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ACT [ Z-Fied ] Resident Evil Progeny

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Re: Resident Evil Progeny

Base Maximum health for the character is 40 HP (Compared to basic zombie's health of 10-15 HP)

Caution is 75% of maximum health (so 30 HP)
Danger is 20% of maximum health (so 8 HP)

Well, the damage and difficulty all works on multipliers, Normal is 4, Hard is 6, Insta-Rape is 8. Getting to the final damage is quite complex.

The player recovers about 0.64 HP a second. Yes, you still recover while taking damage.

Is the damage described the same for when getting raped? If not, what is the numbers for getting raped? Furthermore, is that damage per second (DPS) or damage per animation? What about for for getting raped, is it DPS or damage per animation? (Also what about the 2-zombie-on-you one?)
Re: Resident Evil Progeny


I haven't played RE6, but I'd be surprised if Jill isn't mentioned by Chris once.

I have.

I actually like the game a lot more than many people seem to.

Jill is totally shafted though. No mention of her existence anywhere.
Re: Resident Evil Progeny

Got an error:

action number 1
of Destroy Event
for object obj_zgrapple1finish:

Trying to delete non-existing sprite.

Occurred when being ass-fucked by a zombie while wearing the 'special' outfit.

Also, there is no basic "crouching" sprite for the 'special' outfit, it just defaults her back to her starting clothing.
Re: Resident Evil Progeny

I have.

I actually like the game a lot more than many people seem to.

Jill is totally shafted though. No mention of her existence anywhere.

Which is strange, considering how obsessive he was in the last one.
Re: Resident Evil Progeny

Hey again,

Firstly, just to let you know, I'll be updating it this week with the replacers for crouch and anal, as well as the bug fix for the problem you guys have encountered. I tested it thoroughly and wasn't able to replicate it before, now all of a sudden it starts popping up. :mad:

Anyway, more responses:


The base damage for zombie rape is 0.2 HP per second, then you have to times it by the difficulty multiplier, and then any reductions. So on easy, it would be 0.8 HP per second.

For the 2 zombie rape, it goes up to base 0.3 per second (1.2 HP per second for easy)

The cerberus rape begins at base 0.25 (1 on easy)

So submitting can save you from a lot of damage (considering your max HP starts at 40)

Biting grapples works a little differently, that works per animation. The base damage for that depends on how many times you've been bitten, and how much armor you have. For a fully clothed Rebecca, the damage works like so:

1st bite: 1 * difficulty multiplier
2nd bite 1 * difficulty multiplier
3rd bite 1.5 * difficulty multiplier

and a fully nude Rebecca is:

1st bite: 1.5 * difficulty multiplier
2nd bite 1.5 * difficulty multiplier
3rd bite 2.5 * difficulty multiplier

As you can see, the 3rd bite is the most damaging, but there is more than enough time to escape before that.


Yep, that's been fixed now (I hope!) and I'll be updating it by next week, along with the "special" replacer for crouching

Other than the bug, hope you guys have enjoyed this update!

Re: Resident Evil Progeny

.- . Just a question, since I haven't checked in for a while now.

Have you add a way to close the game without having to get game over to return to starting screen.

Last time I complain about that point, you mentioned making the 'close' button (red X on top-right of window) open an in-game menu, but I'm not sure if that's in this version.
Re: Resident Evil Progeny

Hey again,

Yep, that's been fixed now (I hope!) and I'll be updating it by next week, along with the "special" replacer for crouching

Other than the bug, hope you guys have enjoyed this update!


I'll tell you what would be awesome, a random cum drip with the crouch. It would be extra work, but you could add a semen volume and a few variant crouch animations for extra immersion. Just an idea.

Great work so far, and I saw some conversation early in the thread and I'm so glad you chose Rebecca.
Re: Resident Evil Progeny

Something else I suggest.

You should at least keep the minimize button in the top right corner. It's useful. :D

Also some more glitches:
- Rebecca is still clothed when you crouch after being stripped (Always in full medic cloth when she crouches.)
- Rebecca disappears when you click "z" to inspect something; I held the "up" key and she went into the barricade and was stuck inside (Done by holding a directional key while repeatedly pressing the "z" key to glitch through any blocking object; try it with the menu in the bar)
- Sometimes, the bullets fly really high - not in the lane you shot it in (Think it was done by clicking X>Z>release X really quickly)
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Re: Resident Evil Progeny

Oh, also, I was having trouble getting kills on zombies in the gun shop.

My bullets either seamed to miss some times, and/or when I tried to melee them to death, they never died. I could get like, 3 or 4 consecutive hits on them before they zombie would grab me and I had to break free, but it's like that would re-set the zombie's health or something and I could never kill them. I literally spent 5+ minutes fighting the same zombie but couldn't kill it.

I'm not sure if this issue happens in other places as well (or maybe it's even supposed to, I dunno), I just thought I'd mention it.
Re: Resident Evil Progeny

Oh, also, I was having trouble getting kills on zombies in the gun shop.

My bullets either seamed to miss some times, and/or when I tried to melee them to death, they never died. I could get like, 3 or 4 consecutive hits on them before they zombie would grab me and I had to break free, but it's like that would re-set the zombie's health or something and I could never kill them. I literally spent 5+ minutes fighting the same zombie but couldn't kill it.

I'm not sure if this issue happens in other places as well (or maybe it's even supposed to, I dunno), I just thought I'd mention it.

I had the same thing happen to me, but I eventually managed to kill the zombie; they might be healing while grappling you for something. As for the bullets missing, there's a skill to make you more accurate.
Re: Resident Evil Progeny

Game is coming along great, really enjoying the new update. I have found a small bug, when you read examine the posters along the wall that read " Various posters are put up here, some are bloodied. One reads: MISSING - Ashley Castro" if you keep holding up you will walk into the wall.
Re: Resident Evil Progeny

Game is coming along great, really enjoying the new update. I have found a small bug, when you read examine the posters along the wall that read " Various posters are put up here, some are bloodied. One reads: MISSING - Ashley Castro" if you keep holding up you will walk into the wall.

That bug works for all objects during that "pause-and-invisible" period.
Re: Resident Evil Progeny

Hey there guys!

Just thought I'd let you know I'm updating the blog quite a bit more now...

Also, I've got a poll running at the moment, so if you're still interested in the game, I'd suggest voting on it!


Also, here's some late responses (so very late.)


Escape button. Aside from being in the inventory, you should be able to press it anywhere.


Hm, it should be in the crouching... I'll have a look at the code for it.


I didn't know the minimize button worked... o.o

In terms of the bugs:

#1 is fixed
#2 is (kind of) fixed. I've removed the game pausing during examining again, I couldn't find anyway to bring the characters on screen while examining without going through A LOT of my code, and it wasn't worth it just to make enemies stop during the searches.
#3 I'm still looking at.


You mean the pharmacy?
Ah, that means one of the very old bugs has returned (where zombies health would reset on grabs)


As duck put, happens with all objects. Won't happen anymore though.


Hope you enjoy it!
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Re: Resident Evil Progeny

I meant that you should have a minimize button in the top corner. Since HOTB has one that works, I think you should be able to have on as well. :)

Also, I'm questioning why the game takes just as much (if not more) ram than HOTB since HOTB has 3d shading while this one does not... :confused:
Re: Resident Evil Progeny

hi was wondering if anyone got past the locked doors yet? im kinda stuck at the moment
Re: Resident Evil Progeny

That's all there is to the game so far. It was past that point in the olders fully 2d version
Re: Resident Evil Progeny

oh ok just wondering its pretty good wonder when a new version will be out? ill just check the blog from time to time to see whats new
Re: Resident Evil Progeny

Hey folks, long time lurker here. Thought I'd post to let y'all know that Z-Fied has just posted on his blog that FAPCOM is back, and they're back to work on the project. So for all of you who were interested, looks like it's been reanimated. Heh, sorry, couldn't help but throw that pun in there.

Z also mentioned that they are working on a new animation for the dogs, and a possible skill tree revamp.
Re: Resident Evil Progeny

Any walkthrough's?
I cant get out of the stage where at is the back yard of some store at the south D:
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