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The Works of Toonpimp

Re: The Works of Toonpimp

I'm not sayin' I knew why the problem revolved around that, except that I knew how to fix it...

Nobody cares how it works, as long as it works...

~ The Old Dude from Matrix
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

LMAO....wow.... I figured I'd some opinions back but damn.

Alright from what I recall of all that...

ADV means visual novel or tunnel games (lots of text ,static images and a few choices)

If you've been to funnygames or newgrounds odds are you played my games or viewed my flashes. If not Im not digging them or linking them as that would confirmed the misguided idea Im bashing Old marvin.Im not ...

A joke is a joke,I insisted no ones opinions were wrong and I started the comment with "I dont like them either" thus making me actually agree with the original opinion stated. So how can it be I said "your opinion is wrong" if I agreed in the first place?! Lay off the victim card.

On the topic of the TP demo (I think toilet paper too) Everything mentioned was noted....like a week ago... There may not be another demo for some time but as I said, your welcome to visit our forum and check the thread. The speed issue seems to have been born recently, not only TP's games but several others like poolka and even zone are recently claiming their games run at different speeds on different machines. Theres a whole thing about that I'm not getting into.

Im not some weird/worthless toonpimp worshiper,I moderate his forums and we have a mutual respect. I stand by the fact that with a lil practice everyone can make the games they want. No matter how delusional you wanna be the fact remains, these games arent very hard, my sole concern is to get more people making their own games.
I know the guy who does the meet&fuck games so yeah,I know how much they bring in for him,its his usual argument when I tease him about them.

I come here because its a small quiet community,not to bash anyones thoughts,I single NO ONE except Host out,and him only because of how elaborate his analysis of one of my posts was. And how very very off it was. Thats as close to an olive branch Im gonna try, if I attempted being nicer you'd only find a way to take offense....
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Re: The Works of Toonpimp

*chuckles* just drop it, it's obvious no opinions are going to be changed, no matter how wrong they are. =P
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

host is having some personal problems, so he's a bit irritable. he's been like this over the entire forum, but i've had a word to him about it.

Anyway i think discussing glitches in a game thats not finished yet is just silly. like pointing out that you need to cook cake batter. Also i willingly accept your olive branch, which is the most important thing, lets be friends!
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

host is having some personal problems, so he's a bit irritable. he's been like this over the entire forum, but i've had a word to him about it.

Anyway i think discussing glitches in a game thats not finished yet is just silly. like pointing out that you need to cook cake batter. Also i willingly accept your olive branch, which is the most important thing, lets be friends!

You what?!? No wonder why the cakes always look wrong.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

i didn't really think it was a good analogy as you don't NEED to cook it... *grin*
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

*Eats cake batter*

*Gets sick from overdosing on cake batter* :(
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

Does the same go for cookie dough? cuz' I make that just to eat it raw...Cake batter has raw eggs in it...bleh....

Yeah the critique of the technical issues in a demo is a bit far but any bug testing is always appreciate as it's his first gamemaker game,and again,if you have actual plot ideas (other then "add one" lol) I'd be happy to steal ...err... port them them over.

I can do nothing about the adds...nor have I figured out why some of you cant get the demo to run,I have had no success replicating that error.

This probably wont even be the first game he finishes,tp has several projects in the works,some farther along then others. As I said before this demo was a treat for the forum rats.Some of whom,being furfags, actually are rats!

I would eventually start a thread for my flash porn games thread but theres only 2... I dont normally do porn,normally the whole of my work is non adult content.but I have several projects that will eventually find their way here if your interested.First one to be finished will likely be the Hmod endboss for BlankBlood.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

i'm keen to see it. we've got threads for individual games so i dont see a problem with there only being two.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

Why is it that when the explosions happen on this forum, I'm no where near to take part in the display of fireworks? Instead of being warmed by the display of whatever the hell you want to call that was, I'm going over the cold logs and cinders of another TP topic going up in flames.

*rolls eyes*

Anyways, I spotted a Nunu scoffing at bug picking at an unfinished game. Regardless of the state of the project, picking out bugs even in its earliest state is still just as useful (if not better than) as doing it when it's out for Beta. It gives the devs a list of problems to clear out as they go; and sometimes they don't notice some of the bugs that other people find.

One way or another, it's still being productive - so long as it's not overdone.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

actually i don't think toonpimp visits this forum so its so minusculy productive as to not really be worth it.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

Apparently, it's a piece of cake to bake a pretty cake, but turns out it's a lie
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

i can make many many things to eat, but my cakes always sink... *sad face*
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

I can make a mean grilled cheese.

I never got how someone could be a good cook, isn't it just following directions? If it's not, I spent two classes on cooking that taught me little more than how to read English and how to convert small measurements.
Oh and in case anyone was interested, I tried to reference both portal and lazy town. Quite a jump, I know, but I figured 'fuck it' revved the engine and evil knievel'd that bitch
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

See, in class, they just called that "improvising"
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

I think he was only pointing out that this particular brand of bug-testing was futile because all the issues had already been mentioned. Not sure though, the bugs could also have been reported as part of a flame in the first place, giving rise to overreactions and blah blah blah. Either way I don't think anybody was saying early bug testing is pointless in general.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

being a good cook means you understand what things go together and how to cook them, as well as basic skills that are beyond the ken of normal people. Its the knowing why you don't melt chocolate over a direct heat, leave meat to rest before carving, over mixing flour and butter makes it rubbery, what you can and can't do with egg white and the ability to use a whisk properly.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

then, by technicality, I guess I'm a good cook?

I'm an armchair theorists of cooks, my work is not an applied science.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

Well, whether or not you're a good cook goes right back to the term, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", and not those monstrous kinds that shoot magic at you and have only one eye, but people who actually bear witness, and taste your cooking.

You could make something you find delicious, along with a whole bunch of other people who agree that you cooking tasted good. However, you might find another crowd that'd say your cooking tastes horrible. Just like beauty, it's all just everyone's taste that decide if you're a good cook.