had spoken of.

With the bartender starting to explain the relevance of Melior, Gloria was sorta lost and would at least nod her head from time to time. The talk of portals was foreign to her, as she came from a farming village. Gloria knew about crops and how to kill rats along with other small game. Every so often they would hunt for food, but Gloria was probably more style than substance at this point.

"So.. How do these boards work?" Gloria would posit as she was presented the drink that she ordered. Waiting a short while and taking a sip of the drink. "I just dont want to get in over my head, ya know." Gloria would say as she started to work on the drink and await what the bartender would say back.
Re: Gloria (Shortbus)

"Of course lass. Name's Morgan. And the job boards work really... well like you'd Probably expect. Most of those jobs are posted up through either the Adventurer's Guild, or by specific individuals that want something done and they don't want to pay the guild their little extra to ensure the job gets taken in Usually short order. Most of those are through the guild, but I know a couple aren't. All of the guild ones have stars at the bottom right or left of the job description, to tell how difficult it is and stuff, based on the knowledge the guild was provided with upon posting the job up. Half or one star ratings are obviously the easiest, and the ratings go up to five star ratings for the hardest," the bartender man replied cheerfully as he introduced himself to Gloria, before explaining how the jobs on the board were posted and whatnot. "Generally, if you want to get into the two and a half star rated jobs, you'll want to have some support, though some smaller rated jobs can require support from multiple people, depending on what it entails, or rather, it's better to have support in those cases anyway," he added.

"If you like, I can direct ye to the Adventurer's Guild. They're good people and take care of their own If you take one of those jobs for the guild, you'll have to go there anyway to get paid. And of course pay varies on the jobs, but usually guild members are told they get to keep most if not all loot they find, unless it's specified they can't, but if they can, they can sell or keep it at their discretion to make extra money," Morgan went on to say after a few moments, sipping a mug of ale himself as he scratched his bearded chin with one hand.
Re: Gloria (Shortbus)

Hearing what Morgan had to say, Gloria would reply in kind by identifying herself. "Well, my name is Gloria and it is glad to meet you. I will certainly make my way over to the Adventurer's Guild I think. I have one other question, does Melior have an Arena perhaps? Perhaps I could try to see where I am as a fighter somehow?"

While Morgan and Gloria would continue to speak, Gloria would continue to work on the drink that was offered to her. As the glass ran dry, Gloria felt this was the time for her to head over toward the job board. "I am going to take a look at that board now. Thank you for the information and the drink." Lowering the now emptied glass onto the bar, Gloria would toss a few coins onto the table. Gloria had no idea if that was the custom here or if they had any value either in Melior in the first place.

Gloria would intend to get herself some information now. Being in Melior was one thing, but establishing a stable room and board among other things would be necessary as well as potentially finding herself some work.
Re: Gloria (Shortbus)

"Well Gloria, it's a pleasure to meet ye," Morgan replied with a smile. "Aye, we've got an arena. The Grand Coliseum they call it. It's an amazing place. For weekdays it's two coppers per entry for the crowd, and on weekends when the bigger and more spectacular matches happen, it's one silver," he went on to say.

After she finished her drink and deciding to head to the job board to take a closer look at it, Morgan cleared his throat and gently tapped her on the shoulder. "The guild hall is over on Silver Street, just take a right out the door, follow the road until you see a red building with a sign that says, "The Blooming Rose" above the front door of the place. It'll look like a pretty fancy inn of sorts, which in a way that Is kind of what it is," Morgan told her before she headed over to the job board. "And I told ye lass, the first drink for newcomers is free at my establishment. What better way to entice customers to come back, than to be friendly at the first meeting," he added after that, generously pushing her coins back to her with a smile that said he truly didn't mind much.

Heading over to the job board, she'd see five slips of paper and parchment on it. The first was a job to clear out some simple little green slimes that were tormenting a local farmer to the southeast of the city and outside of the walls, which had a rating of a 1 star, and he was willing to pay anyone a total of 25 gold pieces for helping save his farm. The second job was similar, but was to the northeast towards a large town up there called Riften, and apparently there was something that was getting into the casks of mead and it needed to be investigated, and it had a rating of 1 star but had a note next to it that explained they didn't know what it was getting into the mead yet, but depending on what it was the pay would be increased depending on the difficulty of the task, with the base pay being 100 gold pieces.

The third job Gloria saw was a simple one for delivering goods to the marquis's personal blacksmith in a town to the west called Barodar, with a 1/2 star rating for it with a pay of 50 gold pieces. The fourth was a call for anyone willing to investigate the underbelly or cellar of an old ruined temple that was discovered near Riften to the northeast, which contained some sort of creature that left one female adventurer that was ill prepared, quite... a mess, though she didn't appear to have died at least thankfully, and that job had a 2 star rating for it, but the pay looked pretty decent at 500 gold pieces.

The last job was posted by citizens of Melior, and one was looking for part time workers at a gambling house called the Rite of Passage, with a small note to the side that read, "Interviewees that aren't afraid to show a little skin are preferred, but will find spots for anyone interested if we have the room for you. Pay will be discussed upon arrival."

Then just as she was finishing up looking at that job, a man walked over and took a small knife and pinned a slip of paper onto the job board. This new final one seemed to have been sent to be posted by a nobleman, as it was written in fine print with a silvery colored ink. His daughter had been kidnapped by a group of bandits from what he explained in the message on the paper, and he was looking for anyone willing to help him to get her back. They apparently were holed up in the woods outside of the town of Tristan to the south, and were demanding a ransom of 10,000 gold pieces for the safe return of the nobleman's daughter, the reward for this job was half the sum of the ransom, so a total of 5,000 gold pieces, to be split evenly among the person, or persons that brought his daughter back alive.
Re: Gloria (Shortbus)

"I was thinking of participating, not being a member of the crowd. Unless I would just be signing my own life away by doing so that is..
" Gloria would state as Morgan spoke of the Grand Coliseum. Gloria would soon push the empty glass toward Morgan along with a few coins, to which Morgan would return the coins after offering another bit of information. "Okay, figured it would have been quite rude not to offer, and thank you for all the information."

Moving over toward the board, Gloria would find that there were various jobs on offer. Looking through the jobs, Gloria would try to check her own ego while looking at the larger sums of money being offered. The first job seemed like it would be easy, comparatively speaking, to the rest as it had a low rating and also the lowest reward on offer.

Looking through the rest of the missions, Gloria would indentify that first one as the one that interested her the most. It would, even if it were in a very small way, allow her to prove her prowess in battle. Before she could finish making up her mind completely, Gloria would find herself getting brushed aside by someone who would knife a note into the board. Looking it over, Gloria came to the conclusion that this was something more properly suited to perhaps the group of mercenaries that were presently enjoying the company of the succubus.

Having made up her mind, Gloria would head back over toward Morgan as she realized that she forgot to ask the most simple of questions. What exactly was Gloria supposed to do once she decided to take one of these missions on the board. Surely she was not supposed to take the paper off the board?

Once she was certain of what she needed to do, Gloria would start to move out of the bar and head toward where Morgan had said the Adventurer's Guild was. Having made up her mind, Gloria was intent on accepting the mission that would see her travel southeast toward a local farmer to defeat the slimes that were tormenting the farmer.
Re: Gloria (Shortbus)

"Oh I see. Well you can enter into the daily matches if you like, no entry required, and you'll even be paid if you end up losing too. Though not nearly ass much as if you win," Morgan replied with a nod. "And of course. You take care of yerself now miss Gloria, and do come back," he added with a smile.

After she returned from the job board to Morgan's bar, Morgan moved back over to her after serving another mug or two of ale to another patron. "Well, once you've decided to take on the job, you actually do take the paper off the board and take it to the guild hall, where their people will get you set up to head out. The Adventurer's Guild actually will even supply you with a decent, if not basic, weapon, if you don't have one yourself. Basically they'll put it out on loan to you until you complete a job or two and can get your own weapons," Morgan told Gloria, before moving over to serve another customer.

After taking the paper and preparing to head out with it to the guild hall, Gloria made her way down towards Silver Street, and soon enough she spotted "The Blooming Rose" sign above the large red building, and would spot the Adventurer's Guild building not too far away from there. It was a rather magnificent stone building to say the least, and it was quite large. Once inside, Gloria would see plenty of people around, mostly all geared up for adventuring and whatnot. At the front desk, Gloria saw a young blonde haired woman, an elf by the looks of her pointed ears that rose up and back a bit.

"Good afternoon miss. What brings you to our guild hall today?" the elven woman said in greeting to Gloria, standing to give her a little welcoming bow.
Re: Gloria (Shortbus)

"Thank you for your time, Morgan, and I do hope to come back after I finish with this. You have been most kind and helpful." Moving back to the board, Gloria would take the flier that interested her. Leaving the bar, Gloria paid attention to the instructions and directions that Morgan had supplied her. First, was to find the "Blooming Rose". Then, she would need to find the Adventurer's Guild building. Finally, Gloria would make her way into the building.

Greeted almost immediately, Gloria would make her intentions clear. "I have this flier for a mission, has it been filled yet? If no one has taken it yet, I would like to be the one to fulfill this task." Gloria would reveal the flier that she had taken from the tavern and allow the woman to inspect it if need be. Since this was Gloria's first time in the Guild Hall, she did not entirely know what to expect. However, Gloria felt it was best to simply get right to the point of the matter as to why exactly she was there.
Re: Gloria (Shortbus)

"Same here lass, I do hope to see you back soon enough. And be careful out there," Morgan told Gloria, giving her a wave.


"No miss, it's not been filled just yet. Do you have your guild membership crest? Members get first dibs on picking jobs usually for the first twelve to twenty four hours of a job being posted up," the elven woman replied, looking the paper over that Gloria presented her. "Also as a member, you can request aid for a job, and we also give some extra commissions or rewards for speedy completions of jobs too. It's to help entire people to keep being members. Also, we don't demand it, but we do ask that all members donate some from their jobs from time to time to help keep the guild halls running without any troubles. Nobody is really required to, but it is helpful when anyone does," she went on to say, and when Gloria inevitably answered that she wasn't a member, the elven woman would help her get started, and would produce a simple little steel crest that had a pair of swords crossed over one another and pointing downward, with a bow and arrow above them.

"There you go dear. Now this job was posted a full day ago. But as far as we know, the man is still needing the help to remove the slimes from his lands. Regular green slimes aren't overly difficult to fight, but they can gang up on you and while they can't really kill anyone, they Do often devour the clothing of those that fight them, especially women. It's why girls Very rarely go to fight them on jobs where they know the things are there," the elven woman said after handing the crest to Gloria to hold onto however she desired, be it making the thing into a necklace, attaching it to her clothing somehow, or what have you.
Re: Gloria (Shortbus)

Gloria would listen to the woman as it was clear she knew what she was doing. After a while it was settled that Gloria would join the guild. Receiving a crest, Gloria was now a member and able to take on the task of helping the farmer. "I will keep these things in mind. Though if slimes are simple then I think this should go quickly."

Being she was from a backwater farming village herself, Gloria felt this was the right job to take. Among other reasons that the task seemed simple enough. Hearing that the slimes were not entirely deadly nor difficult to fight made Gloria a little hesitant. Thinking to herself that if they were not all that difficult to fight then why wouldn't someone take the easy money? Were they just going for the bigger rewards and leaving this one perhaps?

Gloria wanted to find out sooner rather than later if she could help it. "Would you be so kind as to let me know how to get to this farm from here? I would like to head out as soon as possible. Would I need to wait for first sunlight tomorrow or should I leave immediately?" Simply wanting to get down to business, Gloria would see if this was something that could be addressed immediately. Not really paying any mind to the warning of the woman about the green slimes ganging up on her, Gloria was only focused on what she could do to help this farmer out.
Re: Gloria (Shortbus)

"Oh of course dear. Head back outside, and follow Silver Street to the south, it's the main street that runs all through each cardinal direction of the city from the castle up on the hill. And once you leave the southern inner gate of the city, then you'll see a small hamlet just inside of the outer walls a good mile or two out. The man's farm will be on the far side of there, or should be. It shouldn't be too hard to find. Once you get to the hamlet, which is named Andrews by the way, you can ask one of the locals to point you in the right direction and stuff," the elven woman replied. "And the main reason why most of the other adventurers haven't taken this particular job yet is because right now only our female adventurers are in Melior at the moment. A couple of large groups were contracted by the grand duke for a couple of jobs, and all of the big strong guys and many of the stronger ladies went on those jobs. So what few girls we got left are running themselves ragged trying to complete all of the jobs. And none of the other girls likes green slimes because the eat their clothes if they can grab a hold of the girls," she added after a few moments, looking around at what seemed to be a mostly deserted congregation area for the adventurers in their own little tavern of sorts to the right of the desk Gloria was at.

Really Gloria only saw five other girls in there, two wearing metal armor, one heavy plate mail like a paladin, and the other wearing some odd looking scaled armor. One of the other ladies in there was wearing a set of the purest of white robes, easily telling Gloria the girl was a cleric of some sort. The other two girl were both looked lightly armored, if they were even armored at all really. Of the last two, one had a bow and quiver on her back, and a longsword on her hip, while she wore leathery armor. The last one wore a long black leather coat, and had strangely enough a corset or bustier on instead of a shirt.

The paladin girl was blonde haired human, and looked quite strong, though it was hard to tell what her body looked like under all that armor, and she had a sort of a brooding look on her face. The scale armored girl was a quite beautiful elf woman with dark brown hair, and her armor, despite being heavier metal armor, revealed her hourglass figure quite a bit actually, and her moderately sized chest, as her armor fit her body perfectly and didn't press her chest or any other part of her body down any. The cleric girl was definitely human, and she had long silky golden blonde hair that flowed down her back in long wavy locks as she sat there sipping on a mug of some drink, while her chest wasn't overly big, and actually on the small size, only being about half the size of Gloria's chest. The leather armored girl was very short compared to the rest, only about 4 feet even in height, and she had pointed elf like ears too, but her eyes were a strange autumnal orange color, and her hair was too, though despite her small stature, she did have some rather large breasts, near the size of Gloria's even. The last girl had quite huge breasts actually, and fiery red hair, and the corset thing she wore accentuate the size of her quite huge breasts, easily being near F-cup sized tits, though she was most definitely not human, if the small horns on her head and strangely cow like ears and tail, were any indication.

"If you'd like, miss Gloria, you could ask any of them to join you. Though if you'd rather attempt your first job on your own, then that's entirely understandable. It's best to know where you stand alone, before acquiring help, I've always found," the elven woman at the desk suggested with a smile, showing Gloria out, or into the congregation hall with the other girls to introduce Gloria to them all, whichever Gloria decided.
Re: Gloria (Shortbus)

While the elven woman was speaking, Gloria would look around and survey things herself. Looking around, Gloria would almost immediately dismiss the idea that she should ask for help. This should be an easy mission, Gloria thought to herself though she did listen enough to hear that her clothing would get eaten by these things if she was not careful.

Looking at a few of the women, Gloria would realize a few had hair similar to her blonde braided hair. Though she was not one for wearing heavy armor herself, Gloria would think a bit and turn back to the elven woman who she was talking with. "What about armor like that? Would the slimes eat that stuff too?" As she tried to discreetly point toward the women wearing the heavier armor. More so she could know than anything, Gloria was simply interested in how much danger her outfit would be in. She was not wearing armor aside from a pair of shoulder guards and a leather belt, but it was the village standard nonetheless. A while skirt and blue shirt. A slight modification needing to be made so that Gloria would fit inside the shirt. A good tug would probably destroy the small leather straps and liberate her breasts in an instant, but Gloria would try to rely on her speed to make sure something like that did not happen.

Once she got the answer she sought from the elven woman, Gloria would turn around and face her. "I think you are quite right,
I am going to try to face this alone. If the 1 star means anything then it should be a fairly simple quest, yes?"
Knowing that she could make the 2-3 mile trek in about an hours walking time, Gloria would set off for Andrews and see what she would find out along the way.
Re: Gloria (Shortbus)

"Hmm, it's hard to tell sometimes. The straps and everything holding the heavier armor in place they can eat, yes. Making it all fall off the wearer. But as for the steel itself, I'm not entirely certain if they'll eat through it," the elven woman replied before sighing softly to herself. "I apologize, I forgot to properly introduce myself to you too dear. Call me Shayra," she added after that.

"Of course dear. That honestly is what I think is best. To try and see how you fare alone, to see whether or not you need training and whatnot," Shayra went on to say.

With that, Gloria could head out whenever she liked, and it took her only just under an hour to reach the small town of Andrews, and she quickly managed to find out where the farm was with an older man that was passing by pointing her in the right direction. When she reached the edge of the farm, Gloria saw half a dozen of the little greenish colored slimes spread around the man's farm, with him trying to contain them from spreading to his other fields, using old solid wood and or metal plates to make a pen around them, though he'd had to make it quite large from the looks of it.

Gloria would spot a middle aged human man hammering a post down behind one of the sheets of metal that was making the hastily made pen he'd thrown together. He didn't seem to notice Gloria coming over as he hammered away, though a younger human girl that looked like she'd just come of age recently, who was carrying a basket full of something, did notice her and waved at Gloria. "Hello. Are you from the guild?" the girl called over, where the man, likely her father, turned to look over at Gloria, wiping his brow with the back of one hand.
Re: Gloria (Shortbus)

Well, as you know my name is Gloria. Sorry about that, I was so excited about taking this mission on that I never asked your name either. Gloria would state as Sharya had identified herself. After a few moments, Gloria would soon leave out on a rather uneventdul walk. After about an hour, Gloria would get to Andrews and proceed over to the farm in short order.

Finding an older man, Gloria would observe him building a cage of sorts. Gloria would soon be confronted by a woman, and they seemed to be asking for assistance. "Yes, I am. What do you need help with? I can help with building the pen perhaps or I could attwmpt a more permanent solution." Gloria was intent on fighting a slime to show off her abilities, however if that was not what they required of her, then Gloria needed to know. Ready to brandiah her sword and shield, Gloria awaited the response from either the male or female as to what she ahould so.
Re: Gloria (Shortbus)

"It's fine. No worries at all," Shayra replied with a smile before seeing Gloria off.


"Getting rid of them altogether would be preferable, miss. These things are a bloody nuisance, and I can't plant any crops here where they're at," the man sighed softly as the girl brought the basket over and handed him a towel out of it. "Thank you honey. Now do you mind going and getting the bag with the money in it for our guest here?" he went on to say.

"Sure dad, be back in a minute," the girl replied with a smile.

"Alright miss. There's a half a dozen of them all told. Do try and be quick about it too, else they'll start multiplying once they've fed enough on the crops in there. I mean I've already written everything inside there off as useless now. But the longer you take, the more likely there could be more than there already are," the man told Gloria as he gestured at the slimes.
Re: Gloria (Shortbus)

"Oh, Gloria. No need to be so formal, and your name sir?" She would interject as the older man had grabbed a towel to wipe himself down with. "I think it best if we wait foe payment? Once I eradicate them then that should be the time to bother wirh money." Gloria was not interested in ghe money as she was proving herself worthy of it.

After hearing the old man's instructions, it seemed straightforward. Gloria would reach backward and grab her sword and shield. Looking at the slimes a bit, Gloria would notice that they did not seem to be outwardly hostile. This was likely easy money and only going to take a short while to eradicate these things, Gloria thought.

"Well, here goes.." Gloria would proclaim as she sought out the closest slime and would swing her sword down upon it.
Re: Gloria (Shortbus)

"Name's Roland, and that's my daughter Gina," the man replied with a little bow of his head. "And of course. It'll take Gina a few minutes to find the bag I had the money in anyway most likely. So please, go ahead and get rid of them. I'll get you some water and a... blanket to wrap in, just in case they... get on you," he went on to say.

Once she was ready to begin, once Roland had backed off to his barn to grab her a blanket just in case, Gloria could hop the fence and get inside with the slimes and the closest one of the medium dog sized slimes started slowly slithering towards her, leaving a tiny trail of greenish slime behind it. She had the easiest opening she could hope for as she swung her sword towards the first of the slimes. Her blade sliced right through the thin slimy goo, and the edge of her blade near the tip caught the spherical shaped crystal like core of the slime where it cracked a bit before shattering. About two seconds later, Gloria earned her first kill as an adventurer as the slime melted into the ground like water.

The next nearest slime however retaliated and made a surprisingly quick jump up onto Gloria's chest, where she immediately felt the cloth there beginning to dissolve, and left her skin where it touched a bit warmer than before. However, before it could really dissolve too much of her shirt, any more than just a handful of holes that were around the upper parts of her breasts, Gloria managed to bring her shield up and get the edge of it under the slime, where she managed to fling it straight up into the air, before swinging her sword and cutting its crystal like core in two, where it splashed down like water all over her. It left her hair quite a mess, and her clothing as well, but she'd removed two of the six slimes already, making really good time.

Gloria - FP: 4/5, AP: 1/10
Green Slimes - FP: 4/6
Re: Gloria (Shortbus)

Gloria could not help but smile as her sword would strike true. Seeing the first slime dissolve into nothingness was tempered by the next slime that seemed none too pleased about Gloria's sworsmanship. Going right for her chest, the slime would land and start to work at melting her shirt off.

Gloria would act fast enough to save most of her top aside from one of the straps holding her breasts in coming loose. Slicing that slime would leave 4 left and Gloria was confident that she would be able to mow these things down. Now that she had her first few kills out of the way, Gloria would look to sweep through the rest of the slimes. Hopefully Roland's offer of a blanket would be unnecessary.

Just a little disappointed that she let her guard down as she admired her handiwork of the first kill, Gloria would find the next slime splahing into her hair. This was turning out to be a bit messoer than she had predicted but Gloria would attempt to soldier on amd eliminate thevremaining slimes from the farm. Maybe even leave a good impression if ahe were able to eradicate them all befor eeither Roland or Gina were to reappear.