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Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Honestly, I'm quite disappointed in YT, it's one thing to charge an update saying the version will be out in May and miss it by a month (no biggie, really, issues happen, deadlines are usually missed, and those who say otherwise lie.) and another, very different, to be already three months late with no release in sight any time soon.

He knew the project wasn't ready when April was ending and he announced Chapter 1 would be out in two weeks, I don't get the purpose of saying that just to let three months go by later.

And please, don't answer this post, either to support or attack it. I'm just giving my two cents, and just like positive feedback will help him know what works correctly, I hope with this negative feedback he understands to take more seriously the timetables and the value of his promises.

Hunter's Quest was released two weeks ago. The content that was tied to that charge in April is finished and released. Thanks.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Hunter's Quest was released two weeks ago. The content that was tied to that charge in April is finished and released. Thanks.

Yummy, I think the problem is this quote from a few months back. "This update is a PLEDGED update, meaning you will be charged your pledge amount in early May. This pledged update will cover the release of Aylia's Story Chapter 1 and Hunter's Quest translation and modification." I'm not sure how you wanted this interpreted, but I think most people had that as Aylia's Story chapter 1 being a part of the content update, especially because it was listed first. It's not a big deal, and never has been since you're not charging again for it, but this was obviously a mistake :p.

I feel like you were excited at the time because you thought you'd be able to release the first chapter along with Hunter's quest, as prior to this announcement I think you actually did make it clear that the first pledged update would be for HQ only. While chapter one wasn't going to be a part of a pledged update period.
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Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Yummy, I think the problem is this quote from a few months back. "This update is a PLEDGED update, meaning you will be charged your pledge amount in early May. This pledged update will cover the release of Aylia's Story Chapter 1 and Hunter's Quest translation and modification." I'm not sure how you wanted this interpreted, but I think most people had that as Aylia's Story chapter 1 being a part of the content update, especially because it was listed first. It's not a big deal, and never has been since you're not charging again for it, but this was obviously a mistake :p.

I feel like you were excited at the time because you thought you'd be able to release the first chapter along with Hunter's quest, as prior to this announcement I think you actually did make it clear that the first pledged update would be for HQ only. While chapter one wasn't going to be a part of a pledged update period.

I get that, but the notion that I charged for something and did not deliver is incorrect. That pledged update was for Hunter's Quest, as I've said from the beginning that Chapter 1 would not be a pledged release. About 25-30% of my patrons declined the charge, saying that they were not pledging for Hunter's Quest, but for Aylia's Story--and, that was fine. That is why I believe most of my backers understood that the pledge was tied to Hunter's Quest.

I did think it would be released, and I thought it would be ready last August too. Maybe that makes me a terrible person, and if so, so be it. Yet, Hunter's Quest was released just two weeks ago, so to say that I've done nothing in 3 months since I ran my FIRST and ONLY pledged update, is completely incorrect. Aylia's Story will be ready when it is ready, no amount of negative feedback will change that. I don't run a monthly Patreon, I've given up that income so that I could take my sweet time and make the game I want to make. If you don't like it, then don't pledge. I don't blame you, or hate you, or anything else. Thanks.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

I was giving a well meaning opinion so you could improve your campaign and your communication with your supporters, but it's clear you really don't wanna hear anything not related to praise, so I'll drop the isssue.

And for the record I've never said you didn't work in these three months, but that doesn't change the fact that half of hunter's quest has untranslated in May, and even two weeks ago there was still a lot of issues.

After backing you, and being entitled to the updates, beta versions and so on, I decided to retire my support after you told your patrons that we could go away if we were unsatisfied, so back then I decided to stop funding you anymore, now I'll simply stop following you and bothering you, if you hate so much people pointing at things that could be fixed.

Once again, please do not answer me, I do not wish a fight, nor to derail the thread, I hope with this the discussion is finished.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

I get that, but the notion that I charged for something and did not deliver is incorrect. That pledged update was for Hunter's Quest, as I've said from the beginning that Chapter 1 would not be a pledged release. About 25-30% of my patrons declined the charge, saying that they were not pledging for Hunter's Quest, but for Aylia's Story--and, that was fine. That is why I believe most of my backers understood that the pledge was tied to Hunter's Quest.

I did think it would be released, and I thought it would be ready last August too. Maybe that makes me a terrible person, and if so, so be it. Yet, Hunter's Quest was released just two weeks ago, so to say that I've done nothing in 3 months since I ran my FIRST and ONLY pledged update, is completely incorrect. Aylia's Story will be ready when it is ready, no amount of negative feedback will change that. I don't run a monthly Patreon, I've given up that income so that I could take my sweet time and make the game I want to make. If you don't like it, then don't pledge. I don't blame you, or hate you, or anything else. Thanks.

I guess you took that as an attack. You sound very defensive and impatient atm. I'm only saying it's obvious there would have been a misunderstanding considering how you constructed the post for that pledged update. That post had far more visibility than others because, 1. it was the first pledged update, and 2. it announced a rather confident release of two anticipated projects. I'm not sure when I said you've done nothing for 3 months, or when I provided negative feedback.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

And for the record I've never said you didn't work in these three months, but that doesn't change the fact that half of hunter's quest has untranslated in May, and even two weeks ago there was still a lot of issues.

No, there wasn't. What are these "lot of issues" you're talking about. You mean the single line of text when you try to change equipment in a few maps? Or the skillshops where the text is inside of Japanese scripts? Those are about the only issues that remain. So, no, there are not "a lot of issues." The translation is complete, you can play the game, you can view the gallery. There are a few minor things I will fix eventually, but once again, it is false to say that there "are a lot of issues."

As for both your comments, I was not attacking either of you, I was merely correcting misinformation. Not sure why either of you think I'm attacking you. I don't see anything in my responses that is aggressive. I'm trying to clearly explain the situation. I'll try again...

Yes, I thought I'd release both Chapter 1 and the translation in May. No, I didn't. Yes, I ran a pledged update in April. As specified on my Patreon front page, in the pledged update text, and since, that pledge was tied to the Hunter's Quest release. The Hunter's Quest translation was released two weeks ago, and 3 subsequent patches were released to fix issues. Even with the three patches, there was only one major issue in the July release, and that was a simple mistake of using the incorrect variable to set the event page for the Rano priest.

Thank you for your pledge Capid. As you are unsatisfied, I have refunded your April pledge. I appreciate your willingness to support me, and hope you enjoy the free game when it is released.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

No, there wasn't. What are these "lot of issues" you're talking about. You mean the single line of text when you try to change equipment in a few maps? Or the skillshops where the text is inside of Japanese scripts? Those are about the only issues that remain. So, no, there are not "a lot of issues." The translation is complete, you can play the game, you can view the gallery. There are a few minor things I will fix eventually, but once again, it is false to say that there "are a lot of issues."

As for both your comments, I was not attacking either of you, I was merely correcting misinformation. Not sure why either of you think I'm attacking you. I don't see anything in my responses that is aggressive. I'm trying to clearly explain the situation. I'll try again...

Yes, I thought I'd release both Chapter 1 and the translation in May. No, I didn't. Yes, I ran a pledged update in April. As specified on my Patreon front page, in the pledged update text, and since, that pledge was tied to the Hunter's Quest release. The Hunter's Quest translation was released two weeks ago, and 3 subsequent patches were released to fix issues. Even with the three patches, there was only one major issue in the July release, and that was a simple mistake of using the incorrect variable to set the event page for the Rano priest.

Thank you for your pledge Capid. As you are unsatisfied, I have refunded your April pledge. I appreciate your willingness to support me, and hope you enjoy the free game when it is released.

It's easy to misinterpret the tone of an online post, though I thought I was decently good at it ;). Especially your "thanks" at the end sounded like "thanks, go fuck off" in context with what you had written before. Also I said you were being defensive, not attacking me. Anyway, I understand perfectly well what your intentions were with the release. That being said, the quote I gave you earlier was very clear in that chapter 1 was a part of the April pledged update. I understand that it was not your intention for it to be taken that way because you had said before, as well as after, that it wasn't the case, in multiple places.

Btw, I played Hunter's Quest, and your translation/adaptation was very well done. I actually didn't experience all the bugs and what not, as I was waiting for the final version, which I'm glad I did. It's rare to be able to play well translated games.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Why every 2 week some one restart this stupid talk. We all make mistake time to time i think it was the first time for yummy to make a game. No body make perfect the first time. He make his game alone.So it take time. but he underestimated the difficulty or he overestimated his capacity so he think he can make it in time. It true it his mistake it true you give him money.But for now you don't lost your money because it only delay he not go to some island or buy jet with your money. You will have your money back : you will have the game. And think about that the game is free it not a buy it a donation so you can' t complain.

And ask to not reply is only bullshit for say i don't responsible i ask him to not reply :confused:

By the way if really you want talk about that 2 choice go to patreon or ask yummy or make a new thread call complain about yummy delay
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

i wait the chart progress,:D:Dgood idea de update sign,bogwort always has good ideas about Ayla:D:D
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

hey, just gotta barge in to thank you for making the patreon post(s ?) public.
Its nice reading something about your progress here and there.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Just started up the public demo. Have to admit it's been a long time since a game amused me so much from it's opening. The interactions between Aylia and Bogwort were actually rather funny and had me laughing at points. Can't remember the last time a game made me laugh, so good on you!

I like it so far. If I could afford to donate some cash via Patreon, I think your game would be the first I'd back.

EDIT: Just finished the demo and, my god, I want more! Please tell me there'll be a public release of the full game?
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Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

The YummyTiger patreon page just created a new post.
As 1 of a non-patreon who frequently visit the site there are some post on the page that we cannot access. I'm understand that this is YT's rule and I shall obey it.
But I have to confess that there will be a few post that I'll be wanting to know more about it, and the latest 'Revamp Teaser #1: Aylia High Pride Panties' just peak my interest.
I'm seeking permission from you guys and girls to provide information about this post. Especially picture from that post.
Will YummyTiger be mad at me? Hope he won't...
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

It's okay. I doubt I will post everything I do on Patreon, but when it comes to teaser pictures, I don't mind. Here is the revamp teaser. Basically, as I improved, I've went back and "fixed" earlier artwork to fit with the style I use now. I'll be posting a few more over the next week or so on Patreon.


Oh, and she got new panties too! I fixed the panties to be the same in all pictures now, as originally, I was experimenting with different styles. ;)
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Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Can you post these teasers under spoiler tags? :)
Half the fun in the game will be enjoying your art, so... ;)
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Can you post these teasers under spoiler tags? :)
Half the fun in the game will be enjoying your art, so... ;)

Yea, I can. I've held a lot back, mainly CGs. I agree, half the fun is finding and experiencing the pictures in-game. I figured since everyone who played the prologue already saw this one, and it is a standing portrait, that it would not be much of a spoiler.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Yea, I can. I've held a lot back, mainly CGs. I agree, half the fun is finding and experiencing the pictures in-game. I figured since everyone who played the prologue already saw this one, and it is a standing portrait, that it would not be much of a spoiler.
I didn't play the prologue, mainly because I hate unfinished stories, and also so that I can enjoy the complete game once it will be out.
I suppose I'm in the minority by doing that, but well... :)
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

HNNNNNG, I love that new version pose. It's the pose Best Girl Charlotte from Infinite Stratos had after she got walked in on in the shower, not quite managing to hide the nipple.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Isn't time to say "Holy Shit" Yummy?