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Games Discussion Thread


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

More gamergate stuff

The guy who made #NotYourShield got fired for his stance on politics

There's laws against that in pretty much every civilized country. I hope he gets a good lawyer and sues the shit out of that place.

DDoS against the Escapist for daring to allow discussion of this stuff

As well as hacking attempts aimed at actual feminists

Really shows how good these people really are. They're not interested in justice, merely in being right and silencing the opposition.

TYFC, by the way, finished the voting stage

Looks like a game with a lot of good potential

And while 4chan bans for discussing it(And rumoured to even ban for criticising these 'feminists'), FUNNYJUNK of all places actually allows it

4chan, by the way, is nearing its death.

The most popular alternative right now is 8chan.co


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

So is being told you're shit for 20+ years because you share a sex with people that aren't you who did some things that you had no involvement in.
So the extremist group gets at you, and you automatically hate all of us? Sounds like a woman I know who hates all military members cause her ex was military.

Feminists want equal rights, not the downfall of men. Stop hating a movement for overzealous ass hats that lose sight of the goal.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Whilst I'm reluctant to add to clogging up the games thread with this stuff, I guess a topic is relevant when it's relevant and certain things need saying. So...

Slicer. What Sin said.

Stop hating a movement for overzealous ass hats that lose sight of the goal.
This image is also relevant.

No matter how much more vocal they can seem to be, try not to these types of groups and certain individuals could the actual meaning of the word. It's far better to say that you denounce them as feminists, than say that you hate or are opposed to feminism. Because frankly that's the exact weapon they've been using. They've been taking justified outcry and backlash to their own actions as individual people, and then widely publicising it as a direct assault against their gender specifically, and their self proclaimed cause. They're marketing themselves on protests of oppression, that they themselves are deliberately manufacturing to generate more publicity.

Likewise I'll also note though, this misuse of terms isn't an exclusive thing either. The simple term "MRA" seems to have been utterly and destructively hijacked by this recent internet based drama. Whether initially used by one side as a descriptor, or the other as a derogatory label, or both, I don't actually know. But there are men and small time organisations out there with no relation to this, who have long been struggling to fight for genuine legal recognition in issues such as paternity rights and overlooked loopholes in domestic violence legislature. And I'm sure they'd be feeling rather horrified and defenceless at how their name has ended up being used online within the gaming scene. There are of course, also still the overly zealous ones that will claim the title, as well as just plain old fashioned types that find themselves drawn to the name. Same as their counter parts.

The TL:DR moral of this being clichéd as fuck, but... don't overgeneralise.

You might not even realise you're doing it, even whilst speaking out against it that very moment.


Adding this video to my post here, since it felt relevant and a good deal of it follows the same message I wanted to get across.

" "

The adversarial 'Us vs Them' mentality, and slapping labels on people is half of the problem here, applies to all sides, and only muddies and confuses the issues. If you start going into things with pre-emptively dismissing or artificially colouring what one person or another is actually saying or sharing because you or someone else has branded them as a SJW, MRA, Feminazi, Misogynist, Leftist, Rightist, Probably-a-Terrorist...

I forget what the second half of that sentence was supposed to end with, but simply enough it's a bad way to view things if you want to make clear judgements. Has anyone noticed just how much the actual wording of the SJW vs MRA terminology sounds exactly like a 3rd world civil war? You know, where you have the "Peoples Democratic Liberation Militia" vs the "Common Mans Freedom Army". Neither terms are actually negative. The odd bit in this case seeming to be how each label for the most part has been fired at the opposition (whoever gets marked out as it) rather than actually adopted by the speakers.

Just as one militia burns down a village for merely discussing what the other militia is or isn't actually doing. We're now seeing people DDoSing sites like The Escapist for the mere crime of allowing discussion in their forum about Gamer Gate topics, and branding the site as an MRA safehouse, whilst others brand it's writers such as Jim Sterling as an SJW that must be avoided at all costs.

It's all pretty absurd. Try to avoid the trap.
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

And here is the complete list of the corrupt clowns



Tentacle God
Jul 11, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

It looks like the Mighty No.9 project might experience a huge backlash. Because of the recent behavior of the community manager Dina Karam (who initially sparked controversy a while back because of her feminist views that made many people believe she was going to change the whole project in favor of feminism as well as being hired out of nepotism) in response to the #Gamergate controversy and Inafune's failure to correct the situation, people are now considering doing chargebacks on the project to obtain a full refund. If successful, the company can also be charged a penalty fee on top of the refund.

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Lord High Inquisitor
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Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Got to play the new strider game, loved it. It's basically super metroid with melee attacks instead of an arm-cannon. Best of all they've made it so upgrades show up on the map and disappear one you've collected them. Only took me about 8 hours to finish the story without getting all the collectables (enemy models, artwork, alternate costumes). The only real complaint I have is some of the gravity puzzles/fights turned into a mindfuck pretty quickly, the end boss being the worst of which.

As far as mighty no9 is concerned, I'm on the fence about this one. I mean the protag is flat as a board and that isn't an accurate representation of the female form (unless she's really young). But then again she's a robot (right?) and robot's don't really need tits, though i guess the real question is if the original mega man had any identifying sexual characteristics since this game is supposed to be homage to it.

Of course I could be completely missing the point here and the outrage is about something other than character design? Though I'd say the lesson to be taken away from this is that you really shouldn't fork out thousands of dollars for projects that you don't really know anything about.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Judging from what the article actually says, it doesn't apear to be anything at all to do with character design or changing the project to be "in favour of feminism". It's more to do with their community manager insulting and banning paying customers seemingly for the crime of supporting gamer gate or disagreeing with her conduct regarding it. People banned seem to have had no response or answers to their questions since.

Basically it's spill over fighting from the rest of the bullshit that's been going on, and someone taking their politics into the workplace, and enforcing it on their customers.

Regardless of the details, I don't recall the job of a "community manager" ever being to actively incite protest, mass refunds, and boycotting of your company. I may be naive, but I always thought that was the kind of stuff they're specifically employed to clean up and defuse...


Tentacle God
Jul 11, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Judging from what the article actually says, it doesn't apear to be anything at all to do with character design or changing the project to be "in favour of feminism".
That's why I said "initially sparked controversy a while back". What's happening right now is different from what occurred last year involving her.

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Can Inafune just make his game without morons making things difficult? That is literally the worst community manager ever.

The next article I want to see is where she's fired.


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

As someone who got a degree in marketing (which includes PR)... just fuckin wow. She should not be allowed near Twitter. When you represent your company on a social media site you do not say "fuck you" ever. Especially to customers.

The baby comparison is also utterly over the top.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Well, that's just what happens when you hire by nepotism instead of by credentials and skill

You get incompetent people who feel invulnerable because they know someone important to whatever they're hired at


Tentacle God
H-Section Moderator
Sep 30, 2011
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I am guessing many of you have seen The InternetAristocrats Video.

Seems to me that These people are running out of excuses, out of places to hide, and losing support left and right. Serves them right for trying to fuck over the smaller people.


Lord High Inquisitor
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Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Hey, can anyone recommend a beat'em up/hack'n'slash in the same vein as devil may cry/ bayonetta? I've gone through the entire DMC series, as well as godhand, the new ninja gaidens (god 3, it's remake, and the cell shaded one after that were awful), ninja blade and both dark siders games.

Tried out A Sunless Sea. Not sure how new my version is. It's got pretty decent atmosphere but falls a little short of the lovecraftian theme they're going for. Unfortunately even though I want to like this game so badly, it seems that most of the gameplay is there just to take up my time and achieve relatively nothing. Whether I'm hauling sphinx-stone back to fallen london for the only reasonable profit available in the game (from 150 -250 per run, in a game where upgraded ships cost in the thousands) or once I started cheating and froze my fuel and supplies use, running from port to port hoping a decent random event happens. Secrets, which are used to buy stat-points take forever to get (if you're lucky you can get one from 5 battles with a foe that'll wreck you if you get a bad roll) when each one only increases the stat by one and the max is over 150.


Feb 2, 2011
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Hey, can anyone recommend a beat'em up/hack'n'slash in the same vein as devil may cry/ bayonetta? I've gone through the entire DMC series, as well as godhand, the new ninja gaidens (god 3, it's remake, and the cell shaded one after that were awful), ninja blade and both dark siders games.
Ever play Lollipop chainsaw, it's a decent beat em up/hack and slash with some decent humor and awesome boss battles.

Also both No More Heroes are similar for the wii. I think they remade those for the other consoles as well, not sure.

The three recent Batman games are pretty great but has some decent stealth moments, puzzles and Metroid like backtracking an exploration. Batman Arkham Asylum is my favorite but the other two to come out after it are decent and I think there is a new one being developed right now not sure.

There is also Neir it is more zelda like with some quests, leveling up, equipment purchasing and has a great soundtrack.

Castlevania Lords of shadow and the second one are very good also I'd recommend the first one more than the second but both have there ups and downs.

Metal Gear Reverence is another good hack and slash with crazy tons of cut scenes.

SplatterHouse most recent one, I wouldn't recommend it unless you see it for very cheep but it is not really that bad.

Dantes Inferno is pretty good game made by Visceral Games creators of Dead Space, has skill trees for upgrading your character and some neat boss battles.

Don't know if the Wonderful 101 would count but I'd recommend it, it's a action game close to Pikmin where you control a large squad of deputized citizens and superheros you control a squad and change your squad into the form of a sword, hand, gun, pudding, hand glider,slinky,ball etc.

There is also Remember Me but i haven't really played it more than an hour so I'm not sure if its got tons of beat em up/hack and slash moments have to get around to beating it.

Anyways that's all I can remember off the top of my head probably a lot of good ones I can't remember, Darksouls 1 and 2 and Demon Souls are more action role playing but have decent maneuverability so I don't know if it's considered hack and slash.


Lord High Inquisitor
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Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Uhhhh... sorry I may have left a few off of my list, chainsaw's the only one I haven't played through yet. Though I'm speaking more specifically of the type of fighting/combo system used in DMC/bayonetta.


Feb 2, 2011
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Yea I kinda figured that you would of played at least played a few of the ones I've mentioned since there are so few of these types of games it's pretty slim pickings.

Bayonetta 2 comes out soon, October 24 everywhere besides japan where it is already out, so if you got a Wii U you're in luck.I can only think of games with similar mechanics like action rpgs that have small combo systems like games from Vanillaware or Dust An Elisium Tale , Zelda games or pure fighting games.

By the way has anybody played The Vanishing of Ethan Carter? Game looks better than almost every game to come out till now also has some good atmosphere. Pretty amazing considering it's made by an indie developer and uses Unreal Engine 3 it's also probably because they focused on Pc for the game.
Anyways it has small puzzles where you have to recreate a murder scene then when all the pieces are in place you order each scene the way it played out. Been playing it for a couple hours so far and I don't think there are going to be any action sequences your main character has to address it's more or less a narrative experience/walking simulator with some puzzles here and there. I'd probably avoid it if you don't like games where you do next to nothing but explore and solve puzzles and the puzzles so far are far too simple and have little to no consequence to failure to complete them.
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Dropping a rather shameless plug here. If anybody's seen ads for Puppet Nightmares around on other forums, I got into it. It's kinda neat for a free website game, though I am finding it a little grindy, not as sexed up as they tend to advertise, and the inventory management can be a bitch, but the story is pretty good thus far and there's lots of stuff to do. Anyway, follow the link to click and sign up if you're interested. Part of the reason I'm doing this is that if I get 5 people to sign up, it unlocks one of the monsters for me and, as I found out while getting the link, I guess I get 50 credits (the game's uber-currency) per sign up, too. While that's nice, I moreso just want the monster *laughs* If you've got questions, feel free to ask. I'll answer as best I can. In the meantime, here's the link.

Edit: I guess if I get 10 people to sign up, it unlocks *another* monster, too. So I guess I'm shooting for 10, all around.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Speaking of nightmares slightly related to puppets(But not the same game)

Lets hope its as good as the first

Also, Internet Aristocrat has a vid up on the whole gamergate thing again, not sure how accurate it is as I haven't watched it yet


Tentacle God
H-Section Moderator
Sep 30, 2011
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Might get crap for this but does anyone else think that Destiny is going to be a Waste of Time in a couple of Months? I just saw the Code for what they wanted in the DLC Expansion Packs and it is 6 Missions, 4 Raids, and 2 new Strikes total for both Expansion Packs. For the 20 something they are charging for it, I don't think that is enough to peak my interest much less keep me entertained since it's all the same crap.

I had my fun with it but it looks like they will be depending on Strikes to keep Destiny alive. Doesn't seem like smart business to do it like that. I was hoping for some Borderlands type stuff but I don't think it's going to be there.


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Bayonetta 2 comes out soon, October 24 everywhere besides japan where it is already out, so if you got a Wii U you're in luck.I can only think of games with similar mechanics like action rpgs that have small combo systems like games from Vanillaware or Dust An Elisium Tale , Zelda games or pure fighting games.
Unfortunately I can't justify buying a wii u and then only playing a single game on it (because I know that's what'll end up happening). Plus I don't even want to try to play a game in this genre with motion control. TBH I'm a little butthurt by it's exclusivity.