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[WIP - Full] 奴隷との生活 -Teaching Feeling-

Nomake Wan

Nomake Wan

Mystic Girl
Jan 9, 2016
Reputation score
So I'm guessing this means something happened to Sekai Project or that contractual obligation you mentioned before has ended?
Indeed. At present what I can say is that Sekai Project has officially cancelled the Teaching Feeling project and relieved me of my responsibilities for it, allowing me to return to working on the game unofficially. I already had a few things in the wings whether SP was going to go forward with 2.0+ or not, so it's not like I'm starting from zero, but I haven't been actively developing TF for nearly a year now so I have to learn some of the new code that got introduced plus make sure we have all the new image assets ready. That's why I can't give an ETA on a new patch just yet, because I don't have a firm grasp on what all we need. As soon as I've got some progress, I'll let you all know.


Demon Girl Pro
May 12, 2013
Reputation score
Indeed. At present what I can say is that Sekai Project has officially cancelled the Teaching Feeling project and relieved me of my responsibilities for it, allowing me to return to working on the game unofficially. I already had a few things in the wings whether SP was going to go forward with 2.0+ or not, so it's not like I'm starting from zero, but I haven't been actively developing TF for nearly a year now so I have to learn some of the new code that got introduced plus make sure we have all the new image assets ready. That's why I can't give an ETA on a new patch just yet, because I don't have a firm grasp on what all we need. As soon as I've got some progress, I'll let you all know.
Just glad to hear you are able to work on it again, how fast doesn't even matter tbh. At least we know it's in good hands instead of some BS corporate who hogs it but does 0 progress.


Tentacle God
Dec 16, 2013
Reputation score
Indeed. At present what I can say is that Sekai Project has officially cancelled the Teaching Feeling project and relieved me of my responsibilities for it, allowing me to return to working on the game unofficially.
I want to say something along the line of 'Oh boy, what a great christmas surprise!!', but since it's Sekai we're talking about, I've kinda expected them going nowhere in circles before ended up cancelling the whole thing when I first heard they'll took Teaching Feeling for translation...

So, yeah, good thing altogether I guess.


New member
Dec 27, 2018
Reputation score
Well i had been working on sort of translation for 2.4 it still need translation polish but overall it isn't bad. I make releases on f95zone,8chan and discord so you may use some of files from mine.

P.S. i Post there as Przemo10371
Nomake Wan

Nomake Wan

Mystic Girl
Jan 9, 2016
Reputation score
Well i had been working on sort of translation for 2.4 it still need translation polish but overall it isn't bad. I make releases on f95zone,8chan and discord so you may use some of files from mine.

P.S. i Post there as Przemo10371
I'm well aware of your efforts as despite being unable to dev for the game, I still hung around in the 4chan threads and assisted people as much as I could without getting in trouble. My patch will be my own and will only use assets that myself, my music editor, and TS-tan created, as with every previous patch I've made. I have no intention of using anything from your patch unless your patch is using something from TS-tan that I'm not aware of.

As far as how good or bad overall your effort is, I couldn't help but notice that you're manually editing the translation dictionary. This is a terrible practice as it will make it increasingly difficult to keep up with game updates and gives you no real way of knowing if you actually translated every line in the game (as you are discovering by the frequent reports of missing translations on 4chan). On top of that, there's a compression macro that can be applied to the dictionary to make it smaller but that macro doesn't work with your dictionary because you've made so many (potentially incorrect) manual changes to it. While I absolutely understand that it could mean starting over--trust me, I know that all too well--I would still recommend you consider using the auto-updater going forward rather than continuing to manually adjust your dictionary file.

Best of luck.


Jungle Girl
Sep 15, 2013
Reputation score
this is good to hear, looking forward to 2.4 translations in the coming months!
Nomake Wan

Nomake Wan

Mystic Girl
Jan 9, 2016
Reputation score
So someone PM'd me asking to post here with an update. I don't really have anything to say, but out of obligation, I'll at least post.

The person who was coding my update script moved away to finish their masters' program, so I dunno if I'll ever get it. It appears I will have to use the "shotgun" method provided by the guy who wrote the translation script in the first place, Jaypee. It's not that it doesn't work--it does--it's just that it doesn't account for any lines that merely had a minor grammatical error in Japanese in the older version when updating and deletes any lines that aren't explicitly present character-for-character in the new version of the game. When translating I ignore minor errors like those, so they don't affect my work at all, but when updating a script this huge losing those means retranslating a lot of lines. It was a pain I was hoping to avoid with a context-aware updater.

That all being said, I wasn't really bugging the guy writing the updater because I wasn't in a position to work on TF in any real capacity yet anyway. I still have a few professional obligations that must be completed before I can return to focusing on TF. I do still check this forum and the threads on 4chan, and even post on 4chan whenever there's a question I can answer. Ray has stopped development on TF indefinitely to focus on his latest game "Determinable Unstable," so at least for now 2.5.2 is where things are stopping. He hasn't dropped TF, and as always the "final" update will be a marriage event, but for a while it'll be a dead codebase.

There's a guy over on 4chan who made a nice lightweight translation patch for 2.5.2 for people who are impatient. It's using Google Translate as they don't speak a lick of Japanese, so it's not perfect by any means, but it's significantly better than the alternative. If you're tired of waiting, I'd suggest grabbing that.

Anyway, that's it for now. As soon as my professional obligations are taken care of, I'll make one last poke to see if there's hope for the context-based updater then probably give up, use the "speculation" plugin, and retranslate any missing lines from scratch. As always, you guys will be the first to know.


Dec 18, 2016
Reputation score
Just stopping in to say Hi Nomake Wan.
Other than TF - do you plan to work on any other projects - either officially or unofficially?

Best wishes and cheers once again.
Nomake Wan

Nomake Wan

Mystic Girl
Jan 9, 2016
Reputation score
Just stopping in to say Hi Nomake Wan.
Other than TF - do you plan to work on any other projects - either officially or unofficially?

Best wishes and cheers once again.
Hey there! Officially I'm the translator for Wolf Girl With You, which should have some new content soon(tm). myuRanRan had to delay it due to personal circumstances I completely understand, but more fluffy wolf waifu is coming and it will be glorious. Unofficially, other than TF, not really. I mostly stick to translating doujinshi I want to see in English. I don't do commissions, I just kinda translate when I feel like it. I would do it more but I don't have an editor, so getting someone to put my translations to the page is always more of a hassle than the actual translation process itself.

But games, nah. Unless someone comes up with a way to repack BRUNS-SYSTEM games, that is. I have a few Morning Star Rush games I'd like to see translated, but while tools exist to extract game data, as far as I know the only way to put scripts back in is to have the dev kit, which isn't public and isn't free and I doubt they'd let me have it considering my intentions.

I did discover recently that someone made a Python-based repacker for LiveMaker games, however, so I might try my hand at making a proper English version of Anaheim Girls Love Story, we'll see. For now I do have some professional stuff that's getting in the way of doing "fun" stuff, so until that's done, no messing around with this stuff.
Nomake Wan

Nomake Wan

Mystic Girl
Jan 9, 2016
Reputation score
It's been a long time, ULMF, but I'm back again. On this Friday the 13th Before Christmas I'd like to offer you an early Christmas present. Something I've been working on for quite some time, which I only recently was able to complete and offer to you. I do hope you all enjoy it. I've updated the first post as well with the same link.



Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 14, 2014
Reputation score
Holy crap.

Thanks man. For both.

Few peoples would gave such a detailed present, and even more the present in the present.


Nov 22, 2008
Reputation score
Wow. Thank you for taking the time to explain what happened from your end in such a clear and concise way. Truly a stunning gift within another gift to make the end of 2019 a little brighter.


Jungle Girl
Aug 2, 2014
Reputation score
It's been a long time, ULMF, but I'm back again. On this Friday the 13th Before Christmas I'd like to offer you an early Christmas present. Something I've been working on for quite some time, which I only recently was able to complete and offer to you. I do hope you all enjoy it. I've updated the first post as well with the same link.

Wow... sorry you had to go through that, it must have been... frustrating. Thank you for your dedication and strong work ethic, and thank you for this gift.
Nomake Wan

Nomake Wan

Mystic Girl
Jan 9, 2016
Reputation score
So recently, Ray posted up a thing on his Twitter showing his thoughts about different "derivative" works for Teaching Feeling. Of course, "pirated version" got a mention, though rather nicely it showed the Spanish version (which AFAIK is only released as a complete game, unlike the English patch that requires you to have the game already). I've gone ahead and translated the tweet here in case you're curious about what he said:

But the biggest thing to me was that in a post where he clearly lays out his opinions and specifically mentions trying to ignore pirated versions because xenophobia...he's then immediately given multiple reasons to be justified in that xenophobia by people too fucking clueless to connect the dots. If you ever wonder why Ray is a prick (in public), it's because stuff like this happens to him on social media all the time. This doesn't justify some of the stuff he did business-wise during the English project, but in my view it absolutely justifies his position towards foreigners and translated versions of Teaching Feeling. See for yourself.

If you don't see what's wrong with this image, you are the problem.

In other news, Tyranoscript v5.00 is currently in beta testing, and Ray appears to be waiting for that to be released officially before returning to work on Teaching Feeling 3.0.0. Makes sense; wouldn't want to put the finishing touches on your new version only to have the engine update and set you back yet again. So yeah, be patient, it's coming eventually (tm).

Sue Nami

Demon Girl
Jun 5, 2014
Reputation score
> If you don't see what's wrong with this image, you are the problem.

I will immediately stop posting on his twitter. Oh wait, I don't use twitter. Explain again how he needs to despise me for the color of my skin?

You're nothing but an apologist. There are all kinds of japanese devs, and his situation is not unique, and if they can manage to not be raging racist jackasses, so can he.


Jungle Girl
Dec 21, 2013
Reputation score
> If you don't see what's wrong with this image, you are the problem.

I will immediately stop posting on his twitter. Oh wait, I don't use twitter. Explain again how he needs to despise me for the color of my skin?

You're nothing but an apologist. There are all kinds of japanese devs, and his situation is not unique, and if they can manage to not be raging racist jackasses, so can he.
Skin color has nothing to do with it, or at least it's not evident within the picture. The fact that people are replying to his tweet saying what basically ammounts to "hey, I have a pirated copy" and "send link plz" is probably very detrimental for foreigners in this dev's eyes.

I mean, I've even seen it a couple of times here in ULMF. Some dev opens a thread for their game, and then a most enlightened soul asks for a download link (back when that wasn't against the rules). I'm pirate, most likely so are you, and probably mostly everyone else in this forum, and everyone knows it, but for fucks sake the least you could do is have a minimum of respect for the dev and not perpetrate piracy right in front of their eyes.


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Lazy idiots are idiots, whether they're from Japan or not. Besides, there are only 2 viable responses to piracy; DGAF or require users to have an active connection to your server for the software to run.
Nomake Wan

Nomake Wan

Mystic Girl
Jan 9, 2016
Reputation score
Sue, this has nothing to do with skin color and everything to do with the impression he's gotten from people who don't speak Japanese over and over. For him it's less race, and more "everyone who doesn't speak Japanese." He's actually detailed this before; it isn't that he isn't aware that piracy is a universal issue, and that Japanese people do indeed pirate his works. It's that, in his words, "Japanese users don't tend to come to me asking where they can pirate the game, or bragging about having done so."

Again, if you've read what I wrote before about the fiasco with Sekai Project, then you know that I don't have a particularly high opinion of Ray as a person. But this particular opinion he has, that one I do understand, because I've seen this sort of shit over and over. It boggles the mind that people can be that clueless, and yet there they are, over and over, asking the original creator of a self-published game where they can get it for free, or where they can get it in a language he never supported. Since Japanese users aren't doing that, it's easy to see where his opinion on non-Japanese users stems from.

As for viable responses to piracy, he falls firmly on the DGAF side of the spectrum. His game has no protections built in, no DRM of any kind. He has personally stated that his choice of response to pirates is to mute them on Twitter and do his best to ignore it. I'm sure if he could figure out a way to make it harder for people to pirate his game via a method within his limited coding abilities he'd jump at it, but as of yet that method does not exist.


Aug 9, 2014
Reputation score
So is anyone working on continuing the translation past 1.7.9? I know the current version is 2.5.2 that I downloaded from dlsite. It would be nice to see the new stuff as well translated.