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Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Cassandra: Fine
(HP): 40
(PP): 65
(EP): 85

Cassandra's travels to Badaria from Crolia landed her in many perverse adventures, all beginning with a job to locate a lost amulet of unknown precious value. After hardships and getting separated from her group, Cassandra was the only one of her company that returned, luckily with the amulet intact. She alone was given the entire reward meant for her group, allowing her enough to survive a long while. However, a lot of time passed since then. Orc incursions became frequent as clanless invaded. She was forced south towards the ocean shore, forced to expend all her funds for safe travel and shelter along the way, until all of her hard earned denarii was spent solely on getting away in addition to finding a location that had work for her. Unfortunately, almost all the work she found was for prostitutes, leaving her spending every last coin of her reward just to make it to where she heard there was work near the shore, the sailors in need of a healer for illnesses and possibly her magical powers as well should they get attacked.

Luckily, as Cassandra stood in the small town of Allenpoe, she was informed that a group of sailors were leaving a shipment for the town before heading off with supplies they purchased in trade for profit. Informed that they might share some of their profits with her, Cassandra would find a group of a dozen men gathered around a horse driven wagon, mostly Badarian mind one pale muscular Crolian and a tall skinny Anudorian. Upon seeing the potential aid, the men all grinned at her in a sexual way she'd find familiar. "This is a switch boys!" the Crolian started up first. "The girls are coming to us now!" he laughed with the others, not taking Cassandra seriously. None of them seemed to be taking her seriously as one Badarian among them spoke up. "You here for a job? As nice as it may sound, we aren't looking for just a whore. How are you useful?" he inquired, managing to quiet the rest down as they all looked at the voluptuous figure of Cassandra with doubt that such a lewd body would be capable of anything but being a brood sow.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

Having successfully made her way out of the previous job and through the land with her funds to keep herself alive, Cassandra had finally made it back to a potential opportunity for more work. This particular town had some promise, and she liked how the place looked and felt, not being too big and bustling, somewhat reminiscent of her home town. Maybe she could actually find something to do that was not selling her body to random strangers for use and abuse, as it would have been along the journey had she lowered herself to that level. The events of the previous job were still fresh on her mind, and she wished it did not go to that again, getting raped by vampires and almost by spider ladies.

Following the lead she had gotten, Cassandra found herself facing a group of sailors, most of them being big, burly men of the sea types that one expected them to be. Right out of the gate, the looks that she got were all too familiar in the greedy, lewd way that she had seen all too many times already. "Somehow I knew it would be like this. Why did I have to grow like this... the stares never cease..." she cursed herself mentally a bit, still finding her body to be more hassle than benefit in most aspects of life. The sailors and their words were not making it easier as they were mostly giving her shit instead of taking the proposal that she come work with them seriously. One of them did question her about her abilities, but even he was not looking like he was taking her all that seriously. "I'd rather not be a whore, thank you. I didn't come this far for something like that. No, I am a somewhat capable healer, or so I was told... And I suppose I can fight with my powers, if it comes to that. Just don't push me onto the front line and I can hold my own." she told the crew, somewhat unsure of their competence as none of them had even entertained the thought that she might be a magic user of some sort. "I think I need to start wearing a conical hat with stars... or grow a beard... " she thought about her current look not being sufficient with the wand and circlet she had.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

Cassandra: Fine
(HP): 40
(PP): 65
(EP): 85

"It's a two day trip down to the dock." the Badarian declared in reply. "Six denarii for you when we get there. That's about how much you seem to be worth. If you prove useful, maybe we'll pay you more and even give you more work. But as far as I'm concerned, we don't need a magical healer for mere cargo transport. So you'll get the bare minimum wage." he declared harshly. Indeed, they were paying her less than what a peasant would earn for basic labor that anyone could do. Less than what she'd earn if she had been a marksman with a rifle walking up to them. In fact, she could probably expect to earn 10-20 denarii for a job like this. But instead they're choosing to look down upon her. "I also expect you to handle yourself. You're a woman amongst sailors, so you should know what shit you're getting into. I will say this though, I value my boys more than I value a random bitch like you. If you hurt them, I don't care for what reason, I'll make you wish you were dead. Do we understand each other?" he said coldly, while the men chuckled quietly, seeming to respect the man's presence that was speaking to her. The man in question was a lean Badarian of average build and bald cut. Dressed slightly differently than the others in that he wasn't wearing a shirt, showing off his hard earned muscular frame which most women would find attractive.

If Cassandra agreed, the man would turn and make a gesture to the Crolian to get the horse ready. "We're leaving now, so you're lucky you caught us when you did, woman." He said, calling Cassandra by what he observed her to be instead of her name, for lack of giving it to him. "We go at a brisk pace. Ain't no time for sight seeing." the half naked bald man said to the Crolian, thus setting the pace for the rest of the trip. A pace which the not-so-athletic Cassandra would find too quick for traveling while the fit sailors seemed just fine with it. Moving like this would slowly exhaust her. Her smaller frame, heavier chest, and lack of the sailor's leg strength would mean that she'd actually have to jog to keep up.

(Cassandra will have reduced HP if she jogs to keep up with the sailors, due to exhaustion over time.)

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

Listening to what the sailors had to say in reply, Cassandra was put off by their words real fast, each line coming off more hostile towards her than the previous. By the time the lead sailor had finished, she was a hundred percent sure that this was not the job for her or any other woman for that matter. "Yes, I understand you. Clearly you don't need me, so I'll be off now." she gave the group her short and direct answer, keeping it polite as she was not looking to get roughed up by these people who just might go that low in their behavior. Working at practically slave labor for such hateful people was not something that she would put up with. The fey at her previous job had been fairly hostile, but even that one had some consideration towards other living beings than this group. "What have I done to the world to deserve this..."

Leaving the sailors to carry on, Cassandra moved on to look for other things, making way towards the nearest inn or tavern as these places were usually good for finding potential employers or suggestions and rumors about them, among other things. Maybe there would be some adventuring party or similar to be found as another alternative, possibly even one that was not made up entirely of horny males. This much she hoped for as she moved along.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

Cassandra: Fine
(HP): 40
(PP): 65
(EP): 85

Leaving the sailors who didn't seem too much at a loss for Cassandra's lack of desire to be hired by them, the healer retired herself to the local bar/inn, which was owned by a lean fellow with one eye completely lacking color, and a short mohawk with red hair. He was cleaning glasses as Cassandra came in, not too many patrons doing more than leaving since it was too early to drink and there was no one looking for somewhere to sleep during the night. Upon seeing Cassandra come in, and the wagon of Sailors go off, the man who told her about the sailors to begin with looked a bit apologetic. "They refused you? Sorry to hear that, pumpkin." He said, feeling for her situation. "I know your pocket's limited. I just can't think of anything for you to do that isn't manual labor. Town's kind of peaceful, surprisingly enough. We haven't seen a need for the adventuring type for quite some time. Since you already told me you weren't interested in pleasing my customers, good ways to make good money are few and far between." He said with a shrug, reminded that Cassandra refused any offer to sell her body for money.

He twisted his lips, thinking for a moment. "I dunno kid... If it means anything to you, all I have is a rumor, nothing more. It's honestly all I can think of. The weapon smith's daughter went missing a long time ago, while gathering herbs outside of town. His wife does it now, and she searched high and low for where their child could have gone. I'm sure they'd reward you for... Anything you can bring back in regards to their daughter's well-being, but it's been so long since that happened, and no other disappearing has happened since." he explained. "Sorry, pumpkin." he said, putting a pint in front of her. "On the house. You look like you need it." he said, hoping to relieve her tired spirits.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

Seeing it best to return into the one place she had been to before, Cassandra made way back to a particular tavern nearby. The place was as empty as before, the time of day being what it was. Yet the owner was there, and the healer went to the counter as he spoke up to her, expressing some sympathy for her plight. As kind as it was, Cassandra still had to come out with the truth. "It wasn't them that did the refusing. They would have hired me, with slave wages and basically treating me like trash. I'd rather not risk myself for those kinds of people. Whatever happens to them, they had it coming." she told what the discussion between them had been, bonking her head on the counter as she went down on it for a bit. "No, I still rather not go there. Even if I look like this, I'm not one of those girls. I wouldn't mind manual labor, but I'd rather use my talents in the work I do."

Sighing a bit, Cassandra got some further information, a possible hint about something that she might be able to do coming to the surface. From what the owner could tell, it was probably too late for the blacksmith and his wife to get their daughter back, but she would still take a shot at looking for her, not having much else in the way of work. "Thanks, but... I don't really do this." she told the owner, somewhat implying that she didn't want the beer, but she soon got back into proper sitting position. Grabbing the pint with both hands, she raised it up and chugged the whole thing down in one go, out of politeness if nothing else. Still not finding the stuff likeable, the healer headed out after giving the tavern owner some thanks to look for the blacksmith in order to get what information they could provide about their missing daughter.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

Cassandra: Fine
(HP): 40
(PP): 65
(EP): 85

He chuckled. "We can't always pick and choose who we work for, pumpkin. Sometimes life gets hard and you have to bite the bullet and just deal with it. I'd hate to see you go broke and hungry anyway, so best of luck to you." he said, letting Cassandra be on her way to the blacksmiths.

Arriving at the only building with smoke coming out of the roof, the smith was hard at work in his noisy forge, slamming his hammer down on farm tools instead of tools of war as most would expect. Once Cassandra made the inquiry, the smith sighed. He was a greasy and sweaty man due to his work. He was rather well built and muscular. His head was completely shaven to rid himself of any unnecessary heat, and he had ordinary brown eyes. "She's already long gone, whatever happened to her. I know you're in a bad way girl, seeing you asking sailors for aid, but even if you did find her, I'm not sure I'd pay much better." he said honestly. "My daughter got lost north of here throughout the forest. She just went out one day and never came back. Mayor said he sent out people but to no avail. Maybe you could ask him and at the very least find out where it's pointless to look..." he sighed again. "My daughter wore a red dress, and a pink flower hairclip in her hair. That's all she wore that would identify her." he declared, before getting back to his craft.

"If you don't have any luck finding her, don't tell me. I don't want to hear anything about it, please." he said with a depressed tone.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

Finding the blacksmith relatively easy, Cassandra found him leagues easier to deal with than the sailors had been, not putting her down at first sight or anything like that. But what he said was a little discouraging as he appeared to share the healer's earlier estimate about the missing daughter. Still, she heard him out to the end, taking in what little he had to tell as identifying signs for the missing young lady. It was not the most specific set of info, but it was still better than nothing.

"Alright... I'll keep it in mind. Don't worry about the payment too much. If I can have a place to rest at and food to eat for a while, it will be worth the risk." Cassandra told the smith before taking his advice and leaving to find the mayor next.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

Cassandra: Fine
(HP): 40
(PP): 65
(EP): 85

Going to the two story building that was the mayor's house, Cassandra walked into a somewhat rich looking home complete with ornamental armor displays and paintings of either a rather well-rounded man standing before a beautiful scenery, or a beautiful woman in some kind of situation that left her barely covered. On a bed with her crotch and nipples just barely hidden by sheets. In a body of water with one arm going over her breasts and her crotch submerged in the river's water.

Walking along the purple carpet that was along the floor, Cassandra came up to a maid that had flushed cheeks. Just one look and the maid knew what Cassandra wanted. "You... would like to see the mayor?" she asked with an odd hesitation, as if something was bothering her as she trembled a bit. "Up this way." she said, leading Cassandra up the stairs, a surprisingly difficult task for the maid, before she brought Cassandra to a set of double doors at the top of the duel staircase opposite the entryway door. She let the door open, inviting Cassandra in to see a prestigious room that looked like an office of some description, with a disk right across from her and a wide bed far down to her right in the middle against the wall. Sitting behind the desk, with his hands beneath the desk and his face focused downwards, the same round man from the pictures was seemingly distracted by something before Cassandra came in. Once she did walk in, his gaze went right up and his hands to the table.

He grinned at her. "Ah... How unexpected. Who... Might you be, my beautiful guest?" he inquired. The balding mayor grinned at Cassandra seemingly with lust as his cheeks were flushed.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

Knowing where to go from some directions given by the locals, Cassandra found herself at a luxurious-looking double-floor house that was the mayor's home. Right from the get-go, she was having bad vibes about the place, with all the lewd art that was there in all too public a display. The bothered-looking maid was not easing them either, who knew what was up with her. "Well yes, I am." Cassandra answered with the slight doubt in her mind. Regardless, the servant lady was doing her job and had the good manners expected for it, so the healer gave her a pass. Still. she could not help wondering what the deal with her awkward walk was.

After a brief walk, the two were at the mayor's room, which Cassandra entered after once invited. The mayor was looking busy with whatever he was doing, but it stopped once he realized that someone had entered the room. "I am Cassandra Elswain, a healer and adventurer. It has come to my attention that the blacksmith's daughter is missing, and I thought I'd do a little searching for him. According to him, you sent out search parties and they came back with nothing. I'd like to know where they searched in to thin out the possible areas to look for her. If it's not too much to ask." she went straight to the point, not particularly fond of the lusty looks that she was getting.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

Cassandra: Fine
(HP): 40
(PP): 65
(EP): 85

"Well, Miss Elswain," he began with the same grin. "I'm afraid that I did a very extensive search for all the nearby places she could be. I don't know what one girl could do that all the resources at my disposal could not, but if you're so passionate about saving their daughter, I still respect that." he said with a nod, his face now grinning as if he thought her efforts adorable. He leaned back in his chair as if getting 'very' relaxed with his arms flat on the arm rests of his chair.

"If you want to look somewhere, I'd suggest looking in the only place I could possibly think she could be. Since there's no doubt the poor girl was kidnapped since there is no body to be found, the only presence one can think to look for is in some possible slaver or bandit hideouts. Now, I could tell you where it is, and I will do so. But having a guide will be priceless to you, no doubt. In addition to protection. Ten denarii, and I'll loan two of my body guards to you. They're both women, so you don't have to worry about gender." He declared, before hollaring out.

"Lilith, and Houri too. Send them in here." he said to his maid, who gave a start. "Y-yes sir..." she said, before walking off and quickly returning with . "White hair is Lilith, and pink hair is Houri."

"Hey," Lilith said off-handedly to Cassandra. "What do you wish of us, master?" Houri inquired with perhaps odd excitement.

"Just wanted to see if Miss Elswain here was interested in hiring you two for a bit to help guide her through the forest to try and find the smith's daughter."

"But-" Houri began, before the mayor shushed her. "Just do it now~ Nothing wrong with looking again, right? Besides, this girl seems to really want to do it. Humor her, please~" he asked of the two women, who looked at Cassandra with expectation.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

"Really now?" Cassandra thought about the situation before her, once again getting the signals that she was possibly at dangerous waters from the multitude of things happening after her explanation. The two ladies who had been summoned appeared to have given something away had they not been stopped by the man, which was not any less comforting to notice. If there was something fishy going on, they did appear to be in on it, even if only reluctantly. If nothing else, it looked like the man was after the healer's money, which was somewhat bizarre considering he was wealthy enough as is. But considering how men around her usually were, it was probably not too farfetched to imagine that the mayor might even have something to do with the missing daughter.

Deciding to go along with it, Cassandra took a part from her money and put it onto the table to signal her acceptance of the deal. "I'll take them along then."
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

Cassandra: Fine
(HP): 40
(PP): 65
(EP): 85

(Cassandra lost 10 doshnarii to pay for the two body guards dressed in sexy armor.)

"Treat her well, ladies." The mayor said, leaving the money where Cassandra put it before gesturing for Cassandra to leave the building with the guards in tow. Once she was with the guards, they quickly addressed Cassandra. "The first place we shall look is an area deep within the woods. Often considered too dangerous for us." Houri declared. "What can you do? Tell me you are not defenseless please, I'd hope journeying alone as you were does not mean you walk with no means to protect yourself." She inquired. With both women armored and looking like martial artists of a sort, no doubt they weren't so attuned to the art of magic so as to sense it within a person.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

Having dumped her money onto the mayor's desk, Cassandra allowed the two ladies to lead the way since they were obviously in the know more than she when it came to the local spots of interest. She was perplexed that even these two would not see what she was just by looking, the questioning about her skills slightly annoying the healer. "You need not worry about that. I did not get this far by simply walking around the countryside. I'll do my part if we need to fight something. she told the questioning Houri, not going into specifics about her powers as it was not certain what the two would do with the information. Other than that, she would let the pair do the leading to these places that were supposedly not investigated yet.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

Cassandra: Fine
(HP): 40
(PP): 65
(EP): 85

Leading Cassandra outside, the girls kept quiet as they walked with her out of the town as the townsfolk gave the trio looks of curiosity and concern. The bar owner even poked his head out of a window that they were passing by on their way out of town. "That girl didn't do nothin' wrong, did she?" he inquired, his mohawk pressed against his skull due to the low height of the window against his head. "She is no criminal. We are simply helping her with the case of the Blacksmith's missing daughter." Lilith replied. Mohawk seemed content with that, watching them for a moment before calling out to Cassandra. "Come back in one piece, you hear me!? Take care out there!" he wished her off.

Then, if Cassandra had nothing to say, the two women would walk out into the wilderness with Cassandra in tow. "We should be entering hostile territory by now. Goblin territory to be exact." Houri stated, and Lilith nodded. "We already ran the goblins over looking for her. We did rescue captives, but none of them was her. Best we just go by instead of picking a fight we cannot chew alone." Lilith stated.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

Going along with the ladies, Cassandra's suspicions only increased as she saw how the random townies looked at the group. These girls clearly had a reputation, for good or bad. The tavern man hollered at them too, his words bringing further light to the possible nature of her companions. He had been the one man with the most kindness towards Cassandra so far, and that earned him a wave in reply to his well-wishings.

On the outside of the city, the two led the group along, coming across a hostile territory soon enough if their words were to be believed. The local goblins had their territory around here, and the trio were apparently better off avoiding them than going against them, a sentiment that Cassandra agreed with on a level. If the gobbos were as numerous as they were rumored to be, it would take a good effort to fight through an entire tribe or a collection of them at worst. "Alright. I suppose you know the area here better than me. Let us avoid them. she expressed her feelings to the pair and prepared to move onward with them. The healer would grab her wand at this time, just in case there was trouble coming for them.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

Cassandra: Prone, Grappled(Goblinsx2)
(HP): 40
(PP): 65
(EP): 85

Cassandra Perception: Fail
Lilith Perception: Success
Houri Perception: Success

Lilith and Houri spot the ambush. Cassandra doesn't.

Six goblins appear and throw nets, one for each girl.

Goblins attempting to capture Lilith: Failure
Goblins attempting to capture Houri: Success, Houri is grappled and made prone by two goblins.
Goblins attempting to capture Cassandra: Auto-success, Cassandra is grappled and made prone

Lilith uses Lightning Strikesx2: Hit and Hit

Lilith kills a goblin. Five remaining.

The two women nodded, before stalking through the clear paths of vegetation that they could while keeping their hands on their blades, apparently both of them were duelists of a sort. They kept an eye out and kept quiet, advising Cassandra to do the same if she spoke after they entered goblin territory. Only the sound of the wind and the rustling leaves of the trees graced Cassandra's ears. An hour of walking and keeping a lookout would pass, before Houri would shout out. "Ambush!" and promptly would find herself suddenly caught and bound in a rapidly tightened net that forced her arms against her body and yanked her body to the ground as two scheming goblins rushed out and began to tower over her to restrain her.

Lilith almost met with the same fate, but rather than take her time to warn the others, she was looking out for herself as she dodged clear out of the way of a net overhead before striking forth, quickly cutting down a goblin with her short sword, leaving her facing only one goblin as she turned to glance at Cassandra. "Behind you!" she declared, but Cassandra didn't spot it in time. Similar to Houri, a net fell over her head and bound her tightly. The rope embraced her and quickly tightened by some clever method of intertwined rope, eventually rendering her as stiff as a mummy. Unable to move, she fell to the ground as goblins hobbled forth, two more yet to complete the six in total, including the one who quickly died. They quickly got over Cassandra, inspecting her body and sneering grins as they saw that she was quite voluptuous and beautiful.

One put his hands to her big breasts, groping them up and down, while the other removed his lion cloth and revealed a sizable member that didn't match his standing height at all. "Suck, lick, yes?" he said to Cassandra, putting his dick to her lips. "No fight, just fuck~"

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

The girls appeared to agree with Cassandra, and the trio advanced accordingly. They could not manage to go far until trouble found them though, the goblins being farther from their territories than expected. The gobbo ambushers launched their attack with nets, Houri falling victim to them before the healer herself could even get into the situation in any real capacity. She could barely react to Lilith's warning, managing to catch a glimpse of her chopping a goblin down with her sword before stumbling down to the ground herself just like Houri had as another net barrage hit home on her too.

Somehow keeping herself from getting hurt by the fall in the tight binding, Cassandra was set upon by two goblins in short order, much to her dismay. And they were just as quick to start molesting her, the other one starting to maul her breasts with his hands, their size making it easy to select them as a target. While he was busy with that, the other little monster dropped what little he had on him as he too started to make a move on the alluring healer. For all the peaceful intentions that the other goblin was suggesting, Cassandra did not find herself agreeing with the idea of giving herself up to the goblins without trying to get away. "No... what are you thinking..." she replied aloud for some reason, putting all her effort into trying to wiggle away from the predicament. She knew her chances were slim, but she had pulled off some crazy escapes from bindings before, so it was not completely out from her reach.

(Try to escape the ongoing grapple. Cassandra is bad at aggressive grappling, but she has skill in escaping bindings and grapples, +18 for the roll to be precise.)
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Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

Cassandra: Prone, Submission Held(Goblin), Clothes shifted
(HP): 40
(PP): 65
(EP): 85

Round 1
A goblin ditches Cassandra to go after Lilith.

Houri's grapple vs Goblin 1: Success
Houri's grapple vs Goblin 2: Failure, Houri's clothes are shifted

Cassandra's grapple: 1(roll)+18(Escape Artist)=19 vs. 40
Cassandra is bound more tightly and forced into a submission hold.

Round 2

Two goblins rush to attack Lilith.
Attack 1: Miss
Attack 2: Miss

Houri's grapple vs Goblin 1: Failure, Houri is bound tightly and is in submission
Houri's grapple vs Goblin 2: Failure, Houri is penetrated

Lilith counter attacks with lightning strikesx2
Both strikes hit, another goblin dead. Four remaining.

Cassandra's grapple: 18(roll)+18(Escape Artist)=36 vs. 38
Cassandra's clothes are shifted.

"Thinking you look sexy! Make pussy drink cum!" the goblin declared. Though their comrades dying got their attention. One goblin decided to ditch Cassandra and go for the white haired warrior who still stood, seeking to subdue her while the remaining goblin had an easy time overpowering the busty healer. Cassandra felt the goblin work the rope and tighten it. She felt her body become securely snug in the rope, leaving her body feeling squeezed and almost helpless. At the mercy of the horny goblin on top of her. Despite her struggling, he chuckled and laughed at her. She did little more than wiggle her ass in his direction, which did nothing but make the goblin rock hard with excitement. He removed his lion cloth completely, exposing his large dick to the world, before reaching under the ropes. At his mercy, Cassandra was helpless as she felt him lift up her skirt and pull her panties down to expose her pink pussy and puckered asshole. "Oooh! Thirsty pussy! Pretty pussy! I'll shoot seed deep inside, make you pregnant!" he declared as Cassandra felt the little goblin climb on top of her, his feet actually planted on the rounds of her ass as he lowered his crotch to line his cock up with her pussy.

Meanwhile, Lilith was handling herself quite well, dodging attempts to be captured and slaying two goblins in her wake, as more simply tried to take her down. Though she was calling out her partner's name, "Houri!" as she witnessed the scene before her.

The pink haired warrior caught in the net thrashed and squirmed as the two goblins dominated her. One goblin was sliding his cock between the rounds of her ass eagerly while the other tightened her ropes as Cassanda had down to her. "Nnngh! Fuck off...!" Houri said with strained breath as the ropes constrained her body. "We fuck you! Open lower mouth wide! Take cum drink!" the goblins taunted her while she thrashed in vain. Houri hardly moved at all despite the strained look on her face, apparently quite tied up by the goblins. She grit her teeth as the goblins ripped her panties off and threw them aside, before the other got on her ass just as the goblin on Cassandra did, and not a moment's hesitation passed before Cassandra clearly saw a long goblin dick slip into and vanish inside Houri's thin cunt. The healer's ears were graced with the loud sounds of Houri crying out in shock and pleasure. The goblin also howled out in delight as he plunged his dick into Houri's fuck hole. "Aaaaaah~! S-stop, you f-fuck... Nngh!" Houri moaned as the goblin barely let her get a word in. His balls bouncing feverishly as he drove his hips up and down with madness driven lust, loud slaps of wet copulation echoing through the sky. "Tight pussy sucking me iiin!" the goblin moaned at how good Houri felt while Houri seemed a bit overtaken by pleasure as well.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

"No... it's not that easy dammit..." Cassandra cursed, going out of her usual speaking habits in her predicament as she was not liking the situation one bit. She threw herself into the struggle wholeheartedly, but her physical condition was not quite on par with her heart, and the whole thing appeared to have little effect as the gobbo laughed at her while applying further tension on the rope. This left the healer in a pretty packaged state, but she was not completely out from the fight just then. She could feel herself getting exposed and the little monster climbing onto her, the creature preparing to make good of what it was speaking about.

The girls were a bit of a mixed bag, Lilith being rather adept at doing her job as she slew some goblins. Houri was having it even worse than Cassandra did as a whole trio of the little things set upon her, one of them actually having moved from her to the blonde bodyguard. Even from her current spot, the healer could see what was in store for her if she did not manage to slip away from the goblin somehow. Putting most of her hopes to Lilith and the remaining bit into her own ability to escape, she threw her efforts into another attempt at shaking herself free or at least keeping the dick out from herself.

(Same deal.)