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Re: Witchcraft

Erm should I change the title (havent tried yet) to something else to reflect the current discussion?

Edit: Hmm didnt see the option to.
Re: Witchcraft

If people would at least read my messages I said that I won't be sharing the games... at least until next month But I'm working on a series of Screenshot for witchcraft and Spider world, since they can't track THAT to my account and delete it. And after well see because links are taken down REALLY fast

Still the best way to get the games, is to buy a subscription (I'm not making
advertising) cause I searched hours for these games and no luck
Re: Witchcraft

Ok, so I guess I wasn't thinking clearly enough when I stated I had access to the site, but just to clear it up now, after getting a ton of PM's about these games: no, I won't be sharing them. I like these games, and I would like to be able to sign up on their site again in the future when new games comes out. I know that paysites who use this kind of detection/fingerprinting don't just block your current username, but details attached to your credit card, so they block you from signing up again on the site. I don't want that to happen. I've started to like her work a lot, and I don't really mind supporting her whenever she's got something new I'd like.

Like Potato said, the best way to get these games is to just get yourself a subscription. If you don't think it's worth it just for one game, then just wait for the site to build up with some more games until you buy one. That's at least what I plan to do: sign up when she's got at least two more new games that interests me.
Re: Witchcraft

I would suggest deleting your first post, or editing it. Since all these morons look at is the first and last pages you should be good then.
Re: Witchcraft

I liked the premise of Witchcraft. I also liked the demo content. But I can't help but feel the game was way, way less than what it could've been. In a way, Witchcraft feels much the same as EroNight.

Basically, I like:
- The idea; magic + sex combat = fun times.
- The basic combat shell is pretty good.
- The art I found it quite enjoyable.

But the issues I found:
- Against female opponents you only have 3 attacks (plus the Strapon). Against males you have a decent bunch but fully half of the opponents in the game are female. And most of your attacks become useless for anything but seeing the CG pretty quickly.
- There are just plain way too few spells; magic could've been so much more than it was.
- The spells and the attacks are too vanilla. All just do X damage. Only the penetration attacks have anything at all outside that going on for them, doing damage to self too. This makes the combat pretty dull once you've seen all the art.
- Items also do nothing interesting; the only item really worth buying is the small Anaphrodisiac Potion (saves for the ring faster to unlock all the content).
- Opponents have way too few attacks; there are some with a good bunch but most opponents have basic breast fondling, cunnilingus and vaginal attacks with latter male opponents adding anal on top of that. No opponent has more than one special attack (and the Dragons and Kirsten have none...).
- The game lacks a gallery, fast travel or free battle of any sort making browsing through the opponents after finishing the game a royal pain. Also, if you beat the final boss you don't get to save before then so if you were building up to the 100k then, tough luck.

I don't think the game is really worth the price; the part in the demo was great and there are few awesome additions in the full game but the lack of mechanically interesting combat combined with the low amount of everything kinda makes it feel like it blows all the awesome on you in the start and then repeats the same stuff until it ends.

It wouldn't even have taken all that much effort to make a great game out of this; situationally varying efficiency of the different sex attacks and especially status effects of some kinds for the spells, with just few more spells to boot (and preferably spells that aren't just "superexpensive items that you activate under Magic rather than Item"). And either more interesting items or no items at all. Being able to use an unrestricted number of Anaphrodisiacs in a turn kinda sucks too.

As it stands, I'd give it a 6/10.
Re: Witchcraft

I am in no shape or form a mouthpiece for Vanja, but I am a member of her ero-mania site. She does know this place exists and has sent an email to the administrator politely requesting all future uploads to cease. She does have plans set aside to prevent uploads as was mentioned above and Im pleased to see that users who have signed up are respecting her wishes.

The one fellow above has it perfectly bang on, if you dont want to be a monthly contributor, then wait for a few months down the line till you feel more content is available then sign up for a month to horde all you please for your personal viewing.
Re: Witchcraft

The only thing I'd add is that if I did get a hold of both those games, I would probably 'donate' $2-3 to Vanji for the games.
Re: Witchcraft

The only thing I'd add is that if I did get a hold of both those games, I would probably 'donate' $2-3 to Vanji for the games.


In todays commission world that wouldnt even get you the piece of paper to draw stickfigures of a single cg.

And im going from memory here but there is approx about 30-35 individual cgs done for Spider World, the development of the game itself, programming, sprites. Oh I wont admit its not a masterpiece compared to things you do find in internet land. But thats just ridiculously insulting for the time and effort put into a project like that. I'd acknowledge a collection of Lost Hearts set maybe to $5.

But you gave me a thought I'd like to feedback to her. Especially her older works uploaded to Maniax English for reasonable prices....
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Re: Witchcraft

i think he was trying to say her art works worth 3 bucks
this topic needs to get locked .-.
Re: Witchcraft


In todays commission world that wouldnt even get you the piece of paper to draw stickfigures of a single cg.

And im going from memory here but there is approx about 30-35 individual cgs done for Spider World, the development of the game itself, programming, sprites. Oh I wont admit its not a masterpiece compared to things you do find in internet land. But thats just ridiculously insulting for the time and effort put into a project like that. I'd acknowledge a collection of Lost Hearts set maybe to $5.

But you gave me a thought I'd like to feedback to her. Especially her older works uploaded to Maniax English for reasonable prices....
OK seriously, WHAT THE FUCK?

I'm saying that a licence for one person to play one of these relatively short games is worth $2-3! I am not saying that I would pay her $2-3 to make one of these games exclusively for me! Commissions for a piece of artwork are perfectly reasonable to pay higher amounts of money for, since you're asking for them to make something for you specifically.

I was treating the situation like I was buying the games at retail, or downloading them from an online service. I have no idea where you get the idea that I think her artwork is worthless!
Re: Witchcraft

Well if you think about it a doujinshi is between 5-15$

There are a lot more of pictures and of cause it needs time.
You must admit that programming a game takes a lot of time too besides the drawing.

So the price is probably in common range.

Games/Musik/Books wouldnt be this expensive if the creator would know that the works will be payed for.
But the real world isnt that nice, isnt it? So they raise the price to get at least a little bit for their work.
Re: Witchcraft

I have bought games for between $10 - $30 for just a single game, and many of them I didn't even have half as much fun with as I did with Witchcraft or Spider World. That does of course have a lot to do with me enjoying platformer games with ingame sexscenes more than everything else, but still. The "worth" of something really varies from person to person.

Buying a membership gets you access to everything she's got, one needs to take that into consideration. And the games are just one part of her site - not the only feature.

If I can find something for free, I'm happier that way, but that doesn't mean I don't understand an artist's need for income from their work. There's a lot of time and effort put into these things. Even though some might not be into her stuff, some of us really do enjoy it :)
Re: Witchcraft

I'm saying that a licence for one person to play one of these relatively short games is worth $2-3!

I think you misunderstood where I was going with that, sorry, I should of phrased that better

I meant that very figure for the two particular games like that, was far too low with considering to what your actually purchasing. You get much less paying more for these kind of games over at maniax.
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Re: Witchcraft

I have bought games for between $10 - $30 for just a single game, and many of them I didn't even have half as much fun with as I did with Witchcraft or Spider World. That does of course have a lot to do with me enjoying platformer games with ingame sexscenes more than everything else, but still. The "worth" of something really varies from person to person.

Buying a membership gets you access to everything she's got, one needs to take that into consideration. And the games are just one part of her site - not the only feature.

If I can find something for free, I'm happier that way, but that doesn't mean I don't understand an artist's need for income from their work. There's a lot of time and effort put into these things. Even though some might not be into her stuff, some of us really do enjoy it :)

I agree completely. The issues I'm bringing forward is that she is requiring that you purchase the whole package, most of which I have no interest in, even though I would happily pay for a small part rather then the whole thing.

As for pricing, that's just what I thought would be a fair deal for the two games that are each roughly an hour long (unless I miss my guess), not including padding. I think about $5 would be a fair value for the two, based on the amount and quality of the entertainment that I think I would get out of them. That's my personal opinion.

Given that I would have gone out of my way to actually pay for them once I had them says something too.
Re: Witchcraft

I think you misunderstood where I was going with that, sorry, I should of phrased that better

I meant that very figure for the two particular games like that, was far too low with considering to what your actually purchasing. You get much less paying more for these kind of games over at maniax.

Why would the value of porn be any different then the value of other forms of entertainment? Most good modern games charge about $50 for 10-15 hours of quality entertainment. If we take that as a fair deal, then a game that offers 1 hour of quality entertainment should cost between $3 to $5. Based on the reviews posted on this thread, these games aren't terribly high quality, so they should not be charged at full price.

That is my logic on the pricing.
Re: Witchcraft

Why would the value of porn be any different then the value of other forms of entertainment? Most good modern games charge about $50 for 10-15 hours of quality entertainment. If we take that as a fair deal, then a game that offers 1 hour of quality entertainment should cost between $3 to $5. Based on the reviews posted on this thread, these games aren't terribly high quality, so they should not be charged at full price.

That is my logic on the pricing.

I dont agree.
Good retail games are either much higher quality or much longer. We arent looking at Force unleashed here or something, content / size wise.
That said, other games on manix of similar content type, and often larger / longer go for the $10-$20 range pretty reliably. I would be hard pressed to compare it with a $50 game.

Even so, lets say this game is 2 hours, judging from what I hear, I think thats a fair, possibly optimistic estimate. then comparing it to a game thats 10-15 hours of content (and really, very very few retail games are that light on content), you are still looking at something 5-10 times smaller.

Overall, offering in the range of $5 for this game is not at all insulting, but really a pretty fair offer. 2 or 3 might be a bit low, but its not out of the ballpark.

Now of course the hassle of divvying out games with single transactions may well not make it worth it to sell it for $5, and declining said offer is certainly fine if thats how he wants to package stuff or whatever anyhow. But saying the offer is rude or insulting is silly.

Comparing it to commissioned work, as mentioned earlier on the thread, is just silly, since it isnt commisioned by the person. If Someone makes a nice piece of random art, they do not sell it for the same price they charge someone to make a nice piece of art specifically for that person. Its just not the same thing at all.
Re: Witchcraft

well yeah buying a game in one part would be good but it would be spread everywhere and 30 bucks would just get you all the pics and games to stash somewhere on your pc to see and even if that may not be the best artwork in the world it still had to be worked on i guess and well its not like
hope this doesnt start anything tps donate and i may make it and it may not be what you want kinda thing so a discussion on her games would maybe be a good idea but there would be alot of pm or on topic request since no one reads anything on the next page >.>
Re: Witchcraft

I dont agree.
Good retail games are either much higher quality or much longer. We arent looking at Force unleashed here or something, content / size wise.
That said, other games on manix of similar content type, and often larger / longer go for the $10-$20 range pretty reliably. I would be hard pressed to compare it with a $50 game.

Even so, lets say this game is 2 hours, judging from what I hear, I think thats a fair, possibly optimistic estimate. then comparing it to a game thats 10-15 hours of content (and really, very very few retail games are that light on content), you are still looking at something 5-10 times smaller.

Overall, offering in the range of $5 for this game is not at all insulting, but really a pretty fair offer. 2 or 3 might be a bit low, but its not out of the ballpark.
I actually think you're more or less right here, aside from the length of the games. I'm fairly sure most modern games are in the range of 10 hours or less for their single player. Generally, I do not think that is a fair deal. $60 for a 20-30 hour game without some major staying power or replay-ability is fair. Otherwise, we mostly have the same opinion here, just expressed differently.

Now of course the hassle of divvying out games with single transactions may well not make it worth it to sell it for $5, and declining said offer is certainly fine if thats how he wants to package stuff or whatever anyhow. But saying the offer is rude or insulting is silly.

Comparing it to commissioned work, as mentioned earlier on the thread, is just silly, since it isnt commisioned by the person. If Someone makes a nice piece of random art, they do not sell it for the same price they charge someone to make a nice piece of art specifically for that person. Its just not the same thing at all.
Its not really a hassle, Steam and the online stores for the consoles do this as their main source of revenue. I'm disappointed that the author would not allow for it, and I think it will hurt them overall, but I will not hold a grudge against them.

Thank you for pointing out how silly that was, I'm glad someone's on my side here.
Re: Witchcraft


It's blatantly obvious that he did, in fact, make it (Vanja's name in the description, prequel is a known Vanja game and artstyle is very recognizably Vanja's as well)

Its ridiculous how much people can ignore the obvious when they want to, huh?

yeah, that is quite ridiculous, imagine that.
Re: Witchcraft

...I remember when people used to share these ..T__T I want them. Waaah......But 25$ is a lot for two games, since I already have the rest..
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