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RPG RPG Maker [とらうま商事] Jumble Jokers (RJ180724)

Re: [RJ180724] Jumble Jokers

The game is out in dlsite
Re: [RJ180724] Jumble Jokers

Soon as i get a download I'll start on a partial. ;)
Re: [RJ180724] Jumble Jokers

You guys are heroes for buying and translating.
Re: [RJ180724] Jumble Jokers

All right, Happy Thanksgiving/early Merry Christmas, everyone. This'll likely be the last game I buy for a while, so I hope it's a good one.

Thank you. 1 month earlier christmas gift is welcomed :)
Re: [RJ180724] Jumble Jokers

Thank you. 1 month earlier christmas gift is welcomed :)

I bet! I'm glad to share when I can, since I assume most of you would buy it if you enjoyed it and could afford it (that's what I usually do, at least).

As for the game itself, I already ran into a big bug; I somehow missed the recruitment scene for the green-haired party member and was very confused when it later showed a cutscene with her in my party. I decided to trek back to town and see if I could figure out why she wasn't actually with me and the scene triggered on one of the bridges on the way back. I'm not sure why it didn't actually occur when it was supposed to (i.e. when I was going further into the forest), but if you don't end up getting her in the area after the big tree, then you may want to try walk across that log bridge again.
Re: [RJ180724] Jumble Jokers

I should maybe have the partial up later today for those wondering.
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Re: [RJ180724] Jumble Jokers

Umm why cant i start the game... Am i missing a file? There's a pop up

~Graphics/Windowskins/001-Blue01 ~

sorry cant upload the picture
Re: [RJ180724] Jumble Jokers

Umm why cant i start the game... Am i missing a file? There's a pop up

~Graphics/Windowskins/001-Blue01 ~

sorry cant upload the picture

Unfortunately, I probably can't help much. My first suggestion is usually to make sure you extracted the files and play the game with Japanese regional settings or AppLocale, though I don't see any Japanese text for file names and don't know if that would matter this time. If all else fails, at least try redownloading it. Sorry I can't be of much use.

So I think that, thanks to the glitch I mentioned earlier where I missed recruiting the green-haired party member, I'm stuck at a certain part and can't go any further as a result. I made it to where you need something to cut down the root in the way, but if I try to leave that dungeon area via the teleporter, it gives me a messed-up cutscene where there the party is on the map more than once and it takes me back to the teleporter at the stone, so I can't leave that spot and go back to town. If someone finishes the game before me, please save your file so I can see the rest of the enemies (that, or point out how I'm an idiot and missed something that doesn't require going out and back to town to get past that root!)! Think of it as repayment for me buying the game.

Later edit: I went ahead and loaded one of my old saves and pumped up all of my characters to near-max stats so I could fly through everything and get back to where I was without the glitch. Because it bugged out the first time and I didn't get the scene with the green-haired party member, the cave didn't have the force field in it and I was able to go all of the way to the area with the teleporter without her or the pink-haired heroine as a result, nor was the giant tree there, either. Despite the fact that I went back and recruited both of them later, it was somehow causing two different cutscenes to play at once in that spot when I came back (the giant tree boss fight + activating the teleporter) and was keeping me trapped there as a result. I'm a little surprised to see a bug that bad made it through, but at least I didn't have any trouble getting the recruitment scene for green-hair to activate as soon as I crossed the bridge this time around. I also want to confirm that you do indeed have to trek back to town to get a tool from the weapon shop guy to get past that blasted root.
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Re: [RJ180724] Jumble Jokers

I'm a few hours in and the swordswoman (Claire if my machine translation is right) will freeze in fear of slimes and rats and lose her turn because they fucked her so many times, can instantly cum from having her ass touched, can cum over 5 times at once from that, and just unlocked a passive that might let her cum even more often.

This is a crazy game.
Re: [RJ180724] Jumble Jokers

Umm why cant i start the game... Am i missing a file? There's a pop up

~Graphics/Windowskins/001-Blue01 ~

sorry cant upload the picture
You need to download and install RPG Maker XP RTP - (HINT: instead of clicking "Download now", use link below it). Heh, I'd never thought I'd see any new RMXP games.

I'm a few hours in and the swordswoman (Claire if my machine translation is right) will freeze in fear of slimes and rats and lose her turn because they fucked her so many times, can instantly cum from having her ass touched, can cum over 5 times at once from that, and just unlocked a passive that might let her cum even more often.

This is a crazy game.
I haven't played it yet, and I already like it ^^.
Re: [RJ180724] Jumble Jokers

It looks like a CG room opens up after you finish the game. My one complaint is that the sound and dialogue that you'll see during combat rape in battle isn't available there and it's just the CGs (though the stone at the bottom right of the room teleports you back out to town, so you can still go run around all you want). It's better than nothing if you don't plan on playing through the game, though it wasn't that long (my assessment may be skewed by the fact that I ended up making everyone level 99 after the first game-breaking bug). Here's my save if you'd like it.

I really, really enjoyed the combat rape in this. It's fairly basic and straightforward, but it does it better than almost every other game I've ever played. The fact that the artwork is very well done helped a lot, too. Money well spent on this one.


  • Save10.zip
    30.3 KB · Views: 192
Re: [RJ180724] Jumble Jokers

Save already? Geez, did you skip every conversation ? xD
Least let me finish the partial first. He he.
Re: [RJ180724] Jumble Jokers

As soon as I go out of town it releases! Can't wait to try it when I get back Saturday.
Re: [RJ180724] Jumble Jokers

Holy shit the writing for this game seems hilarious. Did Claire really say they should team up with the rats to kill the girl with the glasses or was my translator derping?
Re: [RJ180724] Jumble Jokers

Holy shit the writing for this game seems hilarious. Did Claire really say they should team up with the rats to kill the girl with the glasses or was my translator derping?

Nope. If I recall that exchange correctly, Estel says that Clair is "handsome rescuer" i.e. she mistakes Clair for a dude. Clair does not take this well and joins up with the rats to kill Estel ("3 Large Rats have joined your party") before being talked out of it.

It is a pretty silly game though. Later on there's an exchange about how to beat the tree monster which, after they find out that Fire magic is not an option, someone notes "In Pokemon, Grass types are weak to Ice..." - and then Liquid Nitrogen gets suggested.
Re: [RJ180724] Jumble Jokers

Later on there's an exchange about how to beat the tree monster which, after they find out that Fire magic is not an option, someone notes "In Pokemon, Grass types are weak to Ice..." - and then Liquid Nitrogen gets suggested.

What in god's name