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Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Ceri rolls off of Naia, sighing softly and contently. She liked the karkastan girl. Perhaps she might stay a bit longer with her than she'd initially planned. Watching Naia suckle from her mother, she tilts her head amusedly, studying the pair. The familiar warmth they shared made the little kitsune somewhat wistful as she thought about her own family, scattered to the winds as they were.

Once they were all cleaned up and fed, Ceri would follow Naia and Nireniel's leads. After all, they were the ones who knew where they were in the first place. Being stuck in a prisoner's wagon had messed with her sense of direction.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Nireniel smiled at Naia. "Your welcome sweety. Drink up your fill." Gently carressing Naia's cheek and head as she suckled. Her nursing drawing out a few soft moans from the dark skinned demoness. Once they were all clothed she waved to the satyr before turning to the other two. "Well lets go to the beach!" Smiling happily at the thought of sunshine and water.

Looking at some of the rough terrain ahead she smiled as it seemed their whole party was winged. "Let's fly over some of the more rugged terrain." With that she would flap herwings until she was into the air before flying south over the forest.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

"Um, what about Karellia, mom?," calls Naia up to her mother, looking at their slime companion, "I could try and carry her, though she;s, well... Goo. And I don't have a bucket or anything!"

She didn't want to abandon one of her childhood friends.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Nireniel Frowned before flying back. "Right, completely forgot." Flying back to scoop up their little slime girl. "Want to go to the beach?" Flying back to the other two and continuing on.
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Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Ceri spreads her pretty violet wings and smiles, nodding happily. As long as it was far away from where she'd almost been hung, she'd be happy. If it got her out of Badaria faster, even better. Taking into the air, she flutters her wings and hovers, ready to go whenever everyone else was.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Nireniel Darkstar: HP = 49, PP = 49, EP = 116, Status = Fine, Pregnant with twins

Ceri (Marceri) Wisptail: HP = 46, PP = 82, EP = 96, Status = Fine

Naia Darkstar: HP = 92, PP = 51, EP = 20/81, Status = Fine, Armor at 43/50 TP

Karelia: EP = 108/81, PP = 23, Status = Fine

Her voyeur would stay true to his apparent nature and watched Nireniel clean herself up with undisguised lust, though he would make no further demands upon her remaining stamina and instead simply smiled at the prospect of further "apologies" before saying his goodbyes. Karelia would look sad upon being forgotten, her slimy form compact inwards as if she were trying to shrink in on herself, but then would cling to Nireniel and they could all take off. Going by air would let them ignore the difficulties of the terrain and protect them from any natural creatures that they might have encountered, but the distance between them and the ocean was still measured in well over a hundred miles, and as darkness fell their wings would tire, and they would have to either think about finding a place to land to rest for the night or if they wanted to keep on through the night.

(Presumably they don't just up and leave all of their clothes behind. Also ye healing milk doesn't restore EP.)
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Nireniel cuddled into the little slime girl as they flew. Seeing the setting sun, she set about looking for a spot to land. Looking for a site close to water so that they could bath come morning. She shouted back to the other two. "Let's find a spot to land and rest for the night." Her eyes scanning for a good spot.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

"Who will take first watch? I can do it, if everyone wishes. I sleep rather late anyways," Ceri offers as she too looks for a good place to sleep. She usually hitched rides with people on wagons and such, so was a tad unused to camping. If she shared a tent with these three though, it might not be so bad. Flying close, she gives Karelia a little pat on the head for reassurance. She would have offered to carry the slime, but she wasn't physically all that strong, nor large enough to be a good carrier for her. The last part could be fixed with a little shapeshifting, but Nireniel had already scooped up the ooze girl.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

"I can do it. I can see fine.," smiles Naia as she settles onto the ground once they found a spot, before heading over and hugging Karelia. "Me and this little lass, cus not sure if slime's sleep or not. She's always awake before I am anyways. But yeah I can keep watch. I don't sleep much as it is."

She'd find something to lean against and keep an eye around as she cuddled the slime against her happily, letting the hand like part of her tail curl about to pat the slime, giggling at her gooeyness a bit.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Nireniel smiled as she landed, Patting the little slime's head. "Don't stay up too late dear." Kissing Naia's cheek when she sat down. "Feel free to crawl into bed when you get tired." Giving her a smile before finding a spot to set up her sleeping roll. Looking to Ceri curiously as she patted the spot next to her in her larger then normal sleeping roll. "Or you, no need to feel like a stranger." Smiling as she slipped out of her clothes infront of them before crawling into her sleeping bag, her shapely rump giving an unintentional wiggle. She was asleep rather quickly.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Ceri looks from the vacant spot to Naia, and back to the vacant spot once more. They could probably all fit in, especially with Ceri being pretty petite. She could be as tall as her statuesque sister if she wanted at a moment's notice, but she'd discovered petite and demure was the more popular choice amongst men and women. It also lent more credibility to her innocent act.

"Wake me up if you get tired. I can take your shift when you're done," Ceri says softly to Naia, patting Karelia's head once more as she saunters over to the sleeping bag. Removing her clothes, she folds them up neatly, now clad in only her black lace undergarments. Tail swishing happily, she settles down into the generous space and snuggles her way against Nireniel. As she takes the position of the little spoon, she curls up a little, her inky tail brushing against the demon's thigh. It takes Ceri a bit of time before she falls asleep, her thoughts alive and rampant in her head.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Nireniel Darkstar: HP = 49, PP = 49, EP = 116, Status = Fine, Pregnant with twins

Ceri (Marceri) Wisptail: HP = 46, PP = 82, EP = 96, Status = Fine

Naia Darkstar: HP = 92, PP = 51, EP = 20/81, Status = Fine, Armor at 43/50 TP

Karelia: EP = 108/81, PP = 23, Status = Fine

Perception: ???

With Karelia happily snuggling up against Nereniel as well, the first half of their night would seemingly go without incident. Whether Naia wished to continue keeping watch for the rest of the night, letting her mother and her new friend sleep, or pick someone else to take watch was up to her.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Naia stayed up and on watch. She hardly needed sleep anyways, and was happy enough to let the others enjoy it in her stead. She kept watch, flexing her hand a bit, staying alert but ready to swap to her shield quickly in case of unwanted surprises.

As fun as it may be to cuddle up to her mom too, she knew it wasn't safe not to have a watch and couldn't bring herself to usurp one of the others place next to her.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Nireniel Darkstar: HP = 49, PP = 49, EP = 116, Status = Fine, Pregnant with twins

Ceri (Marceri) Wisptail: HP = 46, PP = 82, EP = 96, Status = Fine

Naia Darkstar: HP = 92, PP = 51, EP = 20/81, Status = Fine, Armor at 43/50 TP

Karelia: EP = 108/81, PP = 23, Status = Fine

Perception: ???

Taking the rest of the watch, Naia would be treated to another long, boring watch before the dawn caused her companions to awaken. Karelia, who had no need to sleep, came over to cuddle her in the process, at least offering her some companionship for the second half of the night.

When morning came and they were ready to proceed on their way, they would again have to pick how they wanted to continue on their way, by land, magic, air, or something else.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Naia giggled and snuggled Karelia, but kept her attention about. She didn't want to lose too much attention, but appreciated cuddly company nevertheless.

She awaited her mother and new friend to get up, before walking over happily. "Hey there, we flying to the beach some more? I wanna see the ocean! Uh, no nibbling though, I'm still pretty wiped.," smiles Naia happily, enjoying her outing with them.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Ceri opens her eyes with a smile, looking to the enthusiastic looking karkastan. With a yawn, she stretches and smooths out her clothes and hair to keep herself looking presentable. Once she's her usual pretty self, she stretches out her wings and winks at Naia before turning to Nireniel with a smile, "Ready to go whenever you are."
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Nireniel awoke with a small yawn and gave a stretch while glancing about. As she got dressed she looked at her daughter with a nod. "Of course we are still going to the beach. We will have quite a bit of fun there." Smiling as she gathered up her bedroll. "I think Karelia wants to travel with you today, sweetling." Smiling as she took to hovering. "I am ready when you two are." Flying up with a small smile.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Naia nodded and happily picked up Karelia, helping hold her close with her hand like tail appendage. She spread her wings once everyone had gathered everything up, stifling a yawn and waited to follow her mother.

Naia watched about for threats and snuggled her small oozey friend, doing her best to ensure the liquid girl wouldn't slip out of her grasp.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Ceri takes off after the pair, flying somewhere between Naia and Karelia, feeling comfy with both women on either side of her. She'd be protected on either side, and if either of them encountered trouble, she'd be able to aid the fastest. Like Naia, she scans the ground and the air for any threats lying in wait, particularly from the treetops.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Nireniel Darkstar: HP = 49, PP = 49, EP = 116, Status = Fine

Ceri (Marceri) Wisptail: HP = 46, PP = 82, EP = 96, Status = Fine

Naia Darkstar: HP = 92, PP = 51, EP = 20/81, Status = Fine, Armor at 43/50 TP

Karelia: EP = 108/81, PP = 23, Status = Fine

Karelia would merrily nestle herself into Naia's bosom as they prepared to take off, ending up beneath her clothes and squished against the karkastan's body, though she only offered Naia the occasional grope along the way. Nereniel, in the meantime, would grow greatly by the end of the day, until she looked nearly nine months along by human standards by the time they landed later that day. Along the way they passed mostly woodlands or farmland, but they had to fly over or around a small village and a larger town, as well as a few more isolated dwellings.

The quartet would find themselves in a similarly secluded stop by the end of their travel, but far in the distance they would see the first signs that they were nearing their destination. Food wouldn't be much of a problem for them, and when the demoness felt the familiar pangs of birth the next day the satyr who had fathered her children would simply appear alongside a lithe green haired woman in a vibrant green gown. The two faeries aided her through the birthing process while Naia and Ceri thankfully didn't have to do much, the demon's body easily able to accommodate the process and recovering abnormally fast even without the healing magic that the faerie nurse used to restore her more quickly. Once the twin satyrs had come mewling into the world, she was allowed to hold them and nurse them, but told that they were to be raised as faeries due to their nature, and would be going back with their father and nurse.

She would be able to see them when she wished, however, and all of this had been explained before by Naia's father. The fae did not permit their fullblooded kin to be raised by others lightly, and though she was a demon the satyr's virility had ensured that her genes only introduced a darker tint to their fur and somewhat elongated horns for one their age. Her other children had been left to her because her half of their heritage had shown through and there had been plenty of leeway to allow it, but she knew at least that they would be well cared for when she wasn't with them.

The next two days or so of winged travel would pass with little in the way of events unless the group opted to stop somewhere, another bath perhaps. Another trio of towns would go by beneath them before they spotted a city off to the West... And the beaches to the South were within their reach.