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What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Ohai, Underated in Overated:

Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

DUDE. Lost Vikings in WoW? Must, resist... urge... to buy....
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

There's a whole list of cultural refrences in WoW, from Starcraft (there's a grave for Nova in outland) to Men in Black
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

..."No! I must kill the aleins" he shouted

The radio said "No, John. You are the aleins"

And then John was a flood.

What the crap was that? An eight year olds attempt at fan fiction? o_o
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

I feel the need to say a few words about the seventh mainstream installment in the Final Fantasy series. That's right, the big Seven point Oh.

Yes, it had its share of flaws. "Beacause you are a puppet." The project was clearly rushed, and the translation was lacking. Also, though this is extremely common in games of this nature, many of the attacks looked like they should level a city. The summoning spell "Bahamut ZERO" summoned an eight-winged dragon that blasted the earth FROM ORBIT, with a blast that should have left scorch marks all over the face of the continent. When the spell's effects clear, the enemies that survive and (obviously) the party are still standing there, no sign of battle damage. The blades of grass/trees in forest/rocks on path are still there, untouched by a blast reminiscent of Hiroshima. The excessive spectacle sometimes prevented me from immersion in the combat.

However (and you KNEW I was going to say "However...") ...

Final Fantasy 7 DID have a number of things going for it that most games don't. The soundtrack was beyond incredible. Whatever was going on, I could rely on Nobuo Uematsu (sp?) to evoke the appropriate mood.

Sephiroth was a frikkin sweet villain. I won't dwell on this point because that's merely an opinion I share with a number of other people and there's no way to prove or disprove it, but a LOT of people agree with me on this one from what I've read.

More importantly (and I may get blasted on this point but I really don't care) this game made me actually care about the characters. Maybe I'm a sucker and I get brought in too easily by Japanese video game drama, but there was more than one moment in the game that touched me. I never needed a tissue box or anything, but I think most of the people that played the game had a small lump in their throat when Aeris was murdered.

Is it over-talked? Perhaps. Did it have it's flaws? Oh yes indeed, some of which should have been avoided. Does it have over-aggressive fanboys who will make fools of themselves and give it a bad name with their preaching? Absolutely.

But it will always stick out in my mind as a great game that had me immersed in its characters, its music and its world, flawed though they may have been.

On to a very over-looked game:

To me, Bushido Blade (PS1) is and might always be the best fighting game ever created. You choose between six characters and six weapons. Each character has three stances with each weapon, and each stance has three different moves, so you already know this is a game with some variety. Granted, some characters prefer some weapons over others, but it makes for a mismatched fight, which is always more interesting than an even one (if shorter).

Here's the genius of it, IMO: no health bar. If you get hit, you might lose use of an arm (slower attacks) or use of a leg (slower movement, limited stances) but chances are you get impaled or decapitated or cut in half. You simply die. No swaying, no critical health, no halfway mark. A warhammer crushes your skull or some such.

I call this game overlooked and underrated because I only know one other person who owns this game, and that's a local friend who introduced me to it.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Another thing about Bushido Blade I found funny...

You can skip almost every fight in the game... Literally from the second match you can skip to the second to last fight...

The game utilizes a free range run system once you exit a certain distance Then all you gotta do is evade the now angry dude with a katana trying to cut you down in one swing... hop a fence, run through a huge garden, jump down a well... and there you go... kill the nusance and finish the last two fights... You just beat the game in under 5 mins ON HARD EVEN =)
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Sephiroth was a frikkin sweet villain.

[copypasta]Sephiroth is the number one most over-rated character in any video game ever. He gets way more credit than is due. He's not a villain, he's a plot device. He's got little will or motive of his own. He's basically a glorified, overpowered henchman, a mama's boy, and little more.[/copypasta]

Granted he's a very powerful, very cool plot device, but I'm afraid the above stands.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Did you get that from Encyclopedia Dramatica?
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

No, I actually wrote that myself on another forum, in a thread attempting to find who the most badass video game character of all time was if I recall correctly.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Ryu Hyabusa (sp?) from Ninja Gaiden was pretty bad ass. Though the game's story was lacking, the combat was smooth as silk, and he honestly was a bad ass.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Musashi games are underated. Sure story is lax, but the 'learn abilities from enemies' and puzzles are rockout cool. Plus (Samurai Legend in pirticular) the series of 2 games has a lot of humor
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

No, I actually wrote that myself on another forum, in a thread attempting to find who the most badass video game character of all time was if I recall correctly.

Wesker from Resident Evil.

Over-rated game: Battlefield 2142
It's fun, yeah, but we're on Patch 1.5 now, you'd think they would have fixed some things, like bases becoming glitched and therefore uncapturable, or not leveling up until 10 matches AFTER you get enough points, or not getting the points you earned because you have to stay in through an entire match to get them, but get booted out because some punk decides you're so good you MUST be cheating, even though THEIR K/D is something like 1/10.

Fuck you, EA.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Wesker from Resident Evil.

Over-rated game: Battlefield 2142
It's fun, yeah, but we're on Patch 1.5 now, you'd think they would have fixed some things, like bases becoming glitched and therefore uncapturable, or not leveling up until 10 matches AFTER you get enough points, or not getting the points you earned because you have to stay in through an entire match to get them, but get booted out because some punk decides you're so good you MUST be cheating, even though THEIR K/D is something like 1/10.

Fuck you, EA.

That game was never really well spoken of, nor recieved very good reviews. I don't think that counts as over rated if everyone claims it to be either mediocre or kinda crap.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

I realize this. It's still over-rated.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

I love Fight Club for the X-Box.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

[copypasta]Sephiroth is the number one most over-rated character in any video game ever. He gets way more credit than is due. He's not a villain, he's a plot device. He's got little will or motive of his own. He's basically a glorified, overpowered henchman, a mama's boy, and little more.[/copypasta]

Granted he's a very powerful, very cool plot device, but I'm afraid the above stands.

I gotta disagree with you here.

One entry found.

Main Entry:
vil·lain Listen to the pronunciation of villain
Middle English vilain, vilein, from Anglo-French, from Medieval Latin villanus, from Latin villa
14th century

1 : villein 2 : an uncouth person : boor 3 : a deliberate scoundrel or criminal 4 : a character in a story or play who opposes the hero 5 : one blamed for a particular evil or difficulty <automation as the villain in job…displacement — M. H. Goldberg>

That's directly copied from Mirriam Webster's Online Dictionary, found at . Definitions 1 and 2 clearly do not apply.

3. Sephiroth does what he does of his own free will; he chooses to kill people for his own ends.
4. Sephiroth opposes Cloud Strife.
5. Sephiroth is blamed for killing Aeris and summoning Meteor.

To call someone or something in a work of fiction a mere plot device is to say that the nature of the subject in question is unimportant. This is not the case with Sephiroth. After discovery of his origins he becomes a psychopath. This leads him to the destruction of Nibelheim and eventually to the murder of Aeris. Some call his motivations unclear, but I see no reason why we should make a game's creator explain the motivations of a psychopath.

You can call him a mama's boy or whatever else floats your boat (remember that Norman Bates was a psychopath who obsessed and served his dead mother in the Alfred Hitchcock movie, "Psycho"), and you may be right. However these broad oversimplifications fail to destroy his stature as a villain and furthermore they fail to prove him a mere plot device. Your conclusions are debatable at best.

For the record, I don't believe him the greatest villain ever, or even close. But I still think our long-haired little psycho with the dead mommy and the big sword was "a frikkin sweet villain."
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Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

I gotta disagree with you here.

That's directly copied from Mirriam Webster's Online Dictionary, found at . Definitions 1 and 2 clearly do not apply.

3. Sephiroth does what he does of his own free will; he chooses to kill people for his own ends.
4. Sephiroth opposes Cloud Strife.
5. Sephiroth is blamed for killing Aeris and summoning Meteor.

To call someone or something in a work of fiction a mere plot device is to say that the nature of the subject in question is unimportant. This is not the case with Sephiroth. After discovery of his origins he becomes a psychopath. This leads him to the destruction of Nibelheim and eventually to the murder of Aeris. Some call his motivations unclear, but I see no reason why we should make a game's creator explain the motivations of a psychopath.

You can call him a mama's boy or whatever else floats your boat (remember that Norman Bates was a psychopath who obsessed and served his dead mother in the Alfred Hitchcock movie, "Psycho"), and you may be right. However these broad oversimplifications fail to destroy his stature as a villain and furthermore they fail to prove him a mere plot device. Your conclusions are debatable at best.

For the record, I don't believe him the greatest villain ever, or even close. But I still think our long-haired little psycho with the dead mommy and the big sword was "a frikkin sweet villain."

Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

I gotta disagree with you here.

That's directly copied from Mirriam Webster's Online Dictionary, found at . Definitions 1 and 2 clearly do not apply.

3. Sephiroth does what he does of his own free will; he chooses to kill people for his own ends.
4. Sephiroth opposes Cloud Strife.
5. Sephiroth is blamed for killing Aeris and summoning Meteor.

To call someone or something in a work of fiction a mere plot device is to say that the nature of the subject in question is unimportant. This is not the case with Sephiroth. After discovery of his origins he becomes a psychopath. This leads him to the destruction of Nibelheim and eventually to the murder of Aeris. Some call his motivations unclear, but I see no reason why we should make a game's creator explain the motivations of a psychopath.

You can call him a mama's boy or whatever else floats your boat (remember that Norman Bates was a psychopath who obsessed and served his dead mother in the Alfred Hitchcock movie, "Psycho"), and you may be right. However these broad oversimplifications fail to destroy his stature as a villain and furthermore they fail to prove him a mere plot device. Your conclusions are debatable at best.

For the record, I don't believe him the greatest villain ever, or even close. But I still think our long-haired little psycho with the dead mommy and the big sword was "a frikkin sweet villain."

He becomes psychotic, not psycopathic. There's a big difference between the symptoms of the two, but more importantly in this case you have to be born psycopathic while psychotic episodes occur from large amounts of stress. I'm not trying to disprove your argument, it just REALLY REALLY pisses me off when people confuse the two disorders.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

He becomes psychotic, not psycopathic. There's a big difference between the symptoms of the two, but more importantly in this case you have to be born psycopathic while psychotic episodes occur from large amounts of stress. I'm not trying to disprove your argument, it just REALLY REALLY pisses me off when people confuse the two disorders.

I consider myself corrected. Please don't hurt me.
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Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Ryu Hyabusa (sp?) from Ninja Gaiden was pretty bad ass. Though the game's story was lacking, the combat was smooth as silk, and he honestly was a bad ass.

Agreed. Ryu just exuded genuine badass in everything he did. The story was honestly ridiculous, but it still managed to make the nonsense look awesome with every turn. I've sadly yet to play Ninja Gaiden 2, but the combat is without a doubt the best I've seen. It made you feel like a real over the top ninja. The fights could often end up looking like things were to hectic for the player to be in control, but not so. It never got you stuck in irritating end of move animations, and the enemies had none of the strange politeness seen in so many other games. They simply go at you all at once, and the game says to you "deal with it". Staying alive took literal split second reactions, but when you really got into it, it all became natural. When I played Dynasty Warriors for the first time after having played Ninja Gaiden it just felt wrong. Why is everyone just standing there letting me kill them? Why can't I evade that slow strike I saw coming a whole half second ago.

Also, the Ryu in the craptacular Dead or Alive movie, should be shot like the pussy he is. (...or more fairly, the director.)