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Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

(Also, Seras gained 50 corruption from Leo's big penis.)

Madison pursed her lips as Seras revealed that she'd continue offering herself if Mason couldn't find another, seemingly something that the demoness didn't expect her to do, before Mason himself suddenly threw his arms around her. "I knew you wouldn't let me down!" Mason cheered.

Madison turned her head away. "Fine, but if you let Mason go hungry, I'll rape the energy out of you, understand? Don't break your word." she said with a huff.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Seras blushed brightly as be it by accident or on purpose Mason threw his hands around the girl and lifted her up more via her breasts than anything else! "Ah~~! Bu~~-ut on one condition!" hopefully this stopped the duo early celebration "I'll need you two to accompany me on a new quest." she stuggled lightly as her C's rested on Masons hand "We'll need to backtrack back to that pervert town and deeper into Badaria. A rescue mission to save a certain warrior."

"You two won't mind right?" she looked between the twins hopefully, her 'condition' much more of a plea for assistance than anything else.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Mason laughed aloud and nodded. "Are you kidding? Rescue is my middle name! Rather, it is now!" he replied, while Madison offered no complaint.

Meanwhile, Leo was walking out of the room, naked as always. "Seras... Where'd you gooo~" he called out sleepily, while a passing maid drew back and her eyes bugged out of her head at the sight of Leo's morning wood.

"A-ah...! IT'S A MONSTERRR!" the woman went screaming down the hallway as the bald owner of the inn stuck his head out. "DAMN IT WOMAN IT'S JUST A PENIS!"
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Seras freed herself of Masons hands "In Here Leo!" she skipped over to the entrance and peaked outside smiling warmly to the gruff "Morning sleepyhead~ Come inside!"

The girl would turn to whatever attention her gruff caused and mouth a sorry. Though the stray thought of likely everyone daring a peek outside knew full well, just what went on in that room and who were the culprits now. And honestly Seras was kind of proud of that dreamy fuck.

With all them gathered up he group could have breakfast and Seras could explain the change of plans. Chester left the girl with barely any information regarding who the man was or how to find him except that he was captured by Archeron slavers. Meaning it was time to track his steps and hopefully find the hero!... but first

"So er... Mason, Madison... just how often do you have to feed to stay healthy?" perhaps Seras would have find a girl for Mason!
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Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Everyone heard the change of plans and all agreed that if they returned to Seras' town, there would be a fight, and Seras would need the skills to beat the rotten noble that raped her. So, they all nodded to going back and finding the man who was captured.

Mason replied to her question after their group decided where to do. "If we don't use our powers, we can go a good spell without energy!" he announced.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Seras blushed lightly looking to him "J-just let me know when you're starting to feel hungry 'kay? Can't go looking for a girl, when you're already starving" or in other words, Seras wanted to have a early warning before Mason needed to feed. Finding a right girl may not be such an easy task.

Whatever the case may be, their business in this town was done! Well almost... "Say Madie." she turned to Madison "How much gold did we get from the bandit stash? We could buy some proper horses if you wanted to." Seras smiled to the girl "Warped Oxes are tricky beasts afterall, maybe you wouldn't have to..." the heroine looked away " 'relief' them anymore."

The choice was up to Madison, if she disagreed with the offer the group could finally load up in their wagon and head on out. Next stop - "Male-superiority-vile!"!

Seras suddenly gasped! "Wait! Leo you're in trouble with that towns folk. Guys can we hide him somehow? I don't want Leo to wait for us outside again." with Chester announcing Seras intent to the enemy, a wagon with a huge armored gruff and a woman fitting her description will more than likely draw a few eyes.
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Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Mason tapped his fingers on the table playfully. "Well! I'm of a mind to wait until the last minute so that I'm assured to be gifted the intimacies of the nicest girl around~" he said with a big grin, before Madison slapped the back of his head.

"You'll feed off the energy of a cow's asshole if you dare do that." she warned him. The announcement made him go silent. Then, Madison hummed at Seras' question. "I spent all the money on supplies and our hotel room. Besides, those oxes are far more reliable than any random horse, and... They give me energy~" she giggled.

"We can hide Leo among our cargo and supplies." Mason replied. "But... We shouldn't be thinking of just strolling into town... If the enemy will be expecting us, we will need to be cautious..."
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Seras made a pounty face to the lusty demon "Well then that would be cheating! Our deal is I help you find girls and take care of you if we fail." she smiled and nodded firmly "We need to build on those seduction and mold you into a confident demon afterall!" thankfully Madison was on her side on this, instead of yelling 'Disgust!' like usual.

The heroine grinned happily to the demoness and listened to her offer consideration "Well if you don't stopping for... er... you know, It's alright." Seras smiled earnestly, well who knows maybe the oxes provide a certain pleasure of their own.

"Hmm~~ well they will suspect something if our troupe arrives... but what if we dressed as pilgrims! The star god followers wear concealing robes, we could slip into town dressed as them." Seras smirked playfully "They will probbaly try and recognise us by our main features, our in other words... our appearance!"
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Madison shrugged. "If we dressed as pilgrims, it's hard to say how successful we'll be." she hummed.

Mason tapped a finger on the table. "Madison, why don't you...?" he asked, before Madison returned a curious look, and eventually grinned wide. In that next moment, Madison's appearance suddenly shifted from a red skinned demon... To Seras herself!

"I like your thinking, Mason!" Madison announced with a grin. Her appearance matched Madison for all but her eyes, which were still red and demonic.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Okay when those two shared idea it was never good news for the heroine. Though before Seras could inquire, she suddenly saw shoulder length black hair drop on Madisons shoulder, her figure changing to a much more subtle beauty... a familiar kind of beauty "Mad---" the girls eyes grew wide as Madison brushed asided some stray hair to grin happily. A mirror image of the heroine! Minus the tainted eyes.

Gob-struck Seras just eyed the two as they shared their exciment at their plan "E-e-excuse me?! What was...is that?!" she pointed to Madison in a almost comedic fashion equal parts confused as uncomfortable seeing her own self walk around in plain view... in scantily clothes to boot!

What in the divines names have the twins come up with this time...
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

"If they're expecting a little human girl to come strolling in, that's what they'll get!" Madison announced. "I'll feign helplessness and be 'captured' while you, Seras, come in with Leo and Mason after I've sucked them all dry~" she giggled. "Once they're enthralled by my powers, they're sure to tell us anything we want~"
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Seras blinked at the plan "What if they come full-force. Who knows what mercs will be hired to catch me..." she looked to Masidon in a concerned fashion "I dunno guys... I still say slipping in as pilgrims would be safer. We'll just hide Leo and you two would take on a more human apperance." she glanced to Mason "Since that town only respects males, we'd be relying on Mason to gather all the intel" a thought perhaps far more discouraging than it seemed.

"These are Archeron slavers we're talking about, they might mean business." by the heroines plan avoidance of any and all conflict would be the way to go.

"...maybe we could disguise as twin or even triplets." yet another idea on the list Seras would rather not do, but would have to swallow her pride "I mean while we'd catch a few eyes, but noone would suspect we're the ones the slavers are looking for." she leaned forward to the group listening to their input.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

"They're not as tough as the real deal." Madison explained. "But, if you say so..." Madison shrugged.

"The problem with me looking the same, is..." Mason began, before turning into Seras... A very, very fake Seras with demonic eyes, taller build, and no breasts. "The laws of mass still apply when changing appearance." he said, before changing back. "I guess we're going with the pilgrim idea." Mason nodded.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Well there stood Seras's nightmares for the rest of her life "MASON! GODS!" the girl looked away from the soul-crushing sight. The heroine gave the demon a slap on his shoulder and pouted lightly, she did not need to see herself stretched and deformed. Thank you very much.

"Hum~~ then we need pilgrim cloaks." Seras tapped her lip thinking "We could try buy some or... er... 'borrow' a few from the church." well she was new to Badaria so who knows how one goes about such a thing "Let's go check the market and see if we can find some actual pilgrims. If we're doing this let's go all out and look the part" Seras nodded firmly, before turning to Madison.

"You can change back, Maddie. Though I do like the twins idea." not to mention it would give the slavers a 50/50 chance if they did try to snag Seras that their pray was the predator.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Madison went ahead and changed back as Mason laughed from indirectly getting a rise from Seras. Then, Leo shrugged. "We just have to use cloaks, not hard to get." the satyr offered.

"We got some in the wagon." Madison noted.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Well this was embarassing "But... that would just make it us, under random cloaks. Hardly a cover." Seras recalled quite a few visitors to church wearing distinctly white cloaks... then again that might've been just a few random visitors.

"Let's go check the market anyway, we're bound to bump into some ideas how we can sneak in and out of the town without anyone batting an eye. I'm sure of it!" Seras cutely smiled at her group. Then again Madison did mention they were short of denarii.

Still they wouldn't need much, who knows what they might find. Darn demon, he just had to warn those slavers! Then again maybe the slavers didn't care about some random Crolian barkeep coming after them... At any rate! It was time to visit the market!

"Er... we do have SOME money right?..."
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

"Yeah, we got enough for the essentials." Madison nodded. "Depends on what you wanna buy. We have money, but we're not rich. We spent a good deal making sure we're nice and stocked up on dried meat, so that we have lots of nonperishable food."

Mason hummed. "We don't have much to spare for something like, weapon maintenance..." he announced, before pulling out a small pouch. "This is all we've got to spare, if you really need it." Mason said, before giving it to Seras.

Seras acquired 40 denarii!
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Seras caught the pouch and smiled encouragingly "Alright let's go see if we can make ourself a plan!" she grinned at the group cutely and took Leopold by his big hand leading him out "Come on." the heroine turned back to her two demons to them slyly, the group was off to the city market. Time to see what clothing or items they can find!
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Leo happily was led along while Madison and Mason said they'd get the wagon ready to head back. Leo and Seras went alone to the market, and saw a strange fellow who looked like a merchant, standing in the merchant's district. He looked to Seras as if he knew that she wanted to conduct business. "Welcome, strangah! What are ya buyin?" he asked, opening his coat to reveal a white robe inside of it.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Well this was one of the most convientant shady dealer Seras had yet to encounter! If Chester gave her enemy as little information as he gave her, the heroine looked over the robe. Only she'd need to pretend to be a traveling priestess! Her hair and any other features would be covered!

"How much for the robes?" hopefully the girls barter skills won't be required... otherwise she'd just end up doubling the price.

Pay up to 10 denarii and let's go~
Only put on the robes when nearing the city in quesion