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ACT [Vanja] Rise of the lord of tentacles

Re: Rise of the lord of tentacles (!!NO LINK TO THE GAME DOWNLOAD WILL EVER BE PROVID

Oh.... my god.
Re: Rise of the lord of tentacles (!!NO LINK TO THE GAME DOWNLOAD WILL EVER BE PROVID


Really.... can we not have a one strike and your out policy.
Re: Rise of the lord of tentacles (!!NO LINK TO THE GAME DOWNLOAD WILL EVER BE PROVID

sooo, just write if this game is only for sale and there is no other way to get it
Re: Rise of the lord of tentacles (!!NO LINK TO THE GAME DOWNLOAD WILL EVER BE PROVID

I'm getting curious, I believe in supporting those artists, programmers and such who provide good games. But you never really explained in your first post why your so against links being posted. I guess this isn't the most important question but maybe if you elaborated, people maybe discouraged from making jokes. Or not IDK some people are who they are. But I am a little curious are your just a big fan of her work and want to support her a lot or something?
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Re: Rise of the lord of tentacles (!!NO LINK TO THE GAME DOWNLOAD WILL EVER BE PROVID

There is an explained history of vanja links being reported. The author, or maybe a dedicated fan, is aware of and reads this site and isn't too particular about their (totally shoddy) work being stolen. This has been put up and maybe asking like you did could be the first question, instead of people retardedly ignoring it.
Re: Rise of the lord of tentacles (!!NO LINK TO THE GAME DOWNLOAD WILL EVER BE PROVID

Aw well that's fair enough for me, though from a critics side I'd say they did us a service by not allowing links to be provided. Well moving back to the kurovadis demo.
Re: Rise of the lord of tentacles (!!NO LINK TO THE GAME DOWNLOAD WILL EVER BE PROVID

i think the hint in the first post not to ask for a link is meant to keep the user safe ... it just testifies that the game is THAT bad.
Re: Rise of the lord of tentacles (!!NO LINK TO THE GAME DOWNLOAD WILL EVER BE PROVID

The thing with hentai games is this.

Bob says it sucks.

You play it.

You think it rocks.

There's something about Vanja's art that is very cute and actually pretty nice and easy to enjoy.

Random Fact: While I was a member, I requested the Sorceress from Dragon's Crown picture you can find on her free site. She was very nice, answers her e-mails super quick, and I think the picture was cute as hell.

Her games do need work, but I see them getting better and better.

No matter how much I hear, "Yeah, this game sucks. Yeah, don't play this, it's crap." I am always curious because it may include something I completely like.

I'm not asking for a DL link, as a matter of fact Vanja's charging too much for access to her art. I liked the demo, seems like a frustrating, jittery game to play, but it's a hentai game nonetheless.

This is off topic, but I think Meet and Fucks "Christmas Pay Rise" is one of the best things to ever come out of that website. Many people probably hate it just because it's a Meet and Fuck game.
Re: Rise of the lord of tentacles (!!NO LINK TO THE GAME DOWNLOAD WILL EVER BE PROVID

Id be all for paying for the game alone. However having to give 25 for an entire membership when I only want one thing. She really should look into seeing if thats an option on her site. Might get a little more cash flow for those who dont wish to dish out the entire fee.
Re: Rise of the lord of tentacles (!!NO LINK TO THE GAME DOWNLOAD WILL EVER BE PROVID

That makes a lot of sense. I doubt she'd do that though. She would still want to get her memberships out there for her own profit probably.
Re: Rise of the lord of tentacles (!!NO LINK TO THE GAME DOWNLOAD WILL EVER BE PROVID

Ok where i can get these game FREE, i am not paying for hentai >< thats lame.:cool:
Re: Rise of the lord of tentacles (!!NO LINK TO THE GAME DOWNLOAD WILL EVER BE PROVID

Ok where i can get these game FREE, i am not paying for hentai >< thats lame.:cool:

Ever heard of "Google?"
Re: Rise of the lord of tentacles (!!NO LINK TO THE GAME DOWNLOAD WILL EVER BE PROVID

...Then try sing yankee doodle while touching your own doodle with one hand and and use the other hand to eat half baked ice cream letting some drip on your junk making sure to rub it in while fiddling with yourself. Also dont forget to look for a free vision of this shitty game on Google. Good Luck! Then after and hour or (30 seconds if your smart) of questioning why your doing this come back on here and ask..Why? and how smart you think I am :)

Stupid test:
Want to keep and idiot busy for hours read the sentence below to learn how.
Want to keep and idiot busy for hours read the sentence above to learn how.
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Re: Rise of the lord of tentacles (!!NO LINK TO THE GAME DOWNLOAD WILL EVER BE PROVID

Ok where i can get these game FREE, i am not paying for hentai >< thats lame.:cool:
Ever heard of "Google?"
how smart. now try to find the game for free with google. i wonder how smart you feel after trying.

How you both of you try reading where it says "No link to the game"?
Why would giving a link to where you can get the link somehow bypass that?
Try thinking, people.
Re: Rise of the lord of tentacles (!!NO LINK TO THE GAME DOWNLOAD WILL EVER BE PROVID

so where exactly did i write anything about posting or getting a link in this thread?
reading is not everything.. i think you misunderstood something.

i will rewrite my post to easy mode. >> it is impossible to find a link to this game with google, so suggesting google is not very wise.<<
... 'try thinking'. ... no comment. >_>
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Re: Rise of the lord of tentacles (!!NO LINK TO THE GAME DOWNLOAD WILL EVER BE PROVID

By any chance can someone upload a save im missing 4 boss fight animations and beat the stages so I can't fight them a again
Re: Rise of the lord of tentacles (!!NO LINK TO THE GAME DOWNLOAD WILL EVER BE PROVID

He was being a smartass to a dumb comment, he wasn't trying to be helpful, are you really that goddamned dense?
I didn't say YOU asked for a link, I said the other guy did, and you're acting like he should have been helped or something.
It CLEARLY says what it says, and we're not helping people to get that link.

If you're all going to act like this, which is as inevitable as it is in every thread where links aren't supposed to be requested, I'll just lock this and treat it as an information thread, and those with the appropriate taste in Vanja's games can buy them or not. Then people like Jak and others who actually retrieved the game will not be able to get their actually reasonable questions answered. Treat it just like a grade school class if we have to.
Re: Rise of the lord of tentacles (!!NO LINK TO THE GAME DOWNLOAD WILL EVER BE PROVID

if it calms your rage, just do it.
or you could just quote every fun post mocking this rediculous thread name and keep nagging.

the complexity of this game does not provide a lot of content for discussion anyway ^_^
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Re: Rise of the lord of tentacles (!!NO LINK TO THE GAME DOWNLOAD WILL EVER BE PROVID

Says the guy who jumped into this argument by quoting and attempting to mock another member.

I haven't played it. I don't even like Vanja's games, so how would I know?