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DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Shinto Victory


Panda King
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 3

Her eyes still narrowed in distrust, Suki nonetheless relented. Vaize made a good point. "Yomi.... What have you to say for yourself!? Her last act was to come to you, to protect you, and now... You stand accused now!"

(Vote to lynch Yomi!)
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
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Jan 1, 2009
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Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 3

1/5 Votes needed to send Yomi to the Pyre ; Suki(Tassadar)


Has a penis diamiter of 4.5cm
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 3

Keiko looks up from her work. "As relieved as I am to not be the target of your hysterics now, the lore passed down to us states that the Cultist 'Fhalma does not kill those that visit them. The Cultist 'Fhalma kills those that the Cultist 'Fhalma visits. Therefore Yomi is no more likely than anyone else to be guilty." She pauses, thinking. "We also must consider the possibility of a Cultist Defiler, in which case the will itself might be false evidence. I hope that one of our other sisters can provide us with further, more conclusive evidence."
All of this information can be verified by reading the role capabilities--I don't know if people are ignorant of these things or deliberately acting that way.


Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
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Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 3

The former, I was mixing up roleblocking with just visiting

"Keiko has a point. That said, nothing stops Yomi from visiting her back, right? In any case I don't think there's much beyond suspicion here as of yet. But we do have one other matter. Has anyone else been marked by our crazed maiden?"


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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 3

Ikumi sheds a tear for her sisters, Miyuki for the horrors she had been put through, and Yamane who had died long before tonight when she lost her soul to her cult. Already, the accusations had started and there were still the unanimated bodies of their sisters about. Ikumi knew she had to try to quell any early hysterics. “Keiko has claimed she was marked, and although we can’t know for sure that mark is the work of magic and not her own ink, we can be fairly certain that there is a crazed one among us. If she were infested, she would not have missed her chance last night to attack, and for a possessed maiden to not attack twice in a row? I can’t see the point in trying to convince us she doesn’t exist. We can’t necessarily believe that Keiko was kept by our interrogator last night, but there is one person who knows that is true: the interrogator herself. If Keiko was lying, it should be easy enough for her to be executed tonight without the interrogator revealing herself to the evil here.

Ikumi helped Keiko clean and move the bodies, wiping away the evil seed remaining on Miyuki as a thought came to her. “And speaking of the evil here, I fear if the cult has a soothsayer in their midst. For Miyuki to be attacked, when there were none who drew more ire and suspicion of our maidens? Could they have known what powers she had and were trying to get rid of her for it? Luckily a warden among us has done away with the deception the cult had at their hands, but that also means our fairer maidens have to be careful of whom they target. Only our interrogator can walk amongst us with little to fear for now. Was anyone else marked tonight?

Even roleblockers aren't killed by the 'fhalma, that's only when they visit possessed maidens. Roleblockers can be pretty integral in stopping the 'Fhalma each night. 'Fhalma kills NO ONE that visits her.
Last edited:

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 3

Exiting her room and seeing not just Miyuki, but also Yamane laying there, Shiori shook her head a little and could not help but sniffle a little as she approached the group, but with things so chaotic and all the death around her, she knew that she couldn't break down now, though she still couldn't prevent a few tears falling at the sight of two more of their number. Moving over to help Keiko clean the bodies and saying a prayer for both, especially Yamane who had been taken some time before by the cultists and corrupted.

"While I think it is suspicious as well, I agree with Keiko about Yomi. And Ikumi is right about Keiko and the interrogator, whoever the interrogator is, she can deal with that without letting herself be known to the rest of us if she so chooses. I'm more concerned about Anette not even speaking with any of us honestly. She's barely said two words since we all arrived and we're on the third morning now," Shiori said as she helped clean Miyuki up before moving over to cover Yamane's body so they didn't have to look at all the blood, as the sight of it was starting to make her feel a little nauseous.


Has a penis diamiter of 4.5cm
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 3

"Anette's lack of communication is indeed worrying. It suggests two possibilities. Either she is choosing to be silent, or she is being silenced. I have read of cultists with powers to still tongues." She frowns. "On the other hand, that could be also be a deception. The only way to know for sure would be to purge her with fire, and I hesitate to do so without better evidence. Or she could speak up, and save us all from further speculation."


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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 3

"As every maiden said SOMETHING yesterday, I can't imagine the cultists have a manipulator at hand. However, I have little to fear from Annette right now. The cultists have already lost one of their members we remain fairly strong. Being silent, especially while we are clearly aware of their silence, will only delay their inevitable defeat. I'm more worried about us being thrown off-scent by those trying to manipulate the day. If we get lost, we do their job for them."


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 3

"Suki, calm yourself." Yomi finally spoke up as she finished surveying the scene before her. "It is as the other sisters said - Miyuki's fate does little to damn me. All you do is throw accusations around with little justification. You're being disruptive, and that does not help your case."

The maiden sighed. "That being said, losing Miyuki is a great blow to us. Healers are one of our best lines of defense against nighttime attacks, without her our losses will only grow. Thankfully, the Warden among us seems to possess excellent sense. I must admit I am suprised that she found one of the evil ones so fast, but perhaps we're simply fortunate to have a skilled hunter with us. With luck, she will find the remaining cultists swiftly."

"For now, we should pool together what we know. The presence of a Warden rules out the presence of a Trapper. There is also one more protector left. The presence of a Defiler is unlikely... However, it may be possible there is a Soothsayer, just as Ikumi said. If that is the case, finding her must take priority - she will feed information on us to the 'Fhalma."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 3

"Indeed, and Saki hasn't said too much either herself. Though she has at least spoken some to us. But I wouldn't rule out the possibility of a manipulator altogether. She may simply be waiting and biding her time before targeting one of us. It's unlikely, but still a possibility I think. A soothsayer is probably the most likely though I agree," Shiori said, looking over at Yomi as she spoke and then back to Ikumi and the others.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 3

The Shinto who really the fate from her birth has given her the needs to take daily baths at the thermals to fight her health problems, decide to just leave a note at her room, as something happened at her before she could do her work as Shinto "........"

An unknown indecent get inside my room the last night to kidnap me and i preffer to clean myself in the thermal the rest of the day, rather than be close this unknown person

PS: I will not lynch anyone, but the person than installed these useless doors must be punished.

Atte Annette​
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
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Jan 1, 2009
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Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 3

The sun passes the midway point.

16 hours before dark
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 3

The sky begins to become orange around the horizon as the sun commits to it's doomed downward journey to the edge of the world, leaving Shinto and Cultist alike each with their own sense of approaching doom, as the night is safe for 'no one'.

12 Hours before Dark.


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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 3

Ikumi looks around to her sisters, not knowing which are silent from desperation and confusion or trying to keep suspicion away from their evil plans. "So no one else suffered a marking tonight?"


Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
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Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 3

Vaiza walked over and looked at the note on Annette's door. "Well, it might be she got marked, she said someone got into her room last night. She's in the bath's right now. And yeah, we need a Shinto Locksmith or something, this is getting a little silly. Why did no one question our choice to rely on sliding doors?!"


(And Reputation Manager)
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 3

"She said someone tried to kidnap her, so I don't think she waas marked. This is a place of peace and worship, we couldn't ever have expected some of our rank to fall into the grip of evil."


Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
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Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 3

"then if we get out of this, new role to be made. Their job, make doors that play a loud fanfare if opened.," huffs Vaiza, "And one way to find out, I suppose. Someone should go ask."
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 3

Engineers from the town come by and install something in Vaiza's door.

PETA complains that the music upsets the wildlife around the shrine and threatens to sue Vaiza unless she removes the installation to her door. So the engineers come back and take it off.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 3

"Kidnap her?" Yomi questions the note. "Her attitude in the face of a crisis aside... What does she mean by that? The interrogator? Or some other kind of nightly visitor?" She shakes her head. "Honestly, I'm having a hard time figuring out what she means here."


Has a penis diamiter of 4.5cm
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 3

Keiko folds her arms, pensively. "Maybe the doors could play something a little more soothing for the wildlife? Like some or even ? Or do you think perhaps that ?"