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Violet (plmnko)

Re: Violet (plmnko)

With so boring fight the giant plant woman moves to almost half sleep hit her mindless foe, just to fail for an inch and then see the tall woman hit herself in the guardian wall like a small fly at a window. Pfft, aw poor that was so close, why dont you try it again? Violet chuckle softly as she prepare another hit with her staff in the mindless woman's body.

Violet was having the most boring fight for her life, this foe was talking just at the start but now she looks so out of way, now just useful to help Violet to get more practice on hit moving targets.

[yawn...Attack...again... normal attack]
Re: Violet (plmnko)

Attack Roll:

Violet: 8 vs. Lian: 21. Counter Attack = NO.

Violet misses, and Lian snarls at her words, whipping around suddenly ...

Grapple Attempt:

Lian: 21 vs. Samantha: 14. Counter Attack = NO.

... and suddenly charging a surprised Samantha who doesn't have time to avoid being taken to the ground!

"Oh fuck, get off me!"

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Samantha: 20 vs. Lian: 22.

Samantha can't get her off!


1: Help Samantha.

2: Watch to see if she's got this, or if she gets raped.
Re: Violet (plmnko)

you forgot the 100 damages from the spirit. Also i know than you are trying to see how Lian can win this, but really this girl cant just do more than make this fight more boring by increasing the number of rounds to beat her, even if she manage to rape one of them. If you still want to see if the foe can win then just make two rounds per post

And so... another swing and rally Violet was just thinking why someone would place a woman than only can say a naughty introduction and do sounds, maybe one of the hits from before has damaged her brain, mammals ussually have that problem, but Violet cant do more than feel bad for that useless guardian.

Once this turn and attack her friend, well was not a great change, even a potato could understand than Violet is superior in all to face her. Hey mute snalr's girl! why the change of "mind" im just so much for you? Why dont you just run away and fuck some rocks? they could be an easier target. Violet said as she tried to free her ally hitting this useless meat sack with her magic rod.

1: Help Samantha.
Re: Violet (plmnko)

((So I did.))

Lian has 2,250 HP.

Snapping back, perhaps to Violet's surprise, Lian replied, "Even if you kill me, my master will have his way with you. And trust me, you won't have seen the last of me, and I WILL learn from you, learn how you attack, and how to rape you even despite that. You can't defeat us all girl."

Free Samantha Attempt:

Violet: 23 vs. Lian: 4.

Violet frees Samantha!

Grapple Attempt:

Lian: 23 vs. Samantha: 15. Counter Attack = NO.

Lian uses the ground as a spring board, launching herself OVER Violet and tackling Samantha again before the girl can even stand up!

Escape Attempt:

Samantha: 6 vs. Lian: 16.

Samantha can't get free, and Lian snarls in her face!


Violet: 5/10 Turns in protective state, 250 HP remaining on spirit. FULL MP.

Lian: 1 turn left in weakened state.


Basically the same as before.
Re: Violet (plmnko)

Yep, i could see this happening for months of distance. Lian looks to snarls a lot.

Ow snarl girl, kill you? Sound good for me, yet it will take me a while to find someone else able to talk.

Violet was glad for the improvement than she was earning with this mindless woman who talked again, unfortunately this fight was just going so slow for her taste, the woman looks to just want to rape them and in part the chances for that would be slow for Violet at least. If only there were some music or some event at the sky to get some entertainment as she kick this thing away of her partner as many times as needed.

So if i kill you, you will return? It sound as a challengue.

Violet then tried to free her partner again. This girl looks to be waiting until her barrier fade but even then the plant girls could easily defeat her and Violet will be able to cast a barrier in her next fight so the best would be than this continue.

[free the npc again and then again and you could do it again if needed]
Re: Violet (plmnko)

Lian actually laughed, a harsh, bitter sound.

"Not as long as you think my dear."

She blatantly ignored Violet's other question, instead seeming to focus on the battle at hand.

Free Samantha Attempt:

Violet: 8 vs. Lian: 6.

Violet barely manages to free Samantha.

Grapple Attempt:

Lian: 1 vs. Samantha: 8.

Samantha dodges this time, letting out a growl of her own.

Attack Roll:

Samantha: 10 vs. Lian: 4. Counter Attack = NO.

Samantha slams her weapon into Lian, dealing 600 damage again, and putting her back into the weakened state for 3 turns. Lian has 1,650 HP left.


Violet: 4/10 Turns in protective state, 250 HP remaining on spirit. FULL MP.

Lian: 3 turns left in weakened state.


1: Beat the hell out of her!

2: Have sympathy sex with her?
Re: Violet (plmnko)

Yeah, i hope than you are right. Violet sigh after be answered. Quickly pushing the weird woman than she will name soon by laking of a name.

Very well Snarl, i guess than you arent able to give us more info of your useless master or this planet, it looks like you dont have a great topic's diversity. Violet focus her powers again and then send her spirit to attack this helpless low life form. I cant believe than he even dont placed some food for his captives, i bet than many of you die by lack of it.

1.- Spirit Thrash
Re: Violet (plmnko)

At the last bit, the woman laughed again, this time sounding almost human.

"Food, oh my, you haven't realized it yet have you? None of us, not even you, need food any more. He's changed us all. We're not as weak as the ones you left behind, and you're stronger than the rest of your kind. You don't need food, sleep or even bathroom breaks any more my dear. How long have you been awake for that you haven't realized that yet?"

Attack Roll:

Violet: 23 vs. Lian: 3. Counter Attack = NO.

Violet hits for 300 damage, and her spirit adds 600 more for a 900 damage total. Lian has 750 HP left.

Grapple Attempt:

Lian: 21 vs. Samantha: 26. Counter Attack = NO.

Attack Roll:

Samantha: 18 vs. Lian: 6. Counter Attack = NO.

Samantha hits for 600 damage, leaving Lian with 150 remaining.


Violet: 3/10 Turns in protective state, 250 HP remaining on spirit.

Lian: 3 turns left in weakened state.


1: End this fight!

2: Bullshit talk and maybe some sex?
Re: Violet (plmnko)

Violet dont see the joke just shrug her shoulders before answer. Awake? A few hours mostly. Then she focused on her staff and sended a direct blow at her foe.

Let me bet, we also dont get old and all that is just to turn us into useless beings looking for sex as you, really i preffer to kill myself than let that happen, but not before take down as many like you than i can. Violet said ready to kill this girl and just look for an exit of this filthy planet.

1.- Spirit Thrash
Re: Violet (plmnko)

To that Lian actually shrugged.

"I'm not sure on the aging bit, I know we don't, but considering most of us are demons, or demon converted, that makes sense."

Attack Roll:

Violet: 3 vs. Lian: 12. Counter Attack = NO.

Violet misses, but her spirit deals 50 damage, leaving Lian with 100 HP.

Grapple Attempt:

Lian: 8 vs. Samantha: 13. Counter Attack = NO.

Lian can't grab Samantha!

Attack Roll:

Samantha: 20 vs. Lian: 19.

Samantha finally ends the fight, blasting Lian between the eyes! Almost immediately, her body just vaporizes, and they are left to loot.

Both women gain 5, 200 XP, and their maximum HP, MP and Stamina increase by 15, while their damage increases by 5!

Loot Phase:

Lamia: Nothing.

Lian: KL Lowering Potion.


Both women +10 to all offensive rolls for 20/20 combat turns.


1: Move On.

2: Celebrate for some random reason.
Re: Violet (plmnko)

There was some new info given to them than made Violet be maybe more ready to beat the new opponents of her upcoming battles, but the talk soon ended when Samantha gives that last blow to end the life of the woman.

So... converted demons. I dont like how that sound, Samantha. We must find a way to escape of this planet as fast as possible. The giant plant woman said to her partner as she get close where her foe has faint and noticed the pair of potions.

Is still odd to know the name of these things, more than see them after beat these creatures. Has you drink one before? Violet said turning to her partner and storing one of these potions for later what could be strange by the lack of backpack or clothes to hide the otion, maybe she will just carry it all the way.

After this short talk the two taken the potions and continue moving.
Re: Violet (plmnko)

The two moved on as they talked, and came across an area that seemed well traveled but empty at the moment.

Pausing, Samantha nodded.

"Once yes. They do actually work, which surprised me. I half expected it to make me do some crazy sexual shit, but I was on my own, so I figured I might as well take the risk. Probably a mistake to do it looking back, but it hasn't come back to bite me in the ass yet."


1: Keep Moving.

2: Wait for a fight!
Re: Violet (plmnko)

Violet could see the marks of a large group than has moved at this zone and she was sure than a difficult battle could happen soon, then Samantha talked about a past event with these potions.

Hmm, i dont think to need this right now, not a single of these creatures has touched me and i doubt than many would do it soon, maybe i will drink it if all goes wrong. The plant woman was usnure where to store this potion and just decided to continue their path.

Have yours eyes opened, im sure than we will face something soon and if you need it you can drink that potion again.

1: Keep Moving.
Re: Violet (plmnko)

Nodding to her, Samantha kept moving, then suddenly stopped.

"Hey, Violet, check this out."

On the ground lay a device for each woman, and as she looked at it, Violet somehow knew what it was.

Neural Impactor - Fits onto your hand and when used smacks your enemy for 120 shadow damage by causing their nerves to misfire. Allows you to escape a grapple instantly. Can only be used when you are grappled. Doesn't work on most traps.


1: Take it and leave.

2: Take it and wait for a fight.

3: Forget the thing and leave.

4: Forget the thing and wait for a fight.
Re: Violet (plmnko)

Suddenly, Samantha called her attention as they were walking through the large and empty lands.

Yes, what is it? The completely nude plant woman soon found what looks to be some kind of high tech devide what made Violet frown.

Oh i see, so they have this level of high tech and they have the effrontery of make us walk nude and barefoot, it really make me wish to find the owner of this planet to make him pay.

Soon Violet take one of these devices and wonder how to hold all without this reduce her fighting capacity as she looks to Samantha to get an idea to solve that issue.

Very well, lets continue, at least finding these things make the chances of find a space ship possible

1: Take it and leave.
Re: Violet (plmnko)

Samantha simply took the device, blinked once and it vanished. Then she turned to Violet and shrugged.

"A ship might be nice, if one of us knows how to fly it. Otherwise we have a problem. Speaking of problems ..."

They had continued to walk along, when suddenly ...

Trap Evasion Roll:

Violet: 25 vs. Trap???: 10.

Samantha: 30 vs. Trap???: 2

Samantha grabbed Violet and gently pulled her backwards, pointing down to some kind of trip wire she hadn't seen.

"We might not want to set off any traps if we can avoid them, aye?"


1: Walk around it and keep going.

2: Try to tinker with the trap to see what it was. (Sets it off, but they don't know that).
Re: Violet (plmnko)

How you made that? Violet said, pointing to where the object was before take the other high tech device.

After recover from the sudden magic or effect than the device could have she nods and ponders softly before add. I would risk myself to drive it, if is the only way to get out this dammed planet... The talk suddenly stop when Samantha pull her back, making Violet gasp and turn to see her for answers, yet soon the other smaller plant woman inform her about the trap in front of them.

Indeed, after just a few minutes here i get trapped in one of these and really i would avoid the experience as much as i can. Said this she and her partner dodge these traps, continue moving to where their path would take them.

1: Walk around it and keep going.
Re: Violet (plmnko)

Nodding slightly, the two kept walking. Soon enough they found themselves in an area that had a small clearing, with plenty of tracks, but nothing else.

Samantha turned to her and spoke carefully.

"You know, I've been thinking. We need map things to find our way about right? Much as I hate to say this, maybe we should try and ambush one of these patrols, see if they have a map? I have an odd feeling that we're going to have to fight to get these things, that they won't be just laying around. What do you think?"


1: Agree, and wait for a fight.

2: Agree on the fighting bit, but don't wait for one.

3: Other?
Re: Violet (plmnko)

The walk continue, the minutes were hard to count or notice with that endless sunlight and the lack of disconfort on be barefoot as also the need to eat. Violet was mostly focused on detect any foe than these last but it looks like Samantha wanted to ask for a change at theirs tactic.

An ambush... here? The taller plant woman answer back to the other girl of her kind, as she look around them and the simple of their enviroment. I preffer to beat small groups and certainly a patrol will outnumber us, but if you find a good way to use this plain land to make a good ambush ... sure we could try one. Violet was sure to had found a map piece before, but certainly she needs more and she dont remember where this map was now, she will try to accept this ambush if Samantha gives a good way to do one. Also, if it takes too much time, i could fall sleep... so please try to make me stay in guard, yes its a small problem than i have.
Re: Violet (plmnko)

Samantha smiled slightly, pointing over to some vegetation that was particularly heavy.

"I'm thinking we can wait near, or in that brush over there. We'd blend in, be hard to spot. If we time it right, we should be able to get the jump on any patrol before they can react, maybe take at least one of them out before they know we're even here."

((Not sure if you wanted to do that or not, so leaving it up to you before I proceed any further.))