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Trapped in the Underdark - In Character


Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Bondage Dungeon
Tag: Lillith

Lorelai listens, sighing a bit.

"Simple. Where I'm from, the Church of Hextor has outlawed the dissection of the dead. As such, no healers can really perform surgery in any sense, making the populace fully reliant on their clerics for healing and such. I'm a healer, a doctor, and after the disrespect the church showed, the people I could have saved in battle... I was no longer content with their rules and laws. I could just study the dead. But the undeads bodies, when properly prepared can simulate living systems. I could study the bodies of people for surgery and how their anatomies work without performing horrific tortures upon the living to do the same research. Eventually I can teach others in secret, and they never dissected anyone. I'll undermine that failure of a church and their power, and I'll provide for those who need it. The dead will provide for the living. Thats why necromancy.," says Lorelai, taking out some medical diagrams and looking them over as she talks.

"Whether it could or could not, there is no cleric I know that can cast the needed spell, and would do so for a "heretic" of my nation. And if I wish to suffer, an unlikely notion, I guarantee I'd want it on my terms, not yours."

Lorelai grunts and leans back. "I doubt you'd agree, but to me, loyalty is earned, not taken. And I expected little else honestly. I was in the military. Hextor's military has little belief in loyalty as much as the control of fear and pain and terror. I could see the writing on the wall as soon as I was brought in and what others said. Along with you wanting me to stay here. Look, let's make this simple on each other. You want me to obey? Give me a reason beyond a threat and a carrot at the end. Give me a reason to see you as something other than just a new look to an old evil I've already had the wonder to enjoy. Show me that there's more to working with you than being a glorified lap pet. Give me a reason to believe that loyalty will be earned. Or this is going to be long and arduous for us both."

"In fact, just a wild example, seems to me you people hurt a lot of people. Torture has a good chance of causing infection, poor conditions can spread disease, especially in cramped quarters and body restraining torture devices, which in long terms can possibly cause deformation. You could spend time breaking me. Or you can put me where my skills can be of actual use for you. And sounds like you've a beastmaster. I'm sure he's more than capable but if he needs help with veterinary work, I'm familiar with animal anatomy and the required surgical techniques as well. I'm good at what I do. Now I've told you my motivation. So I'm telling you right now how to play things if you want to make this easy on us both. Your call I guess."

Chances were she'd have to play the same game as before. Obey, but not break. She wasn't a very good liar. Seems she'd have to learn. Though she was being honest. If the drow could show her a reason to play ball more, she;d consider it. Ultimately if she could help more people than hurt, it might well be worth playing their twisted game for awhile.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Outside Pens
Tag: Vanderghast and Sophie

Dasyra made her way alongside Sophie, with most of her equipment, including her armor still in her pack. She had taken out her sword and scabbard, hanging them on her belt, and had also worn her quiver of arrows and her beloved composite bow, Heart Seeker, slung over her shoulders. The smell of beasts in the dark side caves near the Weatherbee estate wrankled her nose slightly, but she had spent enough time in the company of animals to not find it totally offensive. She figured she could get used to it. However, all this stone and darkness was oppressive to the elf, who loved the sun and daylight and the woods of the surface world. What sort of beasts could be down here in these pits?

An axe sailed through the air and struck just wide of where she was placing her next step, causing her to jump back and reflexively draw an arrow and place it at the ready in her bow. Vanderghast emerged from the darkness then, chuckling and beckoning them forward.

Dasyra eased the tautness of her bowstring, and sensing that she was not truly under attack, put the arrow back into the quiver, hefted her pack again, and walked over to the jovial man. The wild boar charged out, to which Dasyra again took a defensive stance, preparing to dodge out of the way as the boar went in for its gore attack. The beastmaster's chain tore the porcine monstrosity away from his charge however, and was a clear sign of the sheer strength that Vanderghast possessed.

"He's strong, whoever, or whatever he is," Dasyra whispered to Sophie. "To haul a wild boar off of its charge is no simple feat."

As she drew closer to Vanderghast and his pet, the ranger held out a hand and spoke in her elvish tongue, trying to placate and calm the wild boar with her practiced animal kinship.

Animal Handling check. [10]+11 = 21

Dasyra was keenly aware of the aura this man seemed to be exuding. He was feral and predatory, with a natural dominance to him that was impressive, albeit she couldn't see him clearly enough, despite her darkvision, to make out the details of his face, to see if he were handsome, or indeed, to tell what race he belonged to. He sounded like some sort of human, or a human hybrid with one of the more bestial, well-muscled races.

"Hello Vanderghast. I don't know anything about, erm, bitch training, but we are Mistress Weatherbee's new acquisitions. This is Sophie, and I am Dasyra."

She paused, considering his off-hand challenge for dominance, then at length answered.

"Yeah... I don't think I'll fight you just yet. I mean, if I fought you, I might kill you, and I doubt that'd go down well with the mistress. Besides, you seem nice enough, if we could get past this idea of having the boar eat us... or um, yeah."

Dasyra sighed, not really knowing what to make of his crudeness, but as he was walking away, she felt the need to make light conversation.

"So, what exactly are you? You're the estate's beastmaster, but, where do you come from? Are you human? Orc? Something else? And what do you intend to do with us?"


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Lily Cynder
Main Hall
Tag: Merrium Weatherbee

Lily wasn't sure what to think of the paintings placed upon the mansion's walls. On one hand, they were quite well-made and not without their artistic merits. A considerable amount of time and effort had to go into their making and that alone she could respect. The scenes themselves, however, were a twisted reminder of her current position, something she wasn't entirely happy about. And given her current concerns, they didn't elevate her mood at all. Perhaps another time, she'd have found them more appealing, but now she was too preoccupied to do so.

Finding the halfling was just as easy as the drow had said it'd be. In fact, the reaction Lily got suggested that Merrium had been waiting for her already and expected her arrival. She followed the smaller woman as requested, paying attention to her rather than the next set of paintings. The lich listened patiently as she lazily paced beside her, not speaking up until Merrium was finished, despite the occasional eyebrow twitch at certain points. The undead girl had to admit that despite the disorganized structure she used when speaking, the halfling was rather smart. It showed in her choice of first question, for one thing.

"...It'd be more accurate to say my power decayed due to a seal that left me trapped in my lair for a long time." Cynder began to explain once Weatherbee was done talking. "Much of what I had left was sacrificed to breach it and allow me to escape, though only as a weak shadow of my former self. Had I been at full strenght, I'd have easily reduced those drow hunters to ashes and went about my business." She grimaced. If she ran across those dickbags again, she'd make sure to return that favor as long as she was able. "Naturally, I wouldn't have ended up here were that the case."

"And to tell the truth, this is the first time I heard of an innate talent like this." The lich continued, moving onto the second part. "Part of me doesn't want to believe such a thing could exist, but given the evidence and considering the fact it's far from the weirdest concept I had heard of, it's not implausible. As for whether this talent would have flourished on the surface or no, who can say? Maybe something would have triggered it anyway." She shrugged. "What happened, happened. We can't change what has occured in the past, only what's happening here and now."

"And yes, I am a sorceress." Lily nodded as she answered that question. "So my magic's quite literally in my bones. Given time and practice, I think I may be able to recover the power I lost, or at least a measure of it. Hard to say right now." The girl shrugged again. "Still ended up better than the bitch that got me into this mess in the first place. That seal of hers was meant to give her an advantage during her planned betrayal, but I caught her off-guard on the road after I figured her plans out. She may have been good at dealing with living opponents, but poorly equipped to face an undead. Yet she wouldn't back down regardless. So I reduced her to soot stains on the nearby trees. I'm guessing the seal triggered when I threatened her."

"And by the way... May I ask what's with the paintings?" Lily gestured at the nearest one. "Are those people... Yours? Somebody made them for you? Or are those just random scenes?"
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Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Lena Weiss
Merrium's Estate (kitchens)
Tag: Daisy (and anyone else in the kitchens I guess)

Lena bowed before leaving, making sure her things were stored in a good spot for the time being so nobody stole them. When she arrived in the kitchens, Lena heard a woman shouting out at her, and tensed up a little, until she saw the minotaur woman poking her head out to look at her. Lena was rather surprised that this minotaur woman seemed to be... quite nice, and pleasant sounding. Smiling a little, timidly mostly, Lena stepped inside the kitchens and bowed politely. "I-I'm Lena, Lena Weiss. And... I suppose I ought to get out of my nicer clothes, if I'm to be helping you in here that is," Lena replied in her soft sweet tone, looking a bit surprised when Daisy pulled her into a hug.

"A-And yeah, my papa was an angel. S-She was a hermaphrodite, l-like me," Lena said after a few moments, when asked if she was part angel, and unsure what to think about the lick to her cheek.

With that, Lena followed Daisy into the kitchen, where she brought her change of clothes in as well, and decided to get changed real quick, so her nicer clothing didn't get dirtied from helping to cook or anything. After she was ready, Lena came back over to Daisy and smiled. "Just some water would be fine, thank you. U-Unless you don't mind getting some milk for me instead. I do rather like milk, actually, so long as it's sweet milk," Lena replied when asked if she wanted something to drink. "And... what's this, exactly?" she then asked, picking up the Gro+ thing and looking it over, and trying to not look too much at Daisy's lower portions where she suspected a dick was inside of her clothing.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Merriums Bondage Dungeon
Tag: Lorelai

The drow kept calm and listened to what Lorelai had to say.
"What makes you think you have the right to bargain." The Drow chuckled slightly, adding: "Why do you think I am the one that needs to make concessions to you.

So what you are telling me is you are a troublemaker, that likes to undermine authority. You presume you are more capable at something we've grown masterful at. Keeping torture victims alive. That said, you'll find little work. Mistress Merrium doesn't permit torture in most cases though, the more I hear you, you might be an exeption.

You tell me working on you would be arduous.

Have you consider that thats what'll make it fun for me?

Just for the audacity of what you suggested I'll be sure to make you lick my boots later, but I am quite curious, so do keep on talking after all, after bargaining comes acceptance, so accept this.:

Nothing you say is going to change what will happen to you. Everything you have and are can be taken from you.. if only to teach you that you don't deserve anything Mistress Merrium doesn't decide for you to have.

Your new first goal will from now on be to obey Mistress with your heart and soul. You are bought and paid for. Your loyalty will not be taken, it is presumed a given. If you are defective in that regard.. I will take delight in fixing you.

Let me be clear with you. I've not kept you here and spoken to you because I care about you or wish you the best, but because Mistress has commanded me to be absolutely sure I need to .. have my fun with someone first. You know, some people I've trained took months to break... To be honest, you don't look that tough."
The drow explained calmly, but with a hardness in her voice.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Merrium Weatherbee
Main hall
Tag: Lily

"Trapped in your lair? Nuuuh.. That must have been super boring. I don't like being locked in here all day myself.. Well, I'm super lucky to get a lich that..wont ash me up then. Yay!" Merrium cheered, nodding to the lich. "You seem rather err.. tame for a lich though." She added. "Aww thanks for the cheer up, slu.. err hun. Right, well.. Hah! Magic in your bones.. because.. you're a lich. Thats good!" She grinned.

"Alright, you got my permission to practice magic for my benefit, slave.
As for your question.. both. Look!"
Merrium pointed at a portrait of hers, hanging besides a door at the end of the corridor and depicting her as far darker than she seemed right now, smirking and standing over a kneeling drow that might have been an artistic rendition of the trainer Lily had met already when she was younger, though it seemed a bit off.

Merrium continued on, smiling and leading her into the master bedroom which was.. odd.

It juxtaposed neatly what Merrium was. On the one hand, the small chair infront of a small desk with still half a meal left on it screamed adorable hafling, on the other, there was a large, luxurious bed by the side more fit to a gothic mistress.

Before the lich could fully process it all and answer on, she felt Merriums hand cupping her pussy unashamed, firsth, through the clothes, then quickly slipping in. "We got to make this be a bit real, don't we, little slave? I've heard your body is all inexperienced. I think you'd be easy to turn into an obediant sextoy and unholy magic dispenser for me." Merrium said, with her eyes growing calm and hard, her fingers caressing along the outside of the lichs pussy, as she cooed. "You'll devote your existance to my worship.. because it feels good. Because it feels right. I will mark your pussy as my personal belonging and each time it twitches in orgasm it'll become mine a little bit more." Merrium poked the lich, right above her sex and there was a slight tingling.. then the halfling withdrew, her expression shifting quickly, she giggling happily.

"Hah, gotcha! See thats what I'd say if I wanted to dominate you and stuffs, see? Super naturally domninant! So what was that about a pact and someone sealing you?" She scuttled over to a cupboard, fishing around in it, pulling out a notepaper. "I'll write a few notes, maybe make up a story. Its what I gotta do to keep myself sane down here, I AM a bard after all." And while the halfling spoke all calm and casual, Lily could still feel the warming tingling and a part of her oddly missed the halflings dextrous hand...


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

The Kitchen
Tag: Lena

"Hah! You can get out and stay out for this one." Daisy interupted her. "Oh its really damn sweet milk, if I do say so myself." Daisy grinned and then, unceremoniously, opened up her top, displaying a set of two huge, full mammaries. "Well come on then, help yourself ta your drink, don't be shy!" she winked and, without further ado, pulled in Lena and pushed her up against her soft, warm breast.

"That? Oh, naughty girl you want to try that too? Well we aren't using it on your meatclub there, ,that might get tricky for some folks!" She grinned, and unashamedly cupped Lenas cock.. though she had a happy go lucky, disarming way about her. "Come on, drink drink. I guess if you want to be a real good girl and a pro we'll use some of that on you rather than the stuff I can'd find right now anyway. So, do you like to cook Lena?" She inquired and, if the angel had by now not gotten to it, she'd push one of her nipples in between her lips, not minding that that delayed possible answers.

The milk tasted, sweet, a bit hot almost, making Lena feel tingly with subtle aphrodising qualities that'd become apperant after a few deep gulps and invited her to suckle more of the rich, warm liquid, moreso as Daisy began petting through her hair and holding her head close and tight. "There there.. something yummy for Mistress new slavegirl. Just relax and enjoy your milk, alright?" If the angel hadn't shown herself resistant so far, the minotaur-girl would reward her by giving her shaft a firm squeeze along the way.


Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Bondage Dungeon
Tag: Lillith

Lorelai listens in turn then shrugs. "I figured as much honestly. I was giving you the chance to prove me wrong. But there's nothing left to say then. You're going to do what you were going to do regardless what I said. You just needed to be sure on the excuse, but as we've established prior, I'm not particularly accustomed to lying to avoid it. So, guess we should get started then if there's no point in talking?"

Lorelai didn't bother with the obvious logic. The drow could achieve her obedience. Hell, it probably wouldn't be hard. But obedience and loyalty were not the same thing. Merrium had put her in a position where she'd have to play as the hard to break one by singling her out to begin with. Now, she had to play the part, since deceit wasn't her forte.

Lorelai hoped the others were having an easier time with things. They probably were, all considered. They seemed to be more predisposed to this stuff, or were much better liars. Or both.

Well, least she knew where Lillith stood at least.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Merriums Bondage Dungeon
Tag: Lorelai

She chuckled. "Glad we had this talk. For starters, you have half a minute to grab yourself some lubrication and remove what items you hold dear from yourself.. We'll have you taste your own medicine used on the Aasimar.. don't worry, I'm not uncreative. We'll add a twist."

The drow carefully pulled out a gemstone, then, reaching out swiftly, snapped it around Lorelais wrist. It was quite pretty, actually, a glittering amethyst inlaid in a half-glove held in place by the band.

"Each time you climax, be it forced or willing, this will make you a little more loyal to mistress Merrium. Its quite the insidious set of magic. A single powerful spell leaves you mindless.. but a few, gentle, subtle nudgings slowly push you into becoming exactly what you don't want to. .. and it will feel sooo gooood.. now, all I have to do is make you cum a lot, over and over. Oh.. and.. don't try to remove it.. don't be as stupid as me." The drow nodded and Lorelai felt the faintest of echoes whispering in her mind that she might be right.
As the amethyst rested against her skin.


Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Bondage Dungeon
Tag: Lillith

Lorelai grimaces and sighs as she takes her things off again, shaking her head. "Mind control? How crass. Whats the whole point of this song and dance if you're just going to turn to that?"

She sighs and looks around, finding some sort of concoction she assumed was lubricant and bringing it back.

"If this specifically makes me into what I don't want to be, you might want to go a different route, because that would not end well for anyone. If that's just hyperbole though then nevermind."

She sighs a bit, shaking her head. "Imagine my not being a lesbian or bi won't make a difference in this but off we go I guess. Though you do realize that making a cleric not hold their god as their highest ideal is likely to make me less valuable to the mistress if I lose my magic right? Might wanna be careful about that."

Lorelai steeled her will for what was to come though. This was not going to be fun.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Merriums Bondage Dungeon
Tag: Lorelai

"My dear, this is a lot more than simple mind control. What you're gonna do to yourself when I give you the command, that will be mind control. Consider this a leash to guide you when your mind fails you." She informed. "Soon you will want to be what mistress wants you to be. No, I don't mean that in any poetic way. As for your faith, I'd not concern myself about that.. .your deity doesn't demand your complete devotion, just faith in her and her doctrine and actually, submitting to a strict hierarchy is not opposed to Wee Jas faith I assume. Worst case, we'll have to retrain you... not the best sollution, but better than a disobediant slave waiting to betray us." She nodded.

"Now then." Lillith folded two fingers together, seeming to focus on channeling some sort of magic. "Execute the command you yourself gave to the Aasimar yourself." She commaneded and Lorelai felt her body stiffen and comply, if she wanted it to or not.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Lena Weiss
Tag: Daisy

Lena stopped when Daisy stopped her from changing, looking back and seeing the minotaur girl's huge breasts bouncing out right in her face. Lena was about to say something, before she was muffled as she was pulled in, letting out only a cute little yelp before her lips locked around one of Daisy's nipples. She set the Gro+ back down, or dropped it, rather, pretty much, as her lips instinctively began suckling.

"M-Mhm... I do. A-And I like to forge too," Lena muttered softly, pulling away just long enough to speak, after a few moments, before latching onto the other nipples, and suckling down some milk from that breast too.

Lena's legs buckled a bit as she felt Daisy's hand squeeze and stroke her length, and she was leaning fully on the minotaur girl, blood surging into her cock and coaxing it to life, despite her earlier action.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Lily Cynder
Main Hall/Bedroom
Tag: Merrium Weatherbee

"...Boring is, perhaps, not the right word." The lich muttered as she walked, her expression darkening for a moment. "Perhaps I was fortunate to choose lichdom before that fight. It takes a lot to mentally unbalance an undead." She didn't elaborate further, though the implication was there. At least Lily now had permission to practice her magic and grow stronger. Excellent. The more power she had, the more control she could exert over her fate. "Thank you for the permission, mistress." She nodded her head, only slightly pausing as she saw the picture. Huh, imagine that. Her eyes narrowed a little as she felt there was something odd about the drow in the painting.

(Perception to identify whatever's off: )

Whatever the results of her quick glance were, Lily soon found herself entering Merrium's bedroom, noticing how it combined hedonistic opulence with halfling simplicity in a bizzare, contrasting manner. Before she could make a judgement or comment, however, Weatherbee suddenly changed her tune. Going from happy-go-lucky if perhaps a bit stressed bard to a ruthless mistress. The undead girl tensed as she was molested, physically restraining herself from lashing out on instinct. That'd be bad. Very bad. Cynder grit her teeth, knowing that there was no way she'd be able to avoid having to do this song and dance, and could only hope she'd emerge with her mind intact...

Only for the whole moment to pass as Merrium switched yet again, making Lily breathe out a sigh of relief. Very grudgingly, she had to admit the short woman was skilled. Very skilled. Her pussy was still feeling a little sensitive, making walking somewhat awkward as the material of her panties brushed against her skin. But the request quickly acted like a bucket of cold water, bringing the lich back to both here and now, as well as some choice memories and regrets from her past. After finding a piece of furniture or a wall she could lean against for support, she began to tell her tale.

"The whole story isn't all that dramatic, honestly, save for the last act of it. I was a simple girl from a simple settlement, or as simple as you can get when you've got so much magic in you using it comes as easily as breathing to you. Rather than settle down like any other girl, I set out to practice my skills, going on a journey to be the best sorceress ever. But fairly quickly I realized that in order to achieve my dream and become a legend of magic, I'd need to spend entire lifetimes on practice. That was time I simply didn't have, not naturally. So I began to look for what I'm sure many others sought for years: immortality."

"Naturally, my studies into the topic were extensive and lichdom cropped up as a possibility. I researched it thoroughly, because even though I didn't really want to become undead I found no other option guaranteed to work. I resolved to take it if I couldn't find something else, but then... I met someone." Lily's eyes narrowed. "A sorceress like myself, one who hid her appearance at first. It was a chance meeting, I think, we were both looking for a forgotten library and managed to find it at the same time. What started as a simple discussion grew into a debate on magic and the beginning of a friendship... Or so I thought, at least."

"She was supportive of my goal, if a bit secretive, and offered to teach me a few things I didn't know. While we couldn't always meet in person - our respective ambitions required us to travel to some obscure places - we kept in touch through magic. I learned quite a few things from her, and after setting up shop in an abandoned tower I met with her for the second to last time. I caught her by suprise, fighting off a bunch of orcs, and helped her out. Still, the disguise she always wore that hid her features slipped during the fighting, and I saw that she was a drow."

"At first, I wasn't really suspicious. She taught me both undercommon and drow language, so between this and the disguise I eventually began to figure she had to be one. And she seemed to be a decent person. After that, she wanted to express her gratitude by telling me how to use the various bits and pieces of knowledge she had shared with me to set up a ritual to make me immortal. At first, I was overjoyed." Cynder chuckled quietly. "Together, we set up the first steps in my sanctum. But after she left to pick up a few missing pieces, I had something of a... Bad feeling, I suppose?"

"You know how drow always get shit on the surface for what they are, and admittedly with good reason a lot of the time?" Lily sighed. "I had considered myself above such prejudice, but spend enough time having it repeated to you and it will color your actions, if only a little. Needless to say, after my partner had set off I had a moment where my trust in her started to fail a little. At first I thought it was just me falling into a bad train of thought due to her secrecy and the sudden discovery. Now... I think I must have picked up some signs of dishonesty, if only subconsciously. Either way, to reassure myself and mend my faith in her, I began to analyze the ritual we were preparing, step by step. And then I figured out what she wanted to do."

Cynder's expression hardened. "She was setting me up as a sacrifice to a demon, in exchange for power. I was... I felt both shattered and infuriated at the same time, but the more I tried to find proof of innocence, the more damning evidence popped up. I knew I had little time before she returned, and while I was no slouch in a fight, she was better at dueling. And I'd not be able to evade her either. So I needed an edge. Lacking any other options, I gathered up everything I had and poured all my effort into the lich transformation ritual. Now, necromancy wasn't something I bothered with most of the time, but I researched that ritual thoroughly. Which enabled me to keep my body in good condition." The girl pointed at herself.

"Anyway, as a lich, I had a massive edge on my treacherous associate in a fight. She was insanely good at crippling living beings, but ill-prepared to take on an undead of such caliber. Our last meeting took place in the evening, on the road leading to my place. It was raining and the visibility was poor, so she hadn't recognized what I've become at first. When I called her out on the evidence I had found, hoping despite everything that maybe, just maybe, I had misunderstood everything, she just replied with laughter and mockery. Followed by pain spells."

"Needless to say, she was VERY suprised when they didn't work." The lich smirked, though there was little joy in that smirk. "My response, consisting mostly of fire applied in liberal amounts, was far more effective. After I killed her, I returned home to just figure out what to do next, only to find out she left behind a suprise. A seal placed on the ritual chamber, one that was meant to immobilize me and drain my strenght. I think it activated when it picked up hostile intent towards the caster, she likely set it up so that I'd be left helpless when I figured things out during the ritual. It was way too late to save her... But it left me frozen in place, unable to do a damn thing."

Lily sighed again as she neared the end of her tale. "I have no idea how much time I had spent like that, languishing as my strenght was slowly reduced. Eventually, I managed to pull myself together and brute-force my way through the enchantment, but the cost was terrible. The vast majority of my power, gone. Along with my skills and some memories, no less. I was not only a much weaker spellcaster again, my mundane abilities had suffered as well. Or some of them, at least. I decided to lay low and try to recover as best as I could, but then... Drow." Having realized that somehow she ended up lowering her gaze to the floor, the lich looked back up to stare Merrium in the eyes. "And that's it. A single mistake made in my youth, trusting an unproven stranger. And it got me all the way here. Funny how it works, no?"
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Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Bondage Dungeon
Tag: Lillith

( 17 Perform Sing. 26 Concentration to not screw up singing too badly. Rolled 2 on screwed up notes.)

"A hierarchy to the church. If I start invalidating my faith for others... And if you had given me a reason not to betray you, beyond torment or rewarding me with being treated like I should be, maybe you'd inspire loyalty instead. Instead all you've shown is you're as crude and brutish as any tyrant. I can respect authority and hierarchy, but not one built on the mistreatment of others and arbitrariness.," grunts Lorelai, before gasping as she moves, sliding a dildo into her slit with a grimace, applied two vibrating stones to her nipples, and a third to her clit, and with a look of extreme discomfort, slid a smaller dildo into her untouched rear. Then she began to sing a hymn to the fallen of battle, her untrained but obviously not having the worst singing voice ever.

Lorelai grimaced and shuddered with each thrust as she worked the dildos, it obvious she's not done anything like this. She doubted she could stop the magic working it's charming effects on her to rewrite her. She had to keep a hold of her logical sense, to ensure she remembered that her loyalty made no sense. That when she desperately needed to, she could try and break the programming that was going to be performed on her. It was her only choice ultimately, to try and control her surrender that she could maybe have something to use later on if need be.

Lorelai kept singing, using it as a focus to try and keep something of her, to try and make the song something she could use to draw her memories out, even as she sang and molested herself against her will. Her nipples were hard from the stimulation, and her clit kept her going. The sheer number of toys was at least helping her get off faster than she would with just her hands.

The distraction did make her drop a couple notes as she got near the edge, her applying a second pair of vibrators to the other sides of her nipples. She couldn't take much more after before orgasming hard as she sang the last note. Six more times. She started to hum the song to herself as she renewed her efforts.

Lorelai kept at it, shuddering as she worked herself to climax helplessly, not having the most stamina as she quickly began to tire, her compromised health and inexperience making it harder to keep up, but the magic kept her going, until finally she collapsed back, her groin soaked, panting exhaustedly. The final notes of the song again slipping away on her.


Demon Girl
Sep 28, 2016
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Weatherbee Estate
Tag: All

Sophie gazed around at estate property as she and the elf walked to the beast caves. She could see as far as the torchlight let her, which didn't seem to be the extent of estate land... although some areas revealed walls or other obstacles forming natural barriers. Although it might be possible to find a gap somewhere to slip through, Sophie was sure that escape would not be that easy. Perhaps the collars prevented them from even trying. It wouldn't surprise her, either, if this place was selected due to being naturally enclosed except for one exit. Although that would be dangerous if attacked. Any other exits, in that case, would be well hidden and not in open view, anyway.

Her thoughts were interrupted suddenly by an axe crashing into the stone wall a few inches away from her nose. She belatedly jumped back and reached down for her sword as the Beastmaster spoke up to them. She jumped yet again at the charging boar, but watched with some amazement as the Beastmaster yanked the beast back effortlessly.

As the man offered a challenge to them, Sophie considered for a moment to accept the fight, but as she thought on it more, she could feel her confidence crumbling away. This man seemed like an alpha male... perhaps not quite to Moren's level, but still impressive enough. Fighting him might result in her being far more seriously hurt than just a few bruises... and she wasn't willing to risk death.

"What... should we avoid doing or saying that pisses you off?" she asks the man reluctantly, trying to not think too much on the references of bitch training or boar fucking.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

The Kitchen
Tag: Lena

"Hush there little one. Just have yourself some more yummy milk." The minotauress grinned, while Lena felt progressively woozy and horny from the tingly taste of the milk. "It'll get you all recovered and horny, and then we can start making dinner for everyone. I'm glad I got an assistant, lots of greedy mouths to fill..." She nodded, keeping on with a slow, sensual stroking rythm that was ment to entice, not finish Lena off, as she retrieved the Bottle of alchemical.. salve it turned out, as the cow-woman began rubbing the warming liquid into the angelborns balls.

There was a nice, warming sensation that soothed the somewhat distressing churning feeling as they twitched in response to the potion, if Lena looked down she could slowly see them expand, thicker veins pulsating over them as the Minotauress subtly and gently guided Lena towards the stove. "Ya see, all the slaves are fed some yummy dilluted minotaur cum to keep them horny and compliant. But the things crave the taste, so dilluting it with any normal liquid simply wont do, hun."


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Merrium Weatherbee
Mistress Bedroom
Tag: Lily

While Lily looks around the room she has a moment to think about what seemed off about that portrait.. and suddenly it hits her. Merrium looked about the same age, whilest the drow looked younger. An artists way of drawing their subject more charming aside, considering the lifespans of Halflings and of Drow that could not be possible.. well, if Merrium was a normal halfling.

The halfling listened, scribbling a few notes as she seemed to play close and curious attention to the lichs story.
"Heh, best ever.

Well, you got a bunch of drow around now!"
Merrium giggled and showed that she was paying attention by adding in a comment from time to time.: "Nuuuh a real demon? Like Xirce at the auction? Those can be super scary! Sorry you had to experience that." The mistress nodded, scuttling over to give Lily a comforting hug(for which she had to reach up) Then, after a moment or two of hugging her hands began to slowly roam the lichs body.. subtle enough to just skirt the edge between erotic and comforting uncomfortably enough to not give the lich full reason to speak up without becoming awkward about it.

"I'm sorry things had to happen to you in that particular way.. trust in others should be rewarded, not punished.. and in this dark place we need it more than most.. err.. drow are usually nasty, but not all are bad." Merrium nodded, while her hand escaped the grey area between sensual and comforting and firmly set food into a sexualized touch, with a smooth, experienced gesture that caressed Lilys sex tantalizingly. "..So.. that means you've spent decades honing your magical skills, lost a lot of it, but could become a valuable slave now, if someone trained and broke you throughoutly, put the conditioning deep into you, then let you retrain to recover, so you'd be too strong for others to reenslave.." The halfling added with a dominant smirk, fishing in her poket. "You were wrong about one thing, dumb slut. Lichdom has its risks too.." She licked her lips, presenting the phylacterice, cooing and caressing along it. "Now then, my little slave to be, I want you to forget you've told me this story as well as what I'm saying right now." She withdrew her hand from the Lichs sex, taking a step back and drawing an arcane rune upon the box hiding the lichs soul, wait that arcane marking was...


"What was I saying.. " Merrium smiled a slightly confused halfling smile, looking down at her notes, seeming disoriented for a moment."Actually, please.. don't tell me the story you want to tell me yet, if that is ok. It looks as if it burdens you.

Now.. what I really want to talk about, is uh.. I know how.. terrible this situation must look .. you know, me having this huge mansion, full of slaves and claiming I don't want to do you any evil and stuff.. uhm.. I think you wouldn't find acting like a slave a bit not so bad, if you tried it.. I mean.. you do seem kind of aroused just thinking about it..."
Merrium nodded, and indeed, the Lich was still a bit unusally aroused, though there was no magic affecting her right now to make her feel that way.

"What I really want to ask is.. is there any way I can get you to trust me? I want to be your friend but.. I understand its super hard to believe any thing I say.. you see, I've been betrayed by a friend, in the past, and.. ever since its been incredibly hard to find anyone I can trust. " Merrium sighed, crossing her arms, looking forlorn for a moment. "You see, back when.. back when I was on the surface, when everything was alright, I had this dillusion of wanting to become an awesome bard, you know, one of the greatest there was! Well.. it turned out my mentor only wanted me for my body.. oh he taught me a great deal of bardic tricks, music, entertainment.. but it was all so.. " she sighed. "He just wanted me dependant on him, use me and.. propably then discard me." Merrium approached Lily, sighing, leaning closer.. "And then... down here.. its hard to find anyone you can trust.. Eh. look at me, ranting at someone I'm supposed to train to be all slavey and stuffs, who am I to talk to you.. I mean, I can hardly tell you that I think you might enjoy being my slave in one breath, and ask you to be a friend in the next.. I'm sorry for ranting about my silly past.."

She nodded and sighed, looking sorrowful, hurt, and lonely.. that part of that expression was directly mimicked from how Lily had looked when telling her tale only helped to assist her ..act?
Either way, if Merriums lure succeeded in making the Lich comfort her the halfling would reach out, to cuddle and caress Lily in just the right way to slowly arouse and stimulate her.. without pushing the boundaries she had explored before.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Merriums Bondage Dungeon
Tag: Lorelai

"You know, I'm growing really tired of you talking and only using that mouth for moronic insults while at it. I'll credit you for at least being somehwat original.. the last few dozen slaves I broke kept going on and on about not submitting to a vile creature, then they begged for mercy for a while.. then they grew silent.. then they became obediant. Mistress Merrium is too kind.. she'd rather skip steps one to three, but I.. I'm not. To see the light and spark in their eyes fade and be replaced with dull, empty eyed compliance or manic, frenzied devotion as they break.. haaah.. its better than sex. My money is on you being a frenzied one by the way. Ha ha ha!"

With each climax, the gentle, silken energy of the amethyst spun coils of calming magic around her, how it wasn't so bad to be a good girl how the more she came, the more she wanted to cum, the more she wanted to serve. Trying to hold on to her rationality seemed like a good idea at first, but after her fifth climax she wondered if She actually WANTED to oppose her captors if this kept up. The drow meanwhile simply enjoyed the show, leaning back and licking her lips until she commented.

"No stamina. Oh well then, it seems you are ..warmed up." She got up, smirking, grabbing the back of Lorelais head by her hair, janking it back and then forcing a potion to her lips, with a well timed elbow if she put up any resistance. "We'll make you earn every last potion you guzzle down, don't worry." She let go of her again, whilest her body restored.. mostly.

"Now then. I'm giving you a chance to entertain me. Kiss my boots." The drow commanded, with a dangerous smile. Little did Lorelai know that the true entertainment for the drow would not be if she obeyed..
Last edited:


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
Reputation score
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Beastmaster Vanderghast
Outside Pens
Tag: Sophie and Dasyra

The boar seemed to calm a bit and sniff in Dasyras direction, while its handler grinned. "Hah. Seems ta like ya. Got a hand with animals, well, thats why the drow would throw you over here." He nodded, leaving Dasyra unsure if this was a good thing or not. "Don'tcha worry, I'll tell ya'll about bitch training.

Hmn.. you might kill me, eh?"

Suddenly he rushed forwards. Before Dasyra could fully react she felt the air driven out of her, a massive punch sending her stumbling, if not flying. "You're invited ta try." (you take 7 nonlethal damage.)

"Now, then, lemme be clear here. I'm only nasty with you cause I mean well, because if I ain't training you well, mistress 's gonna give me trouble and.. she's proper scary, alright?" He explained, calmly picking up Dasyra. (you can try str or dex or escape artist to struggle out, if you dare).

"Now then, come along little puppy, I'ma introduce you to some new friends, seems the elf.." He'd slap Dasyras bottom if she didn't hold still in his grasp at this point.. "Needs some personal pointers." He lead/carried them to the entrance to his caved, grabbing a heavy iron leash and hooking It into Sophies collar, pulling her after him without further words as the scent of beast.. exspecially wolf, intensified.

"Now then. I need ya to understand that I don't mind a bitch with spirit, but bitches have to know their place, aye? No barking at me, no barking at the other trainers, EXSPECIALLY no barking at Mistress Merrium. You're just a little girl, no, not even that, just a little bitch that has to be trained to properly serve, sooooo I recommend you don't bloat about sentence like 'I could kill you, harr harr' unless ye are willing to back it up, aye? Now then.." he tugged a bit on Sophies chain, feeling she wasn't fast enough while chatting with Dasyra. "Again, me and Daisy are the more reasonable folks 'round here, I just don't do any fancy magics stuff.. all natural slave training. Eh eh eh! Anywhooo. So, elfie, if you got a particular animal in mind you like.." he hinted, his strong body flexing as she held and carried the elf effortlessly.

"Oh, as to your questions I'm mostly human, with some blood 'o the wild added in. Eh eh. Ask me what blood of the wild is!" He encouraged cheerfully.


Feb 6, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Lily Cynder
Tag: Merrium Weatherbee

Lily watched Merrium write the story down with some bemusement, feeling a little irked that her personal tale was being used to stave off the halfling's boredom. Still, in the end she had been the one to share it with the woman. And while she doubted she could have refused to do so for long, it's not like there was much to hide. Sooner or later her lack of power compared to a typical lich would have come up anyway. The hug she recieved was another mixed bag of emotions, feeling both awkward, mildly reassuring and annoyingly improper. Idly, the lich considered telling Merrium to knock it off with the groping. It probably wouldn't help.

Her feelings began to turn towards apprehension as the groping turned into outright molestation, followed by a sense of creeping dread as Weatherbee pulled out Cynder's phylactery. The insult and tone she had used as she did so immediately set Lily on edge, making her clench her fists. Still, whatever magic was used to keep her obedient stopped her from even considering a retaliatory - or preemptive - strike. At most she could try to reply to the insults, but the lich knew better than to rise up to that bait. She knew undeath had it's limits and weaknesses and so did lichdom. Still, the humiliation of being made to forget this set her teeth on edge. Then suddenly, the girl caught the sight of the rune being traced and her eyes widened as-

Lily blinked, staring at Merrium shuffle around with the papers in her hands. Wait, what? First was she supposed to tell that story, and now she didn't have to? And what had she been thinking about, anyway? Certainly not about how good it'd be to be a slave, she noted to herself indignantly. Despite Merrium's observations, Cynder was certain the only arousal she felt was because of the smaller woman's fingers doing a number on her earlier. Still, she hadn't felt this aroused a moment ago... What the Hell happened? She didn't feel any magic at work, which just added to her confusion.

The lich stared at Merrium for a while, trying to figure out just what unbalanced her so. Was that earlier tale about her having an inborn talent for slavebreaking more than just a tale? It was weird, but... Lily could recall it, that painting from earlier. The drow had to be that trainer from before, but if that was the case, then something about the halfling was very, very wrong. Given the rate at which both kinds of elves aged, she'd have to be much older than she looked now. Was her appearance a glamour? Was she using magic to prolong her life? If so, where did she get it? Or maybe she wasn't a halfling at all...

As the undead girl listened to her owner's story, she couldn't help but frown internally. Something about this whole picture was off, and she didn't know enough to put the pieces together. While Merrium's story seemed unusually similar to her own - being betrayed by a friend and role model - she couldn't help but feel suspicious. Lily's previous experience had taught her to question everything, just to be safe from another backstab. And while there was a possibility she was being too paranoid about this, she figured it'd be better to be overly cautious than too trusting. The scars of previous treachery, the effects of which she was suffering even in this very moment, were too fresh for anything else to happen. Which made her watch Weatherbee very carefully for any signs of lying.

(Sense Motive to discern if the story was true: )

As the tale wound down and Lily found herself with nothing but her own thoughts to listen to for the moment. She silently debated the conundrum she had found herself in. On one hand, Merrium was making an attempt to gain her trust, which could be beneficial. Maybe even genuine. On the other, her past experiences and recent observation were making her danger sense flare up again. Last time she nearly lost her sanity, suffered a horrendous loss due to a final desperate bid at freedom and was enslaved shortly after her escape. This time, she stood to lose much more: her sense of self, if the halfling was somehow fooling her. For someone who claimed to only play a slaver, Merrium was really skirting the line with leaving them to that drow and her alteration spell. Who knew what the other trainers were like.

"Asking an undead for friendship..." Lily spoke up after a while. She had made no move to physically comfort Merrium, though that was hardly out of character for her. She was never a touchy-feely kind of person and her touch of death made her even less so. Despite having control over it, the lich didn't feel like risking accidents. The fear aura didn't help either. Still, even with her doubts eating at her she knew she had to say something, at least. "In life, I'd have called this a sign one just hit rock bottom. Given our current situation, I'm not sure if the irony is making this sound hilarious or tragic." She noted dryly. "Maybe both. Makes you wonder how far your life can take you, no?"

"Anyway..." Lily sighed, continuing. "I can at least sympathize with you. Trust... I don't know." She shook her head. "That takes time to build. You don't become friends with people overnight, and with how the last time I trusted another deeply turned out, I am wary of doing so again to say the least." The lich glanced at Merrium. "Right now, I've seen too little to make a conclusive opinion on what to think of my situation. I don't know how my existence here will look, what sort of missions you will send me and the others on... So far I've yet to find any solid ground under my feet, metaphorically speaking. Though given what I've seen so far... Perhaps one day we might be friends after all."