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[WIP - Full] 奴隷との生活 -Teaching Feeling-

Thanks for all the encouragement nice to know my work has some value.

Though it's time for me to ask for some help. I have the Japanese all sorted now but need help testing the patch.
So if anyone here wants to try out my translation and see where it fails that would be a great help with this project.

Teaching Feeling 2.1.1 English Patch Beta v1

So fair I've only gotten 4 bug report which are now fixed and ready for the next release.
The GUI is now being work on by someone else so the buttons and text should be fixed up when there shared.
so GUI bug can be ignored for now otherwise point out anything you find.
TeachingFeeling 2.1.1 English Patch Beta v2.1 - Now (High Quality) UI Translations thanks to UIAnon.

>Fixed mentioned bugs
>Integrated UIAnons GUI Translation.

Translation Patch Link:
So if anyone here wants to try out my translation and see where it fails that would be a great help with this project.
Since i am not intelligent enough to find how to make spoilers here, i stuck in on the paste.ee (cos it kinda contains spoilers)
Since i am not intelligent enough to find how to make spoilers here, i stuck in on the paste.ee (cos it kinda contains spoilers)

Just use spoiler from BBCode
[ spoiler ] [ /spoiler ]
Much obliged, kind sir.

Just be reminded that it's almost a Google Translate-tier of translation. Not to mention the tons of bugs that's still here and there...

If you can't wait for Nomake & SekaiPro's release (which, I've became less and less confident in), just play this one, it's pretty much good enough so far.
Since i am not intelligent enough to find how to make spoilers here, i stuck in on the paste.ee (cos it kinda contains spoilers)

Thanks for the reports
I assumed everything with a ( was the doctor talking so worded everything to match.

If you have your place holder still I'll grab a copy. my Photoshop still are subpar.
As Teaz said this is a amateur project and should be treated as such.

There is a update translation with more fixed at

Drag and drop into

data/other/translate/assets and replace

  • fixed mention bugs and poorly translated lines.
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Remove spaces between word spoiler and brackets [ ]
I left those so it won't turn into an actual spoiler.
If you can't wait for Nomake & SekaiPro's release (which, I've became less and less confident in), just play this one, it's pretty much good enough so far.
I actully prefer version 1 art (monster claws so called) so i think i will stick to that. This translation seems ok.

If you have your place holder still I'll grab a copy.
\data\image\ s_menu

P.S.: Is there some trick to add attachments, or i just dont have enough forum posts?
Hi All

I have been updated the English patch and it now is in a much better state.
Currently I am up to 2.4 beta release.

Link to my gitgud page with the latest English Patch:

To download the patch click the cloud in the top left and select download as zip.

Warning the mod patch in the above link is in Very Early Alpha and will break things.

Change log
2.4 Alpha – Added Major Uncensor update to game (70-80% Uncensored content including X-rays).
2.4 Beta – Bug fixes.
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Just to let anyone know, I'll be helping with that new patch off and on. This is mostly for grammar stuff and lines going out of the box and stuff like that. So anyone is free to either make Issues on the GitGud repo or if its something small like what I mentioned, can poke me and I can update my branch. I don't touch the master branch myself, but I do take reports so I can update mine to merge later on. Better translations are also needed as well for some lines. Only so much I can do.. lol
Hi All,

Looking for anyone with some Photoshop/Gimp skills to do some updated on choice buttons for the new 2.2 version.

I have translated the choices just need someone who can do transparency and effects.
I have some blanks Choices and the font as well.

Throw me a message if you want to help.
Guess I'll get back to doing that. Message me anything else that's needed Menu-wise.
I haven't been updating progress here to much so have a status update for the hidden 2.2.1 translation branch.

Only nine lines of Japanese are left before release

-Moar Uncensored Goodness.
-All new buttons are translated and made with styling.
-Transparent stocking/Cutout Bra/Transparent stocking has/will be added into the game
-Basic Translation for new scenes will be added (Basic = Rushed Job)

I would post screenshot but not sure how the loli rule works here.
Is it just me or Ray's practically dead all this while?

Is there still any hope for a TF update or we wouldn't ever get a marriage ending with Sylvie?
Is it just me or Ray's practically dead all this while?

Is there still any hope for a TF update or we wouldn't ever get a marriage ending with Sylvie?

Marriage ending Sylvie <3
Is it just me or Ray's practically dead all this while?

Is there still any hope for a TF update or we wouldn't ever get a marriage ending with Sylvie?

I believe Ray is saving marriage until the very final update to TF. Otherwise, anything else that's coming before that is getting added first and he is still updating the game. I don't check out the betas for it, but I think there is some new stuff coming along in the next update.
Is it just me or Ray's practically dead all this while?

Is there still any hope for a TF update or we wouldn't ever get a marriage ending with Sylvie?

Ray has been posting some new stuff on his Twitter.
Honestly he is going to kill me if he updates this shit again. With what he has shown I have to redo the custom edits from 2.2.1 and a shit ton of new buttons.
Will be nice update if he add another scene but damn will it suck for my free time