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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"If we can find any. I haven't seen many guns around, so explosives are probably rare to nonexistent as well."

Jasmine points her fingers at the spot where the bar is connected to the wall and lets loose a bright white flame that quickly starts heating the rock.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Gah, so unfair. You've got so much more muscle then I do, I swear Helena muttered, as she cooked up a frigid blast of air, holding it until the point of contact with the bar holding to door was glowing hot.

When Jasmine backed off the heat, Helena would let the frigid air do the work for her. It was an interesting thought. One of them alone was fairly limited, both together was something to be worried about....
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The stone explodes, sending shrapnel everywhere around the bar. Jasmine lifts the bar, causing the chain to slide to the floor noisily.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

And behold! Apparently it does take 2 demons to open a door, I dread to imagine how many of us it would take to screw in a lightbulb Jas Helena said, snickering as the dust cleared and the chain slid away.

With the bar lifted, the act of opening the door was pathetically simple, they'd already unlocked it, now... it was time to just, enter the room, and Helena was only to happy to open a supposedly cursed prison door.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The door is thicker than it looks, and Helena has to strain her muscles to pull it open, but even though the hinges protest, the door slowly slides open, revealing a dark chamber beyond. The light reveals a white-haired man in shining black armor, kneeling with his back towards the door in front of a crudely made altar that doesn't look at home in this temple. The air around him seems thicker, somehow, and he doesn't seem to be moving.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Hello~ O. Hi there! Helena says, seeing the figure and smiling. Well, we opened the door, mind if we ask a couple questions before letting you go on your merry way? Helena asked finally, puffing out her cheeks a little before exhaling.

If he didn't answer, Helena would actually enter the chamber and try to circle around the man to see his face. She was ready to run like hell honestly, but she didn't think that would be the case, gratitude for the unexpected rescue perhaps? Who knew.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The man doesn't answer immediately, but the air seems to grow thinner around him, and Helena can hear whispers of a prayer coming from the man before he finally stands up to a height of over 6 feet. Helena can feel emotions radiate from the man, amazement and gratitude on top, yet still almost covered by the sheer weight of conviction. "So you have finally come. After all these years doubt had finally entered my heart, and I feared that my sanity might leave me, but he has kept me sheltered despite my doubts."

Picking up a sword belt from the door, he fastens the large sword to his waist before turning to face the two succubi. The man has striking features, and despite his white hair he doesn't look very old. There is yet another oddity about the man: his eyes are covered in white film, yet he appears to see, or at least sense Helena and Jasmine where they are. "You... are not what I expected. But then, He doesn't always reveal his plans in their entirety. You have my gratitude, yet I have little else to offer. Though it would please me if you would loot this accursed temple; there is a seal near the main altar that belongs to me, yet I do not care for other riches, whatever may remain." He gives Helena a small bow and points to a corner of the room. "In that chest I believe you will find something of value; may that be a token of my gratitude."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena widens her eyes and even blushes slightly before returning the bow herself and wandering over to the chest, talking as she popped it open Glad we could help I suppose, It was really curiosity more then anything. What did you do to wind up locked in this cell? And juding from the age of this temple, for a long time She asked, wondering what this "thing of Value" was, and who their new apparent friend was as well... This was weird. This was really weird. *Any ideas Jasmine? He seems... nice. Big! but nice.*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The man keeps facing Helena, listening politely as Helena opens the chest, revealing an extravagant dagger decorated with gold and rubies and a small sack that seems to be full. "I suspect my worst crime in their eyes was being an outlander who dared to enter this temple. The people who used this as their place of worship were not friendly to strangers, outlanders least of all. Even though I approached openly and without malice, as soon as I entered this place, they decided that I should be punished most severely. If I was not protected, they might have taken my life, but instead I was locked away. Thankfully He was patient enough to give me a second chance, otherwise I surely would have perished a long time ago."

*A religious fanatic, it seems. Though perhaps he's justified in being one, if what he says is true.*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena pondered his own words, and Jasmine's as she tossed her sister the coin, examining the blade. It was pretty, but useful? Who know, she certainly didn't. Shrugging, she patted the armoured man gently on the shoulder. Well, you're free now, Come, lets go get your seal and you can be on your way again. Thank you for the gift, we're looking for certain reagents out here in this desert and must hurry as best we can. But I don't see any harm in giving you a little more of a hand either. I'm Helena. Helena said, smiling as she walked.

*Well, if he's cookoo for cocopuffs, then best he just wanders off on his own and does his own thing. I can't get a feel on him, and don't really want to try, there's something off about him, just.. the air around him you know?*

She would help him get the seal, she would see him to the door, and listen, she didn't have any trouble with that, or even looting this temple, seemed very crusadey, but she had no right to judge a man any further that had suffered like this already.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine easily catches the bag, tying it on her belt as Helena walks by. "And I'm Jasmine" Jasmine adds, smiling at the armored man. "I am Virbeatus"" he answers simply, following Helena.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena smiles at the name, it had a nice ring to it really. Heading towards the main shrine, assuming this place was all about tapped out and they had to thit the pyramids next, Helena looked around for Virbeatus' Seal. Sounded like another holy symbol.

Well, if this guy was a holy man, paladin? He had a lot of armor on, what a strange thought, he'd been the nicest they'd encountered so far. If she found it, she'd happily hand it over with one final question. You... May have some information, honestly you've been alive for a looong time. We're not from this world, we want to go home. Do you know of a way? Helena asked hopefully.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena walks up the staircase, Virbeatus turns confidently and pushes the gate open, revealing an even larger fall with lines of benches and steps leading upwards to an alter, where anyone standing would for the good part of the day be surrounded by the glow of sunlight coming through a large hole in the roof.

Virbeatus seems hesitant, but as they get closer to the altar, he pulls off his gauntlets and lays a hand on Helena's shoulder before continuing to the altar and stepping around it before falling to his knees. Moments later, her pulls an ordinary-looking clay tablet out from behind the altar and carefully runs his hand along its surface while a smile spreads on his face.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena smiles at the touch, she hadn't really expected much of an answer to her question but he seemed happy with his tablet. Farewell then Virbeatus. Let's leave this tomb Jasmine and throw this up for Good deed of the day Helena said, turning her back on the strange man for now to go about their own business.

He was free, he seemed fully capable, and had what he was after. It was time to go.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The man's heavy steps follow Helena to the doors of the temple, before he suddenly speaks again, his gauntlets back in his hands and the tablet secured in a beltpouch. "I'm afraid I do not know of a way. I do remember hearing rumours that the ruler of Barovia has access to such portal. If the family of Strahd still rules that land, it may still exist, if it ever did." Giving Helena and Jasmine another bow, he steps back into the temple, apparently not wanting to brave the desert sun.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Until we meet again then Virbeatus. Thank you Helena said as she spread her wings and headed towards one of the surrounding pyramids, pondering the information, the strange dagger, the odd man, and the task they were still no closer to accomplishing. Eh, they'd get it done.

*Odd fellow, the search continues! Hey, you think these pyramids are like the ones back home? Tombs?*
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Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*Probably. Let's find out.*

Circling the pyramid reveals no obvious way in; though the sandstone looks worn, there isn't so much as a crack hinting at an entrance, whether because it's deliberately concealed or buried under the sands, it's hard to tell.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Well, thats annoying* Helena sends over, landing and actually having to walk around the blasted pyramids to try and find a real clue. Egyptians could suck her dick with their fancy architecture, swear to god.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena and Jasmine find the almost-buried entrance on the southern side of the pyramid. It seems that the only way to get into this pyramid would be to dig.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, sighing as they found the entrance, just smacked herself in the forehead with her palm, and began digging, before shifting into the more familiar lupine form that always seemed to get her into trouble, large paws kicking sand out behind her as she dug like a woman possessed. She really was too comfortable in this form, it couldn't be healthy. Fuck it. She was getting inside the pyramid!

After all the digging was said and done, Helena would turn and paw at Jasmine, turning into a sleek, black cat woman. When in Egypt~ She said, chuckling, before licking Jasmine's cheek and scooting inside.