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DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Shinto Victory

Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 4

"The problem is, you should be our interrogator."
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 4

"...Fine. Since you have put a target on my back no matter what, I am the Interrogator. If you're one of the maiden's, you've put us on a faster timeline. And if you're a cultist, well played. In any case state your role, because this is about to get interesting. Since I am fairly certain I already knew it."
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 4

"Actually, you know what? Don't. Just whisper it to me so I can be sure."
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 4

"And you couldn't say that Keiko was indeed jailed? Or that you had suspicion for reasons? The silence has just about gone on long enough at this temple and we need to move together to start getting some proof out there. Does anyone else dare lay the claim that they are the interrogator? If not, that Vaiza can still be safe because of our last protective maiden."
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 4

"I didn't know your role, Ikumi. Not for certain. If I said for certain, and you were a cultist seeking confirmation, then I would just confirm me as a target. I have not been inactive. Indeed I believe now my actions have been very fruitful. Though the unfortunate truth is I have been marked. There may not be much our protector can do."
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 4

Ikumi whispers to Vaiza, and back

This narrator can confirm the presence of tongue. There was much rejoicing.
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 4

"Yomi is evil, and she must pay for her crimes."
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 4

"Someone is lying to me. So let's put this to rest. I am the Interrogator. If I am not, I die tonight one way or another. I chose Yomi last night to interogate. So let's put this to you two. Keiko, on the first night, was your role blocked? Hikari, on the second night was your role blocked? Answer truthfully now, and we will know Yomi's guilt or innocence."
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 4

Keiko and Vaiza whisper to each other.

Ikumi and Vaiza continue to whisper.

This narrator can confirm Vaiza is being licked from both sides.
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 4

Keiko is not only whispering to Vaiza, but fondling her ample breasts and smooth thighs very sensually. "Let me help you to relax, sister." She nibbles on the maiden's neck.
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 4

"Gah, Keiko, now is not the time for grabby hands.," grumbles Vaiza irritably, grabbing Keiko's hands and pushing them back to her, "I have a job to do. Don't make me get my mask."
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 4

"Sounds kinky. But I can wait, for now."
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 4

"Wait a second." Keiko turns to the group, folding her arms. "If I was being interrogated on the second night, and Hikari was being roleblocked, then who 'tried to kidnap' Annette on the second night? I assumed it was the Peacemaker, but she can't visit two targets in one night--something is wrong." :eek:
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 4

"Two people are claiming to be peacemaker. That's what I am trying to pick apart.," says Vaiza, "Among other things. But this has to come first. The real mess is it is entirely possible that there is a Peacemaker and a Seducer both in play. I wish there was an investigator right now."
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 4

"Hm. On that note, let's up the ante a bit. Everyone whisper to me their roles. Except Yomi, Keiko and Ikumi obviously. Least this way I can pick out lies easier. And if you're a visiting role, who you've visited on each night."
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 4

2/5 Votes to burn Yomi(Cross) ; Shinobu(Blood), Ikumi(Toxic)
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 4

"All the true Shinto left should have their own unique powers and claims can be made public, since I doubt two people would pretend to be the interrogator. Killing the evil Yomi today would put us ahead and we'd have two confirmed roles working together, one able to halt and detect evil, the other able to kill it off completely, plus a hidden protective that can trust both of them."

Annette was attempted a kidnapping by the peacemaker the second night. Shinobu, were you blocked on the first night?
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 4

Yes, she totally was. Don't let anyone tell you different Shinobu. Don't let Toxic control you. You were totally blocked and you aren't afraid to say it.

Said the narrator and GM of Shinobu's character, who will definitely provide favors.
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 4

"I am not evil." Yomi states, having finally managed to rejoin the group. "And Vaiza, if you're truly the interrogator, you'd recall that I've told you Hikari ignored my roleblocking ability. Same with Keiko, the first night." She shrugged. "I am not a cultist, though I'm not sure what I can do to convince you of that here. If there truly is a seducer in play, I imagine she's the one who visited Annette and Shinobu, assuming they were really blocked."
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 4

I begin answering only to begin hearing a odd voice in the back of my head offering me 'favors' should I agree to being blocked, I shudder and give a prayer to the gods.

"No I did not get blocked on the first night, mostly due to not doing anything on account of having imbibed vast quantities of sake that night. Unfortunately I wouldn't be able to know or not."