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The Works of Toonpimp

Re: The Works of Toonpimp

Actually, beholders have eleven eyes, that big one blocks magic in it's range of sight ;)
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

Goodness... You're right...

I don't know what I thought they were... Probably my perverted side thought they were tentacles meant for heroines. :rolleyes:
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

Actually, beholders have eleven eyes, that big one blocks magic in it's range of sight ;)

I find it funny, that when I used to play D&D, Beholders would always be a pain because they could block magic, but in the video games I've played that they've been in, their eye didn't do squat when I rained hell on them with spells >.<

But yeah, how your food tastes depends on the person, it doesn't mean you're not good.
Yanno, unless you're this girl >.> :
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

I know what ya mean, but most that didn't absolutely block my spells, were at least very resistant to hostile spells sent at them.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

.. Just like beauty, it's all just everyone's taste that decide if you're a good cook.

yes but this doesn't mean somewhere there is someone who thinks your a good cook. you need to be able to cook first.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

... If you can't cook at all, or haven't cooked, I believe that'd be rather obvious, falling into the category of common sense.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

Backing up a tad...

Goodness... You're right...

I don't know what I thought they were... Probably my perverted side thought they were tentacles meant for heroines. :rolleyes:

I didn't say that was their only use. Besides, some people like to look where they're going ;)
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

I think that was the point, Dear ;)
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

Does is count as continuing a debate if I'm not debating anything?

If you've been to funnygames or newgrounds odds are you played my games or viewed my flashes. If not Im not digging them or linking them as that would confirmed the misguided idea Im bashing Old marvin.Im not ...

I haven’t played your games, actually, but then I only go to the hentai sections. Admittedly, I should have looked you up on newgrounds before asking you to make something. I’ve gone to somebody named lexus712 (or something, I forgot the number) - if I have found the correct person, you made a present catching game and a game that was basically a modified version of chowder with pac-man instead of fish. Neither were particularly bad, neither were particularly good. The Santa game still had several bugs.

A joke is a joke,I insisted no ones opinions were wrong and I started the comment with "I dont like them either" thus making me actually agree with the original opinion stated. So how can it be I said "your opinion is wrong" if I agreed in the first place?! Lay off the victim card.

Guhhahahahahaha, I think I just figured our what he’s talking about. His first statement was:

Lastly on the topic of meet and fuck games, they bug me too, I especially hate how all those guys come to your house and beat you up then force you at gun point to play them...oh wait.... they dont.

That’s so brilliantly technical that I’m going to have to bow in respect for the logic he’s using. *bows* (…Either that or he actually did mean it in a non sarcastic manner, but that’s so farfetched that I’m not going to bother with it.)

On the topic of the TP demo (I think toilet paper too) Everything mentioned was noted....like a week ago... There may not be another demo for some time but as I said, your welcome to visit our forum and check the thread.

I posted that list with no idea what was on TP’s forum – I didn’t actually check, which is wrong of me, but I was under the impression that the site required you to join before you could read threads, something I’m not willing to do.

my sole concern is to get more people making their own games.

Now there’s a sentiment I can agree with.

I would eventually start a thread for my flash porn games thread but theres only 2... I dont normally do porn,normally the whole of my work is non adult content.but I have several projects that will eventually find their way here if your interested.First one to be finished will likely be the Hmod endboss for BlankBlood.

huh… alright, I must have found the wrong guy on Newgrounds then, he only had about three or so games and a couple of movies.

Anyways, I spotted a Nunu scoffing at bug picking at an unfinished game. Regardless of the state of the project, picking out bugs even in its earliest state is still just as useful (if not better than) as doing it when it's out for Beta. It gives the devs a list of problems to clear out as they go; and sometimes they don't notice some of the bugs that other people find.

I agree heartily. NEVER underestimate criticism or critique. (which includes bug reports.)

actually i don't think toonpimp visits this forum so its so minusculy productive as to not really be worth it.

One of toonpimp’s forum’s mods - who has already said he’d return ideas to TP - is here, so it’s not so minisculy productive when you think about it.

I think he was only pointing out that this particular brand of bug-testing was futile because all the issues had already been mentioned. Not sure though, the bugs could also have been reported as part of a flame in the first place, giving rise to overreactions and blah blah blah. Either way I don't think anybody was saying early bug testing is pointless in general.

And beholders… eh, I prefer eyebeasts and gazers.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

I... don't know what to say now... I have played the demo... and... well... while it is still the same old song and dance, I dare say that it has a lot of promise. I feel as if I am betraying myself by saying this... but I think that it might be a good game... if he doesn't decide to fuck it up. For beta, it is rather good, it looks clean and has nice animation. It is a little redundant to criticize the odd combat system (the little range on it is a nice touch I must say) to a beta game. The one thing that worries me is that sometime a horrendous jumping system will be added, but perhaps gamemaker's more solid feel will make it better than the too floaty, randomly shitty flash variant of it.

That being said, I can't not criticize some points of it (though not too majorly... it is beta after all) The combat seems to be the main point, moving forward, punching something three times, move on. It would be nice to see some sort of combo system (eg. Tifa Tan) but I don't see that happening in the near future. But once more, I can't criticize much about a beta version... after all, it is not finished. lol. Going back to the cake analogy, it is like criticizing cake batter for not tasting exactly like a cake.

So far so good though... I can't believe I am saying this but... this one might be good... still... I just want to say this once more... FUCKING ADS!!! By the way... I hate ads... and toonpimp still... though... Axle Rose was a jerk... but he was a good singer... maybe... Toonpimp can pull a miracle out of his ass...
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

You know axl was a racist and would tell black jokes backstage all the time, not knowing slash was black
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

A joke is a joke,I insisted no ones opinions were wrong and I started the comment with "I dont like them either" thus making me actually agree with the original opinion stated. So how can it be I said "your opinion is wrong" if I agreed in the first place?! Lay off the victim card.

Um.... right, yes, you were the person who made the oh-so-witty joke about men forcing people to play Meet and Fuck?... In case you didn't notice, this is a hentai-based community. Their job, basically, is to find, catalogue, review, and make available for download, all hentai. You think reviewers are forced at gunpoint to play bad games..?

Im not some weird/worthless toonpimp worshiper,I moderate his forums and we have a mutual respect. I stand by the fact that with a lil practice everyone can make the games they want. No matter how delusional you wanna be the fact remains, these games arent very hard, my sole concern is to get more people making their own games.

Ok, not actually being caustic/snappy/sarcastic.. any of that. (Try not to pass out from the shock).. I always thought with these games, the coding and the making was the easy bit. The art is the only tough part.. Even if, and this is a big if, we take Meet 'n Fuck as the worst possible game.. most people still can't draw/animate that well. And to be honest, can't be bothered to learn to do so. Sorry to derail your sole concern. Or life purpose.

I come here because its a small quiet community,not to bash anyones thoughts,I single NO ONE except Host out,and him only because of how elaborate his analysis of one of my posts was. And how very very off it was. Thats as close to an olive branch Im gonna try, if I attempted being nicer you'd only find a way to take offense....

1. Not actually that small... thanks.

2. Host does that. It's actually kinda funny. Plus, if you take the time to ensure stuff makes sense.. then there are no problems.

3. Btw, obvious troll is obvious.

Re: The Works of Toonpimp

Well...after playing the demo, I should give a quick little review.

At first, I was skeptical about downloading it and trying it out. This is because Toonpimp has started to drop on my rating scale. Not because of his drawing or animations, but because of the poorly done platform jumping and impossible fight scenes.

Now let's be a little fair, Toonpimp is trying to make his games a little more exciting and fun, but let's all face the truth. When it comes to his jumping, he falls (no, that is not a typo). His two latest games, Fifi's Revenge and Curse of Cracklevania (Part 1...because it looked as though he was considering making a sequel), are perfect examples of this. Just because you can add-in something, doesn't mean you should do it.

The demo didn't have any jumping platforms in it, which gave it a plus in my book. The animation was pretty good, so it gets another point. It did have fighting in it, but the fighting wasn't gory or bloody...which for many hentai fans is usually a turnoff...all that happened is the creatures faded away (unless you count the slime, but slime doesn't really count as blood, does it?) Another point for Toonpimp.

The "bosses" or toothys in this demo were actually able to be beaten without any means of cheats. Usually, Toonpimp makes his fighting sequences so hard, you NEED cheats just to get to the end. One more point.

Now, for the improvements. The fighting part I can see in a hentai game like this. You could do the whole "running and avoiding" the attackers like in Jungle Girl or Demon Girl, but that does get a little old after awhile. You could say the same for fighting too, but in a fighting game you can do TWO things: Fight or flight.

Why the fighting needs to be improved? It's only one hit. There should be a combo thing, or a weapon pick up or something a little bit more.

Not the gun pick ups like in Fifi's Revenge. If I can kill my enemies from across the screen, it doesn't add in the "I win if a kill him" or "I win if he gets me" element. With guns, it just comes down to "He got me strictly because I wanted him too."

I think there could be a few more rape animations for the creatures. Slime could have some attacks (I didn't get hit enough times from the slime, so I don't exactly know if they do rape scenes). Toothy could have a couple more too (I counted 2 scenes. The titty-fucking scene was new, wasn't it ;) ), but right now I'm just nit-picking. EDIT: Slime does have rape scenes.

All in all, this demo has restored my faith in Toonpimp in that he can actually make a decent game once again. By keeping things the way he's doing this demo, he should be able to make a really good game...as long as he doesn't throw in impossible fight/jump scenes and mixing defeat with blood and gore that is.
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Re: The Works of Toonpimp

Interesting thoughts as usual...

However I should stress... its not a "demo" persay as much as it is a concept preview,in total everything you see there is less then 10 percent of what the finished product will be like. Theres no guarantee everything included there will even make it to the final version.

As for the obvious troll comment.... lmao no I cant justify that with an answer, however I will warn the mods about the trouble they can get in for having under aged members. I would hate to this place get the slap that AnonIB got.

As for derailing my lifes purpose? Actually I have several (4) partner projects Im working on currently and in only 3 months work managed to help over a dozen future game creators get started. Their progression is slow as should be expected but in no time Im sure the 10 or so active diggers on this board will find the games and post em here for I guess review...Which is strange as most hentai communities simply play and discuss games,reviews are a new thing to state as an official cause.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

*shrug* A troll can still be a troll, even if they're not trying to troll. But enough about that already. Just stop talking about it. It was amusing for the first couple of days, now it's just old.

I'm not sure how 'reviewing' is different from 'discussing,' as most of the reviews are just discussing how the person feels about the game, opening up more discussion (agree/disagree), as well as being helpful to other players in deciding whether or not they should play said game. Can you explain what you mean for me?

Also, agree with HF's summary. Hopefully TP will realize that needing cheats to be able to enjoy the game to its fullest is a huge design flaw and is one of the reasons his previous games were so uninteresting.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

Reviews.. discussion... Isn't it the same thing? Judgement by peer group, that sort of thing? While it may not usually take the form of an official review with star ratings, it serves the same purpose..

Also, I hate to get defensive over someone making a smart comment.. but I think this person really needs a wristslap here.

As for the obvious troll comment.... lmao no I cant justify that with an answer, however I will warn the mods about the trouble they can get in for having under aged members. I would hate to this place get the slap that AnonIB got.

WoW Way to not be able to take a joke...

Sad Sad indeed.... Well anyways....

Your opinions are your opinions,no one is trying to change the way you think (or in some cases dont think) so mellow out.

Seriously I could make Line marvels games in my sleep

If you've been to funnygames or newgrounds odds are you played my games or viewed my flashes. If not Im not digging them or linking them as that would confirmed the misguided idea Im bashing Old marvin.

No matter how delusional you wanna be the fact remains

I come here because its a small quiet community,not to bash anyones thoughts,I single NO ONE except Host out,and him only because of how elaborate his analysis of one of my posts was. And how very very off it was. Thats as close to an olive branch Im gonna try, if I attempted being nicer you'd only find a way to take offense....

...Ok, I don't think anyone likes this kid.

What gives him the right to come here, and from the place he's come no less, and act like he's better than us..? What's with the supercilious attitude..?

Seriously... Kickban. Please? Pretty please? He's just a very clever, yet effective, troll.

Re: The Works of Toonpimp

I've noticed it previously, not necessarily a troll, but very caustic personality. Was that like a counter threat of extortion or something?

Seriously, what proof is there that members here are underage except for behavior? He's going to tell on us? He thinks some of us are underage why? Because we act almost as childish as him?
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

guys i think its best to just say drop this issue. I have been on toonpimps forums and seen the way lexxus acts over there as a mod. All as i can say some beleive Lexxus effective and just cause it bleeds over a little bit here we shouldnt have a complete utter meltdown. Lexxus your first post that started this lil mess just seemed a tad bit harsh whether it was your intention or not but I just let it be which the rest of you should do. I think this little session has gone on long enough.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

You dont have to be physically underage to act underaged.

Ive seen guys that are physically 20 act like they are mentally still 13 (which is pretty annoying)

Anyhoo ... interwebfightz =