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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke took the Denari from the wishing fountain and looked for a pocket to place them all the while looking quite the rogue. No one stopped her yelled at her no disgruntled comments. Normally she would have giggled getting off scot free with such a trick but with no one to maybe catch her it had lost some of its thrill. Meanwhile Sylph was exploring and old book store which had become the victim of a fire the burned out building providing all sorts of interesting shapes and such for the girl to contort herself around.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled warmly at Sylphs endeavor and went on to fill up the newly aquired basin, a few denarii richer to boot! Honestly with the sunlight, even after killing the husks inside the ruins still seemed like a time-forgoten place of wonder. The broken statue while tragic, added to the mistical feel.

In high moods, if nothing opposed her she'd call for Sylph once the basin was filled and both of them would head on back. They had some hugry adventurers to feed.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke headed back to the group following Sylph and found several of the girls outside in the fresh air repairing armor or sharping blades. Each of them waved at Rikke and greeted her in a friendly manner. Though Cassandra looked at her with a slight frown on her face but as soon as Rikke looked Directly at her she went back to mending her gear. Still Willow was out and ran up to both greeting Rikke and Sylph with happy barks. Sylp immediately turned into goo puppy and began to chase him and roll around in the dirt causing a little ruckas. Giggling she brought the fresh water to the to cooks who had preped what they could without water. "Oh good Rikke your back." Kats eyes widened when she saw the basin. "Wow is that silver? It must be very pure to shine like that? Where did you get it?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh~ just got lucky while scavenging the wreckage. Sylphie showed me the way" the girl smiled innocently, like she was going to say she actually stole it from the abbandoned church! Rikke looked out the window to the sights and barks coming from outside "So~ need help with the meals?" she looked back to the cooks, if not the rogue could always go outside and play around with the gang.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I think we got it Rikke go ahead catch up Im sure you got lots of questions for the girls still." With that Jess and Kat got to work prepping the meal. Kat listening to everything that came out of Jess's mouth. Rikke went back into the sunlight and saw Sylph and Willow in a roll tumble play fight. Alice was standing guard a long polearm in her hands She was wearing a medium weight armor and with her hair tied back she looked rather fierce. Janet and Erika where Chatting as she helped change the bandage on her arm. Naomi was on the roof eying the surroundings two happy little birds flitting near her. Cassandra was leaning against the wall looking bored.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well might aswell see what was up with Cassandra, she'll tease the duo pups later on. The girl walked up to the amazon smiling warmly "Hey~ Cassey~ Feeling under the weather?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Cassandra looked up at Rikke's approach and waited for the girl to speak. "Nothing like that Rikke." She waited a moment but it seemed that Rikke wasn't leaving. Sighing to herself she looked at Rikke dead on. "I was thinking just before you came back how nice its been with us girls. Almost like a little family wouldn't you say." She waited a moment longer before speaking again. "And every family has its mother and its father or rather those types of rolls in them. Jess has taken us under her wing this last week and while we are all capable independent woman.." Rikke couldn't miss the emphasis on independent. "Its nice to think we have that after all the only one who is even sure any of her parents are alive is Naomi. I guess what Im trying to say is will you be that other person in our lives? Will you and Jess be our family?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled warmly at the comments and leaned up against the very same wall near Cassandra in a very similar fashion, perhaps just to show that the heroine was very much on the same level as her "I'd make a horrible role model..." the girl snickered lightly "While Jessica always followed my lead, she was also the one to keep me in check... guess you could her my "parent"... perhaps she could watch over all of us. But I tried to stay in one place not too long ago..." memories of her time in the manor came back "But I'll probably leave Endus once everything settles down." the girl looked to Cassanda "Traveling and adventure is who I am. No matter how much I love you girls" Rikke would linger near Cassandra for a bit looking over the sights in the court.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Cassandra looked away to hide her disappointment but Rikke's sharp eyes caught it anyway. "I guess I expected as much. Its to bad I was hoping you would at lest be one of us and not just in name. Honestly I don't care if your away for long periods of time it was just a nice thought to have someone out there you can count on or come back to you know."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke giggled warmly and leaned down trying to catch Cassandras eye "I said I wouldn't be staying in Endus... I never said I'm leaving the Venus girls." she smiled warmly "BUT only on the condition I don't have to pierce my tongue." her expression obviously showed it wasn't out of disrespect or the like, she just liked her tongue the way she was... without accesories...

"I must warn you, if I carry our gangs name around. Odd rumors may spread..." the rogue giggled warmly "Ofcourse if you'll have as a special member... perhaps a cute tattoo for my Venus girl membership?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I suppose that could be worked out but Im telling ya Rikke it can drive a man wild and some woman to if your skilled enough." Cassandra and Rikke talked a little longer before she decided to move on and it seemed that Cassandra was in a better mood.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke giggled warmly "Oh~ If I drive em anymore mad, the poor things will start breaking..." the girls chatted a bit more, about the wargs, about Rhea and Rune, about Erica... still Rikke couldn't stay here forever.

The heroine eyed the two pups still going at it and snickered lightly "I'll go teach those two a lesson." with that the girl gently snuggled against Cass and went on to the two pups to play around.

"And who are these two rascals!" Rikke qucikly claped her hands grinned widely at the two pups *bark* "Ammmf~" the duo were just adorable, the heroine clapped once more "I'm gonna getcha!" signaling for them to run away.

And so the race was on, Rikke on hot pursuit to catch both pups, even if she wasn't giving it her all more just playing chase than actually trying to nag the two troublemakers.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The pups ran away from Rikke obviously enjoying the game. Though after awhile Sylph stopped and yawned and returned to her normal shape. Rikke noticed she was even darker in color than the last time she had seen her. Still she smiled at Rikke while the rogue continued to chase Willow about.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke playfully ruffled the goo looking her warmly before a bark called her away and back to the chase. Still Sylphs color change meant only one thing... she was getting ready for her winter nap and the truth that Rikke just might be here when Sylphie wakes up again shook the girls heart.

Still pushing those thoughts aside Rikke played around with the pup both of the enjoying their little chase, still before long Rikke decided to actually catch the energetic pup gently picking him up at first to a whine, but then to a mad wiggle of the tail and joyous panting.

Rikke pressed the pup to herself, gently nuzzling him before placing him back down and petting him. She wanted to see what the other girls were up to... with that she approached Janet and Erika "Hey girls~" she smiled warmly.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Hey Rikke both girls answered at the same time and giggled after they did." Finding an old barrel nearby Rikke sat down and saw that Janet had removed the bandage from around her eye. It was bruised but it looked like it was healing good though a small scar would be apparent probably the rest of her life. "Oh thank Venus that bandage is off it was causing me to sweat so much." Janet smiled at Rikke. "Well despite being beat up we accomplished our mission saved our hero and thus saved the day." Janet sounded absolutely certain about and it reassured Rikke a great deal. "Oh Janet looks so sexy in her armor and that little scare just screams dangerous. We should convince her to have another night of fun with us." It was inner Rikke speaking it would be a wonder if the girl would ever get used to that.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

'I wonder if they come in leather...' 'Oh~ we should totally ask the priestess.' the girl giggled to herself, only to notice the other two eyeing her curiously "Hm?" the girl blushed lightly "Well I think the real heroes are the ones doing the saving, not the ones being saved..." the girl smiled earnestly "I just wanted to say thanks again Janet. I've known Gruff and Kat only for a little while, but enough to care for their safety. Thanks for being there when I was not."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"You would have done the same Rikke thats what hero's do right!" Janet smiled and propped herself up better struggling with her arm a little bit but managing to find a good spot to rest. "So Rikke did you see DeGravel in there?" It was Erika speaking her eye widening at the mention of the man's name.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

It was like a jolt of lightning for the girl as her eyes popped open "DeGravil!" the girl quickly turned to where Alice stood, she was the team leader next to Jessica in there. Did she see DeGravil?!

Without a word Rikke quickly ran off to Alice "Alice! Alice! In the cages where you found me... there was a women, very busty with short black hair? Did you see her anywhere?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"No Rikke you where the only one we found besides some insane succubi who fought to the death. Why where there others in that place." Alice looked at Rikke waiting for her answer.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Insane succubi? How did she look like?" this very well might be DeGravil Alice had in mind... last time she saw the woman she was no longer human "Yeah I had a cell-mate... A..." Rikke paused a moment "The gender swapped DeGravil..."