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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Together Aqua and Helena manage to get a dozen bottles to the surface, including one of the ones that were hidden.

Cindy is waiting for Helena ashore, and the spiders seem to be gone again. The wolf is also waiting, sitting nicely near Cindy, though not close enough for her to touch it.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena looks at Cindy and the wolf "Getting along you two?" She asked giggling before noticing Willow was nowhere to be found... Casting her mind around quickly, she sent out the equivalent of a mental poke *Willow?*, Also asking Cindy.

"Where'd Willow get off to?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena's mental net finds Willow someway in the forest, though she doesn't seem capable of coherent thought at the moment to say the least. "Oh, the spiders took her." Cindy says innocently, though a snicker escapes her lips.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"And I missed it!? Not fair!" Helena says pouting, apparently missing the show. Wandering off towards Willow, Helena wondered exactly what the witch had gotten herself into, or rather, what the Spiders had thrown her into...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena finds Willow spread-eagled and hanging from two trees while the two spiders are taking their time wrapping her in the web thoroughly. Her eyes are open, but her mouth is gagged and she's obviously trying to struggle, futile as it may be.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena finds Willow in a rather compromising position, simply taking a spot nearby and sitting to watch at the moment, not wanting to interrupt the incredibly arousing show going on right before her. *Willow~ If you trust me, just relax~ Nothing to be afraid of, You'll enjoy this~* She sent over to the panicked woman, trickling lust into her very slowly from her place on the ground and letting her watch as Helena spread her legs and lean back, a hand drifting up her thigh to brush over her flower, gently stroking herself and biting her lower lips as her eyes locked on Willow's. *Just relax~*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Seeing Helena, Willow becomes rather more annoyed than panicked while the spiders carefully wrap her up, leaving only her face free before slashing two horizontal holes along her crotch, giving Helena a good view of her moist flower and freeing her ass, followed by a third slash freeing her bust.

As Helena is watching, Fenrir pads in, sitting down next to Helena.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena looks at Willow and giggles right before moaning lewdly as she slides two fingers into her flower, letting Willow watch as she pleasure herself, the sight of Willow being wrapped up in the web in her position turning her on. Seeing Fenrir pad in, Helena suddenly had a very naughty idea indeed. Since Willow was about to be thoroughly stuffed with eggs, Helena would give her something even stranger to watch~

Remembering the hellhounds, Helena figured it wasn't the first time she had been with a canine, why the hell not, It was becoming a matter of personal pride at this point to lay anything with the will!

Looking at the wolf, Helena got on her hands and knees, before lowering her front and raising her rear into the air, her tail raising as she looked at Willow, waiting for the wolf to take the invitation.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena is watching, Strike moves in front of Willow and plunges the thick ovipositor in, causing a muffled scream. Flame moves behind Willow, filling her rearhole accompanied by another scream. Then the spiders start pumping Willow accompanied by more screams that soon melt into lustful moans as Willow begins to enjoy her rape.

Fenrir sniffs Helena before eagerly mounting her, his thick member forcibly pushing itself deep inside her. Then the wolf starts thrusting into Helena almost gently, the knot at the end of its member repeatedly pressing against her slit while the tip almost reaches her cervix with each thrust.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena moans lewdly as Willow screams when Strike kicks things off, perfectly happy to let Willow be raped by the arachnids. It was almost like a ritual at this point for joining the family. And... A price of having giant spiders for friends, there was the occasional rape, not a bad thing really considering how much fun it was~.

Helena was shaken from her musings as she was happily mounted by her new friend, gasping and arching as Fenrir happily hopped up and stuffed her, his thick length spreading her as she groaned and pushed back against him, watching Willow get her first taste of the Arachnids as Fenrir got his first taste of willing demon.

Clenching her inner walls tightly around Fenrir, moaning and gasping as he took her fairly gently all things considered, Helena rolled her hips and bucked back against the wolf with every thrust, her lust quickly building as Willow stopped screaming and started moaning, giving in to her helpless situation and rape as the Spiders had their fun.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Initially gentle, Fenrir starts pounding Helena harder and harder, pushing the thick knot against her as Willow hits her first orgasm, then second and third. Helena can see Willow's stomach starting to stretch as eggs slide into her just as Fenrir pushes harder, forcing Helena's cervix to part as the knot slides in, getting stuck as Fenrir's balls start pumping Helena full of his seed. Even as Willow's belly stretches more and more until the spiders finally finish and pull out, Helena's womb continues to be filled with thick wolf-cum as Fenrir's thick member twitches is continuous orgasm.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena's moaning turns into a clipped gasping and panting as she watches Willow pushed into climax after climax, the Spiders taking her completely, her stomach slowly expanding as egg after egg was shoved into her helpless body until she was completely full, leaving her hanging there in the web, full of eggs as Fenrir began to pound her, his thick length pistoning into her body harder and harder, faster and faster, until, with a scream of pleasure to match it, he hilted himself and came, Helena cumming at the exact same time as his thick knot shoved into her and his rod pierced her inner gates, hot cum flooding her womb as he tied her and filled her with squirt, after squirt of his seed, there seeming to be no end to it. And tied as she was to the large canine, the was nothing she could do except buck and writhe in her climax as her womb just continued to fill...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Fenrir wags happily as his seed fills Helena. The two spiders finally pull out, leaving Willow hanging there helplessly as they head back to the camp.

After half an hour, Fenrir's knot deflates and he pulls out, giving Helena's pussy a couple licks before jogging away.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena shudders as Fenrir finally slips free, his knot deflating and letting his cum spill from her spread flower as he laps at her a couple times. He was fun... Looking at Willow, Helpless in the web, Helena stood on shaky legs and went about setting her free, gently lowering her to the ground after Helena had managed to get her loose and pulling the silk gag from her mouth. "Well~? How does it feel to carry a clutch of eggs~?" Helena said grinning. "All of us have carried several now, I quite enjoy it, But I have to ask, how did they catch you? Last I saw they were stringing the strand between the trees nearer camp." Helena asked curiously
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Willow collapses to the ground, looking exhausted. "It's not as bad as I expected. And the spiders used that string as a slingshot to throw me to a web."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"They shot you out of a slingshot!? Bwhahahahahaha, That's new even for that pair!" Helena said bursting out laughing, imagining Willow flying through the air to land on the web. "O gods that is funny! And then they turned you into another egg incubator!" Helena said smiling and rubbing Willow's rounded belly.

"They don't take too long to come out, just be ready for a ride when they do~ Besides, that's basically become normal for us now, just another way to waste some time~" Helena said smiling and teasing.

"I did tell you to just relax, and even joined you in the fun! That wolf is good~" Helena said grinning.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Willow sighs and leans against a tree. "I suppose I should have expected something like this to happen. Just not so soon."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Expected? Cindy was downright shocked when she got her first, and even I'M Surprised it happened so soon, they must think you're as cute as I do~" Helena teased, cleaning up the cum still dripping from her own flower with a simple cantrip and sitting down nearby. "But hey! Rather egged then eaten~" Helena said grinning.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Willow grins. "That webbing is nice and tight. I'd like to see you properly caught in it some time."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena blushes and grins, looking a little sheepishly at Willow. "It is, I love it~ And trust me, it happens to me often, you'll have plenty of chances to enjoy the scenery" Helena says still grinning. "You look lovely wrapped up by the way" Helena teased as she relaxed, just reaching out to hold Willow's hand as she lazed about and enjoyed the quiet.