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ADV [Vosmug] Xenotake (RE131077)

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Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

For those of you like me who are too cheap to buy the game you need to first extract the 0.3 trial to a folder, then paste XT_Main from vals post ( ) into that folder.
You need to then make several copies of the music files in the sound folder, and name them as such

bgm_#.ogg (# being 1-5)
bgm_ev# (1-3)

At the end of it you should have 28 files in the sound folder

well there are 3 different files that you can copy


they are there, you just need to copy them and change the numbers but which do i copy to create the others?
bgm_ev# (1-3)

do i make them out of the 113kb/576kb or 1.527kb file?!
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

well there are 3 different files that you can copy


they are there, you just need to copy them and change the numbers but which do i copy to create the others?
bgm_ev# (1-3)

do i make them out of the 113kb/576kb or 1.527kb file?!
Doesn't matter.

You can even put in other music files there.

Without the dlls, the game gives out a bunch of errors you can ignore and it just goes through, but without music (you didn't load the dlls that play them). But when you have the dlls, the game gives a fatal error about not finding the music files. So you just need some music there that it can find.

Any ogg should do.
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

It's very much personal opinion, but I think gameplay in a h-game merely exists to put the smut into some sort of context. Xenotake does it pretty good; the hentai is easy to 'draw' in real life graphics in my head, then super impose that over where she is and what's happening.

That said if your chocolate bar's wrapper was crappily designed you'd look elsewhere. Trick is to make the presentation good so people buy your particular hentai bars, which is really what you were after in the first place.

Perhaps mercifully I've forgotten the name of a pseudo 3-d game with this girl and nazis who looked like they'd been stabbed repeatedly with botox needles. That game's 'wrapper' handled atrociously, and spoilt what hentai there was in it.
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

It's very much personal opinion, but I think gameplay in a h-game merely exists to put the smut into some sort of context. Xenotake does it pretty good; the hentai is easy to 'draw' in real life graphics in my head, then super impose that over where she is and what's happening.

That said if your chocolate bar's wrapper was crappily designed you'd look elsewhere. Trick is to make the presentation good so people buy your particular hentai bars, which is really what you were after in the first place.

Going with what you said, I think for myself (and a lot of others) it's similar to porn with a story; the only porn I can actually find hot anymore that's WITHOUT a story is amateur stuff (because it's not fake as fuck).

Otherwise, it needs to have a story of some sort, to make it believable, to give the people just enough characterization so you can see them as actual human beings and not "actors".

The trick though is to not push that line too much; with real life porn (and to a lesser extent hentai as it's drawings and not flesh and blood, although this doesn't make it any less of an ART FORM, of course), you don't want to cross over into full blown empathy or realism of characters, because then in a lot of situations (especially the ones frequently shown in this forum) you start to feel sadness and negative emotions towards the situation.

This is why it's actually a bad thing to make your characters TOO developed, because instead of getting off at them getting forcefully gangbanged, you'll then likely start to empathize with them and feel bad for jerking off about the situation.

I think Xenotake stays on the safe side of things, but gets close enough to the line that it's definitely got an enjoyable amount of storyline and characterization, but it's always shown in a way that we never really feel bad for Eerien or anyone else getting fucked in it, as Eerien usually passes it off as not seeming to mind that much and/or part of the job description, and other characters have even more positive reactions to getting fucked and so forth.

Interestingly, the only time none of the above applies seems to be dating games, where you WANT to empathize as much as possible with the characters, and as such you should try to make the characters as relate-able or pitiable as possible, depending on the characterization.
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

This is why it's actually a bad thing to make your characters TOO developed, because instead of getting off at them getting forcefully gangbanged, you'll then likely start to empathize with them and feel bad for jerking off about the situation.

Some people actually like that, they enjoy the suffering and despair of the characters, that's horrible.
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

Doesn't matter.

You can even put in other music files there.

Without the dlls, the game gives out a bunch of errors you can ignore and it just goes through, but without music (you didn't load the dlls that play them). But when you have the dlls, the game gives a fatal error about not finding the music files. So you just need some music there that it can find.

Any ogg should do.

allright thanks a lot! :)
i can confirm that it works
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

All the broke students can contact me for a link.

Edit: I'll answer as fast as i can. I do have a job and sadly I also require sleep from time to time. ^^
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Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

Will he ever update this game with more animations for existing enemies, or even more enemies in general? The story was interesting to follow, even though I agree the robot part was very boring, and the animations are great! The variety of enemies and animations are pretty lacking though. I find it especially disappointing that the small humanoids and the brutes are so incredibly similar! And I do not understand what the point is with the teasing tentacle when caught by the orange blobs, when all that happens when you don't escape is an instant death.

Anyway, fun game with great animation and decent story. Kind of lacking in the H compartment when it comes to quantity, but it definitely does good for quality.
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

The game is finally out this is good news. I bought the game and I do not regret my purchase for 7$ it ​​is not expensive. I took 1 hour to finish the game, the drawings are beautiful but I regret the lack of animation H to finish the player, the game is restarted immediately without being asked. Otherwise I think the game lacks replayability seen but the price is not a problem :D. If there is a sequel I hope there will be more content in Xenotake 2 :D !

All the broke students can contact me for a link.

Students are so poor, dirt economic crisis!
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

Read the comment section for the release post, and he stated that he would prefer to continue to another project and not add any content unless he absolutely has to, or if he gets enough ideas to go with a bugfix update. Kind of sad, but oh well.
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

Some people actually like that, they enjoy the suffering and despair of the characters, that's horrible.

Yeah, but I mean, it takes all kinds to make the world go 'round, although I definitely can't get into the whole "genuinely feels bad man" type stuff.

I regret the lack of animation H to finish the player, the game is restarted immediately without being asked.

After you beat the game, check out the Alien Prison; the h-animations loop endlessly there until you press a button to end it. :)

Read the comment section for the release post, and he stated that he would prefer to continue to another project and not add any content unless he absolutely has to, or if he gets enough ideas to go with a bugfix update. Kind of sad, but oh well.

To be honest, I find it kind of funny that some of the people (not you; I'm just using your quote, sorry!) who are asking for more content, updates, more animations, etc. are the same people who are pirating the game with no intent to ever pay.

Again, not expecting it to stop, it's just like, if you're gonna do that, why would you be disappointed that they're not going to make any additions to said game? I pirate stuff too, obviously, but I definitely don't ask for extras/more stuff, because IMO I have no right to.
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

Quality game. The only thing I can see that it is lacking is some sort of game over CG/animations. The instant restart is pretty abrupt and not what I would call ideal. A defeated animation with a restart prompt would be amazing.
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

To be honest, I find it kind of funny that some of the people (not you; I'm just using your quote, sorry!) who are asking for more content, updates, more animations, etc. are the same people who are pirating the game with no intent to ever pay.

Again, not expecting it to stop, it's just like, if you're gonna do that, why would you be disappointed that they're not going to make any additions to said game? I pirate stuff too, obviously, but I definitely don't ask for extras/more stuff, because IMO I have no right to.

This is the main problem of piracy, they want quality games but they do not want to pay. After they ask of content without thinking that the creator has no salary during the period of his game devellopement. It takes a lot of courage to enter this market.

Otherwise I find it unfortunate that Vosmug have not developed more vore animation, the game had good potential.
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

"who are asking for more content, updates, more animations, etc. are the same people who are pirating the game with no intent to ever pay."

I wouldn't mind paying just to help speed things up. If anything a 'sneak-peak' of a gif or scene that can be sent via PM or email for a few dollars wouldn't (imo) be a bad idea. If Vosmug were to do something like that then I'd contribute.

Just an idea. All I know is I don't want to wait another year for something new.
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

Well I dunno about the actual game but with the ghetto version you can easily re-write/mod the story.
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

Where the hell are we supposed to go after you rescue the girls and need to find her gun and armor??
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

After you beat the game, check out the Alien Prison; the h-animations loop endlessly there until you press a button to end it. :)

It's missing the boss animations as well as several other ones though, I was hoping he'd include those in the "sandbox" mode, but to my surprise they weren't there. The only way to see them is to go through the parts of the game where they are.
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

Where the hell are we supposed to go after you rescue the girls and need to find her gun and armor??

Keep going as the robot through the original path, and then you should end up where you got captured first when you were playing as Eerien; now you can go past that area, so keep going through there.

You'll eventually see some long, vertical slits in the wall; those are doorways you can enter.
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

Keep going as the robot through the original path, and then you should end up where you got captured first when you were playing as Eerien; now you can go past that area, so keep going through there.

You'll eventually see some long, vertical slits in the wall; those are doorways you can enter.

ty, felt like I was going back and forth forever.
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

hmm.. already play it... its good..
but i think its better if there any different route? or ending?
or maybe status effect after rape..
but anyway its good enough
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