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Gloria (Shortbus)

Re: Gloria (Shortbus)

The next slime on Gloria's list would easily be sliced through moments later as Gloria moved onward, cutting a... well, not a bloody swath, but a slimy one at least through the next one. A bit more slime splashed off from the one she'd just cut into, and got int her hair a bit more, but thankfully the next nearest slime missed her as it dove at her, with Gloria nimbly dodging its jump. After dodging the incoming retaliation, Gloria managed to once again get another slime, swinging downward from overhead and cleaving the core crystal in two, and leaving only two slimes left for her to have to fight.

As Gloria finished off the fourth slime, she'd spot Gina returning from their house, and looking a bit surprised to see Gloria fighting the slimes. "O-Oh wow. Please, don't stop on my account," Gina said, looking on at Gloria in awe of her battle prowess and the fact that she was obliterating the slimes quite handily. As Gina spoke though, it distracted Gloria for just enough time for one of the last two slimes to jump up onto Gloria's waist, where it began melting her shirt there this time around, and with that slime on her, she'd have to focus on it, or risk leaving it there to deal with the other remaining slime while this one weighted her down. "O-Oh no, I'm so sorry. I... I'll shut up," Gina cried upon seeing the slime grabbing Gloria.

Gloria - FP: 3/5, AP: 2/10, grappled by 1 green slime.
Green Slimes - FP: 2/6, 1 of which is grappling Gloria, causing her to take -1 to attack and defense rolls until it is removed.
Re: Gloria (Shortbus)

Gloria was more than halfway done when her inexperience would rear its ugly head and leave her compromised again. It would seem Gloria had earnwd the adoration of Gina who spoke out. This caused Gloria to lose her concentration long enough for another slime to leap onto her. Gina having realized her mistake, would immediately apologize. This did little to help Gloria as zhe now had to make a choice.

With one other slime remaining, Gloria would choose to try eliminating that one first before dealing with the slime that was latched onto her chest at present. Gloria could feel it rubbing against the base of her breasts as it started to eat away her top. Further eroding the integrity of her top to the point that it was likely to burst open soon. Gloria figured that if she dealt with the slime already attached to her, the last remaining slime would likely just take it's place. So she did what she felt wa seight and attemptes to remove the other slime from the equation before tuning her attention back to the slime that was about to expose her chest.
Re: Gloria (Shortbus)

Having made her decision to try and eradicate the last remaining slime before dealing with the one on her body, Gloria moved to swing, only to find her arm moving more sluggishly than before, and while her blade did go through the slime on the ground, it missed the core, and so it survived. Gloria however managed to keep the slime on her waist, which was creeping up her chest, from gaining any further ground on her, and resisted the pleasurable touches it brought her, though that did little for her clothing unfortunately, but she was still well in the fight.

"O-Oh no, I'm so stupid, so stupid," Gina whimpered from behind the makeshift fencing, looking like she hated herself for having distracted Gloria.

Gloria managed to persevere however and her blade struck true this time around, cleaving the last slime on the ground away as its crystal core shattered from the blow. This left only the one on Gloria's chest, which was now making headway on Gloria, and her clothing. Moments after making this one the only remaining slime left, Gloria's outfit burst open, and her breasts spilled out from her clothing that was no longer there, her armor straps having popped loose as well from the slime eating away at them. Even now the slime was continuing its way on her body and was inching its way down towards her crotch, tickling her tummy along the way as its slimy form left her a bit more aroused than before.

Gloria - FP: 3/5, AP: 4/10, grappled by green slime, and taking -1 attack and defense from her AP, and another -1 attack and defense from the grapple.
Green Slimes - FP: 1/6, grappling Gloria
Re: Gloria (Shortbus)

Gloria's plan almost worked.She did at least defeat the last slime not attached to her. However Gloria's chest wa snow exposed as the slime weakened her top enough that Gloria's breasts did the rest of the work for it as fhey sprang forth. Gloria instinctively brought her shield arm up to try to cover herself, but that was going to do little to stop the slime from ravaging her further.

Gloria could feel the tingling that the slime was causing as it identified it's next target. Gloria had little choice but to do what she could to try to stop the slime from making its way further down her body. Gloria came up with an idea, and that wa sto attempt to crush the slime on the ground vefore it would make it's way further down her body. Gloria would jump upward slightly and thenput her shield between the ground and her body.if this worked the way she hoepd rhe slime would gwt crushed between her body and the shield as she hit the ground.
Re: Gloria (Shortbus)

As Gloria decided on what to do, and leapt into the air, but when she slammed back down, it only caused much of the slime to splash and splatter around. It quickly reformed though and continued its decent down her body. It wasn't really able to do much to Gloria though thankfully, aside from begin dissolving her clothing little by little. "M-Miss Gloria. D-Do you need any help? I... I c-can get something, a weapon of some sort, t-to help," Gina called out in a bit of a panic as she saw slime not stopping.

As Gloria got back up to attempt her next maneuver, the slime swung a small thin, but strong strand of its slimy form down and grabbed her legs, tripping her up enough and causing her to fall forward with her butt in the air, where her skirt was quickly dissolved by the slimy beast. Gloria's nether region was now shown to the entire world for all to see, and she heard Gina gasp softly as this happened, which told Gloria that Gina had seen it all. "O-Oh my," she heard Gina whimper softly, before she heard Gina's footsteps retreating back a bit, even as Gloria's body heated up more and more as the slime ventured down lower, covering her nethers with its form, which didn't really cover them up since the slime was mostly translucent. Once it was in place, the slime seemed to send little tiny tentacle like feelers out in search of Gloria's clitoris, which it began stimulating slowly but surely, coaxing it from beneath its protective hood it was hidden under, and causing Gloria to let out an unbidden moan of pleasure as a result.

Gloria - FP: 3/5, AP: 7/10, still grappled by green slime and being actively pleasured by it now, and is mostly, if not completely stripped to reveal all of her privates. All of that coupled with the grapple leaves her with -3 to all attack and defense rolls.
Green Slimes - FP: 1/6, grappling Gloria.
Re: Gloria (Shortbus)

Gloria was ina bad spot. The slime had all but dissolved everything at this point. Not only that, but she was about to get penetrated by the slime as well. The stimulation was severe at this point and Gloria was close to giving in.

Letting out a moan uncontrollably, Gloria knew she had to do soemthing ans fast to pullt his thing off of her. Otherwise who knwos what might happen to her if this thing was left alone. Gloria could only do so much at this point as she was already trembling and her knees weere about to buckle. Her strenght about to fail her, Gloria would try as best she could toeis herself of the slime that was about to invade her private place. Nevermind that she was still a virgin as that was not likely to last very much longer if she could not get the slime off or away feom her somehow.
Re: Gloria (Shortbus)

As Gloria might have found herself panicking, she finally Just managed to get her shield back in place, and pried the slime loose from her crotch, and flung it back off of her, before managing to roll over to sit now on her shield. The slime was not happy though it seemed, and it dove back onto her, right over her virgin slit, and began teasing her twitching little clitoris again. The stimulation was intense, and Gloria knew that she was about to cum, and hard, even as more small feelers reached out from the slime and started caressing her slit proper, her juices leaking from her folds being absorbed by the slime, which seemed to make it grow larger with each... well, slurp it got.

In the distance, Gloria heard Gina's footsteps approaching, and in a bit of a panic, just as the stimulation began to grow too much for her to bear, Gloria managed to raise her blade, and stabbed it down between her legs, the cool flat side of the blade running along her skin, as the tip pierced the slime's form. As soon as the sword touched the slime, Gloria felt her body suddenly seize up in ecstasy, as the feelers stimulated her clit far too much for her to bear, and with a shudder and a quivering moan escaping her lips that signified her climax, Gloria came, her juices giving a little squirt into the slime's form even as it absorbed and started pushing into her. But, as her luck hadn't run completely out yet, Gloria's blade pierced the final crystal core of the last slime, and before she lost her virginity completely to the slimy beast, it was slain, and began dissolving into the ground, with a couple of small clumps of slime being left on her pubic mound even as she trembled in ecstasy from the intense orgasm.

"I... I'm back and I... o-oh goodness, miss. H-Hang on, I'm coming," Gina cried, jumping over the fencing with a hoe in hand, as she ran over to Gloria to help her. "A-Are you okay? And here, I can't let my dad see you like this," Gina said softly as she got to Gloria's side and pulled the apron she had been wearing off, and used it to cover Gloria's body with it.

(Gloria defeated the Green Slimes, and gained 2 XP. She is at 2/10, and at 10, she will gain 1 additional FP for a total of 6.)
Re: Gloria (Shortbus)

Glforia knew this feeling, as she has teased herself into orgasm once or twice in the past. The slime was causing a much stronger reaction however as Gloria would let out a few more moans and start to shake as the slime started to hone in on her nether regions.

Glorua started to notice the slime geowing in mass as it was feeding off her juices as it stimulated her. This seemed to be Gloria's last chance before the slime would breach her fold and do who knows what to her as a result. Making one last despwration effort, Gloria would thrust her sword downward violently and hope it pierced the core of the slime.

A few seconds later, Gloria would recover from the effwcts of being driven inro orgasm. She would also realize all that was left of the offending slime was some residue around her nethers. Between the group, Gloria herself drenched in slime and would soon be consoled by Gina who wrapped an apron around her. "Thanks, sorry to make you worry so much but the job is done now. Maybe could have been a little cleaner, but I think it could have gone worse all the same. Would it be too much trouble to wash up and perhaps borrow a dress so I could report back to the guild?"

Gloria could not have blamed Gina for this if things gotten worse. It was her own lack of any real experience that caused the problem. Gloria learned from this, and she knew that sje needed to get better. Possibly seeing if the guild hall had any training she could take part in. All in all though, Gloria got the job done. Now all she had to do was perhaps find a tailor or leatherworker to make a new aet of armor. That could wait, as Gloria had more pressing concerns like ridding herself of this slime residue that was still causing parts of her body to throb in ecstasy while she was recovering from the orgasm she had endured.
Re: Gloria (Shortbus)

"O-Of course, just... let me go find my dad and stuff real quick so he doesn't come back out and see you like this. Then I can take you to my room until I get the bath ready for you," Gina said quickly, jumping up and bounding back over the makeshift fence, where she flailed her arms at someone. "Dad no no... don't come out here just yet. She's... w-well, the slimes got on her. B-But she dealt with them thankfully. J-Just give me the blanket and g-go back to the barn for a minute," she called out, possibly making Gloria blush at her words, but a few moments later, Gina returned with the blanket that her father had gone to get, and helped Gloria up and wrapped it around her.

"Come on, let's get you inside. And thank you so much for getting rid of those things. Honestly, I might have been able to handle them. Mom definitely could have, but she's not here right now, and dad's not much of a fighter when it comes to monsters and the like," Gina said as she walked with an arm wrapped around Gloria to help support her and got her into their small house, and then to Gina's bedroom, where Gina helped Gloria get the remaining bit of slime off of her. "There we go. Alright um... I got a few shirts and stuff you could wear, so don't worry about that. I think... we're about the same size around our chests, so that shouldn't be too much of a problem at least," she then said after that, where she'd then head back out of the room and get the bath ready for Gloria.

A few minutes later, Gloria found herself sitting in the barn in a large iron tub, which had a tiny little fire smouldering under it to keep it nice and hot. "Sorry it's not better. We're not really rich enough to have a private bath tub in our bathroom in the house," Gina apologized for Gloria having to bathe herself in a barn and whatnot, looking a bit embarrassed about it all.
Re: Gloria (Shortbus)

To be fair, Gloria was processing the effects of being brought to orgasm by the slime. She recalls Gina bringing her inside where they cleaned Gloria up a bit. Gloria wanted to say something while Gina was preparing the bath for her but was simply too weak to do so. It was mostly about what she had meant when she mentioned her mother, but maybe it was for the best that she was unable to probe the issue much further.

Gloria could tell that Gina felt responsible for what happened. As Gloria was escorted into Gina's bedroom she felt it was time to address the issue. "Do you think this is your fault? Maybe we could have done this together, but then again if you tried yourself it could have been much worse all the same. Just focus on the fact that the task is complete." Gloria was either naive to what Gina saw at the end of the battle, or just did not care and only wanted Gina to relax about what happened out side.

"It is better than still sitting outside being drenched in slime residue. Think of the bright side at least. Then again I could still have a slime on me and the problem could have been made worse for all I know." Gloria would state as she sat down in something that was probably used more for farm animals than humans. Still it was relaxing and would refresh her for the journey back to Melinor.

Taking the time to properly wash herself, Gloria would take the remnants of her previous outfit along with whatever Gina had offered her in the way of clothing. There was still the last detail regarding payment and Gloria would like to collect and report back as soon as possible. From what Gloria could tell, it took about 3 hours all told to get to this point from when she left out from Melinor in the first place.

Gloria having completed her first mission was now ready to head back and report upon her success. She had a few other things on her mind as well, like replacing the cloth and leather armor she had worn that the slime destroyed. Also if anyone at the Guild was potentially interested in helping her train. Gloria never expected to be assaulted sexually like that, and to be honest she was about to succumb to the slime if it was not for her last ditch effort. The way the slime was able to disable her almost to the point of complete submission made Gloria realize that she needed to get better.
Re: Gloria (Shortbus)

"M-Maybe, but still all the same, if I hadn't spoken to you back there, you might not have gotten distracted and the slime might not have gotten on you so easily," Gina said timidly, twiddling her thumbs.

After Gloria had finished in the bath and was preparing to head out, Gina helped her get the clothing she'd given her on, and saw her off, while Gina's father brought the bag of gold coins out to her. "Here you go. Get yourself some new clothes. Think of it as a bonus for getting rid of those things so quickly for me, miss," Roland said, where he'd give her another smaller pouch that had 10 extra gold coins. "I appreciate your help very much. And... why don't you come back in a few days and I can make you a nice home cooked dinner with some of the crops you've helped me to salvage from all that," he added with a smile.

Once she'd answered Roland, and said anything else she wanted to before leaving them, the young adventurer would soon be making her way back to the guild hall in Melior proper. When she arrived back in the guild hall about an hour or so later, Gloria was greeted again by Shayra, who smiled happily at her return.

"Ah Gloria, you've returned, and so quickly. I can see that my original thoughts were true. You're a natural at this sort of thing. Though, I see the slimes got your clothes unfortunately. No matter, we can repair them for you, it's one of the boons we offer our people. Just give me whatever is left of the tatters, and I can have them returned to you by tomorrow if you like. Also, if you have need of a place to sleep, we have several here that are free at the moment, and we charge two silvers per night. Each gold piece is worth ten silver pieces, and each silver piece is worth ten copper pieces, and each platinum piece is worth one hundred gold pieces. If you can get any jobs that offer a lot of platinum, and you're pretty sure you can do it alone, and it's a relatively easy job, take it I say. A handful of platinum pieces is nearly enough to buy yourself a small manor here in Melior practically," Shayra said with a smile, before she stood up and gestured at the counter next to her, where Gloria saw three items lined up.

The first was a rather nice pair of leathery boots that looked like they'd be quite comfortable to wear. The second was a pearl and bone handled dagger, and the third was a medallion with a face engraved upon it. "Take any one of them you like. Think of it as a prize or bonus of sorts to commemorate your first successfully job. The boots are probably worth about as much as you made, and they're really nice to wear. As you can see, I've got some myself. The dagger is a pearl and wyvern bone handled dagger, and wyvern bone is Really tough, so it's not likely to break easily. And the medallion has the face of the first grand duke of Archanea when we became independent so many years ago. It's more ceremonial than anything, but usually having that or something like it, will give you access to Melior castle and stuff, if you're new here and don't have connections. It shows the guards that you're a friend of the guild, and the dukes of Archanea have always been friends of the guild," Shayra said to Gloria with a smile, letting her choose any of the three items she liked.
Re: Gloria (Shortbus)

Gloria almost wanted to whisper into Gina's ear that she actually enjoyed the sensation of what the Slime was doing to her. Thinking slightly better of it she would instead just offer some words of encouragement to try to allay Gina fears. "Just try to focus on the positive side of things. The job is done now and that's really all that matters." this was likely not going to make Gina feel any better, but hopefully in some small way it could.

Gloria would get the chance to speak with Roland as well before she would leave. It would seem that Roland had included an extra bonus of 10 gold. It was very obviously meant for Gloria to use on getting new clothes to replace what the slimes had melted away. "I appreciate the offer. If I am given a break in my training and do not have any other missions, then I would certainly accept the invitation to come back. Thank you for your generosity." Gloria would say in response to Roland's offer.

Having felt that the situation was resolved here, it was time for Gloria to head back. It would take her about another hour but she would find herself safely back to Melior with little issue. Moving back toward the Adventurers Guild, Gloria would be greeted once more by the Elven woman, Shayra. Gloria would find herself the beneficiary of some good news as she was informed almost immediately that the guild would be able to repair her armor. Gloria would take the two shoulder guards and place them down on the desk. Making a somewhat embarrassed expression while doing so, Gloria would then ask if there was any cost associated with the service as well as how long the process may take.

Shayra would inform Gloria that there were a few spare rooms available, and Gloria would soon move to ensure that she would have access to one of them. Even if it was only just for tonight, it solved a very obvious issue Gloria had a pressing need to address. Soon after that situation was resolved, Shayra would present Gloria with a few items and allow her to pick one. Gloria would look them over and could see the advantages of all of them, but the one she felt would provide the greatest advantage was the Medallion.

If Gloria could get herself settled in, she would attempt to do so as quickly as possible. Her next thought was to go visit Morgan again and have a drink to celebrate her first success as an adventurer. Of course she wanted to try to train or maybe hone her skills in the arena but without having any armor this was a Fool's errand. Gloria figured she had a little time free at this point and can find no better way to use it unless something were to present itself while she conducted her business.
Re: Gloria (Shortbus)

"Ah, most folks take the boots, as good boots are hard to come by, after all. But the medallion is actually the most useful of these in my opinion. It can also get you access to the bazaar under the castle. If you follow the street out the front door to the east a little, and then make a left, the first to be exact, onto Portal Avenue, you'll arrive at the bazaar. There you can find mostly shops set up from the other worlds that the portal is tied to. There's one from Celestia, the Netherworld, those are the most prominent shops you'll find, but there's some from all of the other worlds just about, well, all but the evil ones anyway," Shayra said with a smile and a nod, looking pleased almost that Gloria had taken the medallion.

After paying the two silver pieces and getting all of her things, Gloria was shown to her room which was... not overly big, but it was well furnished at least. It had a small bathroom attached to it too, one large queen sized bed, a nightstand, a small table with three chairs around it for eating meals on, or other things, and it had a window that looked out over the inner gardens/courtyard of the guild hall, where Gloria saw the two more heavily armored girls from before sparring with one another. The blonde paladin girl wielding a large two handed sword, and the brunette elf in the scale armor wielding a spear and shield.

"Dinner here is usually finished by around seven to eight o'clock in the evening, and is free of charge for those paying to stay here for the night and whatnot. Though if you want something specific, we do charge a tiny fee as we often have to go acquire the meats and stuff to make more exotic dishes that are asked for. And the baths here are communal, with the men having one side, and women the other, so you needn't worry about the guys, should there be any, peeking in on you. At least not that easily. There's also a smaller mixed bath for men and women to get into together if they like, though only those groups of adventurers that are lovers get in that one. But on occasion some adventuring groups that really trust one another, and don't mind seeing each other naked get into it too," Shayra said after showing Gloria into her room. "Oh yes, this lamp here is magical. Merely run your hand over this little silver orb on it, and the globe on the top lights up to illuminate your room at night. It never runs out of energy either, so you can keep it on all night if you so desire, and you can adjust it to be a faint soft glow if you prefer to sleep with a night light of sorts," she added, showing Gloria how the little bedside lamp worked, which at full blast actually brightened the entire room up without much trouble it seemed.
Re: Gloria (Shortbus)

Gloria would let out a faint smile and take a quick second to explain that she trusted both her sandals and her sword so that the only viable option to her was to take the medallion. Then again Gloria did not have any level of experience, as of yet, to learn the value of having spare equipment.

Gloria having just taking a bath not too long ago would at least listen as the accommodations were explained to her. As an immediate concern, Gloria had two. The first was how long it might take for her armor to be repaired. The second point Gloria wanted to address was the likelihood of there being other missions available. If for no other reason than only to know where to look, Gloria would ask now while Shayra were there.

Taking a look outside, Gloria would see the two more heavily armored women sparring. Simply wanting to watch from her vantage point in the room for a short while. Depending on what happened during their spar, perhaps Gloria could pick something up by watching them. Once the match was over Gloria would then move on to her next destination which was the tavern where she had first met Morgan.
Re: Gloria (Shortbus)

"Hmm, well some of the other taverns around have other jobs that could be done too. Plus there's almost always need for mercenary work in the bazaar, though those jobs can result in you needing to travel to the other worlds. But then again, those can be... Very lucrative jobs. Hell, there's even been times when I've seen a job for a simple house guard, or for a cute girl to spend the evening with a lower nobleman, usually only acting as an escort of sorts for a ball, or some other fancy gathering. And then again, if you really need money, you can always go to the Blooming Rose. Best brothel style inn in town, and they're always hiring new girls, even ones that won't come but one night to work. And they always take care of their girls medically as well and ensure no pregnancies occur unless the girl doesn't mind," Shayra replied when asked about other jobs. "Some jobs only come to the guild hall though too. There's a board in the common room where you saw the other girls earlier, that you can check out. The jobs that only come to here though are usually tougher than the ones that you'll find listed in taverns," she added.

While Gloria watched the two sparring, it was clear that both were pretty good with their respective weapons, and the elf girl was keeping the human girl back with her swift spear work, not letting that greatsword get close to her to have to deal with. The human paladin girl however wasn't deterred and she kept maneuvering around, and despite her obviously heavier armor, the blonde human paladin girl somehow managed to maneuver around and used her sword's hand guard to bat the spear aside, and then she spun to her left as she stepped toward the spear wielding elf and brought her greatsword around and slammed it against the elf's shield, knocking the elf flat on her ass with that one single heavy blow. The elf didn't look angry though as the human paladin girl offered a hand down to pull the elf back up, and even helped dust her off.
Re: Gloria (Shortbus)

Shayra and Gloria would speak a bit about the various tasks that could be undertaken were Gloria to choose to do them. It would seem that other tavern's would have similar but different jobs posted to them, and that was something Gloria would try to remember. As Gloria had chosen the medallion, she had access to a new area as well which would unlock more opportunities for her.

For now though, Gloria simply wanted to relax and reflect upon her first mission, as well as her first success. The whole brothel idea was somewhat off putting but Gloria could not fault Shayra for being complete in the information that she would offer. "Thank you for all that information. I think the question that I have would be, how could I really tell where I stand as a fighter compared to what levels of jobs I should consider taking on? I almost found myself being victimized by a slime, but I cannot say that you did not warn me about that all the same."

Now that she was able to get situated in the room that Shayra had brought her to, Gloria would notice two of the women outside sparring against each other. It was pretty clear at first glance that it was the two women wearing the heavy armor that were inside the hall earlier. Watching the pair go at it would show Gloria that she certainly had much to learn. It would seem that the final blow that decided their session was one that knocked the elven woman prone. Seeing that, Gloria would reflect on herself for a moment and started thinking about the slime that was having its way with her when she was knocked down in a similar fashion just a few hours earlier.

Gloria was not entirely sure if she should be looking at the positive and the rather intense orgasm that she had endured, or the negative that she was almost going to be a breeder or something for that slime to make more of those things if she was unable to defeat it before it had breached her nethers. Gloria would try to reflect on that for a while before heading off to the bar and visiting Morgan again for a drink to celebrate her first successful mission. Gloria figured she could celebrate a bit and have a few drinks, then head back to the hall for dinner, and then see what a new day would bring her for opportunities when she would awake the next day.
Re: Gloria (Shortbus)

"Hmm... well, one way to measure yourself up is to take on the less dangerous, but still tougher jobs. Green slimes can be annoying as all hell, but they aren't overly dangerous at least. If you'd been defeated by one, or all of them, they would have broken off a tiny chunk of their cores, implanted them in your womb, and probably slithered off into the wilds if they could have managed it," Shayra replied, blushing a bit as she described what would have happened had Gloria lost to the slimes.

After she took a little time to reflect on things and rest a bit, Gloria found her way back to Morgan's tavern, where he welcomed her back with a smile, looking a slight bit more red in the cheeks than he did before. "Gloria my dear. Welcome back. Did yer job go well lass?" Morgan called over to Gloria when she entered the tavern and he noticed her, the customers having changed quite a bit in the last few hours or so, though she did spot a different succubus in there now, this one with long fiery red hair that flowed down her back to the top of her ass like waves on the ocean almost, and she was sipping on a goblet full of water while two men, and another woman, all human, were preparing to play a variety of instruments.
Re: Gloria (Shortbus)

Morgan would recognize Gloria even though she was wearing more plain clothing than before. Gloria would walk on over to the bar and sit once more. "Yes, it was fairly quick but also an interesting experience. At least this time I think I can not need to worry about the drink you are about to give me." Gloria would say toward Morgan. Gloria did not exactly want to go out into a public place and declare that a slime had made her orgasm while she was trying to eradicate them, but that ended up being the most remarkable aspect of her mission.

For now, Gloria was sort of hoping that she could have some time to simply reflect and engage Morgan in some idle conversation. As she wanted to just go back to the Adventurer's Guild once food would be served. The rest of the day would hopefully be fairly mundane. For the rest of the day at least, Gloria was not exactly looking for trouble. Then again, nothing was stopping trouble from looking for Gloria in the meantime.
Re: Gloria (Shortbus)

"Haha, well good job lass. I'm glad it went well enough for ye. Here, this one's on me. Just had a rather nice young man come in about a couple of hours ago who left me one rather nice tip earlier, so we were celebrating just a little bit, heh," Morgan chuckled as he poured a mug of mead out and passed it over to Gloria before he downed the last of his own mug of mead.

Morgan would spend the next few minutes just chatting with Gloria about Melior and the surrounding towns and hamlets, where she learned that the entirety of the city and the suburbs surrounding it all told consisted of nearly 300,000 citizens. She also learned that while crime did happen in Melior, that it was actually an uncommon thing to happen, and that the only real crimes that were committed in Melior itself were thievery and rape, though the latter was funnily enough punished by succubi that volunteered to administer the punishment, by decree of the grand duke of Archanea, with the succubi leaving the rapists not want to have sex again for quite some time from what Morgan said. Other than that, the only real thing that could be considered a crime of any sort was assault, which according to Morgan were usually either people drunkenly squabbling or something of the sort, and they rarely went to jail for that, and only paid a fine.

After a couple of minutes of chatting, the red headed succubus in the tavern started singing for the patrons there to have some entertainment, and she had a beautiful voice, Gloria found. The succubus sang her song and seemed to have the entire tavern enchanted almost with her voice, everyone had turned to listen to her as she sang, and after she had finished her song, she sipped some more water as the ones with the instruments prepared for another song.
Re: Gloria (Shortbus)

Gloria would find herself in a pretty good place. The bartender was friendly enough, and also quite knowledgeable. Gloria was even able to score another free drink as she would soon be able to take in some level of entertainment as it would seem a group of musicians was about to play.

The first song was a little of a shock for Gloria, not quite accustomed to having so much being used at the same time. It was hard to follow for her since back home you would seldom have more than one instrument involved with another person singing. Here there were multiple instruments and Gloria would instinctively try to follow the tune of one of the instruments only.

It was a bit of a sensory overload that Gloria was experiencing while the band was playing. The tune itself was not offensive in any way, though the sheer level of sensory stimulation was a bit much for Gloria to handle. Nothing she was not likely to grow accustomed to as the night would move on, but Gloria would find that Morgan did not seem to let her glass run empty either. Gloria had a few gold on her so the drinks would be handled easily enough. Once Gloria had enough of the musical act, she would simply look to head back over to the Adventurer's Guild since it was time they were serving up dinner.