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The Knight's Tale (Huldah)

Re: The Knight's Tale (Huldah)

Huldah rested against the tree as her breath slowed to a more normal rate. Still her heart and her mind raced with the events of the evening. What had the friar done to her father, he would never harm her she knew. But that look in his eyes as he was ordered to grab her said otherwise. She watched as one Daniel galloped off to the forest alone and as the male companion sped off back towards the town. Strange she thought as she watched them, though she and the horse's breath steamed in the cold air it seemed that the knight's did not.

She looked at the female companion who she assumed must be Emma as she got down from her horse and moved to where she could watch Daniel as he sped off. The contrast of her dark hair and dreadfully pale skin made her almost look like a ghost as she stood there silently. She turned and listened as Huldah suggested she should go with Daniel but simply shook her head as she aloofly said.

"Daniel can take care of himself I assure you. Not to mention I dare not gainsay my commander's orders. If he wishes you to remain safe then it will be done."
Re: The Knight's Tale (Huldah)

Huldah just gave a nod at Emma's response, starting to shiver slightly as the aadrenaline wore off, the sweat on her skin starting to cool in the night air. "Well, I hope he'll be alright, regardless. Perhaps we should move inside, though? Or I could bid you three a stay at our home, instead. Might not be as comfortable as the inn, but there's feed for yourself and the horses, all free of course. For the aid." She replied. She thought of Sir Daniel bringing her father back, free of that evil friar's influence. Surely that was the least they could offer.
Re: The Knight's Tale (Huldah)

A thin smile crept across Emma's pale lips as she continued to stare out into the cold void that Sir Daniel had ridden into. She was dressed in clothing that seemed far to thin to hold back the cold air yet her breath did not steam as Huldah's did, nor did she seem bothered by the cold in the least. An eery feeling crept into Huldah's gut as she wondered what all of this could mean.

"You should be careful of who you offer shelter and food to. Some might take unfair advantage of a good heart. There are things out there that enjoy nothing more than to corrupt the good-hearted into something evil. Much like what has been done to your father."
Re: The Knight's Tale (Huldah)

The woman's words and the odd things about her seemed to sink into Huldah all at once, a shiver passing through her body as she grew more defensive again. "But, you're with Sir Daniel, certainly you aren't trying to compare yourself to the monsters led by that friar?" She asked slowly, staying where she was for the time being.
Re: The Knight's Tale (Huldah)

Emma thought for a moment before turning and looking coldly at Huldah, a tinge of color appeared in her cheeks as a sudden burst of steamy breath came out while she spoke.

"I did not mean to alarm you by my words. However it is true that Daniel and I do share certain similarities with this friar. There are just as many differences though. While he seeks to corrupt and harm those with good hearts, Daniel protects those who would be most harmed by such foulness. I do not often protect people as my talents are better spent in eliminating the source of this corruption."

Emma turned once more to stare back into the endless night as she added. "If you wish to warm yourself in the inn it should be alright. Just be careful of who you speak to the friar might have other spies that we do not know of. I will stand guard here until Daniel's return."
Re: The Knight's Tale (Huldah)

Huldah remained silent for a few extra breaths, then nodded. "This time of year, most of the people in the inn will be locals, so it shouldn't be that dangerous." She answered, somewhat confused by Emma's response, but unwilling to ask for clarification.

Instead, she slowly got to her feet again, Giving the woman a careful nod and wrapping her arms around herself as she went for the inn, slipping inside and glancing around before moving to the bar itself.
Re: The Knight's Tale (Huldah)

Emma seemed more concerned with watching the road than with anything Huldah did or said. Though Huldah did catch the word "hopefully" being whispered under Emma's breath as she stepped into the inn.

The warmth of the hearth brought almost immediate relief as Huldah entered. She recognized most of the locals who sat around the smoky room as she entered. Everyone seemed to be in good spirits as they happily chatted and drank. Near the hearth a handsome young man sat softly strumming on a mandolin.

Huldah had never seen this bard before, though it was hardly unusual for a new minstrel to be passing through. With her night going the way it was though perhaps she should be worried.
Re: The Knight's Tale (Huldah)

Normally the smith's daughter loved it when a new bard came through town, but with all that had happened in the night, she was careful to heed Emma's warning about new faces. Spending one of the few coins she had for herself on a cider, she took it to sit at the fire blazing in the hearth, keeping to herself for the time being, though she did her best to give the villagers that called out to her smiles and waves.
Re: The Knight's Tale (Huldah)

Between the warm hearth and the cider, Huldah soon felt the cold of the night drift away. The bard's song was soft and soothing which relaxed her a bit as she listened. Even if her father was acting strange none of the other villagers were, they were all just as happy as they normally were. Oblivious to the strange happenings not more than a mile away.

The last two evenings had been so strange and there were so many new faces in her life. At least Sir Daniel seemed friendly enough even if his allies weren't, of course it did help that he was handsome. Perhaps this was all just a bad dream she thought as she finished the last of her cider. The bard began another song soon after she had finished, it's tune seemed to call to her for some reason. Like it was the most beautiful tune she had ever heard before, she could do little but stare at the bard as he sang.
Re: The Knight's Tale (Huldah)

The music and drink helped Huldah to relax, the woman leaning back to recline against the side of the hearth, feeling the heat seep into her at a nice pace, much slower than the forge at home. As she sat, she processed the events of the past two nights, trying to sort out what all was going on. It felt like a dream, or some odd vision brought on by a fever or sickness...

Her thoughts were interrupted when the minstrel changed tunes. It was light and playful, the notes jumping together seemingly at random, refusing to hold to a pattern Huldah could place. Turning to look at the bard once more, she smiled, enjoying the music as she listened more intently.
Re: The Knight's Tale (Huldah)

The music, the warmth, and the ale did the trick as Huldah's worries and fears seemed smaller in the safety of the inn. She was among friends and people she had known her entire life, she was safe now. Maybe the last two nights really were just a bad dream after all.

The bard's music was so soothing she could sit there and listen for hours if she had the time. She was still worried about her father of course but there was little she could do about it. Sir Daniel seemed to know what he was doing, he was a crusader after all.

She continued listening for what seemed like ages until finally the bard had finished his haunting tune. He bowed to the crowd with a flourish and he even seemed to wink at Huldah before moving off to get something to drink from the innkeeper.
Re: The Knight's Tale (Huldah)

Time passed without Huldah keeping track, her mug drained a while back, but the woman barely noticed, so focused was she on the performance.

And then it was over. The blacksmith's daughter swooned a bit at the look the bard gave her, blushing and looking away briefly, not sure how she felt about feeling singled out like that. The bard went to the bar and not towards her, however, Huldah letting out a small sign of relief. Surely she would have made a fool of herself if he tried making conversation with her. So instead she nursed her empty mug, noting the fire had died down considerably and starting to wonder how Sir Daniel was faring all over again.
Re: The Knight's Tale (Huldah)

The inn darkened considerably as Huldah sat impatiently waiting word from Sir Daniel about her father. It was far later than she had ever stayed at the inn before, since she usually had to rise so early in the day. She was tired and confused by the whole ordeal and must have been half-asleep. For when she next looked up she noticed that the knight's companion, Emma had entered.

She noticed that Emma's gaze shone contemptuously on the bard, who seemed to return the same glare. If Huldah didn't know better she would say they knew each other and more than likely hated each other. Finally Emma looked away and glanced towards her before nodding towards the door. Perhaps Sir Daniel had returned with news of her father and he was outside was all she could think about.
Re: The Knight's Tale (Huldah)

THe smith's concentration had waned, leaning back against the hearth and resting her head against it, the warmth lulling her almost to sleep before she started awake again. She noticed the look her protector gave to the bard, brow creasing a bit at the implications, but she didn't really have time to sort that out at the moment, it seemed. Giving Emma a nod, she stood, leaving her empty mug at the bar and wishing the man a good evening before heading out, glancing around and hoping to see Sir Daniel with her father, safe and sound.
Re: The Knight's Tale (Huldah)

Outside Huldah was disappointed to see neither her father nor Sir Daniel, just more of the cold night and fearful darkness. Emma followed almost immediately behind her and pointed to her horse and saying.

"Sir Daniel has not yet returned but sent word to get you somewhere safer. The minions of Baal are thick in this area it seems and he still hunts for their corrupting source. Can you ride?"
Re: The Knight's Tale (Huldah)

"Sent word, without a messenger?" She asked calmly, glancing around. They did seem to be alone on the road. She did nod at the question, however. "Yes, Father insisted that I learn. Can't see too well in the dark, though, so won't be too fast. Where are we going?" She asked, moving to the horse and climbing up, only a little awkwardly.
Re: The Knight's Tale (Huldah)

"Messengers can be waylaid too easily by the enemy so we tend not to use them during our hunts." Emma responded coolly as she held the horse steady.

Huldah's time in the inn had done nothing to warm the outdoors unfortunately and she shivered a bit as she watched both the horses breath and her own steam in the air. Strangely Emma's did not in fact it almost seemed as if she did not breath at all.

"I can see well enough for us to ride at a fair pace, you get used to the darkness after enough time. We are traveling to the headquarters of our order, there is no place safer from the enemy I assure you." The dreadfully pale woman said as she climbed up behind Huldah. A shiver went down Huldah's spine as the woman seemed to be ice cold but she had little time to think about it before they were moving.
Re: The Knight's Tale (Huldah)

"No messengers..." the woman repeated, a frown crossing her face. How do they get messages between them, then?

She never asked, the odd uncomfortable feeling she had around her temporary guardian continuing, the sense of unease never fully leaving her thoughts. She was a companion to Sir Daniel though, surely everything was fine.

"How far is this trip? We should stop at the forge for supplies. There are still many orders left as well, we shouldn't be gone for too long."
Re: The Knight's Tale (Huldah)

"Our order is headquartered close to the cathedral so it shouldn't be a long trip. Perhaps you will be able to return to your forge tomorrow but for now it is too dangerous." Emma said as she spurred the horse forward and took the road towards Canterbury.

It did make sense that it might be too dangerous to go to the forge right now. However this evening had been so odd and her guardian seemed so strange that Huldah did not feel very reassured. True to her word though they soon found themselves nearing the cathedral.

It had been almost a year since Huldah had last been to the great church with her father. The building while beautiful in the day seemed foreboding and dreary in the night as they rode past. Her companion silent as ever slowed the horse as they got closer to the rear of the cathedral where the monuments and tombstones cast crooked shadows on the ground. Surprisingly this is where Emma stopped and without another word dismounted from behind Huldah.
Re: The Knight's Tale (Huldah)

"Closer than I thought. I guess we could wait a day or two to start the forge up again, but longer than that, and we're going to make people angry with the wait." Huldah replied cautiously. She thought of making small talk during the trip, but short of asking about the odd things she wasn't sure she wanted the answers to, nothing came to mind.

Until they reached the grand cathedral, at least. "You said close, I didn't think you met the cathedral itself." She commented, waiting a moment longer before dismounting. "Unless something is wrong?" She added, unsure why her guardian had dismounted.