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Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Merrium Weatherbee
Underark sidetunnels
Tag: All

Lena, Lily: You are in an unremarkable side tunnel of the underdark. Nothing special seems to be around, unless you are a fan of rocks. If you were being followed, then rather stealthily.

Merrium shrugged to Lenas whispering. "How to say.. I'll do my best, buuut.. I'm not sacrificing myself over trying to be a bit nicer if you don't like calling me mistress or stuff." She nodded.

"You are very uhm.. fleshy for a lich..." Lily could see a hint of desire glinting in the halflings eyes.. but she controlled herself.. for now. Merrium chuckled at Lorelais remark, after all, she WAS a bard.

"But yes. Ahead we wander!" The halfling smiled and soon, they made their way past the winding tunnels, ariving at


A darker estate, underground, and surrounded by a fence humming with slight magic, those with good knowledge of architecture (DC 20) would notice the work of the Duergar upon the structure. As you close in, Merrium hesitates for a moment, clearing her throat, her stance shifting, she looking over, her gaze hard on you, as she looks at you expectantly..

After .. readjusting your toys (Sans buttplug to the puppies relief), she leads you on, stopping infront of the entrance where she is greated by a drow, carrying a rather prominently displayed whip.. and dropping to her knees upon seeing the halfling.
"Mistress, you have returned!"

"Indeed, I have brought you more sluts to break. I need them obediant but of sound mind. Show them how to act proper, condition them as need be. This one seems to like a bestial touch and that one need some. Special attention. Prepare them, I have a mission for them tomorrow." She pointed at Sophie, then Lorelai, the drow licking her lips sadistically. "Alright, slaves. First.. You kneel before your mistress! Now then." She approached Lorelai. "You think you are someone special, hmn? You don't deserve to be a slave?" She said, a dangerous bite to her tone.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Lena Weiss
Underdark Tunnels
Tag: Merrium

"I don't care to call you mistress, to be perfectly honest. I'm more concerned with more serious things. Like these parasitic outfits, you mentioned, for example. Are we expected to wear them constantly, all the time, without a break? Are you going to demand we lick your dirty boots clean of dirt and grime? Are you perhaps just going to discard us, or sell us, once we've outlived our usefulness? Forgive me, but I hope you'll understand how it's hard to place my trust, nay, my very life in someone who's job it is to... break people, regardless of what we've been told," Lena whispered back to Merrium as they neared her underdark manor, grunting a bit as she reinserted the toy, shuddering and having to grab the nearest person to support herself and keep from falling, though not reaching for Merrium, and going for one of the others.


When they arrived, and Merrium introduced them to one of her other servants, Lena shuddered a bit when she saw it was a drow. Well, at least that explained why they wouldn't be shown any leniency really, even when they were here, Lena thought to herself. When she spotted the drow woman's whip, Lena waited until the drow had gone nearer to Lorelai, and glanced over at Merrium, then gave the barest of nods towards the whip in the drow's hand, as if to ask if that was to be used on them when the drow woman decided, or Merrium's. She did kneel down though, figuring that would keep her off the drow's hit list, long enough for her to nod at Merrium.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Slave Auction
Tag: Merrium

Dasyra endured the further pressure of the hilted equine dildo, and then stifled a mewl of pleasure as Merrium caressed and stroked her engorged clit. Lewd juices which were evidence of her horniness leaded down the sides of the phallus and her inner thighs. With her legs spread dutifully to the gathered audience, her shame was on full display.

Merrium's comment about the elf loving this deep down inside made the ranger choke back a grunt of protest. This had to be the lust spell. It had to be! The alternative would mean that she actually enjoyed the idea of being trained and tamed, like a domesticated pet. Her face blushed deeply and she kept her eyes downcast at the floor for the remainder of the auction.

When Mistress Merriweather won the final bid and collected the others, the ranger remained silent. The lewdness spell was draining in its power, yet it left only mixed feelings. Dasyra realized how slutty she had acted, and now refused to look anyone around her in the eye, such was her shame. Moreso, was that kernal of fear that her enjoyment at certain points had been too real.

She listened mutely to the halfling's empowered commands. The magic of their collars would make it impossible to be disloyal to the halfling in practice, if not in thought. Nor would they be able to free themselves. She felt her hopes of escape draining quickly. There must be a way to weaken the spell, she mused. Maybe the lich would know of an arcane way to limit the power that Merriweather held over them? She would have to wait to question her companions in misery until after their exhibition walk through the drow city however.

She stripped when asked. It made no difference to her, for the crowd had already seen her body and known what she was like when at her lewdest. No sense in earning more spite from a mistress eager to instill her dominance. She then walked with her head down, doing her best to mentally shunt the calls and whistles and demeaning comments hurled her way. The drow onlookers reserved some choice slurs for the high elf, assuring her of the limited list of activities she was now good for.

This endured until they reached the secluded tunnels, where Merriweather turned and changed her tone dramatically.

Secluded Tunnels
Tag: Merrium et al

Dasyra blinked a few times. At first, she was not quite sure she was hearing right. But then the halfling's story kept winding and talking, and sounding all the while much more akin to what surface halflings OUGHT to sound like and less like the diminutive ice queen who enjoyed whipping and humiliating people while shoving large things up their orifices. Like all the others, thoughts of disbelief and treachery played across her mind. Did it make any sort of logic for her to lie like this? No, not really, but the beings of the underdark didn't really need to make sense. They were all mad, chaotic and evil things. If the purpose were merely to get their hopes up before crushing them again, it would be reason enough.

"So." She said at length. "You didn't choose the slaver life. The slaver life chose you, is that it? Mistr... Merrium, you say we should trust you, but you're also saying that you're still going to imprison, demean, torture and rape us? And you're still going to use magic and restraints to keep us in line?"

She removed her dildo from her pussy as she did this and massaged her sore muscles before raising a frustrated palm to her forehead.

"Do you have a plan to get us all out of this mess? Surely if we had our things and these collars off, we could escape this place together?" The ranger grimaced, then looked around for a minor healing potion to drink it and ease the pain in her loins while the halfling made her response, if any.

"Fine, more talk at your place then. But it seems to me that you're enjoying this way too... much." Dasyra said that last bit awkwardly, for it reminded her of Merrium's own words to the ranger. Maybe the elf was as much a closeted submissive as this halfling was a domme. At least, these concepts floated through her mind, even though she was not versed in such practices enough to put name to the practice of sadomasochism.

"In any case, Mistress Merrium, please lead on."

The ranger marched with the rest of the group towards their destination, new hopes and new concerns now threading through her brain. Perhaps if they were to truly do something, it would mean taking down Vara's operation in a permanent sense. The surface world would be much safer, she perceived, if a few righteous deeds were done down her in the deep.


Weatherbee Underground Estate
Tag: All

Gingerly, Dasyra replaced the dildo and nodded slightly to the halfling when she was ready. It didn't take a whole lot of acting to appear in a demeaned, embarrassed state when the drow trainer with the whip appeared. It was... interesting to see how loyal this dark elf was to a surface halfling, doubly so if Merrium was as good-hearted as her story maintained. The bard must have done some seriously messed up mindtwisting to get an evil slattern to be so happy to see her.

Old, racial disdain still died hard, however, and the ranger was hesitant to kneel before the drow in the revealing red cloth. She slowly lowered herself onto a knee and looked forward, not at the drow but beyond her. An eye flickered to Weatherbee as the halfling walked away. Was this all truly necessary? How had she ever pulled a ruse like this so long over the evil races down here?

And who was this new bitch, anyway? She looked like she could handle that whip well. Damn it. Why was she admiring that quality about a drow? Stupid slave auction. Stupid untapped reserves of perversion. Stupid, sexy drow.

She wanted to say something, but anything at this point would only make things worse, not just for herself but for the rest of the girls. Merrium seemed to know what she was doing when it came to this enslavement business, and she'd made it clear at the auction that one of her methods was to punish the group for the misconduct of one.

Maybe if they were cooperative up front, it would make things easier for this first day.... night... er... whatever passed for time down here in the sky-less tunnels.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Merrium's Manor

Well, she informed Merrium on her faith. If she wanted her to be of any use at all, she'd respect it. If not... Well it wasn't like there was any of her faith around to atone to so it wasn't happening.

Soon they approached the halfling's home, and they were forced to... Put their toys back in. Lorelai slipped it in more carefully then had been done to her. Still ached to have the massive thing in herself, but it had to be done.

They found a drow capo once they arrived. A slave who hurt and informed on other slaves to keep discipline. She had heard of the concept prior from the priests of Hextor. Well, no matter.

Nevermind, it did matter. Evidently she'd been singled out for mistreatment. Great. Now she had a choice. Play along as a proper slave, and thus make her "mistress" look bad by not playing along suddenly, or act up, get everyone punished, and not make her look bad. Hmph. Great. Well, she went with made sense to her at this moment.

Lorelai kneeled when ordered and looked at the drow. The answer was obvious, but she recognized this from bootcamp. She was being made an example of and there was no such thing as a right answer. She was going to be punished no matter what she said. But there was no point in shooting it off either.

"I learned my lesson when I was nearly killed by the gimp demon.," she said simply. It didn't matter what she thought ultimately. Made her wish she took acting classes of course. Or had more reason to lie in her life. But here it was.

( Bluff of 12. While not technically a lie, it's still intent to deceive so...)
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Lily Cynder
Underdark Sidetunnels/Weatherbee Estate
Tag: All

"I moisturize." Lily deadpanned in response to the halfling's observation. Sadly, it seemed that her chances to exercise sarcasm were going to be a tad few and far in between, unless she was really careful with her wording. And she wasn't about to launch into technical explanations of how lich apotheosis rituals worked and how one could adapt them to preserve their flesh. That was a long and complex lecture and she wasn't even sure if she remembered all the relevant details after losing so much of her arcane skill. Rather bothersome, really.

And so the group continued onwards, even with the ranger, Dasyra, feeling not so hot about their new owner. Not that Lily could blame her much. She just hoped it wouldn't land the girl - or all of them - into trouble later at some point. Soon enough, the group reached Merrium's estate, prompting her to demand they put the toys back in. The lich did so with a grimace, not particularly enjoying the task but not as uncomfortable seeing as she didn't ram it into herself like the halfling did. Nice, easy and slow.

The drow slave was unexpected, and not entirely welcome. Seeing as Weatherbee kept up the slaver act around her, she may have been a spy... But it wouldn't make sense to keep her in that case, no? After all, she appeared to be a slave as well, if a higher-ranked one. Perhaps she was part of the appearance the halfling kept up, then? Someone within who when approached could, if need be, act as proof that this whole thing wasn't just a disguise. An unfortunate necessity, the undead girl presumed.

Silently, the lich kneeled as she was ordered, following the drow with her gaze as the whip wielder began to parade around. Personally, she had nothing to fear from it thanks to her undead physiology, but it was likely the under-elf would find another way to torment her if need be. Best not to provoke her, seeing as she already had her targets. At least, with the promise of a task awaiting them, Lily was fairly certain they wouldn't get hurt too badly. Idly, she wondered what kind of mission they would recieve tomorrow.
Last edited:
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Weatherbee Estate
Tag: All

"I'm a Yokai," Sophie mumbles at Lorelai's labeling of 'werefolk', but otherwise remains silent throughout the exchange.

As they approach the halfling's manor, and are greeted by the whip-wielding drow, Sophie gives the darkelf a hateful look while sizing her up appraisingly, wonder how tough the drow really was. She thought about refusing to kneel, but quickly realized it would be a pointless fight. She didn't really want a buttplug shoved up her ass again. She reluctantly bent knee to the halfling, albeit with a slight grimace as the felt the remaining sextoy shift inside her stretched slit uncomfortably.

She gave the halfling a sour look as she was referenced as enjoying a bestial touch, but decided against speaking out. She felt insulted at yet again being treated like some animal, but at the same time, her memories automatically flashed back to her exchange with Moren, remembering how she hungered to be bred by him, how she enjoyed him putting her in her place like the bitch she w- She shook her head wildly as she flushed those thoughts out of her mind. That was that damn drow's sex magic that made her behave that way, there's no way she'd truly enjoy being treated like that! She watched the drow and halfling silently as they turned their attention towards Lorelai. They would try to break her pride, Sophie knew. Try to degrade and demean her. She would just have to prove to be hard to break. The embarrassment at the auction was just... a one time fluke, she assured herself. Although the cold stone beneath her bent knees and the equine dildo in her pussy were providing annoyingly compelling arguments otherwise.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character


Outside of Merriums estate
Tag: All

Merrium had shrugged with Lenas further whispering and Dasyras words, used to distrust she had given just a weak smile as an answer. She even did chuckle a bit with the lichs sarcasm then shrugged slightly when they arrived, informing them: "Now then, better be some obediant sluts, lest we have to punish you. " With that she shrugged, winking for a moment.. then left.

"I shall have them ready to heed your commands in the morning, mistress!" The drow nodded after Merrium. She had to respect the little slavebreaker.. whatever she did, she put respect into the eyes of slaves somehow.
For now, the drow had to focus on dealing with what was ahead of her though. "Learned your lesson hmn? You don't look the learned type. You look as if you think you can bullshit me. DO I LOOK LIKE SOMEONE YOU CAN BULLSHIT?" The drow slapped the grip of her whip into her open palm.

"Oh. First of all, I want you all to look at Slave number three." She twirled her whip, pointing the grip at Dasyra."Slave number five is doing awful too, but number three, just look at her,.. do you think thats a proper kneeling? Knees on the ground. Legs spread to expose yourself like a proper toy! Head lowered." The drow smirked slightly, then crossed her arms, ordering:

"I think you are in need of a little group discipline. First, remove those sex toys, I bet you're sore after the walk." She asked with a smirk. "Good.. things are only going to get better, trust me. We will now return these toys to where they belong." She announced, then, waving for you lot to follow her, moved to a side entrance of the mansion.


There, down a short flight of stairs, lay an.. interesting dungeon with more than enough equipipment to keep an entire drow-orgy occupied for days.
There was a sound of distant moaning from time to time, which the drow ignored, waiting for everyone to enter."To be clear, you could try to kill me, you could flee.. But I doubt you'd be that stupid. Mistress holds your soulpiece, as long as she posesses this, you can't flee, you can't hide.. and you can't disobey. The only reason you are not simply made to obey is so you can be conditioned, we wouldn't want you stumbling into a magical disspel or anti magic field and suddenly turn on us, right? For now, your loyalty is enforced upon your weak bodies and minds, but soon, we'll craft you into tools of obediance to the mistress.

Speaking about tools, your toys.. put them back where they belong, unless you want to keep them."
The drow teased, then hesitated.. and grinned."Oh. One more thing. Your toys are dirty.. hmnn.. give them to me. Give them here!." She demanded, taking off your sextoys, .. only to lick along them, moaning sensually, as she cleaned each toy one by one.. "Haah ooh yeeees.. the privileague of tasting new slaves.. oooh.. Thank you mistress Merrium, my owner.. my godess.. aaah.." She moaned out, then focused back on you. "Now then. It is time.. hmaaah.. to discipline you sluts." she cooed, her body flushed with arousal still.

"Stand up in a circle. Over there, yes, where the runes are.. don't worry, we wont sacrifice you to summon any demons.. You can disobey if you want to find some really creative punishment.. Right now you are not on my bad side, you see. As Mistress has told you.. one doing wrong, means all get punished."

Once you all stood in a circle, with the order being: Lena -> Lorelai -> Dasyra -> Sophie -> Lily

The drow cooed, and rubbed her hands, then began explaining. "The circle you are in compels you to to what the one left of you has commanded. It is rather powerful magic, so I suggest not messing with it.
This circle is something Mistress demanded I use.. I'd rather punish and break you myself.. and I WILL if you disobey..But instead.. I will have you do it.
Each of you will find an erotic punishment for the one next to you. If it is something tame like 'Say you're sorry' or 'kiss my hands' -I- Shall spice it up a little.. so do go ahead and bore me.
But heres the real kicker. Once your little circle has been completed.. it shall be reversed, and you will give a command to the one that commanded you before. Oh.. you can use and of the toys in here too if you want to.
Let me demonstrate."

She cooed, and approached Lena, leaning over the Aasimar. "I want you to stroke your cock, and craddle your balls, right infront of everyone. Tease yourself up until your limit.. and then stop." With the drows words spoken, Lena found her hands moving on their own, reaching up to caress her shaft, but.. try as she might, she'd be unable to truly climax.. at least, as soon as she had fulfilled the command, the compulsion faded away.. though her arousal did not.

The drow simply cooed and waited, nonsurplussed as you lot think you hear a bestial growl followed by a womans scream (it didn't sound like one of pain) from the distant part of the mansion..
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Outside the Estate
Tag: Drow Slavetrainer

As she was made fun of for her improper kneeling, Dasyra cooled her own anger and reminded herself that things would probably go better if she didn't object to the simple things. She needed to pick her battles. So she went down on both knees and spread her legs to give the drow a better view of her pussy and the thin tuft of blonde pubic hair above it.

"Slavetrainer," she said, clearly, though her eyes were down. "When we respond to you, what are we to call you?"

After she got a response, or was whipped for daring to talk, Dasyra would remove the sex toy once more as ordered and walk alongside her companions towards the estate, and into the sex dungeon.

If she had not been explicitly punished before for speaking out of turn, the ranger would dare to talk to the drow woman again, being slightly bolder, just after she got done licking all the toys clean.

"Are you a slave to the mistress, like us? Do you enjoy it? If she ordered us to play with you and humiliate you, would you obey her order?" Dasyra tilted her head and looked the drow up and down, an incredulous smirk growing on her lips.

She winked at the drow, hopefully to put her off guard or maybe confuse her.

In all other respects, she would comply with what the slave trainer commanded, stepping into the runic circle and listening to what it was they were supposed to do. Her eyes shifted over to Lorelai, wondering what the cleric would have her do. Then she looked to Sofie and considered what she might ask the shapeshifter to do, given what she had seen of the girl prostrating herself in front of the werewolf. Was there something here that could tap into that bestial side and give her companion something she might actually enjoy?

She looked around the room at all the different toys, some fragments of ideas forming in her head.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Lily Cynder
Merrium's Estate
Tag: All

Lily grimaced slightly as the drow easily saw through the cleric's lie. Yeah, that one was not going to fly. She watched the drow keep finding new targets to ridicule, though she was slightly suprised to hear Dasyra speak up after being singled out. Daring. The question was a good one, though, the lich had been thinking of asking that one herself. The drow had to have some kind of name or title she used around here. Not that she was curious: she just didn't want to accidentally get punished for not knowing.

Well, whatever came of that, at least they were allowed to take those toys out. Lily took a couple seconds to comfort herself with a negative energy infusion again - it actually felt kinda nice to use it on herself - before following the drow as ordered. The destination wasn't that suprising, really. A sex dungeon was kind of to be expected, actually. Having her... Handler? Was that the right word? Having her handler enjoy her cold juices - along with those of others - was... Not expected.

At least the explanation of the group's predicament was rather informative. Lily raised an eyebrow as she listened, fascinated by the topic. Whatever those soulpieces were, she regretted not paying closer attention to them earlier. Well, maybe she'd get something out of examining the collars later. Their new owners were smart not to rely on magic entirely, at least: there was always a counter to it, after all. Which made this whole thing much harder for the group. Hopefully the halfling would keep her promises.

Being told to stand in a magic circle by the drow made Lily frown, as did the mention of demonic sacrifices. She tried to analyze it quickly before having to go in or face the under-elf's wrath, reasoning that it wouldn't make sense to spend so much money on the group just to throw them away like that. Plus, Merrium didn't appear to be lying when she said she'd give them missions. This was probably just another measure used to somehow work on several people at once.

Having the purpose of the circle explained to her brought the lich both a small measure of relief and a lot of bemusement. So now they were supposed to make each other do all sorts of things? Unexpected. And worrying. If she was too lax, the drow would step in. If she refused, she'd get punished, along with everybody else. And if she went too far ordering others, she could get a nasty order in turn. Lily wasn't certain if this was supposed to break them up or challenge their cohesion. Or just instill cruelty in them.

Knowledge (Arcana): to analyze the magic circle

Perception: to figure out which direction is all the moaning and screaming coming from
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Lena Weiss
Merrium's Manor
Tag: All

As the drow trainer woman spoke, after Merrium shrugged at her and the others, Lena couldn't help but feel tense. When she popped the whip in her hand, Lena did wince a bit, but didn't barely enough to notice really. When she was told to remove her toy, Lena did so, but didn't look too eager to do so, else she figured the drow would shove it back in forcefully, which in her case would hurt at least a bit. She followed along after that, going down the stairs, and hoping that they would be able to get out of this without too much trouble.

Once down in the... sex dungeon, Lena couldn't help but feel more worried now they were down here. After the drow trainer licked her toy, and pushed it back in, Lena's legs nearly buckled, and she had to struggle to maintain her footing. When she told them that if one of them disobeyed, they would all get punished, Lena inwardly sighed and cringed a bit, glad she had decided to go with the flow for now, at least. Moving over to the circle, along with the others, Lena took her spot and gulped softly, glancing back and forth, idly wondering what she could order Lorelai to do, that would appease the drow trainer woman, but not be too drastic for Lorelai to endure.

Before she could even begin to think of something though, Lena saw the drow come to her, and hover over her. Lena wanted to disobey, to not do something so shameful, since she was in her right mind this time around, unlike back at the slave market. Reaching down after a few moments, Lena took her shaft in her left hand, her balls in her right, and began stroking and massaging them. She moaned softly, closing her eyes as she did, so she didn't have to look at the others while she did so.

"P-Please d-don't watch so intently," Lena mewled cutely, as she masturbated, shifting back and forth as she worked her shaft.

It was clear to all in there, that Lena didn't want to stop just shy of cumming, but the compulsion encouraged her to, and she didn't think it a good idea to disobey this early. When she did as told, and finished, Lena let go, the compulsion fading, and found herself so close to cumming that she could barely think straight. "I... I n-need to cum, s-so bad. P-Please... f-forgive me, but... L-Lorelai, g-get on your hands and knees and stick out your ass, so I can f-fuck you until we both cum at least once," Lena panted when their trainer gave her the go ahead to give her erotic command to Lorelai, delirious from how horny she was at the moment, and getting into position as soon as Lorelai was, where she would thrust into her from behind, unless stopped by the drow for whatever reason.

Once inside, unless stopped, Lena would vigorously thrust into Lorelai, holding her hips, but doing so rather gently, and though her thrusts were anything but gentle, they weren't overly rough either. The lewd sounds of her wet skin slapping against Lorelai's would fill the room, as her balls slapped against Lorelai too. Being so close to cumming already, Lena would pop well before Lorelai, but she would pull out unless the drow trainer made her remain inside. However, Lena would let the pleasure flow through her so she could cum a second time around the same time Lorelai did her first time, where she would collapse back onto her spot in the circle, panting heavily as her chest heaved.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character


Merriums Bondage Dungeon
Tag: Dasyra, Lorelai, Lena

"Ah, yes, wouldn't expect a girl that doesn't even know how to kneel properly yet to figure this out on her own, you call me 'Trainer.' Miss Vel'reth later, if you behave really, really well."

"Obviously I'm a slave, we are all slaves, as you too will learn. I'll obey any orders.. and you are too talkative, slave one." She narrowed her eyes at Dasyra getting bolder.

Then, the Drow smirked at Lenas command.. it seemed to please her. "We've got lube in here too if.. oh well, seems you are going at it anyway." She smirked, in a rare touch of mercy, grinning as the Angelblood went hard with her first command right away..

Interesting, as soon as Lena has spoken the command, Lorelai found herself unable to disobey.. and her bottom tingled. If all of you didn't know any better you'd swear it looked more voluptous all of a sudden.

Tag: Dasyra, Lily, Lena

There were quite a lot of toys in sight.. some would even qualify as bestial and one or two as canine..
The moaning seems to come from ahead and to the right, you can roughly pinpoint its location.

The circle however seems simple but is rather intricate. Its beyond your knowledge. Or perhaps you knew about it once but have forgotten. You have a feeling you should be cautious with what you order while inside it.. you have a feeling it could influence your body and mind alike.

(The drow put the toy away, didnt push it back in Mindflayer)
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Training Room
Tag: All

"Upgraded from slave three to slave one? Thank you Trainer! I'll try to be very good for you." Dasyra gave the drow a pretty smile, and then settled into her place in the circle. She was enjoying being talkative and teetering on the line of obedience and insolence. It was a small way to challenge the authority of her trainer, but it at least gave her a small feeling of control and independence.

Her gaze swept across the various toys, and settled on the canine-shaped ones. It had seemed that the yokai, when her lusts were on full display, had enjoyed the presence of the alpha werewolf. Perhaps her species responded preferentially to canine cocks? If so, the ranger supposed that using one would be the kindest thing she could do for the poor girl, but would it be enough to avoid Miss Vel'reth from intervening with a more sinister proposal?

The trainer then made Lena stroke herself to near orgasm in front of the group and Dasyra found it hard to look away. The futanari aasimar was a girl unlike anything the elf had ever seen, and she was fascinating to watch. After a while of stroking and fondling, it was clear that she was at her edge, and the magic then compelled her to stop. Without the ability to use her hands to finish herself off, Lena turned to Lorelai and told her that she would be used for that purpose instead.

Dasyra swallowed as the magical collar immediately went to work, and the necromancer turned and raised her ass in Lena's direction. The angelic hermaphrodite sank her length inside of the necromancer cleric and from there proceeded to find her desperate relief. If that was to set the tone, then Dasyra could hardly imagine what the cleric would tell her to do once she'd recovered from this.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Training Room
Tag: All

Evidently the werefolk was a Yokai. That meant pretty much nothing to Lorelai, but she guessed it meant she wasn't infectious at least. Either way, time to see where this went.

Lorelai grimaced as she follow along into the main room. She was glad to have avoided any punishment for the group despite the lie. It made her nervous. Moving through the large facility, passing the sounds of moans and cries, they soon came to a room where the dark fleshed elf demonstrated her depravity, licking at the toys that had just been inside them. Ugh.

The room itself was full with all sorts of tools of what Lorelai assumed were torture of some kind, and sexual use she guessed. They were pretty much all foreign to her. However it seemed the dark elf wouldn't lay a hand on them. No, instead they were to be each others tormentors.

It was fairly clear that if they went lightly on each other, their victim would be worse off for it by allowing the dark elf to pipe in. Seemed she'd be going second.

The strange celestial was first, forced to work herself into a frenzy, but without climax, before she was free to stop. Lorelai had a bad feeling suddenly. But not as bad as when she was commanded to let herself be used sexually. This was to be her first time?! And the celestial must be on edge! "What?! But what if I get pregnant?!," she cried out, but was unable to resist the demand. And why did she feel a tingling? Damn it all.

But on her hands her knees she found herself, as the angelic figure grasped her hips and impaled her suddenly, Lorelai grimacing through the pleasure as she's thrust into quite vigorously. Damnation, there was nothing she could do, she was rooted to the spot, and forced to take every stroke. She only prayed that outsiders were not as unstoppably virile to any non outsider as she had heard.

Lorelai moaned and whimpered beneath each thrust as it plundered her depths relentlessly, her cursing inwardly but did no move to try and resist the feeling. She was unhappy but the sooner she reached climax the better. She simply closed her eyes, and tried to instead think of the man she had a crush on years ago and pretend it was that, not... Some female with extra parts and not even her own species.

Unfortunatly, before she could even get into it, her partner seemed to tense, Lorelai gasping in fear. Fortunatly, the celestial pulled loose from her, before spraying her seed on her body. Lorelai shuddered a bit, feeling a bit humiliated, but was glad it wasn't in her. It was no guaruntee but...

Further thoughts were cut out as she found herself thrust right back inside of, making her yelp. The foolish thing hadn't even cleaned herself off first! Her prayers redoubled as she clenched her eyes shut, panting, trying to put her fears aside to delve into the fantasy again. It took more effort this time, during which she groaned and shuddered, biting her lip. Each stroke hit deep into her, building up in her, until finally she orgasmed at last, giving a cry of pleasure and shame as her inner body attempted to milk the celestial, her mind too abuzz to consider the dangers of such.

Fortunately, Lena pulled out once more, and coated her further, and Lorelai finally could slump down, panting, tired form holding that position so long, her grimacing as her senses slowly came back to her.

"Better not be pregnant...," she growled, panting as she caught her breath, shakily getting herself back up. Ugh. It was all sticky too. And now she had to do something to the poor woman who had tried to help her too. Damn it. Merrium owed them big time for playing along with this nonsense.

"Lick the mess that That one made on me off me, while playing with your folds, until I'm all clean.," said Lorelai to Dasyra, sighing reluctantly, "Your hands can only touch yourself as well." If she didn't go through with it, the drow was certain to do way worse. Hopefully it was enough for the drow, and not so bad as to abuse the elf she owed. Lorelai really needed to catch her breath after what just happened anyways, no way did she want anymore pleasure right at this moment.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Sex Dungeon
Tag: All

Damn, the elf thought. That's a lot of spunk. The aasimar was hung like a manticore, pulling out just in time to let Dasyra and the others witness the geyser of cum that shot out thick ropes of viscous goo all over the human cleric's backside, glazing her ass, thighs and lower back. Meanwhile the poor human had been quite vocal about not getting pregnant - a valid concern, given how virile the outsider appeared, and especially when the pent up futa quickly put her still cum-coated cock right back inside of her.

The ranger gritted her teeth, embarrassed for and slightly - slightly- turned on by the sight of the stern and defiant cleric giving in to orgasm. The burned girl's ass rose and her hips bucked tellingly, and then she had moaned and whimpered as the friction forced her into her peak. The hermaphrodite followed with a second powerful orgasm, once again pulling back and emptying the voluminous load up the cleft of the girl's nice round ass and pooling at the small of her back before dribbling off to the left and right. At last, it was over for the human and she slumped down to gather breath while the aasimar fell back.

After a short time to gather her breath, the cleric turned to her and gave the order to clean her up with her tongue.

"Oh... ohh-kay...." Dasyra said as the magic of the collar dragged her down to her hands and knees approaching the pretty glazed rump. "I-I guess we're all getting familiar with each other..."

Her tongue reached out and made contact with the human's butt, her lingual muscle dragging upward through a nice warm coat of the aasimar's cum. It tasted bittersweet, and the texture was not something she had tasted for a long time. It had been... years? Her memory was still a touch hazy, but she seemed to recall a rather well endowed human man who had once insisted she taste his *ahem* 'love potion.' It was a funky taste and slippery as it smeared across her tongue, but she felt that she would be able to stomach it.

Then, she suddenly got an idea, just as her compulsion sent her hand down between her own legs, diddling with herself once more.

"Hey, yokai girl." The ranger said between licks as she cleaned off the cleric's right butt cheek. "Go to that wall over there and pick the prettiest... nyahh... collar and then put it on your neck. Then squat behind me with your palms on the floor, like a good doggy. And then... mmmyahh.... keep your mouth open and tongue out."

It seemed she might as well not waste anytime, since she was going to be at this for a bit longer. Dasyra's mouth kissed all along the cleric's ass, becoming intimately familiar with its roundness and its give, even though her own hands were only allowed to touch herself.

In her mind's eye, the elf cast her mind back to her last lover, a half-elf girl with short brown hair and dark eyes. She could see her face at least and felt a warmness enter her heart. She had practically worshiped that old flame, and kissed her ass often. This reminded her of that experience, and so Dasyra used that pleasant memory to trick herself into enjoying this. Her tongue explored along the puffy folds of Lorelai's labia, then up along her taint and around the rim of her asshole, where small globules of Lena's seed had trickled. She then followed the line of her butt upwards, getting a strong taste of the cleric before encountering a sizeable pool of goopy cum that had gathered on her lower back.

Steeling herself for the overwhelming flavor, Dasyra scooped the cum into her mouth and kept it there, neither swallowing nor spitting it out. She slurped the cum up, diligently, even as her fingers made her wetter and wetter. When finally she had at last cleaned up the last droplet, she turned from the cleric to the yokai, and hopefully would find her with the collar on, sitting like a proper doggy and waiting with her mouth open.

Wordlessly, for to talk would be to spill, the elf moved to Sophie and snowballed the gobs of cum and saliva inside her mouth into the yokai's waiting throat.

"Hmmahhh.... Okay. Now I want you to play with that in your mouth for a bit."

Dasyra had still not made herself cum by the time that she had finished with the cleric's task, but figured it wasn't important that she do so. It was embarrassing enough that they had to do this sort of thing in front of each other.

Dasyra then moved off the circle to fetch a canine shaped dildo and a strap-on that she could attach it too. She walked over to Sophie and had the girl watch as she affixed the strap-on to herself. After a moment of consideration, she grabbed the lube that Vel-Nath had referred to before and coated the dildo considerably.

"Okay puppy, I know it's not as good as a werewolf, but well, I'll give it my best. You're not allowed to swallow until you cum, okay?"

With that, she took up position behind Sophie and entered her from behind with the dildo, much like Lena had done to Lorelai. The ranger bit her own lip and thrust in and out of Sophie, doing her best to urge the shapeshifter on towards orgasm, hoping that with the lube and choice of bestial dildo, that the girl would get there quick and it would be at least halfway over with.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Weatherbee Estate
Tag: All

Sophie removed the toy from between her legs, slowly and carefully. The drow wasn't wrong, she felt extremely sore from it. She felt some relief at having the pressure removed, but suspected it would be a fleeting relief at best. As she followed along behind the drow and others, the moaning and screaming around her did not go unnoticed.

Listening to the drow, she reminded Sophie of something that she hated: any disobedience from her would punish the others. Sophie didn't care about her own punishment, but she didn't want others to be hurt because of her own actions. She shook her head slightly at the suggestion that she would be willingly loyal soon enough. 'They don't realize how stubborn I can be,' she thought confidently to herself. She made a face as the drow licked the sex toys clean. The people of this place were truly perverted. As she listened to the instructions of the circle, she felt a small strike of fear: this meant she would be controlled again. At least it seems her thoughts and memories would be intact... though whether she actually wanted that or not, she wasn't sure.

She became even less sure as she watched Lena and Lorelai carry out their orders. At least she was after Dasyra, who seemed the nicest one of the bunch, albeit also the most promiscuous one. Maybe she would be spared the sort of humiliating and demeaning order that Lorelai had been given...

She was still somewhat lost in thoughts while Dasyra carried out her actions, but she snapped back to attention as she was addressed. 'Pick out a collar for myself? Never!' she thought angrily as she went to pick out a collar for herself. It took her a moment to realize that the magic was, as the drow said, compelling her to carry out Dasyra's command, her own consent be damned. She watched as her hand picked out the most dog-like collar of the lot, a black leather band with steel studs shaped like little bones. She sighed internally as she dutifully wore the collar. She then walked behind Dasyra, dropped down on her hands and knees, and opened her mouth and lolled her tongue out. At the prompt of "good doggy", she felt her tail begin to wag cheerfully to and fro.

She was wrong. Her command wasn't as humiliating and demeaning as Lorelai's. It was even worse. She watched with trepidation as the elf turned towards Sophie, locked lips with her... and then spit a mouthful of saliva and cum into her mouth. She was frozen at first with complete shock, and as she went to spit it out, the elf gave her the command to keep it in her mouth until their act was over. Sophie made a face. The saliva and cum were cold, slimy, and tasted so strange... and suddenly she felt herself swishing it through her mouth at the prompt of playing with it. Argh!

Her eyes widened as she watched Dasyra grab the knotted canine dildo, fasten it to a strap-on, and lubricate it. Surely she did not mean to fuck Sophie with it! But she did mean it, and did exactly that. Sophie felt her eyes roll up as the dog dildo pushed inside her pussy, hitting her with a strong sensation of sore pain and pleasure. At first, Sophie couldn't fathom the idea of enjoying this treatment, but as Dasyra pistoned the cock in and out of Sophie, the pain slowly dulled and gave way to increasing pleasure, and Sophie could feel a warm glow return to her body again. Not anywhere close to the intensity of the drow's magic, but it was... pleasant enough. Sophie closed her eyes and tried to concentrate more on the pleasure the elf was giving her, and less to the cum and spit she was still rolling around her mouth with her tongue. Although the elf wasn't Moren, she was trying her best to make the experience pleasant, and Sophie did appreciate that, even if she was stubborn about expressing it. Dasyra even managed to make Sophie briefly forget the humiliating thought that she was being fucked like a dog in front of a bunch of strangers.

Deciding to try to make the best of the situation and realizing she would need to climax to complete the order, Sophie imagined the thrusting cock belonged to a powerful male claiming her as his own. The combination of the fantasy and the pleasure of the canine dildo eventually brought Sophie to orgasm. She shuddered as ecstatic feelings rocked her body, and her front end fell to the ground as her arms buckled and gave way. She swallowed the saliva and cum trapped in her mouth at the same moment, causing her to erupt in a strange fit of coughing and moaning.

Once she regained her breathing and voice, she turned her head to look up towards the lich. She had to give a command... Dasyra tried to give her something nice but still perverted... she'd try to do the same here. Whether or not the lich would agree, who knows.

"Lich... you will lust after and devote yourself towards sexually pleasing whichever one of us... trainees... you find most sexually desirable as if it was your greatest purpose in life. The effect will end when that person climaxes."
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Lena Weiss
Sex Dungeon
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Lena, while going vigorously at Lorelai, was gentle at first, when she felt it was the girl's first time. "I... I'm sorry, m-miss Lorelai. I... I c-can't help it. T-Too h-hot, and... h-horny," Lena mewled to Lorelai, her hands squeezing Lorelai's voluptuous ass as she pounded into her.


After she had finished both times, pulling out unless the drow refused to let her and spraying her seed all over Lorelai's ass and back, Lena collapsed back onto her butt, and watched Lorelai do her thing next, ordering Dasyra to lick and clean up all the cum that Lena had just spurted onto her. Lena's cock was pulsing in time with her heartbeat, and though she wanted to go get cleaned up now, she knew that she shouldn't try and get up to leave, and so she continued to sit there, watching as each of the next ones took their turns.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Lily Cynder
Bondage Dungeon
Tag: All

Lily watched the circle of debauchery with some bemusement. Even without that damned lust spell from the auction the others were quick to pull some pretty lewd things on each other. She doubted it was just the orders from the drow that were the cause. Fear of her involvement or not, one didn't go straight to fucking someone just like that without being at least a little predisposed towards it. Well, the cleric seemed more interested in getting herself clean than playing with the elf, at least.

The treatment the yokai, Sophie if the lich could recall correctly from the auction, recieved from Dasyra made Lily dread what might come once it was her turn to obey. With this blasted circle located here, it was certain that she'd have to fulfill that order. Considering how easily the girls were getting into it, she was quite wary of the fact she could end up having to do something she'd not enjoy. Though Cynder had to admit that if the drow was allowed to get involved, things would be even worse for her than that.

Whatever Lily had been expecting, Sophie's command was not it. On one hand, the lich felt a stab of anger at being ordered to obsess over one of the group, if temporarily. She prized her freedom and mental integrity and having someone infringe upon it even more after the earlier debacle was humiliating. At the same time, she was smart enough to recognize the yokai did leave her as much freedom as she could, by allowing her to choose who to pleasure - kind of - and how. Which softened the blow considerably.

Still, such thoughts were pushed aside as Lily felt the magic at work, turning her mind towards the one that had caught her attention most out of all the people gathered in the circle. She took a step towards them, quickly passing over Sophie and Lena, as neither had really been her type. For a brief moment, she had her gaze focused on Dasyra, eyeing the ranger for a split second before focusing on the current target of her... Desire, faint and easy to dismiss as it was before the magical compulsion enhanced it.

Lorelai was a fair bit taller than Lily and held herself with a noticeable composure despite her limp, one that made her stand out from the rest of the group. While the elf was attractive, this one had an aura around her that caught Cynder's interest. Or maybe it was all the negative energy around her. In a way, the lich felt a possible connection between herself and the cleric, something that made her interested. And she wasn't hard on the eyes either. With her interest in same sex being mild at most, the undead girl found herself drawn to the one that appealed to her with more than just looks.

Though she knew it was because of the circle, Lily couldn't help but reach out to embrace Lorelai from behind, feeling her libido return with a vengeance. She wanted the woman, to hold her, play with her, make her moan... Her lack of experience wasn't going to stop her. Cynder's arms wandered over the body of the priestess, caressing it as she sought her weak points, teasing her a bit playfully before getting to work. One hand reached up, cupping Lorelai's breasts while the other moved down, towards her exposed pussy. Playing with her nipples and clit as she warmed her up.

Lily wouldn't stop at just fondling Lorelai, though. Leaning against her, the lich began to kiss and nuzzle her neck, giving her a lick here and there as she worked her up. Soon she started to get more and more aggressive, her groping becoming bolder as she began to dip first one, then two fingers between the cleric's petals, moving to work on her insides as well. Cynder was rubbing up against the woman now, teasing and pleasuring her, holding her close like a precious lover, constantly seeking out what made her feel the most bliss and working those weak points to maximum effect. And she'd not stop until Lorelai came.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Training Room
Tag: All

Lorelai caught her breath, trying not to pay attention to things. Dasyra proved to be... A lot more creative than Lorelai expected. She was a little worried about what would happen when it was her turn, but... Well Lorelai owed her so she'd accept it.

Sophie's demand was a lot more curious, making the lich watch around at everyone. She seemed like she would go to Dasyra, so Lorelai let her attention wander, observing the area a bit more, studying the implements and the exits. Best to have a mental map of this place.

What she didn't expect was to suddenly to be pressed into from behind by an amorous undead, making Lorelai gasp as she was groped and ground against, her neck nibbled and licked with a passion Lorelai didn't associate with any sort of undead. "W-what? Why me?," she said in breathy confusion as she gasped and groaned. Damn it she didn't even like women, and this was as strange or even stranger than the celestial.

Still, she couldn't help to warm up to the lich's... aggressive enthusiasm as Lorelai shuddered against her, groaning, the cool hands working her folds before diving in, and the hands groping her chest.

Blasted hell. She was tempted to grab the lich and shake her, or to turn the tables on her, but... The faster she herself got off the better and they could end this farce. And she had to admit, this was a lot more appealing than being on all fours and just used like a piece of meat by an outsider.

It took some going, and helped once the lich warmed up from her body heat, but she eventually was brought to an orgasm with a cry, pressed back into her and shuddering, her blushing deeply in embarrassment at another woman having gotten her off now. "What a day...," She mutters, glancing back at the undead woman with some uncertainty. She couldn't even be mad at her either. Though what made her attractive? Was it jsut her being associated with undeath? Questions for never... Agh, she was way too curious. And fact was, they really did have to get some time to themselves to hopefully actually know each other more than occupation and their bodies.

Either way... It was Lily's turn now, and it'd be time to see how she reacted now...
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Lily Cynder
Bondage Dungeon
Tag: All

Lily didn't answer Lorelai's question, focused single-mindedly on pleasuring the woman as she was. Her only desire was to service and play with her like this, see her climax and cry out. Which eventually happened, bringing joy to the undead girl's cold heart as she saw it happen, felt it happen with her whole body, pressed as she was against the woman. Though as the cleric looked her in the eyes, the order ran it's course and the effect ended, causing a moment of emotional confusion in the lich as her mind returned to it's usual state.

As it happened, Lorelai would see Lily's gaze switch from an expression of pure lust to bewilderment, followed by... Not quite regret, more like awkward bemusement combined with a healthy dose of mortification. Averting her eyes as she suddenly found it difficult to stare the priestess in the face, the lich stepped away and returned to her previous spot in line, grimacing. She couldn't help but sigh now as she tried to find something to wipe her wet fingers on, attempting to distract herself from thinking about what just happened. It seemed that Lorelay wasn't the only reluctant one.

Glancing around, Lily suddenly realized she was the last one to go and that now, in accordance with the rules of this... Game, she was supposed to return the favor and command Sophie to do... What, exactly? Blinking, Cynder realized with a start that she had no idea what to say. Which wasn't too good, really. If she stalled for too long, the drow would get involved and that'd be... Not great. Meaning she had to come up with an order for the yokai, a prospect that was harder than it initially appeared.

The lich considered various options. Cruelty would be an easy way out, she realized. Coming up with a humiliating command would be easy, what with the plethora of options. That being said, Lily didn't really feel inclined to go that far. Hell, it seemed entirely unnecessary... Wrong, even. Of course, being purely nice was out of the question on account of the drow. She'd have to balance this out somehow. Hmm, decisions, decisions... Easiest way of doing so would be to command Sophie to do what she liked, but what did she like, really?

As she thought about that, Cynder realized how little she knew about the girl. Still... Maybe she could work with that, actually? An idea began to form in her head. "Sophie." Lily spoke up, turning to look at the girl. "I want you to pick up a few things for yourself. A pair of high-heeled boots, for one, some gloves, handcuffs... And a bondage harness. You'll put all of that on. Oh, and grab any dildo you like while you're at it." She commanded. A bit of dress-up wasn't going to be much more humiliating, really.

"Now, listen closely. Once you're dressed up, I want you to start playing with yourself using that dildo... But, while you're doing that, I want you to explain to all of us what you find attractive in us and why." It was a bit of a long shot, perhaps, but Lily figured that maybe it'd give her some insight into how the dog-girl's mind worked. "Oh, and you're not allowed to cum until you're done talking. Afterwards, you're free to finish yourself off if you want." This was not too harsh, or at least the lich thought so. And certainly lewd enough to not raise objections, or so she hoped.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character


Merriums Bondage Dungeon
Tag: All

The drow smirked widely, reclining on a red satin chair and unashamedly masturbating, caressing her own sex as she observed the show. "Hush.. aaah.. Slave one, I forget your names anyway. In due time you shall all be obediant slave-meat for misstress haaah Merrium. You will ALL obey as one."

She smirked at Dasyras little act of rebellion.. that was something easy to deal with and in time.. it'd fade away.
The drow clapped appreciative at the lewd Aasimar, nodding, cooing, seeing fit to inform them.: "In time, you will come to appreciate these things properly. You will look back to this day and laugh at your reluctance and scorn your own disobediance." She informed, then, more concerningly, added: "It was the same for me."

Dasyra felt a tingling of the cum on her tongue as she went along with the command, until her tongue.. elongated. Yes, she was not just imagining this, her tongue had grown by about an inch, if not more, in length. Well.. she'd be pretty good at giving oral now.. if that was her goal.

Sophie found herself actually enjoying the taste of cum, the longer she had it in her mouth.. it truly was not all that bad, infact.. she could go for another taste.. on.. only if she was forced, of course, she would not resist such force more than necessary. Yes, that was what she ment. "Aww the doggie is simply adorable. I wonder if mistress could turn you all into puppysluts.." The drow wondered

Lily felt her fingers tingling a little, dextrous and experienced in fine manipulation of spellcasting, it felt as if now they'd be better at.. rousing something else as well.

"Alright my cuties, time for your fun revenge round, up to the Aasimar." The drow cooed.

"Hmnn.. well a bit of talking about yourselfs can't hurt.. but Slave Sophieee" The drow cooed, waving the dog-girl back once she had selected a dildo.. "Use this one." She made sure to give her a dildo one number larger than she initially chose, the Lichs command having been a little tame for the drows tastes, it seemed. She had hoped for some juicy revenge.. well, once it was Sophies turn..
She smirked.

Sophie, meanwhile found a tingling at the back of her mind.. why not tell these women all about her fetishes? What was so emberassing about that? It seemed as if Lilys command had removed some of her feelings of shame..