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Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

I've lived in the Hansecity of Greifswald where I've seen some captains, thats not it, but Germany never was anything to compare with spain, great britain or such pure seafaring forces.. too busy slapping the french about and eating bretzeln I guess.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Right, and essentially it's not meant to be a perfect replication of RL europe.

The Brechts look and sound Germanic/Dutch/Austrian, and the political system they're under is essentially Merchant Guild run with influence by a collection of princes/princesses who likely have strong ties to such guilds.

However, the difference in Brecht lands from Germany means that in this world, they're the primary seafarers. Not that the other places don't have boats as well, but Brechts are the most advanced. Rjurik is still using longboats, for example, which is why I felt it necessary to say that Rovana isn't from there.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

I think I'm done with Bella's convo cause Vita doesn't know where to go from there besides asking her about her family.

Oh? Rovana the Brecht with a mother/father from Rjurik? Oh! Did you see the Scion Feats?
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Rovana doesn't have access to the scion feats. Especially not in Ravenloft. Don't worry about it. She's fine as is. :p
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Oh? Rovana the Brecht with a mother/father from Rjurik? Oh! Did you see the Scion Feats?

*chuckles* No idea what those are, that said, thinking about it, Brecht is a german family name too, and the way its lettered anyone not natively german would struggle to pronounce it... I know a guy trying to learn english and the hard ch sounds made him sound hillariously coughing.:

She's fine as is.

Oh yeah you know it. *sensual noble-disguised pirate poses*

To be clear, Rovana wouldn't be happy about being a noble. She doesn't think much of nobles unless they earned the title.

*tips chin* then again, it has its advantages.
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Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Potential Gretta Pict?
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Sure no problem re: Gretta.

Intro post done!

Rjurik are a people that are very suspicious of arcane magic and sorcery. A lot of it is traditional distrust of non druidic magic, but their fears have been reinforced by the White Witch and the Sorcerer before her. Doesn't help that you're part elf AND a sorceress descendent of one of the great villains they've known.
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Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Buff Joe for best npc?

Little tribute for your new rp thingie starting up, how Rovana views nobility. :p
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Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Buff Joe for best npc?

Little tribute for your new rp thingie starting up, how Rovana views nobility. :p

Sqwark! Squark!
Joe's biceps crushes mountains!
Joe's pecs bounces cannons!
Squark! Sqwark!

Simple tuney for Joe's impressive muscles. Now if I knew more muscle group names off the top of my head, I'd try continuing it.

Anyhoo! Woo! Mists of the North start. Time to work on post for a while.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Sqwark! Squark!
Joe's biceps crushes mountains!
Joe's pecs bounces cannons!
Squark! Sqwark!

Simple tuney for Joe's impressive muscles. Now if I knew more muscle group names off the top of my head, I'd try continuing it.

Anyhoo! Woo! Mists of the North start. Time to work on post for a while.

Heh that.. wait..

Mists of the North start


You already rolled a nat 1.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

You are already undead.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Points for Blarg.

Diagasvesle, make sure that Malena's faith towards Kreisha is not something she talks about freely. Also I'm guessing that the ones who taught her about Kreisha have told her things that aren't in line with the evil practices of her priesthood.

You're going to have 10 1st level fighters plus Brennor and Gretta who are level 3 fighters with you.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Points for Blarg.

Diagasvesle, make sure that Malena's faith towards Kreisha is not something she talks about freely. Also I'm guessing that the ones who taught her about Kreisha have told her things that aren't in line with the evil practices of her priesthood.

You're going to have 10 1st level fighters plus Brennor and Gretta who are level 3 fighters with you.

Yeah. Malena isn't going to talk openly about Kreisha. I hoped I typed it correctly there where it says "Inwardly prays" not saying prayers to Kriesha out loud XD.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

You did say inwardly, I just wanted to be clear about that, since I never know how a PC might interpret what I write down, or what they may read in source material.

The religion of Hogunmark is druidic, and they worship Erik, the god of nature. There are two sects within the druids of Erik:

The Oaken Grove - a more progressive sect that is in favor of changing with the times.

The Emerald Spiral - a more conservative sect that shuns the influence of the southern kingdoms and promotes traditional Rjurik nomadic clan structure.


The Emerald Spiral represent the part of the faith that is dead set against sorcery (witchcraft) and they preach against Malena the way Fox News preached against Obama.

The Oaken Grove supports new ideas so long as they are in line with preserving nature. No Rjurik really wants to see the land be ripped apart by powerful magics or the incursion of Guilds (human influence).

Since powerful sorcery has the ability to reshape the land, most druids frown upon disruptive magic. And Necromancy is straight up forbidden.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

For the main IC thread, I need to know if Sylvia is going to get into the wagon or not.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

You did say inwardly, I just wanted to be clear about that, since I never know how a PC might interpret what I write down, or what they may read in source material.

The religion of Hogunmark is druidic, and they worship Erik, the god of nature. There are two sects within the druids of Erik:

The Oaken Grove - a more progressive sect that is in favor of changing with the times.

The Emerald Spiral - a more conservative sect that shuns the influence of the southern kingdoms and promotes traditional Rjurik nomadic clan structure.


The Emerald Spiral represent the part of the faith that is dead set against sorcery (witchcraft) and they preach against Malena the way Fox News preached against Obama.

The Oaken Grove supports new ideas so long as they are in line with preserving nature. No Rjurik really wants to see the land be ripped apart by powerful magics or the incursion of Guilds (human influence).

Since powerful sorcery has the ability to reshape the land, most druids frown upon disruptive magic. And Necromancy is straight up forbidden.

Kk. You were asking for clarification. Did I clarify well enough? (Not trying to be sarcastic, condescending or annoying.)

Considering Rjurik people listen to the Druidic circles... Does the Emerald Spiel have the ability to legislate the law? Enough to overturn bloodlines?

Also - should I swap out Crown of Madness Spell for Snilloc's Snowball Swarm Spell? I just realized that I do not have an actual spell besides cantrips that does cold damage.

Final Questions: Does the Distal Metamagic double the range of cones and self explosion ranges? (See thunderwave for self explosion) Asking for GM ruling on this.

Politic mentions in spoiler.
Oh boy politics mention! I have to say, The news is far more apt to preach against dun dun dun! Trump! HAh. But that wouldn't work because quite frankly, all mainstream old guard media sources are decrying trump. My newsfeed which is full of them is doing so.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

In the Birthright campaign setting, the divine right to rule is a literal and measurable thing.

Bloodlines are invested with the powers of the old gods and a blooded individual instinctively creates ties to the land and holdings that they rule.

When a regent wants, they can willingly transfer their bloodline powers to another (Investiture).

Alternatively, they can be stabbed through the heart and their bloodline powers pass on to their killer (This is called Bloodtheft. It's a crime, but it's done a lot. Wars start this way.)

If a ruler passes on without investiture or bloodtheft, then their power trickles out randomly to those nearby... and usually greatly diluted - leading to a splitting of the land's protection to the new inheritors, who must then argue about who controls what (Again, this leads to war)

So. Very often there are clear laws about how the bloodline is to pass on through the ritual of investiture, that occurs as a regent is usually lying on their deathbed.

In Hogunmark, and many area of civilised Rjurik, the Bloodline is to pass on to the eldest child of the current ruler. However, there are grounds for the matter of succession to be brought forth to a council of Jarls, who would vote to approve or disapprove the rightful heir.

In these cases, the Druids of Erik act as advisors to the Jarls, and sometimes a powerful druid will have a vote on the council as well. In Rjurik, the Druids are seen as the wisest of loremasters and speak for the hearts of the people and therefore they have a lot of influence on the Jarls.

TL:DR - Yes, the Druids can through influence affect the result of a contested succession.


On the subject of real life politics, if we disagree, then let's agree not to bring it up.

The Emerald Spiral is the conservative voice of the Rjurik people. They stand for the values that were important to them when they first migrated to Cerilia hundreds of years ago. Any move to accept the customs of other nations or peoples is a weakening of the values that have kept them going and in good stead with nature for all their existence. They fear that a move to "settlements and cities" will result in a weakening of their race and survival skills.

Malena, through no fault of her own, represents the need for a very progressive mindset to look past the fact that she's an elf, a sorceress, the granddaughter of a villain reviled by the entire nation, and a member of the social and intellectual elite who are out of touch with the common, traditional Rjurik nomad lifestyle.

The Oaken Grove are the druids who accept that Malena could be a boon to the kingdom if she is in control of her powers and if she accepts the teachings of Erik.


Other non political questions answered:

Yes, take the snowball spell.

Distance Metamagic is pretty clear:

If the spell has a range of 5 or more feet, then you can spend 1 sorcery point to double it.

If the spell has touch range, then you can spend a sorcery point to give it a range of 30ft.

If the spell as a range of self, then there is no mention of any ability to affect it. So a self-targeting spell cannot be altered.
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Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Hum. Warfare I did see... Hm. Can I swap out the History or the Game Tool Proficiency in the noble background for warfare?

Also on that note - what set of noble pasttimes for games does Rjurik have?
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

You can swap out History, if you like.

Remember, if Malena wants, she can delegate an NPC captain to lead the battles for her if she wants to keep the history.

The gaming set (tool proficiencies) is separate.

Non-Physical Past times

Chess, Three-Dragon Ante, Stones (Go), Coins (Othello), and various card and dice games based on bluffing and odds-playing.

Also, competitive storytelling, singing, dancing, and balance games.

Hunting is a time honored Noble Past Time that is probably the most expected of rulers to have.

Physical Games

Jousting (although this is an import from Anuire, to the south)

1 on 1 sparring (with axe or spear)


Cross tundra dog sled races.

Lifting/Strength contests that can be seen in either the Scottish Highland or Nordic Viking games from real life... like throwing a tree for example, or hatchet throwing.

Strangely enough.... curling on frozen lakes during winter is popular too.