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Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Looks promising, though obviously without battle system or abilities it's a bit early to tell all of it.

Two bugs I noted, where there's a script moving the character the game gets stuck if there's something in the way:
- Kobold bones in the woods, you can walk above them and interact downwards, get a freeze as the script wants to move down
- In the church, talking to the priest from the left also freezes as the post-conversation script fails to move the character down

Not familiar enough with rpgmaker to know if there's a simple fix (like force-moving through blocking terrain, or something), but in any case a small enough bug to fix, I figure.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

@SoaringSpirit & TheThingNotThinkingAtAll: Thanks for the comments! Glad to see that the story-driven approach is not scaring people off.

@C'pn Jack Sparrow: Thank you so much for the support. I will be posting on Patreon either today and tomorrow to thank you all as well. I want to upload a few sketches and early pictures for you guys.

@Yuriski: Good questions. Aylia will always be using a blade style weapon (probably daggers). Her outfit will not have a major impact on her attack or defense, but it may influence agility/luck, etc. The outfit will primarily be used in determining battle H. Instead, Aylia can equip defensive runes, which will serve as her primary defense. It will be explain a bit in Chapter 1, but she starts with an old Eliandre rune that has lost most of its' power.

Adding attack stances and other options is something I toyed with, but decided to skip it this game. It may make an appearance next game when I start adding to the foundation I set up with this one. This will be limited to normal attack, battle skills, sex appeal skills, and support skills. I think the sex appeal skills will be popular :D

@CrazyPerson: Thanks for those reports. Those damn bones! I've tried to fix that one a few times, going to tackle it differently this time. I did not even realize the priest event though. Both of these are easy fixes, I just need to be a little more careful using "move route" commands in events!
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

This game might just be awesome. You've got some serious skills in writing.

I really liked the little things you could interract with, even only for a notice.

The CG are pretty neat as well.

The only thing IMHO could be revised are the heroine's portraits which should have stronger outlines.

Good job.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

This game might just be awesome. You've got some serious skills in writing.

I really liked the little things you could interract with, even only for a notice.

The CG are pretty neat as well.

The only thing IMHO could be revised are the heroine's portraits which should have stronger outlines.

Good job.

I truly hope the game ends up being awesome. I think what I have planned will be fun and erotic, but then I am pretty biased on the subject :D

Also, thanks for much for the compliment regarding my writing. I have spent a lot of time working on that. If you're ever interested, I have a few series and a few short stories on Literotica. Not quite as exciting as a game, but... some people have seemed to like them.

Interesting comment on the CGs. I actually tried to soften the edges a bit as I progressed. I thought the stark outlines were distracting. Everyone has a different take on art, and I appreciate your honesty. I will say that some of the pictures have shading that extends outside the lines and ends up weakening the borders a bit. I've learned as I've progressed to use layer masks to eliminate this problem. Perhaps you noticed some of that (as I did not fix all my earlier drawings). Below is an example of what I mean. The first picture has no mask, notice how the skin shading goes outside the lines, the second is masked. A marked improvement in this CG, but it was not as important in others.

Anyways, thanks for the feedback! I hope you enjoy chapter 1.


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Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Like the demo, nice start. I am a huge fan of games with corruption, exhibitionism and rape. Was wondering will there be parts of the game were the Aylia will be groped and we will be given a choice to let the groper continue (which may lead to more groping and/or sex) or to stop him depending on her corruption level?
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Like the demo, nice start. I am a huge fan of games with corruption, exhibitionism and rape. Was wondering will there be parts of the game were the Aylia will be groped and we will be given a choice to let the groper continue (which may lead to more groping and/or sex) or to stop him depending on her corruption level?

Yes, absolutely. Aylia's "pride" will play heavily into how daring she will get throughout the game.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Hey man, really nice looking setup you have here. RPG Maker games are usually pretty cookie-cutter, but with the Rival system and integrated battle-H, it sounds like you're trying to do a lot more with it. Could shape up to be a really fun experience. I haven't played the demo (would rather wait until the game is farther along), but this is certainly one I'll be keeping an eye on!
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

I commissioned work in October, but have not heard back from the programmer I commissioned in almost a month now. So, I am releasing this with the hope that someone else may want to step forward and tackle the battle HUD and system. I am not looking for a compete rewrite, and have examples of what I would need. Please let me know if this is something you might be interested in.

How complicated is working in RPG Maker VX? I think I remember playing around with an older version of RPG Maker years ago, but don't recall much in the way of details on how things worked out.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

How complicated is working in RPG Maker VX? I think I remember playing around with an older version of RPG Maker years ago, but don't recall much in the way of details on how things worked out.

Depends on what you're trying to do with the engine. If you're just trying to make a run of the mil rpg its not that difficult to accomplish, but if you're trying to have a custom battle system like what whats described in this project or hell even something like Vitamin Quest then it requires either coding in ruby yourself or knowing someone who can.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Depends on what you're trying to do with the engine. If you're just trying to make a run of the mil rpg its not that difficult to accomplish, but if you're trying to have a custom battle system like what whats described in this project or hell even something like Vitamin Quest then it requires either coding in ruby yourself or knowing someone who can.

Well, programming doesn't scare me (I do it everyday), I meant more along the lines of...is it programming or is it more "programming" in the sense that you are doing a bunch of convoluted stuff in a workflow very specific to RPG Maker?
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Well, programming doesn't scare me (I do it everyday), I meant more along the lines of...is it programming or is it more "programming" in the sense that you are doing a bunch of convoluted stuff in a workflow very specific to RPG Maker?
RPG Maker XP and up use Ruby in their Ruby Game Scripting System. The most annoying part is that you have to learn how RPG Maker uses it, but it is just programming after you do.

Anything before XP only had the events with the pick-and-choose interface instead of coding.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

i really hope that the goblin isn't the one proposing public acts from aylia
since he seems like the guy who wants females to himself.

even if it super ultra hidden have the possibility for the goblin to have a harem of the girls in the game XD...
Bogwort deserves it since for all the demo showed, HE is the protagonist of the tale XD

no... seriously... bogwort is the man!! (or goblin idk)
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Well, programming doesn't scare me (I do it everyday), I meant more along the lines of...is it programming or is it more "programming" in the sense that you are doing a bunch of convoluted stuff in a workflow very specific to RPG Maker?

Well, I don't know how convoluted the system is, or if it is fairly standard Ruby. I did start the Ruby course at Code Academy and what I was learning seemed to apply...

I will say that I have base scripts to work from. So, I am trying to get the graphical stuff (character portrait, HUD) in place. I have had a person volunteer to look at it afterwards and see if they can get some of the other features implemented (primarily the stamina stuff and Bogwort's stuff). If you're interested Clades, if this other guy cannot tackle the project or doesn't want to after seeing it, I could send it your way as well. You'd probably want a copy of RPG Maker VX Ace.

Either way, thanks so much for the offer!

@Anon42: Thanks for the comment. I understand waiting until more is in place. Hope you give it a try at some point.

@Darkstrain: I agree, Bogwort is the man. I'm not sure what you mean by "proposing public acts," but yes, Bogwort wants to get some of that action for himself. As he made clear in the demo--that horny little bastard. :D

As for the harem, we will have to wait and see. A harem of girls would fit his personality. Hell, he already thinks he has one... even if the girls don't know it.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Well, programming doesn't scare me (I do it everyday), I meant more along the lines of...is it programming or is it more "programming" in the sense that you are doing a bunch of convoluted stuff in a workflow very specific to RPG Maker?
From what I recall (caveat: This is what I got from playing around with an evaluation copy, I never did a proper project),
if you're doing heavy customization you basically get a set of ruby libraries to interact with game state / graphics, and implement your events and dialogue and scripts and stuff.
Those are where you get a bunch of reusable libraries floating around for things like floating healthbars and ATB combat and whatnot.
Also, as far as I've seen, there's essentially no debugger support for scripting, so you'd better stick to simple stuff or you're going to be up to your nose in logfiles...

That said, there's also a bunch of preset RPG stuff around designing maps, arranging triggers, and designing enemies / combat behavior / states / equipment.
This is where RPGMaker gets its whole "hey, you can easily make a proper JRPG-style game without building everything from the ground up" thing.
I assume you can customize those via proper scripting too, but mostly you just get a set of GUI forms to enter name / stats / images / ... and a save button,
but if you don't want to use the RPGMaker UI, well, you can't.

What I found slightly dodgy is that AFAIR, your scripts sit in regular text files, but all the stock RPGMaker stuff is in pickled ruby files.
So I'm assuming if you try to apply a proper version control system to an RPGMaker project, you'll get working version control to your scripts, but you'll only get some "binary file Weapons.rvdata changed" for the other stuff.

Again, disclaimer: I haven't tried all this, once I noticed that the GUI-configured stuff sat in proprietary binary format I pretty much gave up on the system. I might be wrong, your mileage may vary.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Are you planning on adding more "extreme" kinds of adult content such as birth/bestiality/vore into the game? Also I love the game so far , keep it up!
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Well done, I've really enjoyed the game, it's good to know that you and me have same interests in story-driving. :p

Btw I want to ask, are you making Bogwort just a harmless perverted goblin or an opposite, a badass?
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

@Kuzno12: Most of the game will be more mainstream. I don't have all the fetishes lined up, but I highly doubt you will see vore. There will be some more humanoid monsters that can mess with Aylia during battles, so perhaps some beastiality. Pregnancy is unlikely as Aylia is infertile (a result of the Great War).

@RanneRo: Bogwort is more a harmless, perverted goblin. That becomes quickly apparent when the battles are in place and he hides behind Aylia :D. He is mischievous as hell though and is always trying to get Aylia (and every other woman) naked. Now Aylia, on the other hand, can become quite a badass if the player makes certain choices throughout the game.

Glad you both like the game! I am truly humbled by the response so far. I was worried the text-heavy approach might push some people away.

P.S. If anyone here is supporting me, please check the Patreon page. I hit my first real milestone. So, thank you all!
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

I just started playing. I'm not gonna lie; I never stopped laughing!! xD

Great writing!

edit: halp! I'm stuck! D:

I met the clothes store lady, mayor, the bartender, the inn keeper, THEN went to bogart's house, but I still can't go north, because Bogart says there are other people I should meet. :( Who am I still supposed to meet? Thanks!
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Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

I just started playing. I'm not gonna lie; I never stopped laughing!! xD

Great writing!

edit: halp! I'm stuck! D:

I met the clothes store lady, mayor, the bartender, the inn keeper, THEN went to bogart's house, but I still can't go north, because Bogart says there are other people I should meet. :( Who am I still supposed to meet? Thanks!

Right above bogart's house a NPC called Dirk is located, talk to him to be able to go further.