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Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

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Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Hearing Genevieve accept her offer, Eliza beams in reply. Seemingly happy with the situation, she leans her head against Genevieve's combing hand, holding the gaze for a brief moment with her kiwi eyes. She'd been more concerned about the masquerade and etiquette than her future meal's feelings, but Genevieve next comment made her totally forget her concerns or even what she'd been thinking about the second before. "Indeed. Who wouldn't be darling?" Eliza teased, eyelashes fluttering. Despite her words, the way Eliza tilted her head, looking down suggested the complement wasn't common as she made it sound. If only she had the ability, she would have blushed bright red just like Genevieve earlier.

"I would like to get to know each other better..." Eliza offered. "Oh that reminds me. It seems my lovely sire arranged for my housing here in London. If you really meant that bit about being interested, maybe you could come with me after we finish with our fun here. We could trade stories, and I'd tell you... well whatever you'd like to know about me. It'd sure be nice to have another friend in the clan."
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

"Beannachd leat," Anabelle said quietly, before departing the room, looking over at Jourdain as he fell in beside her. An eyebrow arches as he nods towards the stranger, but she keeps her lips still for the moment.

Finally, once reaching the small doorway to the next room, Anabelle met her friend's gaze.

"Who was that woman? Old lover from life?" she said, only partially teasing. She wanted to know who Jourdain's friends were, for a little bit of knowledge could hopefully keep her alive.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

"I'm not really sure. He just seems familiar for some reason." Is all Aubrey says. His finger keeps twirling it's spiral pattern where it rests on her back as he stares for a few more seconds. Finally he shrugs and looks down towards Jocelyn.

"Probably nothing to worry about, though. Whenever you're ready we can head back to the city. It's really a lot closer than it seems once you know the right way across the moor. I'm not in a hurry if you want to explore some more though."

The woman leads the way back through the hallway of the ancient manor and up the stairs to the library. She points towards the large stack of parchments at the desk in the back as soon as they enter, before going back to her own studies. The immense library would be easy to get lost in if Vezina had the time to spend on such an endeavor.

She soon found herself before the chamberlain, who looked much like he belonged in the dusty library. His gaunt, almost skeletal, frame and thin pale skin told Vezina almost immediately that he was indeed a Cappadocian. Gyulu had briefly mentioned the clan in her studies back in the caves. The clan of death as they were called were rumored to possess a great knowledge of necromancy, a form of blood sorcery similar in some ways to what her sire had practiced before leaving his home.

Rodger looks up with a welcoming smile and waves to an empty chair. Vezina catches a glimpse of the parchment before him, which seems to be filled with a family tree of some sort.

"I am Rodger De Camden, Lord Mithras' chamberlain. A busy position of late and I fear I have rudely kept many of my guests waiting. Please be seated so that we can discuss your business in my lord's domain."

"Mmm, that would be wonderful. It will be so nice to have someone to discuss things with finally. Some of the Toreador's are nice but their minds are always so one track. There is your brother but he never seems to take the hint and he has to many rules that always get in the way of enjoyment."

Genevieve says leaning in her lips only inches away from Eliza's own, they linger there for a second before pulling back just as the door opens.

"First things first, my dear," She says as two young women are ushered into the room by the ghoul. The one is perhaps a little plain looking but far from ugly and both look to be extremely healthy and clean. Both of them seem to have little idea what is in store them as they look about nervously.

The ghoul bows low and asks, "Will the parlor suffice or do you prefer a private room, miladies?"

"Lysandra? No, I just get along well with her is all. She's Rodger's bodyguard of sorts. She is impressively equal parts brains and brawn though her curse would put a damper on anything like that."

Jourdain answers after a second of confusion about the teasing question. He shakes his head after a second and smiles however before adding.

"Not that I would really know. Living in a monastery most of your life isn't the best way to learn about the fairer sex, and now it's too late to really appreciate them in that fashion."
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

"Unfortunately so for the pair of us friend," Anabelle said, clapping a hand on her mentor's shoulder.

"For the moment, I think I'm going to go take a look in the wilds around the city. Be nice to know the area better," she said, and with a slight nod began to walk away into the night.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

The Chamberlain certainly looked at home among his parchments and vast collection of books. Vezina made a note to be on guard. This kindred had made knowledge his weapon of choice, and a powerful tool it was indeed. Best to keep herself guarded.

She took the seat across from him as directed.

"M'lord. I am Vezina Prasnaglava, childe of Gyulu, descendant of Caine through Enoch and Mekhet, of Clan Tzimisce." She sat up in her seat and eyed the geneology tree in front of Sir Rodger. "I can provide a full lineage, if you would like. Such things appeal to you?"
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Jourdain waves and says a hasty goodbye as Anabelle heads out the door to go exploring. "Good hunting."

He thinks for a moment before deciding it best to let her explore on her own and slips into the main hall, where the other kindred have gathered and takes a quick look around the room.

Rodger's eyes light up as Vezina mentions knowing her lineage. He stands and moves to a nearby shelf where his bony fingers brush over the dusty tomes as he looks for a certain book. Finally he pulls the large tome from the shelf and brings it back to the desk.

"I would very much like to know of your line, Vezina. A hobby of mine, which has proven to be quite useful in my duties. Surely you didn't come here merely to pass along such information though. I suppose like most of my recent visitors you seek acknowledgment in my lord's domain?"

Vezina notes the symbol of her clan etched perfectly into the wooden cover of the book. Judging from the dust the book has seen little use in recent times.

Genevieve smiles serenely at the two women as if to assure them they will be fine. With a glance in Eliza's direction she turns back to the ghoul and says.

"I think a private room would be better. You may receive more customers before the night is through. Wouldn't you agree my dear?" She's says smiling in in Eliza's direction.

Almost forgot about the "refreshments". A full glass would be worth 5 BP's. So Vezina should be full up again, and Jocelyn will get 5 BP's once she finishes. By far the grossest ritual I've read about, so I of course had to use it.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

"Gladly, I will share it with you, m'lord Chamberlain. Knowledge is important for its own sake. One of the greatest gifts of the Embrace is the blessing of time to study."

Vezina waited patiently for Rodger to open his tome with the insignia of her clan upon it and find a fresh page. Once he had dipped his quill she obliged his curiosity.

"From Caine to Enoch the Wise onto the Eldest who is Mekhet, I am descended through the blood of Tabak, then to Ionache, from whence came Gallod who sired Ziais, who in turn embraced my own Sire, Gyulu."

Vezina spoke slowly to allow the Chamberlain time to redip his quill and continue to write in his neat, flowing script the list of her illustrious bloodline. Each entry was a note of pride for Vezina. She may be of an extremely young generation, but her pedigree was immaculate in the considerations of her clan. Only Gyulu's recent break from the traditional homeland could be considered questionable, but this was not something that would be reflected immediately upon her person.

"You are correct. I am here to present myself for acknowledgement in Lord Mithras' domain, in accordance with the laws of our kind."
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Eliza nodded to Genevieve as she got up from the sofa, tossing her hair over her shoulder. "Yes I agree darling, most definitely."

The older Lasombra walked up to the two human women, looking them up and down appraisingly. They were definitely pretty but something seemed off.

"Really girls, what is with these nervous frowns hmm? You look as if someone's asked you to bathe in the sewer." Eliza said with a scowl, stroking a finger through each girl's hair before smiling condescendingly. "Since you don't know who I am, I forgive you but just this once. My friend and I are like royalty. You should be happy. Now where's my smiles?"
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Rodger opens the book roughly halfway and having dipped his quill begins to write as Vezina relates her lineage. Once the entire lineage has been written down he smiles as he replaces the quill and says.

"Yes, knowledge is a great pleasure. Especially to those in my clan, though we typically prefer to further our knowledge in death. I find genealogy to be fascinating though I am a bit atypical as you yourself are. The furthest I have met one of your clan was in Moravia many years ago. Knowledge should be repaid with knowledge however, perhaps some day I will be able to repay my small debt."

He leaves the book sitting open and turns to face Vezina with his hands now folded before him. His eyes hint at wisdom and cunning as he looks her over, he doesn't even seem to notice the soiled nature of his clothes as he continues.

"Ah yes, acknowledgement. That is easily given if you understand our traditions as I'm sure one such as yourself would. You do know of the silence of the blood I hope, as I recall it is not often followed in your homeland. The Tzimisce are far too powerful to worry about such things, but it is an important tradition of my lord's domain."

The girls actually seem to get more nervous at Eliza's approach, despite doing their best to hide it. They both force a smile to their face as Eliza mentions being like royalty and after a curtsy introduce themselves as politely as possible. Bethany and Hannah as they call themselves still seem nervous and refrain from looking up at either of the Cainites.

The ghoul quickly nods his head at the wish of Eliza and Genevieve and graciously bids them all to follow him. He leads the four of them through the inn to a smaller but equally lavish parlor and leaves them to their own devices.

Genevieve seems to be having a slightly easier time of assuaging the girls nervousness. With a coy smile she takes them both by the hand to be seated on luxuriant couch with a smile. Seating herself beside the more average girl, Hannah, she keeps her coy smile and says.

"Now, now girls. Eliza is right you have little to fear from us. Please be seated and we can talk for a bit to calm your fears. You must be new here, or you would probably know me by now."

If you want, Eliza can spend a BP to "masquerade" as a human. Basically it gives you some color, makes you a little warmer to the touch, etc. That's why the girls are so nervous.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

"I'm not really sure. He just seems familiar for some reason." Is all Aubrey says. His finger keeps twirling it's spiral pattern where it rests on her back as he stares for a few more seconds. Finally he shrugs and looks down towards Jocelyn.

"Probably nothing to worry about, though. Whenever you're ready we can head back to the city. It's really a lot closer than it seems once you know the right way across the moor. I'm not in a hurry if you want to explore some more though."

"Hmm..." Jocelyn says with a small shrug, trying to get a look at the man as well, though without being rude about it.

He's a devil, I know it!
That may be, but surely he's not here for us. He's been here too long, and us not long enough.
Still, be wary. He'll stab you in the back when you least expect it!

Not really recognizing the man either, she simply shrugs as well, and responds to his other statement as she leans on his arm. "Whatever you wish to do, Darling. You've spent too much time here without me, I've missed you, a little."
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

"Yes, I know of the traditions, and of that one in particular. I will abide by the laws of Lord Mithras' domain so long as I reside within it. It is odd that the other clans do not seek to enjoy the same power over their realms as do the Voivodes of the Tzimisce, but to each Lord his own right to rule, and his own burden. I understand that you are a scholar of the Via Regalis. I am an initiate upon that road as well. I would very much desire to speak in the same lofty circles as yourself, Lord Chamberlain."

Vezina spoke smoothly, delivering her promises and observations with all the candor and dignified grace she believed herself capable of. She had to make it clear to the high clans that she was one of them, deserving of standing in that upper echelon. She knew there would be a testing period, and a time where they would attempt to use her to further their own ends, but she knew that if she were capable and smart about things, she could carve a niche for herself among them.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Eliza arches a snowy eyebrow, frowning in confusion at the girls as they avoid her gaze. The former duchess glances between Genevieve and the others as the ghoul leads them into the smaller, private parlor. Wondering how these girls could possibly be resisting her magnificent charm and charisma, Eliza watched as they both eagerly followed Genevieve to the couch. She crossed her arms jealously and humphed loud enough for everyone to hear.

"There might be something to fear if they insist on continuing to act like I'm some kind of monster." Eliza grumbled as she began to masquerade as a human. The Lasombra woman walked purposely to the couch. She pushed her fingers beneath Bethany's chin, forcing the girl to look up into her cold kiwi eyes as she stood above her. "What? Am I not beautiful enough for you, girl?"
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

"Well we can always take our time getting back to our haven. The library is nice but you're so much more important to me. Let's get out of here and hopefully we'll have a less eventful evening from here out."

Aubrey says with a gentle tug to get them moving out of the room. They pass Jourdain, who gives them a curious look, as they leave the room. The rest of the way is quiet as Aubrey leads the way through the quiet halls and out of the manor.

Ulric, your fellow kook is the one who looks familiar, in case you didn't figure it out.

"I'm sure you will make an excellent addition to my lord's court, Vezina. I myself find it perfectly normal that we should rule from the shadows rather than from the open. I am a bit biased in this matter however."

Rodger says in response to Vezina's statement before he relaxes back into his chair.

"It would be more appropriate to say I follow the via consuasor, though it is a path of the road of kings. The path of the vizier as it is more commonly called tends to be a bit more subtle and scholarly than the main path.

I do owe you a small favor for so graciously telling me of your lineage so it might be recorded. The rest of my evening is free as well perhaps I can repay my debt with some knowledge of my own."

Bethany pales as Eliza lifts her chin to look at her eye to eye, she stammers for the briefest of seconds before stammering out.

"O-of course not milady. Y-you're more than beautiful. I-I..."

Bethany's smooth skin goes from pale to deep red as she tries to look down. She's barely able to lower her gaze as an embarrassed smile creeps across her flushed cheeks. Finally she looks back up and says.

"Please forgive me milady. Won't you please sit down?"

Genevieve is already whispering something to Hannah as she stares deeply into her eyes and after a few more seconds of whispering the two of them have changed places. With a wink to Eliza she smiles and says.

"Now, Eliza. One can hardly blame her for being afraid of such a powerful woman. Why don't you accept her apology and sit with us."
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Nope, no clue. maybe i need to start paying closer attention, or read everybody else's stuff, or something XD

Jocelyn just smiled and nodded, letting Aubrey lead her out into the night air. She noticed Jourdain was watching them much closer than the others, and she frowned a bit in confusion about it, though she didn't comment.

Once outside, she wrinkled her nose a bit at the smell of the bogs. "Do you think he lives all the way out here to avoid all the people?" She asked idly, looking around casually and pretty well just seeing bog all around.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Vezina inclined her head. "Knowledge for knowledge. I am pleased to hear what you might offer, my Lord Chamberlain."

The path of the Vizier made sense for a Cappodocian, obviously, as his clan did not possess the majesty of the Tzimsce. Vezina found appeal in being a scholarly ruler, but believed in taking full responsibility for one's own realm. It should reflect its ruler.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Eliza watches Bethany wriggle under her piercing gaze until finally giving a nonchalant nod to the girl. "Hmm.. well I suppose my majesty could be rather intimidating for one unused to it." She said thoughtfully, giving the girl a little stroke under the chin with her finger before sitting down daintily on the sofa and leaning back against the back rest.

"I forgive you Bethany. You really should work on your first impressions, however. I expect some of the visitors here are not so generous and caring as I."
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

"I think so, he seems to prefer his books to company. Who was that other guy he looked at us kind of strange?"

Aubrey says while retrieving his horse from the blank-eyed servant. The beast takes a little while to calm down but eventually Aubrey is able to mount and help Jocelyn up behind him. Riding out of the boggy marsh Aubrey picks his path carefully but the trip seems to go much quicker. Before long they are riding in a different gate complete with it's own protective runes.

I figured everyone was reading all the parts. Not that you should be necessarily, since that might lead you to do bad metagaming.

Rodger seems to think for a moment before responding in his typical manner.

"Well I'm sure you've already discovered much about your fellow Cainite's within the domain and our current problems. I can perhaps offer keener insights on some specific goal you might wish to pursue. I am also a purveyor of rumors and gossip if you prefer such things. Perhaps even use of my library for a short time."

Just occurred to me that you may not realize that the chamberlain is essentially the harpy with a bit of Keeper of Elysium mixed in.

"Of course milady. I really am truly sorry and I will gladly do anything you wish to make up for it."

Bethany says as she follows Eliza's eyes the whole time. The flush is still in her face as she carefully moves deeper into her seat so that she may easily converse with Eliza. She starts to look back for a second before jumping slightly as Genevieve's hand brushes across her face while she moves closer. Bethany doesn't seem to mind or notice that she is now effectively pinned between the two Cainite's, though she does seem a bit unsure of which to pay more attention to.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Nah, i separate knowledge easily enough. Just been too busy too, and don't wanna go back and read all of it now, is all XD

"He's Jourdain, one of the few I met on my way here." She explained. "I don't know why he glared like that. I don't remember offending him..."

Mounting the horse seems more difficult the second time around, but eventually they were up and picking their way across the bog. She stayed silent unless Aubrey spoke up, her arms wrapped around him comfortably as they rode.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Eliza smirks, allowing Bethany to move closer to her side. Her kiwi eyes glint mischievously, laughing quietly at the girl's eagerness to please. "Anything hmm?" The older Lasombra purrs, brushing a hair from Bethany's cheek. "Glad to hear it. Some find my tastes to be a tad... unusual." Eliza giggled.

Curling one of her arms under Bethany's arm and sliding another beneath her legs, Eliza scooped her up. She made a bit of a show of how easy it was to pick up the girl then slid next to Genevieve, setting Bethany back down on top of their thighs between the two kindred.

"Heheh.. Relax.." Eliza purred somewhat commandingly. Her arms wrapped around the girl, delicately rubbing down Bethany's arms and legs. She made sure not to press too hard, as if afraid she might break the girl like a wine glass. Eliza's hand climbed back up Bethany's arm all the way up to her shoulder, slowly baring the girl's shoulder to expose her delicate, beautiful flesh from her neck to her shoulder. "Quite forgiven, indeed.." She said sultrily, wetting her lips with her tongue and leaning down to suck on Bethany's shoulder. Eliza slid the tip of her tongue all the way along Bethany's shoulder to her neck then kissed her there too, pulling at her skin with her lips gently.

"Close your eyes dear." Eliza commanded her with a soft voice. The platinum haired Lasombra curled her fingers into Bethany's hair behind her head. She slid a mischievous grin to Genevieve. Suddenly her fingers tightened in Bethany's hair, pulling backwards tightly to tilt Bethany's head back, exposing her seductive carotid. Eliza's fangs descended. She stared at Bethany's bared flesh hungrily.

"This will only hurt for a moment" was all she said before sinking her sharp fangs into Bethany's delicate neck. Eliza groaned hungrily as soon as the pretty girl's blood touched her fangs. She sucked it out of her slowly, hungrily savoring each drop.

Yummy, hehe. She doesn't have any intention of killing Bethany though if she can avoid it. ^_^
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Vezina leaned forward. "I would like to acquire a satisfactory haven... a place where I might consider laying down my roots. It would therefore need to be someplace close to a feeding ground, yet also roomy enough that with time and proper care, could become a suitable bastion to call my own. Whatever advice you could give that would speed me along in gaining the rights to such an abode within the mortal society of London would be appreciated."
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