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Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

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Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

"I heard honesty gets folks like us killed friend; but it's worked out for me so far," Anabelle said, throwing the staring woman a small smirk before moving into the back where Roger awaited her.

She moved calmly, quickly, to where he was, and stood before him, and offered a bow.

"My lord prince," she said quietly.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Eliza did her best not to look at the guy with the freaky eyes when she went with Genevieve to collect their cloaks. She pulled the dark fabric over her soft, pale shoulders, tying the clasp at her collarbone. The former duchess stuffed the note and key in a pocket with her brujah dagger and was out the door. After a bit of an ordeal getting back on her horse and muttered cursing, Eliza followed Genevieve out through the moor, doing her best to ignore the pestilent smell until it went away.

When they were finally away from the moor, Eliza's mood improved, especially when she thought of what she was hopefully about to do. Eliza grinned back at Genevieve, her fangs already extending in anticipation.

"That sounds exquisite Genevieve. And a Ventrue you say?" Eliza snorted out a laugh. "Ha! ...I suppose we won't begrudge him his unfortunate clan membership so long as he provides the goods!"
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Sister Pallas nods politely before saying, "Farewell Vezina, should you not be able to find me here, simply check at the abbey in Westminster."

Most of the others seem to be too deep in their own plots and conversations to have paid much attention to Vezina. Ulric has returned to his seat where he is now perusing a book and Pallas returns to her dignified relaxation. Nothing happens as Vezina makes her query aloud. However a few moments later Vezina catches the briefest glimpse of a darkly robed figure moving noisily to a side room.

"That's why it's sometimes best not to say anything rather than tell the truth." Jourdain says with a smirk as Anabelle makes her way into the room. He goes to speak with the woman as she stares after Anabelle.

Rodger gets an amused smile on his face as he waves to one of the seats. After Anabelle has taken her seat or indicated she prefers to stand he says.

"Flattering but I'm not quite that important, a simple my lord would be far more appropriate. You must be the Gangrel known as Anabelle. At least I think I've had more visitors tonight than the two previous months together.

Anyways to the business at hand. Normally my lord wouldn't require one of your clan to declare themselves. If you plan to be with us for some time he prefers to know that you can conduct yourself somewhat civilized and at least knows the traditions. You are aware of the traditions I believe, even if it isn't a thorough knowledge. Jourdain can always explain them more thoroughly if you don't understand some point."

The horses despite being more difficult without someone to calm it manages to get the pair into the city. Genevieve carefully leads them along the wall towards the west side of the city. After steadily making their way through the cold muddy streets she points ahead to what appears to be a well-appointed inn or tavern.

"Almost there. I have to admit despite his being Ventrue he has excellent taste. If he doesn't have something he can usually get it for you. I think I spend far to much time here, but it can be so addicting to revel in such things."
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Having no other pressing matter to attend to, and feeling as if that brief motion in the shadows was meant to be seen, Vezina strolled over to the side room, leaving her empty goblet on a side table before pushing through the heavy door to the secluded area.

She adjusted her eyes to the dim light and used her Auspex senses to scan the room, looking for a sign of anyone or anything.
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Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Taking a seat, and toying with her feet slightly, she let herself relax.

"I am her, and I've had a refreshment on the traditions. And I do plan on staying here for some time... how long I'm not sure as of yet. I figured I could use some, civilization for a time. It seems I chose an interesting time to emerge however," Anabelle said, resting her arms across her knees.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Eliza looked in the direction that Genevieve pointed toward the inn or tavern. Apparently pleased with what she saw, she smiled back at her companion.

"I know what you mean dear, but immortality can be such a bore if you don't have a little fun now and again."

The snowy haired Lasombra bit her lip, her kiwi eyes glinting in excitement.

"Mm, I can practically taste the blood on my lips already... It's been way too long since I had something worth sinking my teeth into."
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Jocelyn smiles in Aubrey's embrace, and nods. "I know. Distancing it is a bit better I guess." She says softly, taking his hand and following him. "They could have. I didn't have time to examine the wards, or I may know more. They did look kind of old, maybe their power had faded. Worked well enough for the building it was on, though." She answered, shrugging a bit.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Entering the side room of the manor it takes Vezina immediately notices the hideous creature staring back at her. Despite his noble dress and demeanor she can feel little but revulsion at the cursed creature. Roughly a quarter of the left side of his face is unmarred and could in fact be considered handsome. However the remainder looks as though someone had taken and peeled the skin after boiling it (picture a peeled tomato). The missing flesh makes his mouth look as if he is constantly half smiling.

"I beg your pardon, milady. Unfortunately I can not communicate very well without being seen. As you have probably surmised I am Richard De Worde, Lord Mithras' sheriff. If milady wishes I can make myself less visible while she makes states her business."

Rodger smiles politely, revealing the hideousness of his clan's curse. His hands fold together in his lap as he looks into Anabelle's eyes and states.

"I suppose it is an interesting time to some, however I prefer quiet study to all the current excitement. I heard Jourdain's hasty explanation but I wish to be sure you understand the importance of our traditions. Breaking one of our ancient laws is the surest way to a painful death at my lord's order.

Of course Jourdain likely plans to explain them more thoroughly, which is perfectly acceptable. I'm sure he has a better understanding of how to explain such things to one of your clan."

After leaving their mounts at a nearby stable Genevieve leads the way to the front entrance of the establishment. The small front room they find themselves in is sparsely decorated and empty except for a large brooding man dressed in leathers and a smaller rat-nosed gentleman who smiles as he sees them enter.

"Ah Genevieve, how nice of you to pay my masters establishment a visit again. I feared we wouldn't have any customers this evening with the excitement and here you have brought us a new guest."

He bows deeply as he speaks to them before addressing them once more, "I do hope you will enjoy yourselves. My master is not here currently but I can see to all of your needs till he arrives. Do my ladies have any special requests this evening?"

Aubrey leads the way back to the main room with Jocelyn in his arms. Upon reentering a few of the other petitioners look up to view their entrance before entering back into their private conversations. Jocelyn notes that most of the ones she had come with are gone with the exception of Vezina. Who enters into one of the side chambers of the mansion.

Aubrey pays little attention to the other petitioners and leads Jocelyn to the back where sustenance has been laid out for the guests. He takes one of the glasses himself and drinks before indicating for Jocelyn to do so as well speaking softly as he does so.

"It's not bad. Perhaps a little strange to drink it like this but it's safe and it doesn't harm anyone in the least."
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Eliza perused the non-descript room as she entered with Genevieve. It was a bit different than what she expected from the outside, and she wasn't quite sure what to make of it. Pushing those thoughts out of her mind, Eliza offered the smallish man an appraising gaze and a nod.

"Hello. I am Eliza." After waiting a moment to see if Genevieve would say anything, Eliza decided to take the lead. "I don't suppose you have anything half as beautiful as my companion here? If so, I'd very much like to share it with her." Eliza finished with a bit of a smile in Genevieve's direction.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Vezina had thought herself prepared, her nerves steeled. After all, she had seen dead bodies, tortured peasants, and the handiwork of Scorylo all in her past. Yet Richard was different. His curse was palpable, and went beyond simple ugliness. The repulsiveness of his visage was rooted in the dark see of his clan's progenitor. A punishment of pride, that terrible sin.

She looked away.

"No. No, good sir. It shall not be necessary." Vezina stared at the stone wall, trying to compose herself and cast the Nosferatu's face from her mind. But once seen, it could not be wished away. Nightmarish. "Did you by chance overhear my conversation with the good Sister Pallas? She thought it prudent that I inform the city's Sheriff of the disappearance of the Gilded Merchant's innkeeper, a ghoul of the missing Valerius. He went in search of his Master last night, to bring him vitae. I did not follow him, but he has not returned yet, to my knowledge. If you cannot find Valerius, perhaps finding the ghoul instead will lead the investigation further."

Furtively, her irises reached the side of her eyes and she dared another glance in Richard's direction. Seeing him again was only marginally better than the first time, because she knew now what to expect. Still, she had the desire to be rid of him. Why had she told him to not disappear? Foolish. Now she would be forced to have his presence near her. She would have to make the best of it.

"I merely... wished to be of whatever small service to the Lord Mithras that I could, despite my short time in London."
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Jocelyn's eyes widen a bit as she spots the entire original group gone, short Vezina who seemed to be in the process of doing so as well. Her grip on Aubrey tightened a bit at the stares, but softened again when they looked away.

When they reach the 'refreshments', she hesitates, until Aubrey nudges her to take one as well. She does so, sipping at it while he speaks. "Well, no harm *now*, but it had to come from somewhere, right?" She asked, shuddering a little as images of torture rooms and intricate bleeding devices crossed her mind...
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Well fuck I forgot which clan Roger is

Raising an eyebrow slightly at both the words and the display before her, Anabelle leaned further back in her chair.

"When first I met him he was running around a desert with my sire. Perhaps a bit of the wild has rubbed off on him. As much as it has this city," she said before spending a moment regarding her fingernails, and the dirt caked beneath them.

"The man wolves are in the city. Is this a common occurrence?"
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

The smallish man nods his head vigorously as Eliza makes her request. His beady eyes glisten as he turns to the brutish man who wordlessly opens the other door out of the room. The smallish man leads the pair of Cainites through into a much more lavishly appointed sitting room and indicates they should be seated. Genevieve smiles mischievously as she suddenly adds to the request in a more commanding tone than Eliza had thought possible of the girl.

"Make that two pretty little mortals, ghoul. My dear companion has had a long trip with little sustenance and we wouldn't want to pose a risk to Bayard's stock. Now run along and make the preparations."

The ghoul nods his head and looks as if he's about to say something when Genevieve's eyes light up and she snarls further.

"I said to run along. The second girl can be added to my account but I expect the first to be free as is your master's custom. Now go."

The ghoul blanches a little and hurries from the room as Genevieve sinks into a soft looking sofa and waves for Eliza to join her.

Richard bows his head as Vezina looks away and begins to explain why she wished to speak with him. He listens closely while she explains with that horrible half-grin permanently emblazoned on his face. Looking back after she has finished explaining he nods his head and Vezina could swear he almost seems to be enjoying watching her squirm. Though perhaps it is just his appearance as he seems to be rather aware of his status as a member of the low clans.

"I had missed the conversation between the two of you, though I was curious. It is unwise to listen to some of our conversations especially if they are too observant. I thank you for the information milady and will certainly look into it, immediately. Is there anything else You would request of my lord's humble servant?"

The blood within the chalice has a strange taste to it, kind of bland but filling. Aubrey seems to hesitate a little as she says the blood has to come from somewhere. Taking another sip from his own chalice he looks about the room for a second before speaking very softly into Jocelyn's ear.

"Rodger makes it from those who have already died. After they have passed from this world he simply performs some ritual and it creates this. He doesn't kill them he simply takes their mortal bodies is all."

Aubrey sets his finished glass back down and looks down towards the floor. A worried look passes over his face as though he's wondering if he should have told her how the blood was made.

The Cappadocian leans back into his chair as well, his hands still crossed in his lap. He looks towards Anabelle curiously for a few more seconds before returning his eyes to the sheet of parchment on his desk.

"Jourdain is one of the more traveled members of my lord's domain, at least for one as young as he is. The lupines have never been a problem before, I'm told there are a few specimens to be found in the city but I've never heard much more said about them. I'm sure Richard or even Jourdain would know more than I as they are not my area of concern.

I see no problem in approving your stay in my lord's domain. As I have told the others you may need to speak with Valerius when he is found. It shouldn't be a problem as long as you break no rules in the mean time however. If you have no other questions or concerns, you may go as you wish. I fear I have little to offer one of the Gangrel in aid but should you need something of me don't hesitate to ask."

Cappadocian, they look more corpse like than other kindred.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Jocelyn stops drinking as she listens to his explanation, staring down at the cup herself. "That's... I don't know a word to describe it. But, if it is as you say, then this is the closest we can come to surviving without doing harm. I'd choose that over what we had been doing, easily." She said slowly, offering Aubrey a bit of a smile before she started to drink again. It tasted bland and maybe a little dry, but she could stand that, given the circumstances.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Vezina noticed the way the Nosferatu seemed to enjoy her discomfort. For her it was the first time seeing such repulsiveness, but for him, this reaction must be an every night occurrence. She felt bitter about him deriving satisfaction from her revulsion, and determined that she would do better when meeting with Nosferatu in the future.

"I am glad you will take it into consideration. That is all I had to say to you. I wish you luck in your search." Turning from him, Vezina strode from the chamber, back out into the main hall. Wretched creatures, the Nosferatu. And yet Gyulu had told her that they served a useful purpose to Cainite society, and had been helpful to the Tzimsice in the past. Much as she wanted to discount them, she knew that Richard's appointment as Sheriff marked him as powerful, and therefore the low clan Nosferatu must have some bite to them in this city. Certainly more than her own.

Without true allies, Vezina was on her own and could be brought low by any faction, even the most degraded ones. Ever more she grew certain that she must build for herself a bastion of power... and that began with meeting Lord Mithras - or in the present circumstances, his Chamberlain.

She looked around, wondering if the Cappadocian would ever make an appearance or indicate himself. Was he not in this room? Perhaps he was somewhere else? Did she wait or was she expected to go and find him.

Patience, she thought. It would not do to go snooping around a host's home uninvited. Ghastly manners, that. So she would wait. He must know she was here by now - the rumors would have flown about the household. Every new face was a potential threat or a potential pawn. No Cainite goes unwatched by their peers.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Anabelle slowly nodded, and pulled her gaze away from the kindred before her. For a brief moment, memories flashed before her eyes, but they vanished as she did her best to remind herself those happened to a woman long dead... it usually helped.

"Should the lord have need of a sword arm... I'll be around. If that is all, I take my leave m'lord," Anabelle said, getting to her feet and offering a small bow.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Eliza seems satisfied that Bayard's ghoul believes he has what she's looking for, but as soon as he turns to lead them to the next room, Eliza scowls. Leave it to a Ventrue to find such a distasteful ghoul, the Lasombra thought to herself.

Her scowl quickly vanished though, returning to a neutral expression as she removed her hood and was just about to turn to take a seat. That was when Genevieve suddenly started issuing her commands. Eliza looked surprised for a brief second, arching a snowy eyebrow and watching Genevieve curiously as the girl issued her dictates to the ghoul. By the time Genevieve finished, Eliza lips had curled into a prideful smile that stayed there as she gracefully sat down next to her clan mate. So she is a lasombra after all, and one with potential! Eliza made sure Genevieve saw her pleased smile but kept her thoughts about it to herself. The older lasombra was glad that she'd decided to try to take this girl under her wing.

"Two for the price of one hm? Excellent. Though I do hope you'll still take me up on my offer to share." Eliza said with a wink before relaxing on the sofa with a sigh. "Ah. I could get used to this. Perhaps London isn't totally awful after all. So tell me Genevieve, do these girls know what we're about to do to them?"
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

A smile slowly spreads across Aubrey's face as Jocelyn explains how she feels about the blood they just drank. The relief on his face is evident as he pulls her close once more and whispers.

"I was afraid you would find the idea disturbing, but you're right it is the least harmful way to satisfy our needs. At least that I know of."

He looks around the room once more and he seems to stop at one of the men. Jocelyn can feel a finger begin to trace a spiral pattern where Aubrey's hand rests as he holds her. He seems caught up as he caught up as he is prone to be by the other petitioner. The man looks up briefly as Jocelyn looks to see what has her sire so distracted. A well-dressed gentleman with rough features, he bears an air of power despite seeming to sit alone away from the others.

Richard nods his head as Vezina turns and leaves, as soon as she is out of sight he quickly fades into the shadows and out of her thoughts. The room is the same as she left it with the addition of Jocelyn standing near the table of refreshments. Vezina's thoughts twirl to her current position of weakness and the means to rectify it. Allowing just enough distraction that she doesn't notice the red haired Cainite return return. The woman's keen eyes stop as they alight on Vezina and she quickly makes her way over, bowing slightly as she addresses her.

"Excuse me, milady. I am sorry if you have not been properly greeted by my master, Sir Rodger. If you wish to speak with him he can see you now however."

Rodger nods his head and says, "I'm sure my lord would find a use for a handy sword arm should the need arise. That is all, farewell."

As soon as Anabelle has made her back to the door, Jourdain joins her and gives a nod to the red-headed woman. While they are heading back downstairs the same woman passes them on the way back to the main room. Jourdain stops in the hallway and looks back to the banquet hall before asking.

"If you want to head back to speak with anyone else, feel free. I think my business here is done for the night. I doubt if you'll have any trouble finding your way back to the city if you're staying."

Genevieve smiles easily slipping back into her normal persona as she leans close and says.

"Of course I'll share. I just want to make sure there is plenty to go around is all."

Genevieve's hand slips into Eliza's snowy hair and gently combs through it as she looks deeply into Eliza's eyes. Her smile seems to grow ever wider and more seductive the longer they sit there. At Eliza's final question, she giggles a little and says.

"Who cares. They really are nothing more than tools for our pleasure after all. I'm for more interested in you my dear."
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

"It is disturbing, but it's a better alternative, I think." Jocelyn explains as she looks down at the glass, taking another sip. She remains staring at it for a while, until she feels his finger start to trace circles on her back. She looks back up at him, then follows his gaze to the person sitting alone. "Who's that?" She asks slowly, her hand reaching back to give his a squeeze.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

"No apology is necessary," Vezina said, and returned the slight bow to the redhead. "I would like to introduce myself to the Chamberlain. Please lead me to him."

If the redhead acquiesced, Vezina would be led through the halls and doors until she reached the library. Instantly she felt more at home in this atmosphere of books and learning. She did her best to walk with good bearing and posture, attempting to exemplify nobility as Gyulu had taught her. She acted as if nothing at all were wrong with her appearance. The fact that her clothes were dampened and bloodstained would not give her pause, let Sir Rodger see that her spirit and upbringing were the noble parts of her, not the clothes she wore.
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