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The Right Track (Kathy)

Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

(Oh, you wanted me to go back a turn. *facepalm* my bad. I feel pretty bad about all this trouble. If you still want to go back, I'll just forget these last two posts didn't happen and you can try and stab it. I'm wary of double stab though, as I generally only allow one melee attack per turn)

Leaper passes out = 3 turns

Hit Chance

(On the bright side, you've got the double dice rule here. The roll is literly impossible, therefore you get two dice)

1+11+25 = 37 vs 56 = 1+55

Tab is a bit out of it from the force of the pin, missing the monster.

Pin Attempt

14+55 = 69 vs 49 = 6+18+25

The monster keeps the woman down, using the racks of goods to its advantage.
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

Tab groans softly as she realizes she stands no chance against the thing, quietly struggling less as she hopes her tranq dart will take effect.

(Give up.)
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

(Alright, I'll just write out what happens. I am doing rolls and attacks and things, but it'll just get in the way of the story here)

The monster does something unexpected. As before, the toxin in the dart messes not only with the body, but with the mind. Instead of ripping of Tab's newfound clothes, it extends its tounge out of its mouth, making it much longer then should be physically possible, somehow. It then proceeds to kiss Tab deeply.

The experience is highly pleasureable. The monster is a good kisser. It also starts rubbing Tab's breasts through her shirt. However, just as Tab is about to reach her happy place, being only seconds from orgasm, the monster slumps, knocked out cold by the dart.

(Tab's about 30 pleasure away from orgasm, the monster wasn't even close)
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

Tab groans angrily at the kiss, and the way the monster's caresses seemed to almost be intoxicating, her mind swimming from it, those touches, she'd never been brought so close to climax from so little before in her life...

"You fucking..." she uttered, grabbing the tossed pistol again and walking up to the creature, aiming the gun squarely against the thing's head and pulling the trigger once she was sure there was no way in hell the thing could possibly avoid the shot, putting the beast down for good while keeping bloodsplatter on herself to a minimum.

"Scientist or not... I recognize a threat. And no matter how much I'd like to study filthy beasts like you, I'm sure there'll be plenty more of you around... and one less fucking rapist is one less fucking rapist in the world."

Though she had to admit, she still felt excited by those touches, she was more disgusted by the fact she could be so easily excited, as she turned and moved back towards the junkyard again, pistol at the ready once more, and darts safely tucked away, a small clip of them that was usually meant to go in a tranq gun, stuck gently into her pocket so she could produce additional darts at an instant for combat, taking the extra moment required to top off her supplies before she continued her search, careful to consider what time it was before she was forced to bunker down for the night.
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

No more monsters were around, or they kept their distance as Tab remained unaware, at the very least. The junkyard didn't have much, though there were plenty of broken pipes, those could add to Tab's melee capacity if she felt so inclined to lug one around with her.

The junkyard also had big, heavy gates, allowing it to be somewhat sealed off, in addition to securing the store, as an added measure of saftey. Something could still jump down into the area, but most monsters didn't have that capacity.
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

Tab sighed a bit as she looked over the area, lugging the corpse out of the room she was in and chucking it well out into the street, so as to not corrupt her potential new home. She knew time was not on her side as the sun rolled on.

With transport... sort of... she was fairly sure she could get around town substantially faster than before, but she still was worried about timing and handling of the oncoming night. If there was this one beast, then who knew how many others might be around. And this one alone nearly had her sticky and wet... so who knew what would happen if she were to be caught completely offguard at night.

Reluctantly, she began to set about finding if the store had any kind of protected room or other hidden area she could sleep at, spending the better part of the remaining light preparing herself for the night and pillaging a few snackfoods and any light source she could find, from the store and junkyard, keeping a decent length of fairly thick and heavy pipe on hand, just in case of trouble.
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

At the back of the store, there were three doors. Two were simply the restrooms for both sexes, but the last was a small hallway. Like most older stores, there was no back exit, both a good and bad thing. One less door to secure, but Tab could get trapped back there if she chose it for a hiding spot.

Down the hallway was a store room, of course, but also the owner's office. It looked intact, no one or thing had touched it. An oudated computer sat on the desk, silent. A few filing cabinets in the corner and a book shelf rounded out the room. There was also a somewhat comfortable looking brown sofa stuffed into one corner, a bit out of place.
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

A bit annoyed there was no back door, but not terribly put off, as the hallway seemed lockable, or at very least blockable. Tab quietly moved through the bathroom to check the water taps, not expecting any of them to function, but a bit hopeful.

As she walked around the store a bit, she started to consider the entire situation like a perverted twist of a deserted island scenario. She was more or less alone, with plenty of supplies available to her if she looked, but still wanted to escape her would-be home as soon as possible.

Thinking back to many of those survival shows she watched, and her own experiences, Tabatha realized she needed to stop acting out so rushed... but at the same time, the military already launched one dangerous weapon at the creature... who was stopping them from firing more... They may just as well have leveled the city.

Not wanting to delay any further with that thought in her mind, Tab quickly grabbed a bottled drink or two from the store and set off. Even knowing it would be getting dark soon, she had to try for the police station sooner, rather than later.

(Action: Start towards the police station. Skates on to boost speed.)
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

(As a matter of fact, the plumbing DOES still work, though as you moved on I don't really know what to do with that scene)

Tab set out for the police station. She got along fine, for now. Once it got darker, though, there was no way she was going to be able to see the debris in time to dodge it if she continued this rate of travel. As it was, various objects were constantly hitting her skates. No stumbles yet, but it was only a matter of time. While she was getting better as she went, all it took was one slip up to send her tumbling down to the ground.

Tabatha was about half way to the police station when a noise cut through the rapidly growing darkness. Someone, yes, it sounded like a man, was howling in the darkness. The dominant emotion present was pain, not malice, fortunately. The man sounded like he was about a block West of Tab's position, in a big parking lot. This was away from the path to the police station, but might be worth checking out.
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

(o_O whoa. She was mostly checking the taps for drinking and washing purposes. Not greatly in need, one can assume she washed her face and took a sip of water to test it, nothing else... Call that a minor blunder on my part, I hadn't assumed that they would. She'd still be a bit paranoid about drinking it full on, and try to rely on bottled water for now, if possible.)

"I'm making good time..." Tab thought to herself. This long of a trip could've taken hours and hours walking.. even running would've taken forever, and simply tired herself out for the unfortunate eventuality that she'd need to actually deal with... something...

"As long as the moon comes out tonight, I should have no trouble continuing my journey well past nightfall, I jus-..." Tab halted mid-thought. Such a scream was never a good sign. She had plenty of tranq darts left, and a ton of pistol ammo... (Can I get an exact ammo check?) Even that pipe slung to her back in a way that kept causing it to grind over her bikini's knot and leave her ample bussom clearly visible against the sheer fabric of the shirt she'd gotten every dozen blocks, until she retied her outfit that is, was more reassuring than being unarmed.

She didn't want to know what the sound was... didn't want to go look at it... but she had no binoculars, such a specialty store having not seemed to have any... or at least not any decent ones, from what her meager search had turned up.

Irritated at herself, she slid to a stop half a block away, staring intently towards the parking lot and seeing what she could determine was going on there... if forced to move closer, she would switch back to normal shoes, not wanting to be caught on wheels if anything nasty jumped on her, before she snuck in for a better look.
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

(Heh, I find it adds that extra hint of creepy. Nothing works, except the pipes (in some areas). Anywho, ammo count, 9/15 in, two reloads of 15 each, so 39 total shots)

Tab tried to get a better look, but couldn't see anything. However, a second moan did provide more information. Whatever was making it sounded low to the ground, perhaps UNDER one of the cars, explaining why she couldn't see the source. The noise sounded human made, but something was off about it, a slight pitch distortion or something.
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

Tab sighed quietly, almost able to smell a trap. She had a strong notion that the sound had to be made by... "A radio?"

She thought back and wasn't entirely sure of herself, the EMP had knocked out most electronics, but a shielded radio... or perhaps even one brought in after the initial EMP wave.

"wait... if that's a radio, then it's likely the military... and the only reason it'd be on is... if they were all dead and couldn't turn it off... or if it was trapped, and I'm likely about to step on a landmine walking in here." Tab quietly concluded, circling around the parking lot the long way, occasionally ducking until her head was to the ground to stare beneath the few cars there, checking if she could see the light of the radio she assumed it now was, or anything else... perhaps anything living...
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

(Heh, yeah, I make this type of encounter for pretty much everyone, pretty obvious, I know)

Stealth Check

16+15+18 = 49 vs 26 = 6+20

It didn't take long for Tab to find the source. A man was indeed under one of the cars, rolling about slightly. His shirt was torn, she could see there was something wrong with his back. Greenish scales were forming, though in the low light it was hard to make out much detail.

The man didn't seem to notice Tabatha, more concerned with its own pain. Getting a closer look wouldn't be that hard or very dangerous. Now that she saw him, Tab could keep and eye on the man the entire way in, and would certainly get in the first blow if he turned out to be hostile. However, there was one concern. The moans of pain might attract monsters to the area, and if he'd been at it awhile, they might already be on their way.
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

Tab winced a bit at the man's situation, drawing one of her darts... they weren't normally meant for use on humans... or... whatever he was. But a quick jab would make him stop groaning and moaning, ensure her safety, and stop his pain all at the same time. Sleeping through whatever was happening, she reasoned, would be far preferable for him... She approached slowly, getting near and glancing around from a ducked position a short distance away, making sure nothing else was coming... before, after preparing herself, she'd rush in low and fast, and jab the man as softly as she could to still be sure she'd gotten him firmly enough that she knew he'd be out in moments.
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

(Good enough plan I won't spring combat on you for this)

Tab closed the distance quickly and stuck a dart in the man. He'd noticed her about the time she was ten meters away, and was rolling to look at her as she jabbed it in. He let out a howl, a cross of confusion and anger. The dart didn't kick in right away, as before, and the man tried to get up to attack Tabatha. However, seeing as he was mostly under a car, in addition to his condition dulling his reflexes, Tab had plenty of time to get to a safe distance.

From behind several cars, Tab watched as the man finally got to its feet and started to shuffle in her direction. It was hard to tell how much of his uncoordination was from the dart and how much was from his condition. He made it about half way to her position before his eyes just rolled up in the back of his head as he fell over motionless in the lot.
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

Tab nodded slowly as she moved to the man and began to examine him, her instincts telling her to document everything somehow as she kept grabbing at a non-existent tape recorder and whispering a few notes into it from time to time. "Subject, male. Seems to be undergoing ... full body metamorphosis..." her last idea, to check if he had a wallet or keys on him. She knew she wouldn't be able to carry him back anyplace safe like this, and she'd left him defenseless, to a point. But it'd be far safer for him to stop groaning and squirming around than to constantly draw attention to himself. She had no intention of robbing the man, but hoped his personal data would provide valuable insight into why he was here, and if he had keys, she might've been able to put him in his car for partial safety, or even drove his car to take him safely somewhere... if the vehicle worked, that is. She could only assume that the car he was under was probably his.
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

In the man's jacket was an ID of some sort. Just a generic office worker it seemed. He didn't have any keys, but did have a bus pass. The guy must have just been walking by when he couldn't take it anymore. A further search did yield a note the man had on him

Car is blue Yoshohoma.
Plate GRS2425.
Trunk in back seat
Code 2753
Radio under spare clothes​

Perhaps the man had been sent to get this radio by a group of survivors and hadn't made it.
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

Tab grunted at the description of the car, a bit annoyed that she had nothing else to go on, no information on where these survivors might've been, or anything else for that matter, taking a brief moment to search the immediate area if such a car existed.

Though in afterthought, she began to wonder if taking the radio was such a good idea. The survivors here obviously wanted it... perhaps she'd have a way to make contact with them...

If she found the car, she'd scribble a hasty note, detailing where the shop she found before was, and ask the others where they were staying, "we should meet up... unfortunately your guy was in no condition to talk when I found him..." she wrote simply, not wanting to describe everything happening to him.

If unable to find the car, or after dealing with the car, she'd quietly try to find someplace safe to leave the man, before continuing on her travels, trying to get a bearing on how much further it was to the police station.
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

The car found after a bit of trouble. The make was a pretty common one, but the color wasn't that popular, and the plate number helped alot. It was parked on the street next to the lot, not in the lot, as it so happened.

The car was unlocked and Tab found a large briefcase like object in the back. She entered the code, and sure enough, under some casual clothing there was an emergency radio, and two bottled waters as a bonus. There was a note next to the radio. "Recharge with shaking, like a pedometer". On the radio itself were the words "EMP hardened", though that could mean anything, depending on the fine print when it was purchased.
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

"You've got to be fucking kidding me... This children's toy is what they were after?" She tossed the thing back onto the pile of clothes in annoyance. "I may as well be on the lookout for a pair of spongebob walkie talkies to grab a radio that actually CLAIMS to be EMP protected on a cheap sticker they plastered over it... damn... now I feel even more sorry for that poor sap..."

Tab tried to find something to write with so she could leave any future attempts to find this radio a note, jotting down directions to the sporting goods store, since it was, mostly, untouched from what she saw. Then adding, "Please at least leave a note where your group is, so I can join you if you're someplace secure."

Shaking her head, she packed everything back in, water included, but left her note on top as she closed the car up the way it had been before she arrived, though trying to rest the knocked out man inside it, for his own protection.