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Touhou CYOA - Second edition

S u r i

Grim Reaper
May 22, 2011
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


I agree with Aurani. Yukari is most likely going to sit back and watch while Reimu deals with us. Focus our power on Reimu until she falls. When we have to deal with Yukari, just focus all power on her with our bombs and pray.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

"We should try a tactic that's similar with the one we used on Meiling and Sakuya here, lure the woman into a trap. When Reimu dodges, she'll get hit, or so I hope.." Byakuren instructs Murasa, somehow imagining this Yukari is not so easy to beat, not to mention Reimu.

Yukari doesn't seem to be taking the battle seriously, a strange portal-type effect opening behind her as she yawns another time. Laying down on the portal, she nudges a few times to test for a good spot on the portal-turned-resting-area. "You fight them Reimu... I'm.. kinda tired~" the beautiful woman tells her younger partner, before another gap appears over her. Poking her hand inside, Yukari gets a sudden yelp of surprise from the miko. "I can't fight anyone if you keep poking me in inappropriate places! Get up and do something!" The miko's words don't seem to have much effect on her partner, who does a slow flip on the "bed", turning her back on the opposition and Reimu. "Don't want to..." Seeing the case closed, the miko baps her partner a few times with the paper-decorated stick she's carrying before turning to face Byakuren and Murasa alone. "Useless old hag..."

Looking at the scene with wide-eyed shame, Byakuren thinks if this match is really fit to being the final of a serious tournament, even if it is one done in friendly spirits. Shaking her head at this embarasment, Byakuren takes to the skies with Murasa, Reimu coming up by herself to face the two combatants. They start to exchange shots after a brief staredown, Reimu showing her considerable skills at both offense and defense. Stream after stream of yin-yang orbs and amulets fly towards Byakuren's team, the agile miko doing her best to evade everything sent her way and keeping Murasa away from her with her speed and amazing aerial maneuvers. "Very good Murasa! Keep her busy for a while, I'll prepare a spell!" Byakuren shouts out, starting to invoke the first lines of her Purple Mist Omen.

A sudden feeling of getting molested interrupts Byakuren. No, it wasn't just a feeling. Suddenly clutching the front of her dress with both hands, the mage is being groped quite boldly across her womanhood. Taking a quick look down as she struggles with the sudden invasion of her panties, she can see Yukari's hand inside another gap she's created, the woman herself still lying on her side and facing away from the combat. "Ohh... haaaa... dirty fighting..." Byakuren gasps, trying to fight off the sudden molestation. Forced on the move, the mage gets frantic as she tries to get the invading hand away. Before she can reach inside her dress, Yukari takes her hand back to relieve Byakuren from her sexual torment. As Byakuren casts spiteful gazes down towards her, the woman licks her fingers, now stained with the mage's juices. "Better hope... she doesn't.. do that again."

But Byakuren's wishes are for naught, as Yukari continues to molest each of them in turn with her powers, even doing it to Reimu at times. These whims are starting to cost her team however, as the miko gets hit each time Yukari feels her partner up. With her tolerance at the limit, Murasa decides to go after the woman casually lying there near the ground. Leaving Byakuren to fend off Reimu for a while, the captain throws her anchor at Yukari, boosting up the velocity with some of her magic. "Floundering Anchor!" she calls out the name of her spell. As the huge anchor closes towards her, Yukari suddenly springs up from her resting place, her hand tearing a hole in the fabric of reality as she pulls off a semi-circular motion in front of her. A huge gap with shimmering red eyes inside opens in front of the woman, the anchor vanishing into its depths just to spring back from a similar gap now open behind Murasa, hitting the captain to her upper back. Byakuren thinks she can hear Murasa's bones crack under the impact of her own magically-enhanced projectile, before the captain falls unceremoniously to the ground.

With her team-mate down, Byakuren finds herself at a rather dire situation, facing an obviously super-strong Yukari and a wounded but still strong Reimu. The resting woman is roused into action, still seeming quite passive about the battle as she sits on the gap with one leg over the other, flying up to face level with Reimu. Playfully pinching the miko's cute rear, Yukari unfolds a fan and slides it over her mouth to hide the devious smile on her face, even as she gets a few more strikes of the the stick from a blushing Reimu. "So.. I wonder how this battle will turn out..?" the powerful youkai asks from the remaining opponent, her other hand vanishing into a small gap once more, just to start feeling Byakuren's chest up again.

A. Give up

B. Continue the battle despite the odds
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Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

We could retreat like some of our opponent have done, but this is the big finale. Resigning here would just be dull and distasteful. We shall fight to the end! (B)


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

opppsss oh sure lets fight to the end



Unknown Squid's Husband
Aug 3, 2010
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

B) Because being molested is fun.

S u r i

Grim Reaper
May 22, 2011
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

B. Who knows, we might get lucky. We could grab one of Yukari's hands and like break it or something.

Also, watching Byakuren and Reimu get molested is entertaining. We wouldn't get that with boring old choice A, now would we?


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


We might at least take Reimu down. That is something that might earn us a lot of respect among youkai.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

B! Never surrender!

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Suri makes an interesting point. Prepare ourself for another violation from Yukari, and then pull her right through and out of our dress, and blast her in the face at point blank. Then we'll just have to manage to defeat Reimu during a wardrobe malfunction. : D

And just to see if I can get away with it, I'm gonna vote again. (B)
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

(Silly Squid, trying to vote twice in an unanimous vote, using the same vote twice even... *bonks Squid with a stick and seals him in a specimen jar* Just edit your vote next time dummy, I read them several times before writing the new entry.)

Weathering the groping of her chest for the time being, Byakuren gave brief thoughts to Yukari's ability and it's possible restrictions. "It is a kind of teleportation effect, though in a different scales of size, not the entire person... I could use that to my advantage..."

With this in mind, Byakuren zooms away from the pair, keeping her composure despite the constant harassment from the gap youkai. "I can't focus enough to cast any larger spells this way.. but there's always the little spells that I can release instantly.." she thinks amidst the exchanges of shot between herself and Reimu as Yukari retreats from her clothing to taste the mage again. "This is my chance!" Getting farther away, Byakuren feigns to start casting another long spell, keeping her hands close to her body as she waited for Yukari to interfere. Once the gap youkai used her power again, Byakuren quickly slid one of her own hands inside the dress to grab the invading hand. Wrapping her fingers between Yukari's, the mage twisted those molesting fingers way over the normal limit, pressing her nails against the youkai's knuckles as she pushed the fingers backwards. Four cracks followed as the fingers snapped over their limits, Yukari's screams of agony filling the air as her delicate fingers get bent in unnatural ways, the relentless Byakuren not letting get free.

"This is what you get fo--" Byakuren's thoughts get interrupted as Yukari's other hand smashes her across the nose, the fist making her loose her grip on the groping hand now cracked quite nastily. Holding her nose as a spurt of blood flies out, Byakuren starts an erratic evasion pattern to get a brief escape from the attacking miko, as she doubted Yukari wanted to do anymore assaults on her private parts. As she exchanges more barrages with Reimu, the mage keeps eyeing Yukari the best she can, sure about the youkai starting to take part as soon as she recovered from the cruel bend. And she is right about that, the lady youkai takes a moment to snap her fingers back to their normal positions. With Yukari still trying to get her hand back in working condition, Byakuren manages to luck out and release a big spell on Reimu, who considers it to risky to carry on and leaves the battle to Yukari.

Now with only Yukari left, Byakuren turns back to the youkai still sitting on her portal platform. An aura of red now flows upwards from her, like an oily candle's smoke. Before Byakuren can do anything to attack her, Yukari draws a lenghty-bladed katana from a gap that appears next to her, drawing it out with one quick motion. Zooming inside another gap, she appears straight ahead of the mage, skewering Byakuren through the shoulder with the sword. "NOW... we'll deal with this issue.." a threatening voice tells her as Yukari grinds the sword around inside her, a huge gap engulfing both of them inside as they get transported to a zero-gravity realm of gleaming red eyes.

Barely able to keep herself conscious after the impalement, Byakuren can feel Yukari's arm wrap around her throat. "LOOK AT THIS! MY BEAUTIFUL HAND!" the gap youkai shouts at her in a furious voice, holding the badly-mangled hand in Byakure's sights. "I THOUGHT I COULD BE ABLE TO MAKE THIS EASY! BUT YOU JUST HAD TO DO THIS!" she continues, drawing the sword and her intact hand away. As she does so, scores of disembodied arms float around them from the surrounding void, a dozen of them grabbing Byakuren's limbs and holding her fast. Still seething with rage, Yukari floats in place, sword held to her side. "You better beg for mercy in a suitably convincing way, or there will be pain you can't imagine... Since Eirin's barrier prevents us from dying, I can make this an extraordinarily brutal and agonising experience.." she goes on, teasing Byakuren's womanhood with the edge of her sword, a cruel smile forming as she cuts the fabric of Byakuren's dress open from the spot.

A. Beg for mercy

B. Spit on her face


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Oh dear. A! *Backpedals*


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition




Unknown Squid's Husband
Aug 3, 2010
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

B) Let's piss off the dangerous youkai lady some more.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

My thoughts would have been to reason with her and denounce her childishness, but I can't see that happening. So uh, as much as I hate to do so, I'll vote... Aaaa

Actually no. We can't give in to this! Tell her to suck it up and act her age. She was aware of the nature of the tournament, and this is no manner for such a distinguished Youkai to be acting. She can crucify us if she likes, but we'll win in the end, in our heart, or something! (B)

(Please don't actually crucify us! Please don't actually crucify us! Please don't actually crucify us! Please don't actually crucify us! Please don't actually crucify us! Please don't actually crucify us! Please don't actually crucify us!)
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Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Compliment her on her very nice clothing.

For some reason B doesn't seem in character to me, but then again I don't know anything. A doesn't necessarily make sense in character to me either.

S u r i

Grim Reaper
May 22, 2011
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Let's beg for mercy. It might turn into something interesting. o-o


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

B but trying to stay in the character
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

"You little child.. are you really as old as the rumors tell? You need to be given a strict talking to..." Byakuren thinks as Yukari smirks at her from her position of power. Feigning defeat, she lowers her head in front of the gap youkai and silently mumbles nonsense to draw her closer. "Eh? You need to talk louder..."

As Yukari get close enough to her, Byakuren raises her head back up and spits on the elder youkai's face, showing a gesture of contempt towards her. "Are you really as old as the rumors say, Yukari Yakumo?! You should be behaving in a more mature manner, not throwing a tantrum over a few fingers that will be fixed when we finish. Meiling backed away from a fight, still in good spirits as her vision and balance was wavering from Murasa's anchor toss to her back and head. Take a cue from her, and don't go shaming Ran and Chen with this stupidity. Even Ran showed more heart than you as she threw the fight against me after Chen's injury." she lectures Yukari as the lady stares at her with wide-eyed anger. "If you must, then have your petty fun with abusing my body. It'll no doubt be worse than anything I've felt up to this point in my journey, but I can bear it and carry on with pride." Keeping her head straight and gaze firmly locked with Yukari's, Byakuren is left there in the tight grip of the arms, waiting for a response.

Yukari stares at her for quite a long time, before her expression softens to a more calm and rational look, something that suited her much better than the visage of rage. "That is true... I let myself go pretty bad because of something trivial like that..." she finally says, leaving the sword to freely float in place as the words sink in deeper. Wiping the spittle from her cheek with a smooth gloved hand, the gap youkai starts to go in circles around Byakuren, clearly considering her options with the mage. "Ran and Chen... those two don't need to be ashamed of their master anymore, I've already caused them enough grief and problems in the past..." she continues, finally settling down behind Byakuren. "Now, I'll give you a reward for your wise words~" Yukari goes on as she leans her head over Byakuren's shoulder, turning the mage's head back towards her own before planting a firm and determined kiss on her lips. Once she withdraws, the sadistic smile returns to Yukari's face. "But! I can't leave you without some kind of punishment, that snap was a hideously painful experience. I need to pay that back in kind..."

With the words echoing in the air, Byakuren can feel Yukari going down behind her, her sizeable breasts firmly pressed against Byakuren's back as she slides down. After tearing the remains of the mage's panties away, the youkai lady starts to rub her victim across her petals, teasing and poking at her entrance a few times. Before she can make any objections to the imminent sexual assault, Yukari sinks her entire hand inside Byakuren's throbbing womanhood, forcing a pained cry from the mage. "Ho ho, now we're talking.." the gap youkai giggles as her gloved hand slowly forces it's way deeper into her victim's anatomy, eventually finding it's way to Byakuren's cervix. Fiddling her finger at the womb entry, Yukari stops for a while, her arm quite a long way inside the mage's body. "You know, I once tore an offending girl's womb out just like this..." she suddenly tells, causing a wave of panic in Byakuren who starts a frantic struggle against the hands holding her, the thought of sharing this fate not sitting well with her. With the sudden movements now jerking her around, Yukari makes Byakuren stop her useless fight by finishing the bodily invasion with a firm push inside her victim's womb.

With tears flowing from her eyes, Byakuren tries to keep herself from passing out. She was at the edge of her limits, with a terrible wound on her shoulder, likely a broken nose and worst of all, another woman's hand inside her womb. "And now, is the time to finish you off..." she can hear Yukari say, just before the youkai starts to pump her arm up and down inside the mage, a potent combination of wracking pain and ecstasic pleasure starting to course through Byakuren as the violating arm moves inside her. It was a painful stretch to have something like that inside her, but somehow the pleasure of being filled took away parts of the pain. Yukari was "gentle" at first, keeping the pace slow and her pushes smooth, but eventually increases the speed quite a lot, even clenching her hand into a fist inside the other woman. As the other woman relentlessly violates her insides, Byakuren finds herself moving with the thrusts. "Why does this.. feel so good..the pain is..unbearable...but still..this is ecstasic..." the mage's thoughts roll around in her mind as she goes along with the ride, screaming out loudly as she gets assaulted harder and harder with each passing minute. When her resistance finally gives away, Byakuren throws her head back in the throes of her terrifying climax, screaming even louder with her tongue hanging out from her mouth. "I'M COMIIIIING!!"

Finished with her tormenting, Yukari slowly withdraws her arm as her helpers let Byakuren go. Looking first at her juice-covered arm and then to the mage, Yukari's sadist smile is there even wider. "Don't tell me I broke your mind with just that..." she says, eyeing Byakuren who is simply floating there with her gaze quite dead. Yukari goes over to her, seeing if she actually did shatter her opponent's mind. "Nah, just passed out.. Have to give you credit for your endurance..." With those words, the youkai picks Byakuren up on her arms and gaps out from the void dimension.

Once Byakuren returns to her senses, she can hear good times being had somewhere near her. Mugs knocking against each other, food and drink being consumed, a bonfire crackling, singing and dancing, arguments.... "Oh, you're finally back to your senses..." Eirin's voice calls out as she turns her head. "Congratulations! Yukari admitted her defeat once you two returned from the void. You looked like hell itself just rolled over you, she was relatively fine. I don't know what happened between the two of you, but somehow it made Yukari hand over the victory to your team." After a quick feeling of her body, Byakuren finds herself still aching a bit from the internal violation, but there are no wounds on her and her clothes are intact once more. No doubt the good doctor had used her magic to mend Byakuren's clothes as well as her wounds. "Now, will you get up and celebrate? It is your party, after all." the doctor says, pointing to the rest of the mage's group already going at it.

A. Party hard

B. Rest

C. Something else?


Unknown Squid's Husband
Aug 3, 2010
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A) There better be an orgy, with sex.