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Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Ceri had enjoyed her time with the three women, slowly opening up more and more about her past. Despite having only met a few days ago, they were growing on Ceri more than anyone had in a long time. She would find herself opening up more and more. The normally lonely kitsune would find herself confronting ordeals she'd buried down deep, sharing some of the painful experiences she'd suffered at the hands of most people she'd trusted at one point or another. The loneliness of being the youngest kit in a litter of nine.

Little by little, she found herself trusting her traveling companions, despite the nagging voice in her head telling her that she was simply repeating history. She didn't think that history would repeat itself. She didn't want history to repeat itself. Not when she had found folk that she was willing to curl up next to at night without fear of being kidnapped or sold as a sex slave.

Even though she normally detested children and babies in general, she couldn't help but feel affection for the twins Nireniel brought into the world, and she found herself sad to see them go. At the very least, they could see their mother still. Ceri would be reminded of her own family at times, but the melancholy could easily be remedied by resting her head in Naia's bosom.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Naia happily flew with her mom, though her vigil for threats often got distracted by the growing of her mother's tummy, her gasping excitedly, though she honestly assumed that Ceri was the father, somehow. That she might have more siblings either way was very exciting to the Karkastan.

The sudden appearence of more fae made her gasp and get quiet though, feeling very shy around the far more fair half of her heritage. While she was not ashamed of her demonic half, loving her mom too much to reject it, Naia still recognised not everyone shared the same opinion of her demon blood.

When her mom gave birth, Naia helped her mom with a fairly practiced hand, having helped with her siblings births before. Not that it mattered much, demons baring young wasn't very hard at all. She was however very sad about not getting to take care of her strange new siblings, but she didn't raise a fuss if her mother did not.

On the other front, she cuddled with the kitsune as they went, listening to the fox woman's woes and hugging her and sniffling sadly at hearing the poor fluff's fate. Though she did pout a bit about Ceri's meaner moments but she didn't really blame her per say, so much as encouraged her to do better now on with her support.

Either way, Naia's busom was always available for Ceri to nussle into.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Nireniel could feel the swelling of her belly, a small smile upon her face as she felt life within her grew throughout the day. Her hands often rubbing her belly tenderly as she flew along with her daughter and their new friend. She flew around any villages or towns they came across, preferring not to startle them in case they were part of the inquisitor's flock.

By the end of the day, she was absolutely huge with the unborn twins and as she settled in to rest that night, she prepared to give birth to them soon. Come morning, she happily gave Naia a small smile as the satyr she had laid with and a fae woman arrive to help birth her new little children. It did not take her long before she was nursing two little infants to her bare sweat shining bosom to give them their very first meal. She gave a small nod as she listened to them, nursing her newborns and letting them drink their fill. She gave each of her new twins a name, she named the left Vinstri and the right one Hægri. She happily let her daughter cuddle with her new brothers once they had finished feeding them, even letting Ceri hold them if she wished. After spending several minutes with the nurse to make sure she knew how to raise newborns, she happily handed them over to them Kissing her twins' foreheads before the disappeared.

Once she had seen her newborns off and they resumed travelling, she lightly joked with Ceri and Naia that she would not mind some grandchildren in the future. Giving them both large grins before continuing on with their travels. After a few days of travel, she smiled as she glimpsed the sand and water not to far off. With a small wave, she eagerly led them off towards the sandy shore.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Nireniel Darkstar: HP = 49, PP = 49, EP = 116, Status = Fine

Ceri (Marceri) Wisptail: HP = 46, PP = 82, EP = 96, Status = Fine

Naia Darkstar: HP = 92, PP = 51, EP = 20/81, Status = Fine, Armor at 43/50 TP

Karelia: EP = 108/81, PP = 23, Status = Fine

The beach, or at least the stretch that the group emerged upon, was deserted of human habitation despite how pleasant it was. The air was warm and salty, the breeze off of the sea washing over the trio and at least helping slightly in keeping Nireniel cool, her onyx skin easily taking in the sun's heat while she was without cover from its rays. They had the beach to themselves save for the crabs and the gulls, the waves gently lapping at the shore cool and clean and inviting after their long journey to reach the beach.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Nireniel smiled as she landed softly on the sandy beach. Glancing about at their surrounding and the crystal clear waters. Turning to the other woman her smile grew even larger. "We are here. Why don't you two go for a dip in the ocean waters? I can magic us up some shelter, we may stay here for a few days at least." Waving a hand against the heat she found a spot where the wind would cool her off and looked at what was about them for possible materials for shelter. Hopefully her rather revealing robes would keep her cool enough for now.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

"Thanks Nireniel. Just make sure you join us once you're done!" Ceri giggles as she starts to shed her clothes, her pale skin shining in the sunlight when she stretches. Clad only in her undergarments, she smiles and lets the cool breeze brush her skin. Her fluffy tail swishing happily, she trots along the beach, the warm sand on her feet a welcome change to the cold mud from a few days ago. Letting the waves wash over her ankles, she smiles and takes to the air for a moment, beckoning Naia and Karelia over. The kitsune has a playful air about her that's significantly more genuine after the past few days. Seems talking with Nireniel and Naia had done some good for the fluffy tailed girl. Her violet eyes don't seem to have the haunted look in them nearly as much as before.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

It'd bee a bit of a long trip but Naia was happy to arrive at the beach. She was a little surprised how empty it was, but more for them she guessed. All this beautiful space to explore!

Ceri was quick to listen to her mom and strip down and head for the beach and Naia was quick to follow, happily stripping down to her undergarments and took wing to meet up with the playful fluff tail, giggling happily as her own strange tail trailed behind her.

She was looking forward to seeing what might live in this water too, there must be some lovely fish in there! Naia wanted to see them all with her mom and her friends!
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Nireniel Darkstar: HP = 49, PP = 49, EP = 116, Status = Fine

Ceri (Marceri) Wisptail: HP = 46, PP = 82, EP = 96, Status = Fine

Naia Darkstar: HP = 92, PP = 51, EP = 20/81, Status = Fine, Armor at 43/50 TP

Karelia: EP = 108/81, PP = 23, Status = Fine

There was little in the way of materials to build a shelter immediately on the beach, the driftwood largely small and the nearest vegetation being a large line of tall grass leading up to the hill where there stood a thin collection of small gnarled trees. There was plenty of sand and a few large rocks, but those were only useful if she wished to magic them into a suitable shape.

Karelia followed Naia and Ceri over to the ocean, though she seemed somewhat dubious of the water after poking it with a tendril. She would slide in anyway, but didn't seem to like it and after a while would squirm away and go over to join Nireniel. There didn't seem to be any fish immediately by the shore, but the water was pleasantly cool without being cold and was crystal clear, the sandy beach extending below the water for some ways.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Nireniel gave a small shrug after surveying the area for a few moments. Seeing Kariela moving to her, she gave the slime girl a quick hug before turning back to the spot she had chosen for a shelter. Kneeling she placed her hands upon the sand and focused upon what she wished to create with magic. Using her power she built a simple frame from sand, making sure there would be room for the for of them to sleep inside and move about if they needed to. She then wove thin walls of sand leaving windows in the side to allow wind to enter, or stop it with some leaves should they need to. She then hollowed out a hole big enough for her daughter in the wall facing the beach. She then used her magic to make it solid and sturdy.

Once she had constructed their shelter she would move over to the hill with the grass and gnarled trees. Cutting and gathering a whole bunch of leaves and grass before returning to lay them upon the floor to prevent sand from bothering them while they sat or lay down. She would then go about making makeshift curtains should they need them.

Using animate to make a hut out of sand for them. Using as much Ep as it takes to build it.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Naia chuckled, watching the slime seem nonplussed by the ocean water. Mighta been the salt or maybe she was scared of getting too diluted by all the water. Naia wasn't certain.

Either way, she happily dove through, using her hand to help speed her swimming. The absence of fish was surprising, but then maybe she just wasn't seeing them about. She surfaced again, giggling. "Mmm, the waters great! I'm surprised not more people come here! More for us though!"
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Ceri nervously wades into the water until she's waist deep, the absence of fish was actually worrying to her, but Naia's infectious cheer washes the worry aside like the waves did for her fatigue. Thankfully, despite resembling the wings of a butterfly, her leathery wings aren't nearly as delicate. Using them almost like a pair of paddles, Ceri swims over to Naia. Once she's in deeper water, worry creeps up in her mind once more, prompting her to stick close to the karkastan girl.

"It's almost too quiet. This beach is almost too perfect to be true. Doesn't mean we shouldn't enjoy ourselves, but let's be careful, alright?" Ceri says softly, trying to keep from sounding too worried. Last thing she wanted was to seem ungrateful, after all. She'd just been around too many "perfect" places to trust them when they appeared.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Nireniel Darkstar: HP = 49, PP = 49, EP = 100/116, Status = Fine

Ceri (Marceri) Wisptail: HP = 46, PP = 82, EP = 96, Status = Fine

Naia Darkstar: HP = 92, PP = 51, EP = 20/81, Status = Fine, Armor at 43/50 TP

Karelia: EP = 108/81, PP = 23, Status = Fine

Busying about, Nireniel managed to construct for herself a very nice little cottage without running into anything more dangerous than a sea gull. Naia and Ceri, in the meantime, found the water quite pleasant but just as empty, though after a few moments of swimming in deeper water they would notice a possible cause for the lack of fish. Off in the distance, they saw an odd shimmering on the surface of the water, and underneath it they saw a number of glowing, floating, transparent things with tiny threads running down beneath them. There must have been hundreds of them, maybe even thousands, but they didn't seem to be going anywhere.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Naia splashed about, chuckling a bit at Ceri's worry. "Ceri, relax. If there is trouble, I'll get you away safe. I fight better armed but it doesn't make me useless if I gotta throw a punch."

Her smile however turned into a frown as she notes some odd shimmering in the distance. Peering and concentrating a bit to get a better look. Thousands of strange glowing things, full of threads. Were they some sort of Invader life form? Or something natural? She had honestly no idea. They didn't seem to be moving though.

"Hm... What is that? We should go ask mom, I bet she'd know what those things are. There's so many of them...," muses Naia, before turning to head back to shore to talk to her mom about the strange things in the water.

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Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Ceri nods and follows after Naia, though she does so through the air. After a few good flaps, she lifts off and draws herself out of the water. The strange objects in the distance worried her. If they were plants of some sort, the fish population should have been fine. But those glowing objects were obviously not friendly. Or at least, to her. She found that most slimy things with tentacles were not the sort of thing she wanted to deal with. At least in the air, she'd be out of their range, or so she'd hoped. At least Naia was nearby to protect her, if need be. Girl said she was good without a weapon, so Ceri could focus on keeping any possible foes off of her with her psychic powers.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Nireniel smiled happily once the small cottage was built for themselves. She was sitting in the shade of the door way as she wove strands of leaves and grass to make a curtain for the door way when Naia and Ceri returned to her. She glanced up with a small smile before they explained what they saw. "Hm.... Sounds a blood of jellyfish. Though I do not think I ever heard of them getting so big." She rubbed her chin in thought and gave a small shrug before her hands resumed their work. "They are not dangerous as long as you keep your distance. I am sure they will get washed out to sea by the current soon enough." She was of the assumption it was just regular jellyfish, and didn't think twice about them.

"How do you like our shelter for the next little while?" Letting them take a look in side as she worked on the door curtain. "Will keep the wind and critters off of us at night. And should be quite cozy once we settle inside." Giving them both a small smile, as she noticed their lack of clothing. "Feel free to store your clothes and gear inside. If anything is wet the sun will dry it soon enough."
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Nireniel Darkstar: HP = 49, PP = 49, EP = 100/116, Status = Fine

Ceri (Marceri) Wisptail: HP = 46, PP = 82, EP = 96, Status = Fine

Naia Darkstar: HP = 92, PP = 51, EP = 20/81, Status = Fine, Armor at 43/50 TP

Karelia: EP = 108/81, PP = 23, Status = Fine

The cloud of floating glowing creatures continued floating off in the distance, and for now the beach remained empty, leaving the quarter to enjoy it all to themselves for a while.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Naia listens to her mom raptly and nods with a smile. "Don;t touch the floaty things, okay mom!"

Naia looked over the sand castle home curiously before going and fetching her equipment and storing it with a smile. "A sand castle! It's a lot different from our stone castle, Mom. Is it... stable? I don't want to be collapsed on and suffocate."

She looks to her mother a little worriedly, hoping it was safe for them.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Nireniel Darkstar: HP = 49, PP = 49, EP = 100/116, Status = Fine

Ceri (Marceri) Wisptail: HP = 46, PP = 82, EP = 96, Status = Fine

Naia Darkstar: HP = 92, PP = 51, EP = 20/81, Status = Fine, Armor at 43/50 TP

Karelia: EP = 108/81, PP = 23, Status = Fine

(You lot are basically free to derp around for a while, go look around on the beach, go check out the jellyfish, go look for stuff, have some more naked fun, etc. If you want a timeskip to more ADVENTURE instead of light hearted derpery I can do that instead.)
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Ceri flits over to her discarded clothing, gathering it up neatly and placing it in a folded bundle inside the small sand shelter. Patting Naia gently on the back, she gives the Karkastan girl a warm grin. Her more genuine smiles had become more frequent over the past few days. "Don't worry, Naia. I can dig us free with my mind. But it looks pretty sturdy. Thank you, Nireniel," Ceri nods as she spreads her wings, "You know, the water must look incredible from above."

(I'm cool with anything. Adventure, derpery, or perhaps a bit of both.)
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Nireniel gave them both a small smile. "It is perfectly stable, I used my powers to make it." Turning to Ceri with a small grin and nodding. "You are most welcome." Smiling as she strung up the leaf curtain door. "I will be off looking for something for us to eat, so you two feel free to enjoy the sun and surf." Walking over near Naia and giving the tall woman a small smile as she whispered a few words into her daughter's ear. "Wouldn't mind a few grandchildren either." Chuckling to herself before she headed off to look for some game or plants they can eat.