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What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

I'll have to agree with you all, Oblivion was pure awesome.

That said, Fallout 3 just seems...recycled. They stuck some better graphics and some minor changes on top of their old engine with a new story and said "Ship it!", and lo, it was shipped.

I enjoy it, it's just...I expected something a little different.

That said, I'm gonna play it to death, just like I did with Oblivion, and when mods and additional campaigns come out....*drool*(Needs something like Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul and the Unofficial patch though, those things added TONS of stuff.)
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

I'll have to agree with you all, Oblivion was pure awesome.

That said, Fallout 3 just seems...recycled. They stuck some better graphics and some minor changes on top of their old engine with a new story and said "Ship it!", and lo, it was shipped.

I enjoy it, it's just...I expected something a little different.

That said, I'm gonna play it to death, just like I did with Oblivion, and when mods and additional campaigns come out....*drool*(Needs something like Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul and the Unofficial patch though, those things added TONS of stuff.)

If there's one thing I'd like to see, it'd be a giant laser cannon (a tiny bit bigger than the Fat Boy).
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

If you don't like the online, DON'T PLAY THE ONLINE! There's plenty of amazing single player shooter games out there! (Fallout 3 FTW)

Without the yelling, yes. Sound advice. I play with my friends (LAN) and solo/offline. If I don't have to deal with the 12 year old snots, I enjoy a game a whole lot more.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Most Overated Halo
Most under rated The Ultima series of games by richard Garriot (lord british)
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

If I don't have to deal with the 12 year old snots, I enjoy a game a whole lot more.

My gaming group in Counter-Strike Source beat down a team of 12 year olds recently. It was so very satisfying when alltalk was turned back on for two of them to start calling me names. My CSS trolling abilities are second to none, but hey, they challenged us.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

I myself hardly ever play any games online so I've never had to deal with the crazy 12 year olds. Hence why I don't have to many strong feelings on Halo, or games like it.

Ultima was indeed a very good series, but it got outshone by other's like it mainly because the market was so crowded at that time. Don't forget about Wing Commander either, I think they were both made by Origins.

Sin you may not need cav/scouts as much in the CF. I'm not sure how the CF is setup, but we work more with the armor and I doubt if the CF has as big an armored force as the US does.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

That said, Fallout 3 just seems...recycled. They stuck some better graphics and some minor changes on top of their old engine with a new story and said "Ship it!", and lo, it was shipped.

I enjoy it, it's just...I expected something a little different.

Well, with that in mind, I can call Left 4 Dead and CSS 'recycles' from Half-Life 2, because they both use the Source engine. Or the entire UT series, because they use the Unreal engine. Same goes for Quake, Gears of War, The Battlefield Series, et. So, honestly, stating something's recycled when the only thing truly recycled is the graphics engine is bullshit.

Lumarin; said:
The only real differences between the games are the level up systems and the story! Even the modding system is the same thing!
And the rebalanced combat system. And the way the graphics engine is used. And the music. And all these other things you people who call games recycles don't seem to notice or care about.
And how would you know that the modding system is the same thing? They've used the plugin system since Morrowind, and they've kept it for a damn good reason. It works well! If it's not broke, don't fix it. Now, as previously stated, the modding system doesn't even exist yet, so please don't go around throwing stones at something that isn't even there. =)
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

I want to play Fallout 3 so bad... I've been waiting so long! I can't really mention anything about recycling because I havn't played it, but from what I've read up on it, it seems quite different.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Gheylo 3? I mean halo 3. There was alot.. they could done to make it better. It was really sad what they gave us, but the story mode was ok, I give it a rent but way over rated.

Under rated?
lets see...
Left 4 Dead
I really hate poeple saying "I wont pay 50 bucks for a mod" (or 60.. if you have a lamebox)

Its not a mod, its a work of art, really fun and I think its well worth every bit of it. Really on the PC side more.. since the SDK is coming out and so many mappers working on more amazing storys for the characters to play in. But the Xbox side... really, because its on the xbox I think its worth less because you cant get any more then what they give you... and only 40 maps...
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

I really enjoy my x-box 360, and I don't see why they won't be able to allow players to download new content for Left 4 Dead via x-box live.

I'm really out of the loop with these new games. Havn't touched anything that's come out after Sept and I'm jealous of everyone!
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

I wouldn't mind playing some of these games with my forum peeps. Unfortunately, I quite enjoy my Xbox, so you PC only people will have to go on without me =C. But xbox folks, and the wii if they get that friend code mess sorted, should be able to get a hold of me easy enough. Send me a PM I guess, or we might start a list in the multiplayer game thread
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Underrated: Jade Cocoon for the PS1. When it came out all I remember for it in the way of advertising and such is a column of a review and a demo. There was no ad's in magazines or the television, yet Jade Cocoon to me has got to be one of the best monster training RPG's that has ever graced our world.

It came out about the time Pokemon was at the height of its popularity so I guess most people would just pass it off as another Pokemon clone. But it's so much more than Pokemon can ever aspire to be.

Anyway, I'd not be able to do the game justice by telling you about it so read the wiki article found .

Though what sets it out from other games of it's ilk is the way monster training and merging is handled. Instead of breeding like Pokemon you merge two monsters together to produce a more powerful monster all round. Most of the time. Anyway, you'd need to use two monsters, one would act as the base and the other would give the base monster its colouration, some stat increases/decreases, new moves and alter various parts of the monster. Because of this, and the fact that there's 4 element's a monster can belong to there is literally over a million different combinations to create, all with varying attacks and magic.

Overrated: The Pokemon series. Yes, I'm a die hard Pokemon fanatic, but even I know when it's been milked too much. Seriously, whats the fucking plot to the games? Oh look, I'll become the number one Pokemon trainer! EGADS! There's some trouble afoot, I best deal with it and get no praise for it afterwards! Cant they come up with something different? And what the fucks up with most of the new Pokemon?!

Anyway, thats my rant over.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Underrated: Jade Cocoon for the PS1. When it came out all I remember for it in the way of advertising and such is a column of a review and a demo. There was no ad's in magazines or the television, yet Jade Cocoon to me has got to be one of the best monster training RPG's that has ever graced our world.

It came out about the time Pokemon was at the height of its popularity so I guess most people would just pass it off as another Pokemon clone. But it's so much more than Pokemon can ever aspire to be.

Anyway, I'd not be able to do the game justice by telling you about it so read the wiki article found .

Though what sets it out from other games of it's ilk is the way monster training and merging is handled. Instead of breeding like Pokemon you merge two monsters together to produce a more powerful monster all round. Most of the time. Anyway, you'd need to use two monsters, one would act as the base and the other would give the base monster its colouration, some stat increases/decreases, new moves and alter various parts of the monster. Because of this, and the fact that there's 4 element's a monster can belong to there is literally over a million different combinations to create, all with varying attacks and magic.

God yes, I remember this game. I really REALLY wanna buy a copy of it, but you can't ever find it anywhere. It's some of the best fun ever.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Lol I've found a copy on ebay for £3.99, unfortunately I dont have any money in my bank. Fortunately it has 8 more days on it so I'll be buying that as soon as I come home from work on Friday. It's one of the few RPG's I actually go back to contantly. Also I'd really appreciate and love the person forever if they know of a place where I can DL a working eboot of Jade Cocoon for the PSP. All the one's I've gotten dont allow me to save.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?


Halo, I really liked the first one (Do some research, and you'll find out it was about the only game that kept the X-box alive)

Then came 2, which I was...I didn't know what to say. The Covenant have attacked the Earth?! Oh man, this is gonna be incredibly!Then, you spend two levels on Earth before going to...another halo. Okay, I understand the need for this, sure, the game is called fucking halo. I would assume it would re-appear. But come on?! So soon? And the Flood also re-appear, which was to be expected, but seriously?

I mean, this is all to be expected. The Halo and the flood were both interesting mechanics that had to be re-introduced obviously. But you showed us a fucking trailer of Earth being blown to shit! GOD DAMMIT, I WANN BE IN THE FIGTH! Don't get me started on the Arbiter shit, which really was just confusing. I'm not saying they couldn't have done it, but this game went from simple story, to trying to be deep, and it wasn't implemented well.

As for the Third Halo, it suffers more than anything from the Second Halo. We're on Earth now, but It's more the aftermath of all the figthing insstead of the Key moments. I did enjoy it more than 2, (The Scarab Figths this time around we're pretty awesome) but it suffers from the set backs of 2.

Also very Over rated? And this is gonna get me attacked....

Metal Gear Solid 4.

That's rigth, there, I said it, it's off my chest. Kojima, I really like you, I really liked MGS1, 2 and 3! I mean, we had a small figth in 2, but you more than made up for it in 3! I mean, by god! Sure, some of the story was a little confusing, but not as bad as 2. And boss figths! My GOD! I awaited MGS4 with envy, hoping it wouldn't force me to buy a PS3. So I asked my friend for it, and he lends me his console and I pop it in with such glee!

Then, part 1 ended. In about 2-3 hours. Never the less, part one had pretty much been the only part advertised. Okay, well, the rest are sure to be good right! Part 2 is more of the same, then Part 3. Part 4 is a nice bit of nostalgia, but that's it. And Part 5....don't.

Combined PLAY TIME, was probably 7-9 hours. I;m sorry Kojima, but fuck you. I did not pay for a movie. You did not spend years in development, teasing us with previews, to give us HOURS of cutscenes! Also, what to fuck did you do the plot? I played all the MGs before it, payed attention, but I still couldn't understand a lot of it. There were some incredible moments in there (Rex, Half-gameply-half-cutscene figth, Ocelot figth, Part 1) but WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME?!!?! I WANTED YOU TO BE GOOD, I REALLY DID!? BUT I JUST CAN'T!!!!!?!?!?

Okay, there, now I'll just list the underateds I agreed with....
Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem - This game is off the goddamn hook, and still can get a scare out of me to this day despite me having beaten it 3 times for the additional ending. Everyone who's played it will probably tell you how much they love it too, but that's only if you manage to meet the other 7 people besides me who bought it.

Beyond Good and Evil: Hard to describe this game. It has adventure elements, along with a good stealth system, yet you are a journalist who is just searching for the truth. A beautiful story, awesome characters, and wonderful game play kept me playing this for a long time. But it ends with a cliff hanger which would tease fans for a long time. However a sequel has been announced... apparently my threats to Ubisoft worked.

Underrated: Psychonauts. This game was artistically brilliant, smartly written, genuinely hilarious, and really fun to play. It's a crime it didn't do any better financially. I crime, I say!

I really enjoy my x-box 360, and I don't see why they won't be able to allow players to download new content for Left 4 Dead via x-box live.

Valve has nothing against the 360, and the hope to support it the same as PC. The main problem here, is Microsoft. MS doesn't want to give free updates, It will only allow Valve to update through money. This not only being an asshole move, but it limits Valve. They wait until they have a bunch of updates (Like they tried with TF2) before charging you 5 bucks for it. BLAST YOU MICROSOFT!
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

The lack of Legaia 2 disapoints me...

The combat system is probably never been used in any other game ever made, as far as I know. Utilizing combo attacks through the D-Pad was pretty damn awesome, and a lot of the attacks were pretty damn cinematic.

The story was actually a little weak, but to be honest I too captured by the Art System to give a shit. Also, the voice acting was pretty pathetic, but it's so funny that you'll actually enjoy it.

You can basically make items that will let you rape the shit out of enemies because of their stat boosts. Max AP? Fuck yeah! I'll use those Hyper Arts until my eyes dry up!

The world map was pretty damn explorable too. Lots of little hidden goodies on it also. Secret locations and shops with rare items, the really memorable towns, the diverse places to fight in, and you could even camp and sit around the fire!

All in all, the main grab about this game is the combat system. I doubt you've seen anything like it in any other game. If your not a little cheating punk, finding the secret Arts is really fun since the different combos you do each time is fun as hell to watch.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

I really enjoyed Daggerfall as well. The graphics were horrible, but it was one of the first deep RPGs made. Quite well done.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

I can agree with Psyco on the level structure for Halo 2. The story I thought was fine. The Arbitor stuff was pretty cool in some ways, particularly his short discusion with good old Half-Jaw in that first sence aboard the phantoms. Half Jaw seriously needed more time in Halo 3. He was like the Johnson equivilent for the elites. Bad ass and indestructable. (due to game mechanic, but meh.)

But the pacing of it could have been much better. More time on earth, and a more sensible re introduction of the flood. Rather than "oh look, it's the flood again. Just here, again, for no apparent reason...". The story up to the end of the game, though a little vague, seemed good. It left you wondering just what was Truth actually up to, what were the origins and true nature of the flood, what would happen to Cortana, and what was up with this Ark stuff. It was all looking good.

Halo 3. I think might be the opposite. Nice level progression, more nifty gameplay elements, the epic scarab fights etc. But it totaly droped the story for me.

So what was Truths actually planning all this time? Why did he kill off the other prophets? Why did he split the covenant in half and abolish the council? Why was he seemingly so un bothered by the fact the holy covenant mother ship was being overrun by the flood? Why did he start the war in the first place? Obviously, he has some other motive right? He knows more than he's letting on, and that all this great journey is a lie hes put together to achieve his sneaky goal. Oh, no, wait! He's just a morionic zealot after all. In Halo 3 he continues on with the great journey stuff, happily ripping the covenant apart and failing like an idiot. He did it all for god and shits and giggles.

Ok, so what about the Flood? They're tougher and creepier than ever, and probably the most fun to fight of all the games. But for all the cryptic things the Grave Mind spews, there is no more development on what the hell they are. The Grave Mind, another aparent master mind with plans on the finale, doesn't actually do anything interesting after all. His speeches nothing more than hot air to sound cool. In the end, you just kill it and be done with it.

Next, Cortana. The purple lady who heroicly stayed behind on the mothership to blow it up if the flood got out of hand. Well done miss, you earn 20 light side points. But then she dumps that idea. She doesn't blow up the mothership, instead leaving the flood to steal a few covenant cruisers and cause havoc on earth, and subsequently them flying the entire damned mother ship into the Ark itself. Nice one. Ok, maybe it'd be a shame if they killed off Cortana like that, but she made the promise damnit, what else was she staying behind for? The flood now aboard the Ark, Chief is forced to blow it up. They blew up the Ark. Ancient humanitys legacy on the stars. It was huge and awesome, and they blow it up, because of Cortanas blundering. Not only that, but Johnson dies while trying to do this, in a seriously lame way. So I blame Cortana for Johnson's inapropriate death also. I mean, it's just not right. You don't kill Johnson. He was made famous because he was the awesome black sargent guy, that no matter how much he died in the first game, always came back. They named him for the second game because of that, and made a joke about him surviving everything. If anyone should have survived the game, it was Johnson. In the least they could have gave him a more bad ass and less pathetic death.

Ugh... I'm writing to much. I've missed plently too. The story in H3 just doesn't do it for me. It could have, but didn't. Again, don't get me wrong, there are an equal amount of things the game has done right, and it's multiplay is one of the few that I keep coming back to. At lan partys Halo has always reigned supreme over any other game we've tried. I could moan about the way they wrapped the story up for hours, but won't unless somone wants me too.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

John-117 waited. The lights above him blinked and sparked out of the air. There were aleins in the base. He didn't see them, but had expected them now for years. His warnings to Sergent Johnson were not listenend to and now it was too late. Far too late for now, anyway.

John was a Spartan for fourteen years. When he was young he watched the spaceships and he said to dad "I want to be on the ships daddy."

Dad said "No! You will BE KILL BY ALEINS"

There was a time when he believed him. Then as he got oldered he stopped. But now in the space station base of the Halo ring he knew there were aleins.

"This is Cortana" the radio crackered. "You must fight the aleins!"

So John gotted his palsma rifle and blew up the wall.

"HE GOING TO KILL US" said the aleins

"I will shoot at him" said the Hunter and he fired the rocket missiles. John plasmaed at him and tried to blew him up. But then the ceiling fell and they were trapped and not able to kill.

"No! I must kill the aleins" he shouted

The radio said "No, John. You are the aleins"

And then John was a flood.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

*Blinks at Lucas, pulls out her Halo novel... stops*

Anyway, The thing I liked about Halo was that is was a shoot things game with a story and novels :'D

I think an under-rated game woultd Be... Brain Lord. Legend of Legaia (A great PS1 game), Soul Blazer... Secret of Evermore... All the old good SNES games that weren't based on movies. ooh! The Lost Vikings,