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What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Call of Duty 2 did Africa, the British part of the campaign... I think so anyway, I could be wrong and it could have been in Italy, but I'm pretty sure it was AFrica. Hmm... I remember playing another one in Africa, but you're right it seems ignored because of the Americans in the Western front of the war. That's why WWII is over done, only the one theatre mostly, with mostly the one nation.

Also, that WWI game, they are touching in a few levels of Trench warfare, but they're trying to include all the other bits of WWI that have been ignored. Also, Ironstorm didn't do a bad job for Trench warfare.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

They might have done Africa, I haven't played all the COD games so I might have missed it. If they really wanted to do something different do it from the opposing viewpoint, and play as Germany or Japan. I think this may have been done not sure, but it may not go over so well if you're trying to kill Americans, Canadians, and Brits. They did do a game where you play as terrorists though so who knows.

Haven't played Ironstorm, but if it's got trench warfare I may try it. I like trench warfare you like house clearing, must be our differing MOS's.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

I'm still disgusted at the company that makes CoD. They should have stayed old school. I had tons of fun in CoD2: BRO, and plenty of fun in CoD: Finest Hour. Stay the damn course, I say
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

The issue, Burrito, is that WW2 and WW1 have been done TO DEATH. There are only so many ways you can portray operation Overlord, and the same f**king missions over and over again, in the same setting.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Ronny They have done some games from the German perspective. The Company of Heroes expansion had a German campaign during Operation Market Garden, the old strategy game A Bridge too Far had German campaigns, the Axis and Allies RTS game had a Axis campaign for both Germany and Japan. And are you infantry as well?

Burrito, Call of Duty is actually handled by two seperate companies. One did CoD 1,2 and 4. The other did CoD finest hour, big red one, and world at war. I don't see what's wrong with going into modern warfare because that allowed the game developers to do what they wanted.

Ili I do not think WWI has been done to death. I've only ever seen one game dedicated to it and it was an under the radar RTS that I never played. There is one FPS coming out for it, and Rise of Nations/Empire Earth both covered the age during one of their "epochs", but it hasn't really been done. There are a few games that take place during the time period, but not the actual war itself. WWII has been done alot, but there's still a lot that has not been covered. The Eastern Front hasn't been done too well in my own opinion. The Canadians have been covered once as I recall (CoD3), and the pacific hasn't been done too well (I want to see World at War to see how the Pacific and Eastern front are handled). They also havn't featured much from the Axis point of view, not too much in Italy (Ortona!). Just because operation Overlord has been done to death (and even then, they never covered the beach landings from British or Canadian perspectives. Gold, Sword, and Juno beaches were quite different from Utah and Omaha), dosn't mean that the ENTIRE war has been. The battles in China havn't been mentioned really. What about the blitzkrieg attacks across Europe. All the games I've seen cover 1944 on, nothing between 1939 and then.
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Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Yes, in other words, the parts that will be recognised and that will sell easily to the casual gamer/war nut/omg asplosions KOOL, have been done to death. Personally (and since, y'know, I'm totally patriot), I want them to get off their lazy capitalistic arses and make one centered around the AUSTRALIAN involvement with the war. World At War covers our main front, but from the bloody US perspective. They seem to forget that we had one of the bloodiest fronts there. There were Japanese subs in Darwin and Sydney, for pete's sake! Then the US dropped a nuke and "OMG YOU GUYS ARE SO AWESOME!" Nevermind the war and losses -we- fought for the Allies...

And I restrain myself from here on.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

You are absolutely correct Ili, they have ignored the Australians, almost more than anyone else. I have yet to see any involvement from Australia in video games (though in the Axis & Allies: Pacific Edition board game one of the playable countries is Australia), and it is unfair. I believe that delving into a more obscure part of any of the conflicts could sell well, especially considering everyone is getting so tired of the ones that have been pumped so much into the media.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Considering ANZAC cove is considered the deployment that showed the world that Australia was a nation as good as the rest, and showed that our soldiers were pretty much without equal in taking that damned beach (The wrong one... -_-; fail@war), yes I would say it is unfair. But enough about my country and its immense propensity for violence, like how recently they had blanks banned from a base because we wounded a soldier in training with them...

The Company of Heroes GOTY edition features no copy of Opposing Fronts with it. Ticked me right off.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

I know the Gold edition does. Not the GOTY
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Holy crap, ORIGINAL Tribes players here?!?

Ok, gotta ask, did either of you folks play the Annihilation Mod ever?
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Well, I'm not the most avid of gamers (some might even call me casual) but I'll throw in my two cents anyway.

Underrated: Psychonauts. This game was artistically brilliant, smartly written, genuinely hilarious, and really fun to play. It's a crime it didn't do any better financially. I crime, I say!

Overrated: Almost every shooter besides Half-Life 2. (which I only played because my brother practically tied me to a chair and forced me) I've never understood the appeal of mindlessly running about and shooting at things. Maybe it a 'guy thing', but I just don't get it.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Well, I'm not the most avid of gamers (some might even call me casual) but I'll throw in my two cents anyway.

Underrated: Psychonauts. This game was artistically brilliant, smartly written, genuinely hilarious, and really fun to play. It's a crime it didn't do any better financially. I crime, I say!

Overrated: Almost every shooter besides Half-Life 2. (which I only played because my brother practically tied me to a chair and forced me) I've never understood the appeal of mindlessly running about and shooting at things. Maybe it a 'guy thing', but I just don't get it.


Holy crap, ORIGINAL Tribes players here?!?

Ok, gotta ask, did either of you folks play the Annihilation Mod ever?

I used to play the original years back, it really sucked when the servers were closed and I couldn't find the new ones. I played tons of the different modifications, especially the paintball one, I was one of the top players on one of those servers.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Ronny They have done some games from the German perspective. The Company of Heroes expansion had a German campaign during Operation Market Garden, the old strategy game A Bridge too Far had German campaigns, the Axis and Allies RTS game had a Axis campaign for both Germany and Japan. And are you infantry as well?

All the games I've seen cover 1944 on, nothing between 1939 and then.

Yeah they have Germany, but no Japan. Or China, Australia, or numerous other countries on both sides. My point I guess is that WWII can not simply be dissected into the UK, US, and Russia vs. Germany and Japan. D-day is overdone, but I might give a shot at playing as a German in D-day like the Beast of Omaha. They should avoid the western front for a while, I think the Burmese campaigns with the Chindits and Merril's Marauders would be a good one. Also cover the war before 1944, Poland could make for an interesting campaign fighting off both the Germans, and the Russians.

I enlisted as an HUMINT collector which is fancy talk for an interrogator. Then I reclassed as a cav/scout, which is what I did in Iraq. While cav/scouts may be able to clear houses we don't normally because we need to stay ahead of the infantry and armor coming behind us. We do have to clear trenches though, kinda hard to avoid them.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Well, I'm not the most avid of gamers (some might even call me casual) but I'll throw in my two cents anyway.

Underrated: Psychonauts. This game was artistically brilliant, smartly written, genuinely hilarious, and really fun to play. It's a crime it didn't do any better financially. I crime, I say!

Overrated: Almost every shooter besides Half-Life 2. (which I only played because my brother practically tied me to a chair and forced me) I've never understood the appeal of mindlessly running about and shooting at things. Maybe it a 'guy thing', but I just don't get it.

I have heard many good things about Psychonauts, but a platformer really needs to grab me and that one didn't.

As for mindlessly running around and shooting things, it's very therapuetic. And I know plenty of other girls that do it too. Kinda like in DW/SW/WO. You run around and kill things. That's the objective of 99% of the game. I find it helps relieve a lot of stress and helps me to not flip out on the customers too much when they come in with their screaming children and are "looking for a book. I don't know the name, I don't know the author, but it's blue and it's about *insert broad topic that covers 75% of any given section*" Yeah, shooting that guy in the head looks pretty good right about now.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Ummm, huh? ^^;

As for mindlessly running around and shooting things, it's very therapuetic. And I know plenty of other girls that do it too. Kinda like in DW/SW/WO. You run around and kill things. That's the objective of 99% of the game. I find it helps relieve a lot of stress and helps me to not flip out on the customers too much when they come in with their screaming children and are "looking for a book. I don't know the name, I don't know the author, but it's blue and it's about *insert broad topic that covers 75% of any given section*" Yeah, shooting that guy in the head looks pretty good right about now.
Heehee, that sounds positively infuriating! Well, maybe I should give the genre another chance, then? I do very much enjoy simple, coordination-based games, such as Geometry Wars, and Demon Girl. Honestly, I think it's the hostile, hyper-competitive atmosphere of online play that really turns me off, now that I think about it. Which is probably why I found Half-Life 2 so unexpectedly enjoyable.
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Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Well, I'm not the most avid of gamers (some might even call me casual) but I'll throw in my two cents anyway.

Underrated: Psychonauts. This game was artistically brilliant, smartly written, genuinely hilarious, and really fun to play. It's a crime it didn't do any better financially. I crime, I say!

Overrated: Almost every shooter besides Half-Life 2. (which I only played because my brother practically tied me to a chair and forced me) I've never understood the appeal of mindlessly running about and shooting at things. Maybe it a 'guy thing', but I just don't get it.

SHIT, I forogt about Psychonauts! You're damn right that game was underrated! And I completely disagree with you about the shooting thing, but that's just me. (And thousands, if not millions, of others.)
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Ummm, huh? ^^;

Heehee, that sounds positively infuriating! Well, maybe I should give the genre another chance, then? I do very much enjoy simple, coordination-based games, such as Geometry Wars, and Demon Girl. Honestly, I think it's the hostile, hyper-competitive atmosphere of online play that really turns me off, now that I think about it. Which is probably why I found Half-Life 2 so unexpectedly enjoyable.

If you don't like the online, DON'T PLAY THE ONLINE! There's plenty of amazing single player shooter games out there! (Fallout 3 FTW)
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

If you don't like the online, DON'T PLAY THE ONLINE! There's plenty of amazing single player shooter games out there! (Fallout 3 FTW)

Bah humbug! Fallout 3 is a glorified Elder Scrolls: Oblivion with guns! The only real differences between the games are the level up systems and the story! Even the modding system is the same thing!
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Why is the comparison of Fallout 3 to Oblivion said like its such a bad thing. Oblivion was an amazing game that I played for hours! I loved it so very much and can't wait to get home and try Fallout 3.

However, there are plenty of shooters out there that are great, especially considering how easy it is for a game to slapped with a 'shooter' label. Just look for one that has a great single player mode.

and Ronny... Cav/Scout eh? Intresting. I don't know if we have/use those at all. REally with us Canucks, Infantry lead the way... not always good.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Bah humbug! Fallout 3 is a glorified Elder Scrolls: Oblivion with guns! The only real differences between the games are the level up systems and the story! Even the modding system is the same thing!

You know something though?

Put a couple twists on it, put it in a new setting, wrap it up in some nice Fallout lore, and you've got Fallout 3. And I'm perfectly happy with that. People who aren't, can find another game to play. Another good game would be something like Call of Duty 4, or one of the Halo games (if you like that kind of stuff, I could never get into it)