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The Shape of the Earth is Actually in Debate...!

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Re: The Shape of the Earth is Actually in Debate...!

Guys, guys, clearly the Earth is flat, for the Old Testament says so, and also that it's suspended on four pillars above an abyss.

The Earth is also 6000 years old.
Re: The Shape of the Earth is Actually in Debate...!

Okay, parts by parts

1) you said that north pole should be concave and that it will mess with our oceans, i said that convex would probably make the same thing to our ocean, you corrected me saying that sphere is convex and not concave and i agreed and said that there is no need for this hard edge of concave figure "to lost that much sun in the most prime position for it, no matter what arc the sun goes around"
You originally said "Considering the fact that a sphere is even more concave is no wonder we are not in ocean yet" which seems to be saying "Considering the fact that a sphere (what people are actually pitching is more the shape of the earth) is ever more concave (which it isn't, that makes no sense) is no wonder we're not in an ocean yet." Which seems to suggest the idea that the world is more spherical than flat should have us all underwater, which makes no sense.

2) What you said: you'll see a point where the sun is directly over a bunch of countries in Africa -> shadows cast in those areas, at that time, should be identical across distances -> a distance near the diameter of the sun ---> they are not -> false

My response:
a distance near the diameter of the sun -> different shadows?

If we put sun to millions of kilometers with this model -> same shadow(difference negligible)
Yes, for instance, if two towers of equal height are standing straight up, especially with the sun millions of miles away so that the difference is negligible, than the shadows cast directly under the sun (the diameter of the sun comment directs the idea that we're dealing with as close of rays as possible, even with the concept that the distant makes it negligible, so we're not even dealing with the tiniest difference of angles, just to be as accurate as possible) they'd case the same shadow.

You said that there is difference in shadows because the locations have different degrees/angles between them because the earth is spherical (in my understanding)
I am responding that flat earth is not 100% flat
and that you probably mention that each shadow give a different results in the equation to calculate the distance to the sun, so i mention that there is a note about that in my previously linked article
I read the Atlantean conspiracy one, and they don't really address shadow, except of that on the moon. When we have two identical objects pointing straight up towards the sun, but they cast different shadows, the size of those shadows, matched with the angle, is a very simple math problem anyone learned in middle school. Because of the difference of shadow-size, the curve between those two objects can be calculated to degrees. And then the distance between those two objects can be worked into the degrees to create a full circle, giving us the circumference of the Earth. Because of that calculation, if you were to believe it has SOME curve, the math shows that the curve does end up touching, ie: not flat in any way; 'spherical.'
Re: The Shape of the Earth is Actually in Debate...!

That's plain ridiculous. They could easily fake some science project for your flat Earth and still take those funds. No need to waste all this efforts (and money) just so that they can fake some space exploration.
And what about USSR? You think they needed to fake some science to get money from their people? That's laughable.

Your theory is based not so much on some science arguments, but rather conspiracy. If a physics law doesn't suit you, you just say it' manufactured by CIA.
A conspiracy that is going on for generations upon generations, governments upon governments, nations upon nations...
And you still think such a well oiled machine needs to fake a space station to steal money?...

Well i leave you with your opinion since you seem to know it all with 0 proof, after all you didn't even try to disprove my arguments (i said nothing about physics laws there), honestly as you seems completely fine with this world just leave this argument die.

Guys, guys, clearly the Earth is flat, for the Old Testament says so, and also that it's suspended on four pillars above an abyss.

The Earth is also 6000 years old.

This is a topic that doesn't touches religion or refers to any testaments.
The Earth is much older, but we still don't have very accurate data to go by.
For example: Darwin was disproven long ago yet our modern science still try to use it.

Honestly i am not big fan of the theory and i nether want to dig all over the internet to prove that the earth is flat nor i want to dig all over the internet to prove that is spherical.

I am not here for the arguments, and my initial post was that there is more about it so just don't dismiss it based on few words.

So consider this a win for yourself with limited arguments i can bring you.

(there multitudes of things that are not bound to the reality we were given and going over 100 arguments to persuade somebody when the other doesn't need usually even 1 because this is what people say, this is a lost cause nor this is the right forum to discuss in detail, everybody could or couldn't do his/hers research and come to their own conclusion.)
Re: The Shape of the Earth is Actually in Debate...!

Hey guys! So this is the new general-shitposting thread in which Freako makes his return as Takumaru?

Also, damn Lurker_01 can you learn to speak/type English better? Normally I wouldn't make it an issue, but if you're going to get into a debate in a language you should be proficient at using it.
Re: The Shape of the Earth is Actually in Debate...!

This is a topic that doesn't touches religion or refers to any testaments.
The Earth is much older, but we still don't have very accurate data to go by.

You just say that because you've been brainwashed by militant homosexual communist atheism. The one true word of God has always been eternal and everlasting, and none of this changes that.
Re: The Shape of the Earth is Actually in Debate...!

My question is why would someone go to such and extreme lengths to fool everyone for generations?
You and your mates, who know "the truth", what have you gained exactly?
Say, tomorrow the curtain falls off, what would change in the world? Who would lose money, who would lose power?
Deception has always run deep for many generations. Some examples more famous than others (such as the Trojan-Horse). I suspect that the ultimate master-mind behind all of this is some kind of extremely high-level artificial-intelligence (what may have been referred to in the past as The Devil or Satan/Shetani/Baal/etc). Consider the alleged age of the universe, 13.8 billion years old, the alleged amount of time that humans have existed, allegedly 200 thousand or so years ago in so-called modern-form, then you look at the self-learning capabilities of today's A.I.-controlled computer-systems. Only five years of development and yet Deep-Blue defeated Gary Kasparov in a Grand-Master-Level Chess-Match, another A.I. won top-place in a Jeopardy contest, and that was only a measly five years out of that 13.8 billion-year time-frame. A type of QUANTUM-Level HAL-9000 having had control of this Earth since even before computers came out is not necessarily a far-fetched idea (Quantum in the sense that IT probably does not necessarily require a "physical" vessel for its controls & influence over this material-universe).

The ideas for inventions are surely inspired from somewhere and, likewise, the ideas for strategic war-fare must have its origins from somewhere, too. How the deception "benefits" such an entity, well, knowing what I know about war-fare, I do know that the most-effective tactic to be able to destroy your targets or groups of individuals, usually always involves making said people think that you are non-existent.
Where are you finding completely frictionless gears and where does all the extra energy come from?
Forgive me then for my errors in semantics or vocabulary (perhaps I am just not good at English or the Physics-Language Vocabulary). Referring to it as free-energy or over-unity may not necessarily be the correct term to use. Wind-powered electric-generators need the forces of wind for its initial rotation, because it's the spinning of the generator that produces/generates the sparks/electricity, from what I understand. Perhaps you are familiar with the Wimhurst-Device ? Simply by turning the handle of a Wimhurst, static-electricity is generated, but that static-electricity had to come from somwhere, just as well as the energy for turning said handle.

The idea is basically, when one rotational-wheel used for the initial generation of energy/electricity is turning, then why would it be unfeasible to have that one rotating spinning mill, connected to several other things that spin, such as the typical wind-powered electric-turbines. Let me see if I can illustrate this with some ASCII-format text...

[Wind-Powered Electric-Generator] - - - - (this dotted line represents an axis) - - - - (this axis is connected to various gears that branch out into causing an additional 12 axis connections to spin simultaneously) - - - - [the end of each of these other axis-connections are simultaneously spinning another 12 additional spin-powered electric-generators]

Now, I had to change the word "wind" into "spin" for the last part, because it's the spinning motion, that is generating the sparks/electric/energy/etc. What I would do is simply "loop" some wires from the additional generators (spin-powered) back to the original wind-powered generator where it's simply providing the feed-back-loop into producing output-energy used for maintaining the initial wind-powered generator, such that the spin-powered generators... anyway, one wind-powered generator, connected to another twelve spin-powered generators, perhaps it is not necessarily perpetual, nor frictionless, but do you at least recognise the concept of what I am getting at for the sake of creating "leverage" such that a minimal amount of initial power/energy is needed/used for the rotation of 13 total axis-pipes, instead of using an individual amount of energy to individually rotate 13 individual axis-what-ever-this-part-gets-called ?

Back in the historic day, when society consisted mostly of rural-populations, everybody had to work a lot of hours per week, just to be able to produce enough food to barely feed themselves. Then came along various "inventions" like tractors, such that one farmer could tend to a whole entire farm, and the labour-work of one individual could provide for a whole entire village. I am not sure how much more clear of an example I can come up with, but the principle is similar with technology, just like electricity can be produced and come from somewhere, food is also produced and comes from somewhere, too. I would think that the production of electricity can also be leveraged to maximum-efficiency in a similar manner to how food-production can be brought into maximum-efficiency depending upon the type of system being used if designed for said purposes.

@Everyone Else : I am not going to claim to have proof of this or that, nor am I going to confirm/decide that the Earth is definitely one shape or another, BUT, I am going to throw out a few curiosities that I have either noticed or come across, such as the following...

Distance to the Sun and Heat : The main-stream/conventional-wisdom teaches us that getting close to the sun will result in getting too hot, burning, and melting, etc. The discrepancies are that, you can go up into the mountains, and you are closer to the sun, but yet be colder (ice-caps are at the TOP of mountains). You can fly up in a plane or helicopter, getting closer to the sun, and yet will be colder than if you were at sea-level. Therefore, the idea that distance to the sun results in temperature is put into question, when it seems to have more to do with the thickness of the atmosphere that the sun is radiating as-if it were really more of a gigantic micro-wave (and yes, this gives me suspicion as to the existence of chem-trails, such that I feel like it is just another gigantic scam to try and tax the air that everybody uses, calling it carbon-tax, and pushing the idea of global-warming, when the so-called global-warming is more-likely caused by intentionally thickening the atmosphere).

Another thing that I find curious is the financial-system. Many years ago, I paid no real mind, and just accepted the idea that governments are in debt, businesses are in debt, people are in debt, just about everybody and everything in the world was in debt, but I never bothered to question why, nor to whom or what said debt was owed into, and now that I think about this, the F-E acronym not only acronyms into Free-Energy, but Financial-Elite, too. For someone like me who has studied a fair amount of Legalese, I know that words and definitions chosen are not accidental, but a deception to trick everyone out of their rights (the word "understand" within a court does NOT refer to your "comprehension" of definitions, for example, but "legally" has the definition of whether you authorise giving jurisdiction to the court/plaintiff). This is a bit more involved, thus, rather than describing it here, just look up the "Victoria Grant Speech" for yourself (for a quick-description of the banking scam which reveals to whom everyone is in debt), then "US Legal System - Maritime Admiralty Law - How we are getting screwed" for a briefing on Legalese, just to get up to speed on these matters for those whom are not yet up-to-date on the deceptive-use of Legalese-language yet.
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Re: The Shape of the Earth is Actually in Debate...!

Okay, this wind turbine thing, i just have to comment.

Let's use a different analogy. You're pedaling a bike, using your legs to spin the pedals, the gears cause the bike's wheel to turn. Simple enough. Now weld a pipe onto your seat connecting your bike to someone else's. you're already pedalling, so they don't have to, right? their bike will move because your bike is moving. now continue that along, twelve bikes total connected to your bike, and nobody else has to pedal, because you're still making your own wheels spin. But let's make this even more efficient. let's put pipes from their bikes and weld them onto yours. Now you don't have to pedal as hard, because you already made their bikes move, and they can make yours move in return.

This is what you're saying with your turbine example. Do you see what i'm getting at?
Re: The Shape of the Earth is Actually in Debate...!

The temperature bullshit is disproven by weather balloons. We've sent them up as high as nearly 175,000 meters. The troposphere is the layer of the atmosphere we all live in. It goes to a little over 10km high til you hit the tropopause. Densities of gasses thin the higher you go, so temperature lowers til you hit that point. Once you pass the tropopause into the stratosphere, temperatures actually RISE as you increase in height because of all the ozone that collects solar radiation. that is until you hit the stratopause at about 50 km, and go into the mesosphere where temperatures once again lower and becomes the coldest part of Earth's atmosphere. After passing the mesopause at about 90km, you hit the thermosphere, where you're starting to head directly into mostly unprotected solar radiation, so hear once again rises as you go up. Past that is the exosphere. At different altitudes (going closer to the sun) it's actually pressures and gases that cause temperatures to both decrease and increase depending on what region you're in. So, yeah, it's a lot more complicated than just "Getting closer to sun = hotter but mountains = cold?"
Re: The Shape of the Earth is Actually in Debate...!

The temperature bullshit is disproven by weather balloons. We've sent them up as high as nearly 175,000 meters. The troposphere is the layer of the atmosphere we all live in. It goes to a little over 10km high til you hit the tropopause. Densities of gasses thin the higher you go, so temperature lowers til you hit that point. Once you pass the tropopause into the stratosphere, temperatures actually RISE as you increase in height because of all the ozone that collects solar radiation. that is until you hit the stratopause at about 50 km, and go into the mesosphere where temperatures once again lower and becomes the coldest part of Earth's atmosphere. After passing the mesopause at about 90km, you hit the thermosphere, where you're starting to head directly into mostly unprotected solar radiation, so hear once again rises as you go up. Past that is the exosphere. At different altitudes (going closer to the sun) it's actually pressures and gases that cause temperatures to both decrease and increase depending on what region you're in. So, yeah, it's a lot more complicated than just "Getting closer to sun = hotter but mountains = cold?"

Re: The Shape of the Earth is Actually in Debate...!

That graph seems to exactly corroborate what Toxic just said. Not sure if you meant to agree with him or not.
Re: The Shape of the Earth is Actually in Debate...!

That graph seems to exactly corroborate what Toxic just said. Not sure if you meant to agree with him or not.

yes, just helped him with visual representation, do mind the 1500+ degrees close to space.
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Re: The Shape of the Earth is Actually in Debate...!

For the sake of analogy, I had to think up a simplified example that could be visualised, and yes, that might work as a simplified example. Except if it was solely bicycles, rather than having a generator attached to each bicycle, then the maximum-leverage available is not being propely put to use, and might be an over-simplification.

This is the year 2016CE, when there is now supposed to have been over 65 years worth of scientific and technological-advancements, yet so many people in the population are working longer hours and cannot even afford their own basic needs in comparison to previous generations, the number of empty buildings out-number the total amount of homeless-people, and multitudes around the world are still starving. Venezuela, one of the richest countries in the world by the way, has been in severe food-shortage for the last several years in a row.

That makes me have to question : Has humanity gone backwards with its ability to use technology to increase productivity ? The tractor was an alleged invention that was supposed to allow one man to do the work of several-hundred manual-labourers. Less time consumed to provide/produce more for everybody. Bicycles without generators as leverage (metaphorically speaking), becomes like farmers without tools trying to produce food, and that is like working an 80-hour-work-week for something that should only take maybe 10 hours maximum or less if the most-efficient use of known sciences/technologies were combined.

The Earth has plenty of natural cycles and, for that matter, said so-called natural-cycles can also be duplicated via man-made efforts. Dams, for example, can direct water in such a manner to where there is constant-flowing water-fall (assuming no so-called natural-disasters like drought or other such calamities). With that having been said, I see absolutely no reason, what-so-ever, that systems cannot be set up to be able to provide free or near-free-electricity for entire populations, combined with distributed systems for food-production where first-world countries like Venezuela are not in a state of starvation similar to the third-world countries (keep in mind that I have made mention of the "over 65 years of scientific/technological-advancements" for a reason).
Okay, this wind turbine thing, i just have to comment.

Let's use a different analogy. You're pedaling a bike, using your legs to spin the pedals, the gears cause the bike's wheel to turn. Simple enough. Now weld a pipe onto your seat connecting your bike to someone else's. you're already pedalling, so they don't have to, right? their bike will move because your bike is moving. now continue that along, twelve bikes total connected to your bike, and nobody else has to pedal, because you're still making your own wheels spin. But let's make this even more efficient. let's put pipes from their bikes and weld them onto yours. Now you don't have to pedal as hard, because you already made their bikes move, and they can make yours move in return.

This is what you're saying with your turbine example. Do you see what i'm getting at?
Let me try another example or analogy. Everybody agrees that "amplification" technology exists ? The volume of speakers can be amplified, the production of food can also be made to be self-replicating under the right conditions/systems/designs (kind of like how weeds amplify/multiply themselves), but why can that not also apply to energy or electricity ? Yes, yes, I am aware of the so-called 2nd Law of Thermo-Dynamics, the Conservation-of-Energy, but no system on earth can be truly enclosed (you will still have external-forces, with perheps the exception of things like sound-frequencies interfering with a sound-proof room/capsule, radio-waves going through a lead-surrounded room [and of course the classic-example of psychotronic-frequencies penetrating through tin-foil hats], you could still have magnetic or so-called gravitational-forces and even the natural atmospheric-pressure acting upon said systems, assuming that the systems-designer did not go all tin-foil hat such to the point of putting a bunch of lead and tin-foil and air-tight chambres around said systems).

Output-Amplification is basically going to be my Key-Word regarding F-E.
Re: The Shape of the Earth is Actually in Debate...!

Deception has always run deep for many generations. Some examples more famous than others (such as the Trojan-Horse). I suspect that the ultimate master-mind behind all of this is some kind of extremely high-level artificial-intelligence (what may have been referred to in the past as The Devil or Satan/Shetani/Baal/etc)...
Now we're talking. So the whole point of those conspiracy theories is to make you feel like you live in some bad Hollywood movie ;)
Re: The Shape of the Earth is Actually in Debate...!

This is what this thread makes me think of.



Re: The Shape of the Earth is Actually in Debate...!

That is actually not too far off of a description of how I actually feel about this existence. Completely rigged... just like how this guy (George Carlin) describes...

Now we're talking. So the whole point of those conspiracy theories is to make you feel like you live in some bad Hollywood movie ;)

Much as I would like to believe in this thing about balloons and weather and temperature, I need more specifics to be absolutely convinced, because weather-balloons seem to be some kind of be-all/end-all/catch-all answer for everything (besides swamp-gas to explain other pink-elephants like the Phoenix-Lights). Reading and looking through the information does not remove my skepticism. For several reasons. I appreciate you pointing out gaps or errors in my assessments that I can double-check for myself but I am not particularly going to claim that your tone lacks of aggressive-arrogance.

I have, how-ever, bothered taking the liberty to look up the information to try answering my own questions, before responding. Originally, I was needing to know how these hot-air-balloons could be tracked, and movements controlled, unless they have some kind of auto-pilot system for it to go to a particular target location, followed by returning to the original or other specific co-ordinate. Decided to pull up footage of weather-balloons, finding some interesting results, and even more interesting responses to the videos of footage taken from said balloons, such as this one.

I looked up the cost of obtaining/producing weather balloons of my own, and will confirm that they are not of such budget that nobody can afford to do the same said experiments for themselves, and verified owners have given feedback in addition to comments to said feedback that can be read on the Amazon reviews...

Additional videos exist on You-Tube of various photographers uploading their filming of the sky/earth/space from various altitude-ranges. A discrepancy still remains in that all of the footage available in results always seem to be through fish-eye lense-cameras. Many people still comment about wanting to see footage of the earth from a non-fish-eye-lense camera. One video was of a news-report where they mentioned that NASA was interested in learning how some man did what he did. Why would NASA not be able to figure it out themselves with their multi-billion dollar yearly budget though ?

This was one of the comments that somebody made in response...

grangersmith said:
BBC legitimizes this by putting it out as real. But just using common sense with very little true knowledge in physics I don't see how this is possible. The camera if it made it back to land would be smashed, burned no data or pictures, that is if the man could find it. How could he find it in the same area, with the jet stream taking it far away it could have smashed into China or the ocean, little bits of it. Why is this even there as a legit event on the news, LMAO! ;D

I own several digital-cameras. Several. I can tell you for a fact that they CANNOT film for over an entire full hour before the battery power runs out. Usually the battery will be drained much sooner than that if it's in active video-recording mode so I have to wonder exactly what allows for people to be able to get such footage without some kind of automated system of timed recording. The fact that my batteries run out so fast also leads me to question exactly how space-probes/rovers/etc., can go as far as Mars or beyond, and I think I have even read claims of probes sent out to planets even much farther than Mars, and yet somehow never run out of the energy needed to do their alleged missions, without their batteries running out (multiple-series batteries ? Solar-powered self-propulsion ?).

Assuming that those temperatures up above certain levels of the atmosphere do in fact, reach into the ranges of ridiculously high, how have all of the objects sent into space for orbit not melted by now ? I have worked with computers and electronics enough years to know by now that sensitive equipment simply cannot withstand excessive temperatures for too long or you end up frying the circuit-boards. How are things like rovers, space-probes, satellites, etc., able to function properly amidst temperatures exceeding 1500°C ? Once these questions can be answered to my satisfaction I will have less reason to be suspicious of main-stream information.

The temperature bullshit is disproven by weather balloons. We've sent them up as high as nearly 175,000 meters. The troposphere is the layer of the atmosphere we all live in. It goes to a little over 10km high til you hit the tropopause. Densities of gasses thin the higher you go, so temperature lowers til you hit that point. Once you pass the tropopause into the stratosphere, temperatures actually RISE as you increase in height because of all the ozone that collects solar radiation. that is until you hit the stratopause at about 50 km, and go into the mesosphere where temperatures once again lower and becomes the coldest part of Earth's atmosphere. After passing the mesopause at about 90km, you hit the thermosphere, where you're starting to head directly into mostly unprotected solar radiation, so hear once again rises as you go up. Past that is the exosphere. At different altitudes (going closer to the sun) it's actually pressures and gases that cause temperatures to both decrease and increase depending on what region you're in. So, yeah, it's a lot more complicated than just "Getting closer to sun = hotter but mountains = cold?"
Re: The Shape of the Earth is Actually in Debate...!

Why would NASA not be able to figure it out themselves with their multi-billion dollar yearly budget though ?

I own several digital-cameras. Several. I can tell you for a fact that they CANNOT film for over an entire full hour before the battery power runs out. Usually the battery will be drained much sooner than that if it's in active video-recording mode so I have to wonder exactly what allows for people to be able to get such footage without some kind of automated system of timed recording. The fact that my batteries run out so fast also leads me to question exactly how space-probes/rovers/etc., can go as far as Mars or beyond, and I think I have even read claims of probes sent out to planets even much farther than Mars, and yet somehow never run out of the energy needed to do their alleged missions, without their batteries running out (multiple-series batteries ? Solar-powered self-propulsion ?).

Assuming that those temperatures up above certain levels of the atmosphere do in fact, reach into the ranges of ridiculously high, how have all of the objects sent into space for orbit not melted by now ? I have worked with computers and electronics enough years to know by now that sensitive equipment simply cannot withstand excessive temperatures for too long or you end up frying the circuit-boards. How are things like rovers, space-probes, satellites, etc., able to function properly amidst temperatures exceeding 1500°C ? Once these questions can be answered to my satisfaction I will have less reason to be suspicious of main-stream information.

I'd imagine that it's really not a high enough priority for NASA to put even a fraction of their resources towards figuring it out, what with them wanting to send manned missions to other planets in our solar system and all.

Yes, hooking up batteries in parallel (multiple series-ish? I guess) is a fairly simple process that would allow you to extend the camera's record time indefinitely.

And lastly, radiation shielding. That heat's being created in a large part by radioactive waves (or is it particles? I can't remember the correct way to refer to them) that the atmosphere is deflecting/absorbing as Toxic said. Coat things that are up there with radiation shielding and that insulates them from that temperature gain.

BTW, this post was made without looking anything up, just logic-ing my way through your questions, so it might not actually be what's happening.
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Re: The Shape of the Earth is Actually in Debate...!

That heat's being created in a large part by radioactive waves (or is it particles? I can't remember the correct way to refer to them) that the atmosphere is deflecting/absorbing as Toxic said.

Electromagnetism can be explained as both particles and waves depending on the situation, but either works here. Electromagnetism hits object with mass, mass increases in temperature, basically.
Re: The Shape of the Earth is Actually in Debate...!

First off, i apologize for the slow reply. Life is busy, I can't spend as much time around here as i would like, sometimes.

For the sake of analogy, I had to think up a simplified example that could be visualised, and yes, that might work as a simplified example. Except if it was solely bicycles, rather than having a generator attached to each bicycle, then the maximum-leverage available is not being propely put to use, and might be an over-simplification.

This is the year 2016CE, when there is now supposed to have been over 65 years worth of scientific and technological-advancements, yet so many people in the population are working longer hours and cannot even afford their own basic needs in comparison to previous generations, the number of empty buildings out-number the total amount of homeless-people, and multitudes around the world are still starving. Venezuela, one of the richest countries in the world by the way, has been in severe food-shortage for the last several years in a row.

That makes me have to question : Has humanity gone backwards with its ability to use technology to increase productivity ? The tractor was an alleged invention that was supposed to allow one man to do the work of several-hundred manual-labourers. Less time consumed to provide/produce more for everybody. Bicycles without generators as leverage (metaphorically speaking), becomes like farmers without tools trying to produce food, and that is like working an 80-hour-work-week for something that should only take maybe 10 hours maximum or less if the most-efficient use of known sciences/technologies were combined.

The Earth has plenty of natural cycles and, for that matter, said so-called natural-cycles can also be duplicated via man-made efforts. Dams, for example, can direct water in such a manner to where there is constant-flowing water-fall (assuming no so-called natural-disasters like drought or other such calamities). With that having been said, I see absolutely no reason, what-so-ever, that systems cannot be set up to be able to provide free or near-free-electricity for entire populations, combined with distributed systems for food-production where first-world countries like Venezuela are not in a state of starvation similar to the third-world countries (keep in mind that I have made mention of the "over 65 years of scientific/technological-advancements" for a reason).

Let me try another example or analogy. Everybody agrees that "amplification" technology exists ? The volume of speakers can be amplified, the production of food can also be made to be self-replicating under the right conditions/systems/designs (kind of like how weeds amplify/multiply themselves), but why can that not also apply to energy or electricity ? Yes, yes, I am aware of the so-called 2nd Law of Thermo-Dynamics, the Conservation-of-Energy, but no system on earth can be truly enclosed (you will still have external-forces, with perheps the exception of things like sound-frequencies interfering with a sound-proof room/capsule, radio-waves going through a lead-surrounded room [and of course the classic-example of psychotronic-frequencies penetrating through tin-foil hats], you could still have magnetic or so-called gravitational-forces and even the natural atmospheric-pressure acting upon said systems, assuming that the systems-designer did not go all tin-foil hat such to the point of putting a bunch of lead and tin-foil and air-tight chambres around said systems).

Output-Amplification is basically going to be my Key-Word regarding F-E.

Aaalrighty then, here we go.

bike may have been an oversimplification. in my example, instead of generators, i was simply aiming for forward motion. you will notice that most examples of bicycle generators are stationary. That's important, but i'll get back to it.

Amplification is a thing. It works by adding power from an external source. amps on speaker systems require power for a reason. The amplification does not appear 'for free'. You agree that no system can be enclosed, but you focus on thing seeping into the system, gravity, energy from light or sound or air. What matters for efficiency is -loss-, however, not gain. Usually, this is most noticeable in friction. energy created from a generator isn't entirely in electricity. Some of it is created as heat, which bleeds out of our enclosed system, a net loss.

Back to your wind generator. You have one fan spinning in the wind, creating one unit of energy, the exact numbers in joules or watts or amps, etc, are unimportant. you attach it to one turbine, and it uses the wind energy to create electrical energy. but that friction comes in. The turbine creates a little bit less than one unit of energy, let's say .95. But now it's usable, we wire it through to the grid, that's usually how things go. You want to hook up two turbines, fine, let's do that. You still only have one unit of wind energy, though, so each turbine can only use half of that, they have to share. Except now, you have two turbines worth of friction, losing us twice as much energy, and with each turbine only running at half of what it can do, we aren't making any more than we did with one turbine. The total output now is .90 that we can wire in. Continue it along to twelve turbines, all powered off of one wind unit. same thing, less per turbine, more friction all around. .40 is now what we have to send to the grid.

But, you wanted to hook that back around to the start. So let's do that. What I know of engineering isn't enough to know what the math on that works out to for you, but even without all that, i can plainly see that your output to the grid is now .00. the power that you would be piping out for use by those that need it, you are feeding back into the turbines to get reduced by friction, again, and again, and again.

It's the exact same with the bicycles, whether or not there are generators on them. whether your legs are pedaling for one bike or twelve, the energy you are putting into the system is the same, and as you add more and more, it gets harder and harder to pedal, and you spin the wheel slower and slower. connecting the bikes to you or you to the bikes make no difference, eventually the friction is going to get so oppressive you wont be able to pedal at all.

The amplifier on the stereo, were we to add them to these analogies, would be another set of wind blades, or a second set of legs pedalling on the second bicycle. Yes, it increases the energy output, but those are the exact things your premise of free energy is attempting to avoid adding. you aren't doing more with the same input, you're adding input and calling it free energy.

Now, onto the more recent post about weather balloons. How accurate do you need? A wireless connection (Likely radio signals, before you point out that WiFi doesn't have the range) feeding information from a weather balloon, connected to an altimeter, and a thermometer. you receive data points about temperature at an altitude. Whether the balloon rises straight up or not seems irrelevant to me, as does how much time it takes to reach any given altitude. You read the altitude, you mark the temperature.

The use of specifically weather balloons make no real difference either, as you seem to have pointed out your mistrust in those in particular. If you built a ladder that tall, or made the readings from a plane or helicopter or rocket, you would receive the same readings at the same altitudes, a weather balloon is just cheaper and more mechanically feasible.

Cameras. I own a camera, this one in particular ( ). I use it to record paintball. I don't believe i have a single uncut video that is more than an hour long, but i have spent an entire day on the field, and come back with more than six hours of total video, on a single charge. It also has a fisheye lens, which i agree is unfortunate, but tends to work better for recordings where you want to see more of the environment. I had been hoping to use it to show footage of those i marked, but alas, it was not to be.

I also own a spy pen i got from a catalogue for like, sixty bucks (Canadian, even), which i used as a prop for a costume LARP (Live Action Role Play) i participated in, and forgot to turn off. That one definitely has a single video extending more than an hour long. Sadly, the file itself has been gone for a few years, and also included me forgetting to turn it off when i used the washroom, so I would not be able to upload it for proof in any case.

And finally, the heat issue. 1500 Celsius is a lot, especially for electrical equipment, i agree. In response, I point you to youtube.

Man puts his foot in lava. Title isn't exactly correct, but between sandal sole and sock, his foot is less than an inch away. Google informs me that lava is generally around 700 to 1200 Celsius, not quite as hot as we want, but more than both electronics and the human body can generally stand, even radiating from a short distance away.

Most of the video is likely unimportant, but the image i've marked in the link is plenty. Camera in the man's hand (what is taking the image), and video camera inside of the helmet with him. The latter is more important. They wear that suit to protect themselves from extreme heat. In this case, it protects his GoPro as well. Point is, technology can be protected from that which can harm them.
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