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The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

^ you got another one. Hopefully they're all positive though.

What's with this trend with trolls using the whole "being smart on a porn site" card? I almost think that's their only legit defense when it comes to bastardizing their foes.

I got a massive rep increase for this. But it's left blank, so what the heck? Write something for me - even if it's to insult my impaired intelligence and foolish antics! I keep getting reps that are blank now. And the sadness leaves me unsated.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I've also been getting blank reps lately. Even with negreps I get a simple "K" or even just a hyphen like "-" with no further explanation. It is less satisfying than reps with remarks, wot.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I got a neg rep from a post I made on the hate thread simply saying "NO LESS THAN 2"..

Apparently it was from a high-rep member since it took like -60 points...
(Which tallied me at around -80 something)

That was an owie...

I still don't know if he/she was referring to me raging about more than 2 things (Which I wasn't aware was against the thread rules since it doesn't really have any visible rules)
, or (recalling the post the neg rep was too) he/she was mad about me saying girls say hey with 5 y's...

Either way, I feel the pain but thanks to some local do-gooding around the forum I'm back up to the negative 40's.. ^^;

To be honest, I find it alot more meaningful to be in the green AFTER you've been in the red a while.. I'd rather work my way up from rock bottom redeeming myself than just follow the herd and ascend quickly, you get a better REAL reputation doing that imo...

Or maybe I'm just a strange idiot who likes doing EVERYTHING the hard way and watches anime too much... :p

And I agree with cappy, I always make a remark AND stick my name next to it.. Of course in doing so if it's a neg-rep, it's guaranteed to give me one back, but hey, I'd rather be honest and let them know who thinks what they're doing is wrong, rather than mildly annoy them with a mystery neg-rep...

But considering WHO I would ever think of neg-repping, I think it'd be pretty obvious it was from me, even if I didn't put my name OR a remark on it.. XD
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

And I agree with cappy, I always make a remark AND stick my name next to it.. Of course in doing so if it's a neg-rep, it's guaranteed to give me one back, but hey, I'd rather be honest and let them know who thinks what they're doing is wrong, rather than mildly annoy them with a mystery neg-rep...

Funnily enough, I don't normally sign my reps. I generally make it obvious that it's me through the message's method of speech. Anybody who's figured out that I've given them a negrep will probably know what I'm talking about.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I always sign my reps, good or bad. But every once in a while I forget :( and I'm like "OMG didn't sign! "

Also, I rarely negrep. So if you get a negrep from me, you are acting extremely stupid/annoying, or I am having a really bad day, and you're just being very stupid/annoying.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I always sign my reps, good or bad. But every once in a while I forget :( and I'm like "OMG didn't sign! "

Also, I rarely negrep. So if you get a negrep from me, you are acting extremely stupid/annoying, or I am having a really bad day, and you're just being very stupid/annoying.

Not true, it's people who you perceive as being extremely stupid/annoying. Your opinion, oddly enough, is not the say all end all. You should adjust your speech to indicate that, just in case some poor bugger gets confused.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Also, I rarely negrep. So if you get a negrep from me, you are acting extremely stupid/annoying, or I am having a really bad day, and you're just being very stupid/annoying.

Or if you're trying to goad someone, amirite?
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I don't understand why the feature to see who sent you reps isn't enabled.
Often enough I'll get reps that make no sense at all and wonder who could have possibly sent them.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I don't understand why the feature to see who sent you reps isn't enabled.
Often enough I'll get reps that make no sense at all and wonder who could have possibly sent them.

Believe it or not, a lot of shit is avoided through anonymity. And it stops unjustified rep wars, mostly.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Or if you're trying to goad someone, amirite?

Actually that was only one time:p If you're referring to my little negrep plusrep thing.
Did I give you that plusrep? I think I did...
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I quite frequently leave unsigned, blank reps. Mostly because the options it shows are "I approve" and "I disapprove" or some such, and that's usually the extent of what I have to say.

Except you can't really leave blank negrep. But I still don't sign 'em!
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Noob question, probably doesn't belong on this thread so I'll talk about a few of my reps also.

What are neutral reps? Do they add, subtract? What do they do, where do they come from, how do you give one?!


Related to the current topic:

I merely said I myself prefer to leave messages on my reps.. As for recieving messages, I don't care if they do or don't, a positive rep is ALWAYS good either way. :D


Random Rep babble:

So far I have 12 neg reps, 17 positive reps, and 5 neutral reps.

Though because a fraction of the neg reps are from high-rep people
who don't like up-starts, I have a relatively low rep, considering..

My most recent reps are/were from the dot handy thread, for being so helpful, and the rep thread, for making that silly haiku.

One of the positive reps made me lol though.

*Looks at location, sees that there is green light next to name, is creeped out* -Justsomeguy

Another one I thought was funny was this one.

Thanks for the link man-Havokor

At first I literally thought this person was, for some reason, calling/nicknaming me a man-havokor. (Whatever on earth that would be, possibly some rancid beast that wreaks havok on men.)

But I think, or at least I'm now fairly certain it was simply a rep FROM a person named havokor who forgot to put a space at the end.
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Neutral reps neither add, nor subtract. As the power of the rep depends on the number of posts and rep of the person sending it, neutral reps come from people who lack power; basically, their own rep or their post count is so low that they are unable to affect others.

Typically, neutrals come from lurkers who don't know that they're unable to rep people on account of them being lurkers. They could originally be either positive or negative in nature, but it matters not.

Fucking Ninja'd B)
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

A neutral rep is a rep that doesn't have any impact one way or the other. You can only give them if you are at zero rep, I think, or maybe also if you're sitting in the red and try to give a plus. They don't do anything.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

...Uhhhh... ooook? I guess I'll apologize.... to that actor? Or just the fictional character I suppose.... because I offended him?.... for .... his beliefs? .... I guess?

I'm really confused.

I never liked that guy much either, even if I agreed with his work to keep the prisoner free...

Not a big fan of that whole movie to be honest.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Yeah, but it sounded like I was making fun of his religion or something
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Though because a fraction of the neg reps are from high-rep people who don't like up-starts, I have a relatively low rep, considering..

I highly doubt that is the case, although it seems there are some rep bullies. It's more likely you said something they didn't like than that you're a newer member distributing content and getting repped for it. After all, we do like content.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Got 2 neg reps for my last 2 posts saying

"Nigga what?"

And "don't like you faggot"

EDIT: Got another neg rep for THIS post saying "don't like you either"

So.. Yeah.. Gonna go with the "rep bullies" thing...

Thankfully they did almost nothing to my rep, considering how low it already was..

Thanks for the info on neutral reps though, I guess that makes sense, it prevents people from spamming accounts and repping themselves/de-repping others.
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Not really, I mean you only need 10 posts to get out of the neutral reps. I guess if you already had an account that had a decent amount of power you could "boost" the dummy one untill it had enough power to actually affect someone. Or you could be just plain awesome like dusty.
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