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Violet (plmnko)

Re: Violet (plmnko)

Violet saw the bush than Sammantha pointed and nods to her partner before move to tat place in order to hide. Its not too much but, that could help,

Hide and wait to ambush something not so strong and huge in number
Re: Violet (plmnko)

After a short time, two enemies appeared nearby, one seeming to be a flying squid, and the other a plant like biped. For the moment, the two women hadn't been 'seen', though the enemy acted as if it knew something wasn't right. Still, for the moment, their backs were turned.

Initiative Roll:

Karsetti: 10 (3rd)
Humanoid Plant: 13 (2nd)
Samantha: 7 (4th)
Violet: 19 (1st)


1: Attack! (No counter can be made on Violet's attack.)

2: Perhaps we should try to flee?
Re: Violet (plmnko)

With the boost of the tower on them and be a 2vs2, Violet turn and give a soft nod to Samantha, before she start to cast her spell on her. She was sure than if they beat the humanoid thing the strange squid creature will fall soon.

The ambush come giving to her ally the time to act as she cast her spirit wall and prepare for the fight.

Summon Barrier Spirit

Spirit Thrash
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Re: Violet (plmnko)

Violet casts her Protective Spirit on Samantha, placing her in the protected state! Violet has 90 MP left.

Attack Roll:

Violet: 27+10=37 vs. Humanoid Plant: NO ROLL NEEDED. Counter Attack = NO.

Violet deals 305 damage with her attack, leaving the Humanoid Plant with 395 HP.

Grapple Attempts:

Humanoid Plant: 3 vs. Samantha: 18. Counter Attack = NO.

Karsetti: 12 vs. Samantha: 20. Counter Attack = NO.

Samantha dodges both enemies, despite the fact that they had the 'jump' on her.

Attack Roll:

Samantha: 11+10=21 vs. Humanoid Plant: 22. Counter Attack = NO.

Samantha somehow misses her swing, the Plant managing to dodge out of the way!


1: Keep on the offensive!

Re: Violet (plmnko)

The battle start with Violet casting her spells and mostly see all going well except her friend missing. There was not a moment to think twice now, her focus was on take down one of them and so she moves in action, summoning a new creature to aid her and then attack with it at the plant creature before this could get a grip on any of them.

Summon elemental (fire)

Spirit Thrash on the plant thing
Re: Violet (plmnko)

Attack Roll:

Violet: 6+10=16 vs. Humanoid Plant: 7. Counter Attack = YES.

Violet starts to cast her attack spell, but before she can fully cast it, the plant races in with stunning speed. Violet has no choice but to use her Neural Impactor on the creature to avoid being instantly raped! The Plant takes 120 damage, and is forced away.

Violet's spirit deals 240 Fire Damage, mimicing the damage done by the impactor, leaving the Plant with 35 HP.

Grapple Attempt:

Karsetti: 23 vs. Samantha: 14. Counter Attack = NO.

Samantha isn't fast enough to dodge the Karsetti, but just as it seems it is about to have her, the barrier spirit's protective 'bubble' swats the Karsetti away! Barrier Spirit's HP: 250/300. Time Left: 9 Turns.

Attack Roll:

Samantha: 22+10=32, 9+10=19 & 10+10=20, vs. Plant: 24, 10 & 8. Counter Attack = NO.

Samantha elects to activate her shattering wave chain, and loses 5 MP. Going into a flurry of three hits, she finishes off the Plant with the first hit, which lands critical!

Continuing the attack, Samantha scores the first hit as Critical on the Karsetti, and then two others, for a total of 440 Damage! The Karsetti has 160 HP left.


1: Finish Him!

2: Sex?
Re: Violet (plmnko)

The fight proceed, not as perfect as Violet suppose it would but she manage to protect herself at the last moment from being taken by the humanoid plant.

Looking than all was close to end she cast her powers against the last monster alive.

Spirit Thrash on karsetti
Re: Violet (plmnko)

Attack Roll:

Violet: 15+10=25 vs. Karsetti: 26. Counter Attack = NO.

Violet can't target the Karsetti and hit it!

Grapple Attempt:

Karsetti: 13 vs. Samantha: 4. Counter Attack = NO.

The Karsetti once again rams into the barrier shield, intent on getting to Samantha, but failing!

Barrier Spirit's HP: 200/300. Time Left: 8 Turns.

Attack Roll:

Samantha: 11 vs. Karsetti: 4. Counter Attack = NO.

Samantha KILLS the Karsetti with a mighty swing, ending the fight.

Both women gain 600 XP, which is enough to make them Level 3 now! Both women's stats increase!

Loot Phase:

Karsetti: MP Potion.

Plant: MP Potion.

The women gain 2 MP Potions for their trouble.


1: Move onward.

2: Stay awhile and ... idk, fap?
Re: Violet (plmnko)

The fight ended soon, not as easy as expected, but at least they had won untouched. The flying thing died soon at the swordplantgirl hands and unfortunately they dont get any clue of where to go.

Great, i guess than these potions will be useful in the future, but we cant make another ambush here with these bodies, so lets move.

Said this she take the potions and move with a sigh, slighty frustrated of this cycle of kill things and move randomly.

1: Move onward.
Re: Violet (plmnko)

With a nod, Samantha moved off with her, trudging along for a while.

After a bit, they came across a large structure, that almost looked like a military barracks, well fortified and safe looking. At Samantha's insistence, they went inside, and discovered a place they could safely rest if need be, as well as a useful item for each one of them.

Stun Gun - This little one use stunner jolts your enemy with a blast of shadow energy, dealing 100 damage and allowing you to escape a grapple instantly. Can only be used when you are grappled. Doesn't work on most traps.

Smiling slightly, Samantha added, "every time I've seen a place like this, there's been one of these devices. Saved me from getting raped a few times, that's for sure."


1: Stay a moment while safe.

2: Keep moving on with your new toy.
Re: Violet (plmnko)

As they were looking for more creatures, the pair find what looks to be a secured area. Without doubt they could use it to rest but there was not need for that thanks to what kind of magic has been placed on them than made them able to live without drink, eat or even sleep.

oh yes for sure, i also get saved by one of these things not so much time before find you. Lets take them and then move on, maybe we are close of a clue to get out here.

Said this they move after take the stun guns.
Re: Violet (plmnko)

Continuing onwards, they found themselves in another wooded area. As they kept walking ...

Trap Evasion Roll:

Trap?: 5 vs. Violet: 18

Trap?: 27 vs. Samantha: 4.

Violet sees something out of the corner of her eye moving, but makes the mistake of trying to back up first instead of calling out a warning to Samantha, who collides with her and gets them both caught! In an instant, both women are tied to a tree each, with a single, powerful tentacle restraining them, and then plunging deep into their pussy, raping them!

Violet suffers 20 pleasure and gains 20 KP from the sudden rape, her halfling DNA saving her some of the corruption and pleasure. Violet has 120 stamina until she has an orgasm.

Samantha suffers 35 pleasure as she has a slight resistance to tentacles, and she gains 17 KP from her rape. Samantha has 205 Stamina left until she has an orgasm.


1: Struggle free.

2: Get tentacled raped while restrained to a tree.
Re: Violet (plmnko)

With how all was going, it was normal than the plant women would put their guard down, they were walking with the peaceful moment before the disaster. Violet manage to see the trap in front of them but Samantha just made the mistake needed for both to fall direct on it. The tentacles take them and the good luck from all this time changed. There was a painful thrust at the poor pair and so it start the struggle to get away of this troublesome tendril, quickly Violet tried to get free of this thing and if manage to do it she will try to save her ally, yet Sammantha should be able to slice the thing alone with her sword at hand.

1: Struggle free.
Re: Violet (plmnko)

Escape Trap Attempts:

Violet: 29 vs. Trap: 27.

Violet gets free!

Samantha: 7 vs. Trap: 4.

Samantha also gets free!

The tentacles that held them and raped them flailed about for a moment, then withdrew into the trees, vanishing.


1: Move on.

2: Sit around a moment or set an ambush (chance to be caught)
Re: Violet (plmnko)

Violet rage and struggle, shouting negative words about theirs useless apendages to the strange tentacles coming from the trees until the tentacles feel the need to run away with their pride destroyed by the plant woman's words.

With both females free the group looks to be in a possible ambush area but soon Violet frown by the idea. With these things close, i really want to just get out of here as fast as possible, who know and we find more monsters ahead. With this said the two girls leave for new lands and new chances to escape from here.

1: Move on.
Re: Violet (plmnko)

Moving onward, the girls soon came to an area with some kind of shrine, with a small body of water right next to it. A moment later, Cassidy appeared.

"This is a shrine of Magical Strength. When activated, you will deal twice the normal amount of damage with magic based skills. In order to take this shrine, you must first kill Vampiyra and her pet Scylla. If you wish to do battle, approach the shrine. Otherwise, I suggest you leave as fast as possible."

As fast as she had appeared, Cassidy vanished again.

Samantha turned to Violet with a shrug.

"I'm game if you want. Might help some of your spells out at least, not really sure how your powers work."


1: Attempt to claim the shrine.

2: Skip this and move on.
Re: Violet (plmnko)

The duo walk again, mostly only the traps had manage to take Violet who really wanted to find an exit of this place, she havent walked too much in her life, of course than she suppose this as she dont know how much time she has been walking.

Just then they come to find another of the shrines, at least that Cassidy appear there too and it looks like they could get another boost if they beat the two rapers.

Yes, as you like, im more interested to get some info to get out here, not like i care if we must beat all these perverts at this world. After they come out lets focus on the most weak than must be that scylla pet. Violet frown and prepare for the battle casting a defensive guardian spell on her partner and then use her powers to harm her foes, she at least have that item than they had found to defend themselves so they have some protection than could help them at the start.

Summon Barrier Spirit

Spirit Thrash
Re: Violet (plmnko)

Vampiyra and the Scylla appear, and as they do an energy barrier blocks all escape!

Initiative Roll:

Samantha: 7 (4th)
Violet: 24 (1st)
Vampiyra: 20 (2nd)
Scylla: 19 (3rd)

Violet casts her barrier spirit on Samantha, and loses 75 MP. She has 105 MP left.

Attack Roll:

Violet: 7 vs. Scylla: 4. Counter Attack = NO.

Violet lands her spell, inflicting 300 damage on the Scylla, who has 300 HP left.

Grapple Attempts:

Vampiyra: 25 vs. Violet: 28. Counter Attack = NO.

Violet dodges.

Scylla: 14 vs. Violet: 26. Counter Attack = NO.

Violet dodges again.

Attack Roll:

Samantha: 10 vs. Scylla: 1. Counter Attack = NO.

Samantha finishes off the Scylla!


1: Take down the boss now.

2: Other?
Re: Violet (plmnko)

The fight then start, just as planed the guardian spirit protected the swordswoman and so she would be free to get a safe move to slay the most weak of the mindbroken creatures. Of course than Violet was not expecting than both of them aim to her instead her friend, but with skilled dodging moves she manage to dont be taken down by them.

Great. It looks like these things have something against me, if only they were sane enough to let them escape alive in exchange of some info from this place. Violet said as she see her partner slay one of them with a deadly swing of her sword. The spirit user focus again to channel her summoning spell and create another spirit, this time a fire spirit so the fight could end faster and they could continue their path once this foe fall.

Summon Fire Spirit

Spirit Trash
Re: Violet (plmnko)

Violet summons her Fire Spirit.

Attack Rolls:

Violet: 5 vs. Vampiyra: 4. Counter Attack = NO.

Violet hits for 300 damage, while her spirit lands 300, 600 in all. Vampiyra has 4,400 HP left.

Grapple Attempt:

Vampiyra: 14 vs. Violet: 10.

Violet is forced to use her Neural Impactor to escape from a sudden grapple, dealing 120 damage to Vampiyra. The boss now has 4,320 HP left.

Attack Roll:

Samantha: 21 vs. Vampiyra: 19.

Samantha lands for 600 damage, and puts Vampiyra in the weakened state for 3 turns. Vampiyra has 3,720 HP left.

Barrier Spirit: 250/300. 8/10 Turns active.


1: Keep on the Offensive.

2: Other?