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[WIP - Full] Three Charms - Lonesome Spirit translation

Glad to see someone took the translation project and is making steady progress. Hope everything goes alright, you are a blessing for doing this, keep up the good work and take care :D
Not sure. I'll have to see how I feel when I've finished the main game. I also didn't play much of Paradox (didn't like it compared to the VN) so there'll probably be a lot of things that confuse me which might affect the translation quality.
Not sure. I'll have to see how I feel when I've finished the main game. I also didn't play much of Paradox (didn't like it compared to the VN) so there'll probably be a lot of things that confuse me which might affect the translation quality.
From what I recall from my playthough there isn't much in regards to paradox only content, and if you need help with anything you can check the wiki
It got moved to miraheze

Alright, update time. The main story and all of the h-scenes contained within it have had their first pass translation. Since doing a mock Q&A style seems more intuitive and easier to parse than a block of text, I'll do it that way below. Scroll right to the bottom if you just want a timeline.

Does this mean the translation for the main story is complete?

Yes and no, it means that everything up to that point has been hand-translated but still requires review. There are lines I'm not entirely happy with, and bound to be things I look at a second time with fresh eyes and think "What was I thinking?" when I review everything. As a software analogy, releasing a partial now without any review would be like releasing a buggy alpha with minimal polish. There's also one character in particular I'm still not entirely sure about in terms of style that I might end up changing completely because I might have leaned too heavily into the accent.

Will you release another partial while you're working on the postgame?

Unless there's massive demand for it, probably not. I also don't want a repeat of what happened when I released a rough version that still needed playtesting and it ended up posted everywhere as the complete final version.

What's still not translated?

There's quite a lot of postgame dialogue as well as a minimum of another 11 H-scenes, with possibly more to come with future dev updates. There's also the collab that I'm treating as its own mini project. While also technically translated, I should probably clean up the images as I've been quite inconsistant with text size, spacing, etc. as I'm really not good at image stuff nor do I have an eye for composition.

Okay, so can you lay out exactly what's done?
  • Main game story up until postgame which includes the final fight
  • All H-scenes found in the main story (51 to be exact)
  • All images that appear in the main story
And what exactly's left to do?
  • Postgame dialogue
  • Postgame H-scenes (at least 11 more)
  • Tidying up translated images
  • The big review
  • Possibly getting someone to "focus group" it and get their impressions as part of reviewing
  • The collab (as a separate project, not included in timeline)
Will you actually do the collab?

Maybe. I'll see how I feel when I'm done with everything. I may want to take a break for a little while to refresh before I start it again, I've doing at least a bit of work on this nearly every day and it'd be good to take a little time away to recharge.

I don't give a shit about any of the nitty-gritty, just tell me when you'll be done.

I said a couple of months, but maybe add a couple more onto that with how much there is left to do. I might have underestimated the scale of just how much postgame there is despite being told. I'll also almost certainly be helping with the SHRIFT II translation when that gets off the ground which will split my time.
Alright, update time. The main story and all of the h-scenes contained within it have had their first pass translation. Since doing a mock Q&A style seems more intuitive and easier to parse than a block of text, I'll do it that way below. Scroll right to the bottom if you just want a timeline.

Does this mean the translation for the main story is complete?

Yes and no, it means that everything up to that point has been hand-translated but still requires review. There are lines I'm not entirely happy with, and bound to be things I look at a second time with fresh eyes and think "What was I thinking?" when I review everything. As a software analogy, releasing a partial now without any review would be like releasing a buggy alpha with minimal polish. There's also one character in particular I'm still not entirely sure about in terms of style that I might end up changing completely because I might have leaned too heavily into the accent.

Will you release another partial while you're working on the postgame?

Unless there's massive demand for it, probably not. I also don't want a repeat of what happened when I released a rough version that still needed playtesting and it ended up posted everywhere as the complete final version.

What's still not translated?

There's quite a lot of postgame dialogue as well as a minimum of another 11 H-scenes, with possibly more to come with future dev updates. There's also the collab that I'm treating as its own mini project. While also technically translated, I should probably clean up the images as I've been quite inconsistant with text size, spacing, etc. as I'm really not good at image stuff nor do I have an eye for composition.

Okay, so can you lay out exactly what's done?
  • Main game story up until postgame which includes the final fight
  • All H-scenes found in the main story (51 to be exact)
  • All images that appear in the main story
And what exactly's left to do?
  • Postgame dialogue
  • Postgame H-scenes (at least 11 more)
  • Tidying up translated images
  • The big review
  • Possibly getting someone to "focus group" it and get their impressions as part of reviewing
  • The collab (as a separate project, not included in timeline)
Will you actually do the collab?

Maybe. I'll see how I feel when I'm done with everything. I may want to take a break for a little while to refresh before I start it again, I've doing at least a bit of work on this nearly every day and it'd be good to take a little time away to recharge.

I don't give a shit about any of the nitty-gritty, just tell me when you'll be done.

I said a couple of months, but maybe add a couple more onto that with how much there is left to do. I might have underestimated the scale of just how much postgame there is despite being told. I'll also almost certainly be helping with the SHRIFT II translation when that gets off the ground which will split my time.

Oh snap, thanks so much for all your hard work. Consider this post to be the massive demand for a "partial" of the main story completed, I'm dying to experience the rest of the story after the cliffhanger of the last update. I'd be down to playtest as well to catch whatever fell through the cracks. Let me know if you'd like to send the current translation privately since you don't want it falsely disseminated as a "final" iteration.

Thanks, I might do just that. Have a few dedicated people playtest with the explicit goal of getting feedback rather than putting up a public partial and hoping people do it. I'll have a think about how I want to proceed.
If it isn't too much trouble for you, a partial once the main story is done would be greatly appreciated, tbh. But i wouldn't want to force you to do one if you wouldn't like it.
I have some bad news on that front. The new patch the dev put out has kind of fucked the project a bit and I now need to manually rebuild the entire translation as well as redo all the manual changes in RPG Maker. I think there'll be another bugfix patch or two so I'm waiting a few weeks until I can be sure there won't be any further patches before doing the rebuild and then resuming the translation. In terms of content, I've only had a quick look at it but it seems there's a number of additional h-scenes as well as some epilogue story stuff in there.

Since the translation is on a short hiatus while I wait to be sure no more updates are coming, and I don't know how long or how much motivation it'll take to overcome the tedium of rebuilding the translation, I'll release another partial here. Imaginary Q&A-style format as usual. Be very sure you read this as it contains important info about applying the patch. Also keep in mind this is a partial, so keep in mind the usual caveats around polish, etc.

Is this a complete translation?

No, this is a partial and not the complete or final translation.

What's in this partial?
  • The main story should all be done
  • Most images are translated
  • The ReadMe
  • Some of the postgame is done, including:
    • Chats with the girls around the mountain
    • All the unlockable H-scenes (see below for more info)
    • Three fights with the girls off to the side (you'll know when you find them)
    • 2020 New Year's scenario
    • Most of the 2021 New Year's scenario (Magatsu's h-scene is only partially done so try not to lose to her, plus there's a crash bug at the end of it anyway)
    • The first and second floors of the Unsung Heros room (not polished)
What exactly is left untranslated?
  • The collab
  • Magatsu's 2021 New Year's H scene as mentioned above
  • The rest of the Unsung Heros room
  • The development room
  • The new unlockable H-scenes (see below for more info)
  • Probably the occasional line here and there I somehow missed
What version of the game should I apply this translation to?

Unfortunately, the dev doesn't seem to do version numbers so I couldn't tell you. But it's the version from before the latest big patch.

Can I apply the translation to the latest version?

Yes and no. If you have the latest version or don't know then you can still apply the patch. When applying it, ensure you delete everything from the "Data" folder and replace it with the contents of the patch data files. This will effectively revert (or set) your game back to the old version. Before doing this, make sure you save your game in the hub area as that's apparently the best place when changing versions according to the dev.

What about those unlockable postgame h-scenes?

The ones from the version I was working on are done, but by applying my patch, the new ones from the latest patch will become unavailable for obvious reasons.

How polished is this partial?

The main story and all its h-scenes should be fairly polished, postgame less so.

Should I report/send you typos and such?

Please do.

Just gimmie the partial already.
