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The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

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(And Reputation Manager)
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I always hated that he got a sympathy oscar, but only because i felt he deserved an oscar anyway and that achievement he earned will forever be marred by the sympathy he received for his death.

Jack nicholson was an incredible joker (I also think michael keeton was very good batman), Mark hamil is in many ways the definitive joker, but heath ledger is a truly powerful performance.

as a side note danny devitos penguin was also epic, and i'm quite fond of Michelle Pfeiffers cat woman.
Best catwoman so far, that's for sure
Nov 12, 2008
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Best catwoman so far, that's for sure
I actually only just watched The Secound batman(one with penguin and Catwoman.)

I actually didn't enjoy it much but I think my oppinion was biased as I had just started a Batman marathon and had got all my dvd's out and started with Batman begins then went into the animated movies like public enemies and the darknight returns(Stupid one ware batman box's with superman jokers performance was amazing in it. I enjoyed two face's as well.)

God damn furries 15th June 2014 20:43 If this is what you got abnned for the first time, I kinda agree with the ban.

^ this neg rep amused me to no end because I never actually got banned for what ever reason Nunu was having a bad day and thought I was troll baiting I think the proper term was. I essentially went threw my rep list found a thread from years ago posted it in the shoutbox some people laughed one posted this.

Also my resent escapades apparently met some approval from people

StiffSponge's Hate Thread 15th June 2014 15:51 Only you can prevent trolling fires!
StiffSponge's Hate Thread 15th June 2014 15:50 You're back! Have some green
StiffSponge's Hate Thread 15th June 2014 13:59 You seem nice to me. -Lila
StiffSponge's Hate Thread 15th June 2014 13:51 Wow, an actually sensible post from you? Nice.


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Nov 28, 2008
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

i disapprove of your whining (link)

You mean ranting? In the ranting/debate thread? Have you considered you might be hanging around the wrong joints if that sort of thing annoys you?

Also thank you to the other chap(?), you know who you are. It's nice to know that I'm not alone on all my beliefs.


Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

9th July 2014 15:19 This isn't getting you anywhere, stop hiding behind alternate accounts and made-up personalities...

9th July 2014 17:00 I see you're still attentionwhoring.

9th July 2014 17:09 No one cares, stop pining for attention you pathetic little fuck. (Note: I read this in Duke Nukem's voice.)

All it is is a little experiment, bringing out some different parts of my mind to the front. If that somehow threatens you, I'm sure you're doing GREAT in real life.


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Nov 9, 2008
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Every time you post in the rep thread it leads to drama, if you do so again (good news excepted) I will be upset. It's for your own good.


Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Eh. No problem. Just wanted to get it off my chest. *hugs*


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Apr 9, 2010
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

That duke nukem comment still really cracks me up actually, it's really accurate.


Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

If it is any consolation, that wasn't me. I.... don't fight you back.

Mostly because sometimes I deserve it I admit...


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Apr 9, 2010
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I should stop coming here.

Yes you should. If you can't handle an anti-gaming, whining, manipulative wench being criticized, then you should piss off to whatever nutless bastion of politically correct asinine septic bullcrap you came from, or kill yourself.

Even if any of the alleged amoral crap she has been shown to have most likely have done is untrue, the fact of the matter is that her "game" sucks so badly, even the free (mostly plotless) text porn games I play outdo her in skill, complexity, and design. Her game is literally a poorer example of a text game made with something like Twine, which requires little to no development skills. As a "game dev" I can, with no experience, most likely make a game that is not just superior, but vastly superior to hers based solely on the merit of my (not particularly great) writing skills, because her game doesn't even have alternating paths, or endings, or anything that might be considered ACTUAL interactive content. At best, her "game" is a NON-INTERACTIVE BOOKLET in the format of a TWINE GAME. LITERALLY WORSE THAN ANY RPGMAKER GAME ON THIS SITE.

If you care about games, and games being made good by good game makers, you should hate this bitch, because she's all about avoiding that, and pumping pseudo-artistic garbage that alienates the intended "beneficiary" of the message with it's misinformed nonsense (actual people with depression). Not to mention, if she was innocent, all she would have to do to end the harassment, would be to shut the fuck up and carry on with her life making games and giving journalists blowjobs, but she refuses to do even that, and continues to this day to try and strong-arm her way into videogame politics whilst having no real basis or standing to be talking about them in the first place, apart from being the epitome of feminazism with her information censoring, politically correct pandering, cock vacuuming, and vague misleading twitter responses.

If you want to act all whiney and aloft because I called her out on being a shit game developer, fine, but you had better actually leave. I had tantalized the thought that perhaps you were Pale, but recalling her temperament I can't imagine even her being that ignorant and trashy, as far as I recall at least she actually played videogames and had a mundane understanding of what makes them acceptable to charge money for. You're just an ignoramus who has no business being here, or on the games thread. You have officially, in five words, made yourself a complete noob in my eyes. Loser.


Calling Pale trashy when she's been gone for years and can't defend herself is rather... trashy. No it's not, I would have gladly called her trashy in her presence or even to her face. She was not above talking down to me or about me when I'm not around, I know this for a fact. So fuck that noise, I can call Pale whatever the fuck I please whether she's here or not. Also, if you were to understand the mechanisms of English I never SAID she was trash, I simply implied that she could be. Gif response enclosed.
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Lord High Inquisitor
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Nov 9, 2008
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

That's something about this, i've noticed that i weighed in on the same side (roughly) as the people getting all this neg rep and yet i've got no neg rep about it at all. I can only assume that the person wants to remain anonymous and if they neg reped me, i'd see them... but I already know cos i looked into it.

Please also give me the neg rep or explain why i don't get one?


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Fear? I guess...


(And Reputation Manager)
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I didn't necessarily throw my hat into the ring, but I was fairly critical in an explicit tone with the anonymous neg-repper and I didn't eat any for it either


H-Section Moderator
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Nov 28, 2008
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I'd like to know what rights women don't have that men do.

Besides having to fight for birth control and being called sluts for it? Pay rates? Employment opportunities (It's still a controversial topic in the USA for females to be employed in Combat Arms trades in the military despite consistently seeing combat in non-Combat Arms trades)? Be able to read a comic book or play a video game without being grilled for 'nerd status' and being called a fake if you can't say a line a side character said in issue #117 (I've been told I shouldn't play video games because it's the big boys club that women have yet to infiltrate)? Granted this is just North America and problems differ between nations, and what I mentioned is a small sliver of issues that really shouldn't be issues from a series of nations that like to pride themselves on a word called Freedom. There are still many more.

Outside North America and Europe... heh...

Sure on paper women have as many rights, but seemingly in practice they do not. The fact that you attacked me for stating what a feminist really was vs. what they are perceived as due to certain big names using the title, only somewhat goes to prove my point that men and women are still not seen on the same level as they should be.

Also note that I said "equal". So why are male victims of domestic abuse from female attackers still being ignored? That's not equal, and something a real feminist would take issue with, as I do.


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Nov 9, 2008
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I got a response, and t'was rational. why'd y'all assume fear?

Still on this whole feminism thing. It constantly keeps coming down to the every day feminist (basically good people, who believe in equality) being judged by the most extreme of their group.

To take all this to its most extreme thats like saying that all muslims are terrorists. Sure some people say it but it's just not true, most muslims are just getting along. Actually some americans commit acts of terrorism, like the unabomber and that... maybe all americans are terrorists.

It's really quite a stupid direction to take any discussion or example. It doesn't help that all the loudest groups don't make the distinctions between themselves and just the average feminist, but i would like if we at least do that here. I feel we can at least rise above insulting an entire group for the actions of a few... perhaps even offering apologies when necessary... hint hint...


Former Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

In spite of my better judgement, I'd like to speak my mind on this.

I feel we can at least rise above insulting an entire group for the actions of a few... perhaps even offering apologies when necessary... hint hint...
This right here? This is one of the reasons I have a problem with feminism. It considers itself infallible.

I have never once seen a feminist, extreme or otherwise, accept any criticism of their movement. At worst, it's outright denied and the dissenting voice is insulted, condemned and labelled as a woman-hater. I've seen and heard of people being physically assaulted. At best, even if the criticism is acknowledged, it's handwaved away with "not all feminists are like that/those aren't real feminists/that's not what feminism is about" or some other variant thereof. For the feminist, this response is enough to consider the criticism suitably debunked, and any further pressing of the issue quickly devolves into the former case. And despite insisting that the extremists are wrong, misguided and the source of all the problems with the movement, I’ve also never seen a feminist directly oppose or work against said extremists – or attempt to do anything about them at all, really.

Looking back through this I haven’t seen anyone insulting feminism, only disagreeing with it. And you’re asking them to apologise for disagreeing. Asking for an apology implies you are in the right and they are in the wrong. You’re not even bothering to debate the issue or try and change their mind – you’re simply asserting that by disagreeing with feminism, they are wrong, and they should regret it.

I could call QED there, but while I’m posting…

I sent this. It seemed a very reasonable response to your statement, and I wanted to hear your answer. Obviously I disagree* or I wouldn’t have made it a –rep, but it certainly wasn’t meant as an attack. I’m curious as to why you’d see it as such when all it amounts to is ‘please elaborate’.

*I’ll save my full opinions on that for another time.
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H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I saw it as an attack as it was an anonymous call out instead of a post asking "hey, please elaborate", and it was pushed out as a negative. Maybe it's the colours of the letters that triggered something in my subconcious? But that's how it felt to me.

And I did list just a few areas where men and women don't stand on the same grounds.

As for the insulting/disagreeing part, as I said, the goal of feminism is equal rights and standing between genders. I've seen other titles and such thrown out there, but that was how feminism started and was built up. To vocally disagree with that, means you are vocally disagreeing with the fact that men and women should be on equal footing in society.

It's one thing to disagree with methods, such as Anita Sarkessian who more and more frequently I've seen using examples from the 80's and 90's to try and enforce how things are in the modern year. Its also one thing to disagree when someone states "men are inferior" in some manner. But when the purpose is simply equality, as I've mentioned, then... well that kind of speaks for itself.

So which is it that you disagree with? The methods or the goal? Or is it the simple need for feminism, in which case I must say you are being willfully blind to the issues that are still rather deep rooted in modern culture.
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