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Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

AFAIK, you pay per month whatever the tiers are. Pay 1$ and gain access to the "blog" or whatever. You can even revoke that 1$ and still access the blog for the remainder of the month.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

AFAIK, you pay per month whatever the tiers are. Pay 1$ and gain access to the "blog" or whatever. You can even revoke that 1$ and still access the blog for the remainder of the month.

Some of the Patreons are pay per month, but Yummytiger's Patreon is set to be X$ per major content update. Which means you pay per episode of the game and there's five episodes.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Regarding the dagger (kunai). Mainly, I liked the way it looked, so I used it. I know, she is wielding a "butter knife," but I ended up opting against creating new weapon art for each dagger Aylia can equip. It does take a bit away, but it drops the workload in that I would need a new weapon graphic for each outfit AND each H stage of the outfits. As I don't want to use the cookie cutter approach of having one base model and just pasting clothing over the top. Outfits in Aylia's Story will have unique poses and "H" attack options. I think it will be more exciting that way. The ONLY exception is the potato sack/peasant dress. They use the same base model because the player only has the potato sack for such a short time. So, I cut a slight corner there :D

@Torgent: Yes, the number by Bogwort is supposed to represent the number of support actions he can take. This number will increase or decrease based on his relationship with Aylia. In this fashion, Bogwort is not a fully party member like in many other RPG Maker games. His role is a bit cowardly, haha! I would expect nothing less! :cool:

I have one question, Do you have some sort of place, Ex.: Blog, where people can see the progress, I dunno you could set something like that, put some adds on it and Get some money as well as keeping people informed of your progress. And one last question, How exactly does patreon work, never seen it before to be honest, I knew about it, but never seen it, so If you could give me a brief information about how pledging works would be really nice. Thanks in advance.

Edit: Ok sorry, I'm reading now your patreon website, Still just wanna know, is pledging something montly weekly or how does it work? Again never used either Patreon or Kickstarter so a bit clueless here.

As another said, I don't charge per month. I wanted people to know what they are paying for, not just some random monthly charge. Each supporter would be charged once per chapter release (not including chapter 1). I also let everyone know up front how many chapters there are in each game (Aylia's Story has 5 chapters, but only 4 of them will create a charge).

I like the content-based payment approach much better than monthly. This way, people only pay for work that is released. I also am trying my best to keep everything transparent. I never want anyone to feel like they are being screwed over. That is really important to me. I would anticipate the first charge to come sometime in late February/early March.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

@Torgent: Yes, the number by Bogwort is supposed to represent the number of support actions he can take. This number will increase or decrease based on his relationship with Aylia. In this fashion, Bogwort is not a fully party member like in many other RPG Maker games. His role is a bit cowardly, haha! I would expect nothing less! :cool:
Now I am curious how she gets Bogworth to help her at all. All he wants in life is money and tits. I wonder if it is possible for him to get a "happy" ending in the end too..
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Erm, think I ran into some major bug ..... When you first exit the mines and run into the forest, if you talk to the wiggly skeleton from the north (top of it) to trigger an event, they talk a few lines then nothing. The game literally freezes with her sack'd image in the bottom right, pressing every key does nothing, only way out is alt+f4 ....... Either that or you're supposed to wait a few hours with all keys disabled. :confused:
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

CURRENT BUG LIST (only the ones I think you should know about):
Bones in Zalran Hills - Don't activate from the North, it will freeze the event when Aylia tries to move.

Erm, think I ran into some major bug ..... When you first exit the mines and run into the forest, if you talk to the wiggly skeleton from the north (top of it) to trigger an event, they talk a few lines then nothing. The game literally freezes with her sack'd image in the bottom right, pressing every key does nothing, only way out is alt+f4 ....... Either that or you're supposed to wait a few hours with all keys disabled. :confused:

Omnikuken, the current bug list that Yummy posts states Yummy knows that. Please make sure to read to use the cltr-f for the control find key to quickly locate your problem first or use the search function in the thread.

North = Up.
Bones = Forest Bones that have sparkles - or munchkin bones.

I hope this helps.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

I'm curious if there's any new news on how your combat scripts and chapter 1 are coming along? Can we expect to see Ch1 this month? Or is it done when it's done? :)
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Here's what I meant about the outlining, I think if it's just a bit stronger (mostly arround the hair) it looks (IMO) more "Indian Ink" professional.

Would other agree on this?

PS: I made the changes here quickly and roughly.


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Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

@Sergejim: Ah, I see what you're talking about now. Yea, that is a stylistic difference. I personally like the hair a bit softer, which is why I use non-black outlines. You apparently like the bolder outline style. I doubt I will change anything drastically in this regard, as I tend to draw what I like, but I have adjusted the shadows in some previous drawings to be crisper. It is a change that I like and from the feedback I've received, others do to. So, maybe that will make the artwork a bit more "bold." ;)

@TheByQ & AngelBoi7: Thanks for the comments. I'm glad you enjoyed the prologue. I sound like a broken record at this point, but I hope to have more for you all to play soon (sometime this month).
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Tried the demo, and this looks pretty amazing, albeit without the battle system in. Looking around at the menus and such though it seems like a lot of effort's been put in so far so it looks good.

Hopefully this doesn't end up like many other english H games and doesn't get finished. Hopefully, since this has patreon funding that wont happen.

My only question is; is there going to be any H content mid-battle? or is all of that handled separately from battles (even as a loss per say). I always find games that integrate their hentai into the battle system more compelling.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Tried the demo, and this looks pretty amazing, albeit without the battle system in. Looking around at the menus and such though it seems like a lot of effort's been put in so far so it looks good.

Hopefully this doesn't end up like many other english H games and doesn't get finished. Hopefully, since this has patreon funding that wont happen.

My only question is; is there going to be any H content mid-battle? or is all of that handled separately from battles (even as a loss per say). I always find games that integrate their hentai into the battle system more compelling.

Can't say for certain, but I'm pretty sure I read that some/most enemies will have H attacks during combat.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

H content will exist mid battle, as both the enemies try and have fun with you and you can tease your oponents. Very little info is availible to patron doners at the moment. March is when I think it said chapter 1 will be ready, so we should know more than.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

@Hyperk2: Thanks for the comment. Glad you liked the prologue. As others have said, this game will feature H-content mid battle. I have a few things planned which I think you all will enjoy. The battle system will be up and running in the next release.

As for information on the release and current status. Aylia's Story will consist of 5 total chapters. Each chapter will consist of a number of quests and key decision points in the game. Neocon is correct, there is not a ton of information available currently, and I hope the full demo answers many of those questions. I am aiming to release the full demo by the end of this month. What Neocon is referring to is the release of Chapter 2. My Patreon is set to only charge supporters when a FULL chapter is released. As I don't believe the prologue was enough of the game to warrant paying me money, I am not billing any supporters with the release of chapter 1. I want you all to play at least the prologue and chapter 1 before deciding if this is a game that is worth your support. Therefore, if you want to follow the development more closely, feel free to pledge a $1 on Patreon and watch the activity log. If you don't like chapter 1, just cancel your pledge. You WILL NOT be charged. Of course, I hope you thoroughly enjoy the game and choose to support me, but that is always your decision.

In sum, I want to release the full demo this month, and it should give you a better idea of what to expect in the final 4 chapters. (SIDE NOTE: I also hope to release my Hunter's Quest translation this month or early next month). Here's to hoping January is a productive month!

Oh, and thanks so much to those who have already pledged! Over 100 supporters, you guys are amazing!:D
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

It baffles me how people still trust in Patreons, especially after what Akabur pulled... If you have a steady income like that you have no incentive to deliver a quality product. It's a nice concept, directly paying someone whenever he puts out an update, but as I see it it's way to easy to be abused.

I don't want to be a party pooper and I especially don't want to be mean to YummyTiger, quite the opposite; I hope he proves my pessimism wrong

I'm actually trying to do everything I can to prevent abuse. By only charging with a major content release, I am ensuring that there is only a steady income IF I release a steady amount of gameplay. Akabur charges per month, much different model. Also, if I am releasing gameplay, then you have an actual product available to determine if the quality is up to snuff.

Additionally, in an effort to be completely transparent, I also let people know up front exactly how many times they would be charged for each game. So, you can determine how much you want to pay per game (if you want to pay at all). Either way, I understand the skepticism, and hope in time, I can win your trust :).
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Does it have animated sex scenes OP?
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Does it have animated sex scenes OP?

Sorry, I missed your question before. No, this game will not have animated sex scenes. H scenes will consists of a series of graphics. I'd like to tackle animation at some point down the line, but it is not feasible doing a game like this as a hobby.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Do people actually get to choose if they want to pay for the update or not? Like, if you were to put out an update with only a single new CG, would people get automatically charged or do they have to approve first?

Its obvious that I've never used Patreon and I'm sorry if I'm a little too quick to judge here, I just want to know how exactly this works
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Like, if you were to put out an update with only a single new CG, would people get automatically charged or do they have to approve first?
His Patreon is set to charge only for a major update, so you only pay when he releases a full chapter. I think it doesn't ask for confirmation.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Do people actually get to choose if they want to pay for the update or not? Like, if you were to put out an update with only a single new CG, would people get automatically charged or do they have to approve first?

Its obvious that I've never used Patreon and I'm sorry if I'm a little too quick to judge here, I just want to know how exactly this works

Patreon won't ask for confirmation, AFAIK, (But I've only worked with monthly subs.)

You can opt-out at any point in time before it charges you and you won't pay anything, for example, if Yummy release the next chapter, and you are paying you'll get charged.

IF you are still unsure I would recommend waiting until he releases a content update and subscribing then, as Patreon (should) let you see the last content update. Try it out and if you don't like it, unsubscribe before the next content update.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Do people actually get to choose if they want to pay for the update or not? Like, if you were to put out an update with only a single new CG, would people get automatically charged or do they have to approve first?

Its obvious that I've never used Patreon and I'm sorry if I'm a little too quick to judge here, I just want to know how exactly this works

No, you can't choose. If you signed up, then you would automatically be billed when I release the "paid" content. I would never charge you for a single CG, but I guess it would be technically possible. Of course, if I go around saying, "I'm only charging for major content releases," and then charge for a single CG update, I assume the number of my supporters would quickly be zero. Additionally, you can set a monthly cap on your payments, so I could only charge you once, etc. So, if you did that, I could not release 4 updates in a month and you get charged before you realize it.

As I said, the only paid content are new chapters for Aylia's Story. A new chapter will always contain more than a single CG. For example, chapter 1 contains 2 main, multi-stage quests, 5 side, multi-stage quests, numerous miscellaneous events, and new maps to explore. Doing a quick tally in my head, there are at least 10 scenes with CG graphics in the chapter, not including any of the battle stuff. And, that is just what I have input right now, there will most likely be more when it is released.

That is the kind of update I am talking about when I say "major content." Again, I really am not trying to screw anyone here. I understand the healthy level of caution people take, so, feel free to pledge a $1 and follow along or just wait until I release more and make a decision. Either way, I do plan on releasing the game for free in the end.