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The Works of Toonpimp

Re: The Works of Toonpimp

i told you guys it was a person...

i even gave negative douchbag points...
in your defence, they are all assholes.
in their defence, your previous post was almost indistinguishable from being an adbot.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

i told you guys it was a person...

i even gave negative douchbag points...
in your defence, they are all assholes.
in their defence, your previous post was almost indistinguishable from being an adbot.

Oh, I believed it once you said it, I just don't like how he bounced back from it and the fact he gave it no explanation when he posted it in the first place
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

i've been having a chat with him through email and his current theory is that a friend signed him up and spammed us. this story is corroborated through different IPs on the two posts.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

So then why would he be pissed about our reactions to something he didn't do? It's not like we followed after him and called him personally a douchebag
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

i don't really think that matters. i haven't found evidence to say anyone accosted him. regardless i think this is the end of the matter.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

Hi everybody!!!
I'm new and I'm french!!
But i have a good news about toon pimp!!
I have the demo for his next game!!

It's short but it give you an idea!!
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

don't miss it :D:D
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

i pretend to find french people vile.

it seems like TP. covered in ads. two monsters who rape you. seems to be working in game maker or something now.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

IT's just a demo about one of his future game.

I look on his forum and they are 4-5 game both in developpement.

S o we must be patient if we want to see this game or the "invasion of nucleus9" (another game of TP).
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

This one looks incredibly promising. Though the processor is kind of laggy at the beginning. It must be my PC or something. I love the character design compared to their past works. Where they merely use several figures, recolor them, and dressthem in different hairstyles and crud. (ie. the "secret characters" in Minerva)

Toothy needs to be a later enemy. He looks like O-O when he attacks the heroine. Though TP is known for having enemies that look like they do gigantic damage but are in the norm.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

Really liking the tentacle action with the slime on this one. She puts on such a funny face while getting raped.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

yah this one looks to have a bit of promise. cant wait to see it when he finishes it.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

Yeah he moved into game maker territory recently.

While there'll still be flash to come, theres several game maker projects in the works.

What you received as a "demo" by frenchie was just a lil treat for the forum rats over at the guest star games board. He was looking for new gameplay feature suggestions and plot ideas (not stupid asshole christmas list of the sex people wanna see lol) I doubt he'd care it got sent here tho.

It may be awhile before its done, he's juggling several commission works presently and that game was just his latest fling,and I forget who mentioned it but yes, the sprites are mostly gonna be rehashed versions of former ones with more animation to them.

Lastly on the topic of meet and fuck games, they bug me too, I especially hate how all those guys come to your house and beat you up then force you at gun point to play them...oh wait.... they dont.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

And I don't seem to remember them coming and beating me up for having an opinion either...
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

Lastly on the topic of meet and fuck games, they bug me too, I especially hate how all those guys come to your house and beat you up then force you at gun point to play them...oh wait.... they dont.

Lame excuse is lame. I don't care if I'm not forced to play them, the point is people have experienced them at some point in time and found out that they were made of ass... the bad kind. I hate the "You don't have to play it if you don't like it" excuse, it is almost as bad as "Let's see you do better" because obviously if they have a complaint about a bad game... logic would say that they have indeed played it, didn't like it, and use their right to go onto internet forums and bitch about it.

Now... as for the new TP game. I have yet to try the demo... but yeah... I am expecting the same old song and dance. Though with a new system, maybe we wont see any of his horrible past choices. Oh wait... you said that it was covered with FUCKING ADS... maybe not then. But we shall see, time will tell. I'ma dl the demo now, I could use some torture... (Double combo torture! Dial up d/l times + TP game)
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

I wouldn't say it's awful. The animations are kind of nice, nicer than what's come before. But... yeah, pretty much same old song and dance; the demo only has two enemies, and one of them is recycled from past games. The slime is kind of enjoyable, but... meh. I'm not holding my breath for this one. Maybe if there were no furries, I might, but definitely not for game design quality. Still. Not awful. Not awesome, but not awful either.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

I don't understand why it's bad to say "I'm french!!!!":(:(

Do you REALLY want us to say anything on this?

Well, whatever, your decision.