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You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Donned in her black cloak, the one Alexia'd seen her wearing the first time they met, Jezebel reached up, and innocently began playing with one of the threads that allowed her to tighten, or loosen her hood at will, while smiling at her, "Why, upsetting me? What could possibly upset me?" she said with an amused laugh, before standing next to Alexia like a loyal lover, wrapping her arm around her hips, and holding her close, admiring the armor Alexia was wearing for only a moment, before gesturing at the succubus who was watching them with a sly smile. "Alexia, this is-"

Jezebel was interrupted when the succubus stepped forward rather suggestively, and sexually towards Alexia, getting so close, that her breasts pushed against Alexia's own, and looking her in the eyes, "Scarlet." she spoke her name, "And you're Alexia..." Scarlet said with a giggle, her breathing heavy, and her eyes lustful, "I'm told that you're to wed my lady Jezebel... I suppose that makes you my superior... I wonder..." she said with a lick of her lips, and another step closer to Alexia,

"... Would you like to fuck me, Alexia?" she said, following a wide, lustful, and chaotic grin befitting such a demon. Meanwhile, Jezebel watched the two without emotion, as if wanting to observe them, rather than interrupt them...

Loli Defense Force

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia smiles at Jezebel as she pulls close, letting out a small look of displeasure as the succubus got near, but quickly hiding it with a smile, "Nice to meet you too Scarlet~ and yes, I guess it would." She looks at the succubus for a bit with a hint of surprise of how forthcoming she was, then looks over at Jezebel, seeing no expression, "Guess she wants to see how I'll react..."

Thinking for awhile, she smiles and puts a hand on the succubus' shoulder, then suddenly give her a rather forceful shove to the ground, "The only people I fuck is my wife and my slaves~ are you either~?"
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

The succubus lets out a grunt as she falls on her rear, landing hard on the tiling. She gives Alexia a hate filled expression, scorn filling her face as her eyes scream bloody murder. However, Jezebel sees what happened in a different light, as she begins laughing hysterically as the succubus was turned down. "Don't be so upset, Scarlet," she said, while managing to stifle her laughter down to a continuous chuckle, "if it makes you feel any better, when Alexia first met me, she slammed her forehead against my own..." She trailed off for a moment, to let that sink in to Alexia's thoughts, "Oh, but I'm sure you two will get along, eventually."

Scarlet growled, collecting her dignity as she stood with a very displeased look on her face, "... May I be on my way, My Lady?" she asked with an ever present attitude.

Then, Jezebel got a rather malicious idea, while she put a finger to her lips in thought, "Actually... Would you be a dear, and give Alexia a tour of my humble little home?" she cooed, and before waiting for Scarlet to answer, knowing she'd deny the responsibility, Jezebel turned about, her back to both Alexia and Scarlet as she began to walk away, "Thanks so much! I would have done it myself... But Alexia and I had more important things to do, if you catch my meaning." she told her, already taking steps up the stairs, going to the right, instead of the left, heading towards the East Wing.

Scarlet was silent, likely complaining discreetly about her task given to her. And it was likely all she could do not to simply leave Alexia where she was, lest Scarlet face Jezebel's wrath.

Alexia, as Jezebel was walking up the stairs, heard the woman speak to her via their spiritual connection, "I have some things I need to do, boring things, really." she explained, "Feel free to do with Scarlet as you wish, but at least make sure she maintains her usefulness, won't you~?" she requested of Alexia, before the woman's giggle echoed in her mind, sending a shiver through Alexia's body.
Last edited:

Loli Defense Force

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia watches Jezebel move away as she smiles, shaking her head a little, she wasn't exactly happy with the idea of having to stay with the lustful creature that was assigned to take her around the place, but on the other hand, it wasn't like she had much to do today anyway, except, well, perhaps visit Azure, see how her friend was doing. Still, she felt a small amount of regret of pushing the woman over, although, in her mind it was necessary, the woman did not respect her, and without respect... well...

She looks back at the succubus, smiling, "Shall we get moving then~?"
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Scarlet let out a clear sneer at Alexia, still quite upset about how Alexia degraded her, and worse, how Jezebel laughed at her, before wordlessly turning, not giving an answer to Alexia's question, and walking to a door just below the balcony above, and opening it wide, and leaving it open for Alexia, the heels of her shoes clicking against the floor, sending echoes through the hall to compliment her steamed march to the east of the building.

Loli Defense Force

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia shrugs and begins to follow the succubus, still at odds a little with herself. On the one hand, she began to question whether what she was doing followed the ideology of the dragons, especially since her kind especially was suppose to be honorable. She shakes her head slightly, getting the thoughts away, there was little reason to think about that, for now, her main goal was to gain power, enough power to show the other dragons that she was worthy...

With a smile on her face, she hurries to catch up with Scarlet.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Upon following Scarlet, the succubus began the tour as she was commanded, first walking down the hall to the East, until they came to a split pathway, with a large door in front of them, and hallways leading to the left and right, both North and South. Scarlet turned to Alexia, "This door leads to the dungeons, which is where we keep all of our involuntary guests, and harvest them for their sexual energy. It's our life force, and the more you use black magic, the more sexual energy you'll need." she explained, before turning, and walking down the right path of the large hall.

Alexia and Scarlet passed through an open archway, and then stood in a large dining hall, fit for what looked like over one hundred guests. There were four rows of tables, each one very long. They were clean, and bare, except for the candles placed on them in an organized fashion, and the vases containing flowers which emitted a strong aroma. Upon breathing in the scent of these red roses, Alexia strangely felt slightly aroused.

"This is the dining hall, obviously," Scarlet told her, "Further down," she pointed all the way to the other end of the room, where another pair of doors was located in the corner of the room opposite of where they stood. "is the kitchen, where some slaves who knew how to cook agreed to cook for us, provided we give them proper places to sleep, and be a little less rough to them. You'd be surprised how many lied about being able to cook just to try and get out of those dungeons." Scarlet chuckled.

Loli Defense Force

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia nods as she follows Scarlet, around, not saying much as she simply looked at each place where the succubus pointed at. She wondered where Azure was, would she be in the dungeon too?

She thought about asking Jezebel later and then nodded, continuing to follow, stopping at the roses as she blushes, feeling herself getting aroused, and mentioning on the offside, "With all the power that Jezebel has, she must have a lot of slaves~"
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Scarlet chuckled, "She's been alive for a long time as well. Right about the time I was turned into a succubus, she was the one who took me in as her servant. And that was... Many, many decades ago." she told Alexia. Then, she took in a breath of air, and her cheeks blushed red as a hand went down to her lower parts, and began playing with them gently, rubbing her flower. "This place drives me crazy." She announced, before letting out a deep breath, and trying to stave off the lust growing in her mind.

"Come, there's more to see." she told Alexia, and left for the hall again, passing the door leading to the dungeons, and going instead to the opposite door down the hall. And on the other side of those doors, was a glorified, beautiful celebration hall, with a stage, a dance floor, and many tables within the room. There was a large chandelier above them, holding many of those bright crystals within the many cups it housed, casting the room in an odd light, that somehow fit the feel of the room.

"This is where we dance, and watch whatever shows Jezebel's rather enthusiastic director wishes us to see. Her name is Violet, and she's a succubus, like me. She's a fanatic about pleasing her crowds, and goes to great length, using the many slaves we have available, to put on the best show she can, usually involving something perverted, or erotic in nature." Scarlet giggled maliciously, recalling some of these 'shows,' "Every time she makes a show for the crowd, she always claims it wasn't good enough, and thinks of another. So we never have a lack of entertainment." she told Alexia.

Loli Defense Force

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia thinks about what Scarlet said as they continue the tour, decades ago? Just how old was Jezebel...? Of course, some questions were better not answered, and she relaxes a little, after all, she herself would be considered 'old' by some races.

She raises an eyebrow slightly as she watches Scarlet start to touch herself a few times, and felt a pang of guilt about how she had treated the succubus earlier. It wasn't really her fault that she would want to fuck almost anything in sight, it was just her nature... right?

She looks around in awe as she enters the celebration hall, smiling as she heard about what went on in here and starting to let her mind drift about just what kind of shows would be put in here, then she lets out a sigh, deciding to speak about the earlier incident, "By the way~ I guess I should apologize for earlier, I did not feel you respected me, so I decided not to respect you in response...~"
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Scarlet goes silent for a moment, lowering her head in thought, her face unreadable from where she was standing in contrast to Alexia. Until, she raised her head, and spoke. "... Do you know how I became a succubus? A demon of lust?" she asked Alexia without turning around to look at her. Her own eyes looking at the stage blankly in thought.

Loli Defense Force

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia blinks as she's asked the question and shakes her head, shrugging, "I am... well, not very knowledgeable about succubi in general... as despite my age, I was not born on the island."
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

"A person's appearance changes as the succubus magic flows through their soul, corrupting, and tainting them. Filling them with the darkest sexual lust, and bringing out the deepest part of a woman... A part I myself wasn't even aware of..." Scarlet turned about, facing Alexia with a serious expression, "I used to wear glasses, you know. I had bad eye sight. And I used to be made fun of by the other girls for being flat chested... Ironic, isn't it?" she told Alexia, while taking one of her large, squishy breasts in one hand.

"I wished so much just to be pretty..." Which, the statement may be hard to believe, since Scarlet was strikingly beautiful, "All of the other girls had it so lucky... Everything was just handed to them... I wanted that. I wanted to know what it was like to have the eyes of everyone who sees you, worship you, and would give anything just to touch you..."

Scarlet's hands folded behind her back as she told Alexia her little story, "A succubus heard my plea, and offered me the gift of beauty... I accepted her offer without hearing the terms... And she raped me... I lost my virginity to that succubus... Not only did I feel the hot, burning soul of a succubus fill me while she sucked away at my own soul, but the memory of having all of her hot cum fill my insides... Even though I was being raped... I liked it."

Scarlet took some steps forward towards Alexia, until her bosom was mushed against Alexia's chest. Scarlet placed her hands on Alexia's shoulders, while her mouth got close enough to kiss, but didn't, "I'm a whore... Alexia... And your servant... I don't deserve any respect..." Scarlet almost looked sad when she said that, eyes softening up while she remembered, and talked about her past, how she was raped into being a succubus due to her own lust for beauty.

Scarlet leaned forward, and planted a kiss on Alexia's cheek, a wave of magical pleasure, a tingling sensation, coming from the kiss...

Loli Defense Force

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia listens to the woman speak and nods, looking slightly apprehensive as she takes a step back, a little surprised at the kiss. Then smiles and kisses Scarlet back, laughing a little,

"Make no mistake, you are my servant. However, you are not my slave, and therefore like I said before, respect me and I shall show you respect." She finishes by kissing Scarlet back, "Now, are you going to let me go~?"
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Scarlet smiles a little when Alexia kisses her back, nodding after her question, "Yes... My Lady..." she cooed, trailing her hands down Alexia's shoulders, down her arms, and finally down to her hips, where she parted, slowly, with Alexia. Hey eyes betrayed her actions, as she appeared to want to ravage Alexia, and do just as she lusted after when they first were introduced, for Alexia to fuck her as she pleases...

As Scarlet and Alexia fixed eyes for a moment, Alexia felt a soothing feeling wash over, a feeling of comfort as she heard Jezebel's voice in her head, "Now that's more like it! You two look so cute together..." she heard Jezebel make a giggle from within her mind.

Loli Defense Force

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia simply smiles as she kisses Scarlet, taking a look around, "Well... a theater where sexual acts are preformed~ it's not the best place, but it'll do." She pushes away from Scarlet and grins, removing her own armor, "So what shall we do first~ hm~?"

She mentally thinks, not taking her eyes away from Scarlet, "I thought you had business to attend to~?"
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Scarlet's cheeks flushed red when Alexia started piecing off her armor. She blinked, as if surprised, or confused over what Alexia was doing. But, her hips swung, and her body tensed, revealing that she was getting highly aroused, and quickly. Scarlet licked her lips, and took a deep breath of excitement. "I'll do... Whatever you want me to..." she said seductively. And based on how she was squirming, it looked like she meant it.

And soon after Alexia could almost 'feel' how horny Scarlet was, likely due to her recent advances in her ability to use darkness to meet her own will, Alexia then saw the stage that Scarlet said was where all the acts were performed slowly coming to life. The lights in the room slowly were going towards the stage, and even though the light focused on the stage, the darkness in the room also seemed to concentrate on that area...

Alexia could now strangely feel the stage beckon her to come, beckon her to step up into the light with Scarlet, so the show could begin...

And as all this happened, Alexia heard her response after a moment, "I can multitask. Besides... I wouldn't want to miss the show!" Jezebel announced under the assumption that Alexia was going to 'perform' on the stage with Scarlet.

Loli Defense Force

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia simply removes the rest of her armor, then takes Scarlet's hand and leads her onto the stage. She smiles, this was exactly what Jezebel wanted to do, and since Jezebel was suppose to be 'busy', and since she herself had no important business to attend to, she could indulge Jezebel's wishes for awhile.

Standing nude, she kisses Scarlet on the lips a few times, then backs away, holding one hand at her crotch and beginning to mutter the spell, grinning wildly as she whispers to Scarlet, "So~ which hole of yours do you want it in first~?"
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

The stage went wild with magical power when Alexia chanted her spell, her cock that formed from her magic seemed to be fueled by the stages hunger for a 'good show', and it just so happened, as if by some stroke of irony, that it would be a Succubi's soul that will be feasted upon. Pools of darkness formed on their own around Scarlet, their origin seeming to be the stage, and dark purple colored tentacles soon emerged from those pools, straight from the nether world, and were soon reaching for Scarlet's limbs. Two ensnared her wrists, folding her arms behind her back, and two more wrapped around her legs, and lifted her off of her feet.

The four tentacles held Scarlet in the air, before spreading her legs open towards Alexia. Scarlet only seemed more and more excited by the second as the tentacles handled her, and as her legs were spread in offering to the soul-hungry dragoness, she blushed and looked at Alexia with anticipation...

Loli Defense Force

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia could feel herself getting hard very fast. She wets her lips with her tongue as she admires Scarlet, leaning down to kiss her while holding onto the succubus' legs, using them for support. Sure that her 'victim' was held down tightly, she grins and lines herself up, then suddenly thrusts forward as hard as she could, letting out a loud moan in the process.