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The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Exactly. And a Short Form is easy to forge.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

You know what? Fuck it. I'm not even going to try and argue against conspiracy theories.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Aren't they so much fun? At least they think up a counter-argument to everything... (In case you couldn't tell, I don't believe it.)
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

At least your joking. Conspiracy theories bother me and usually make no sense what so ever.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Personally, I just don't deal with them unless I have to.
Which is a shame, because it's great to shut-down the nutters.
Unfortunately, that's all you wind up doing, is just shutting them down for that day.
Then they come back the next day with twice as many counter-points, as well as 3 times as many points,
99% of which they used the 'bullshit correlation' theory to prove.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Yeah... in April, Jan Brewer vetoed a bill that would require presidential candidates to produce a long form birth certificate to appear on the ballot in Arizona. She called it "a bridge too far." Yeah, that's the woman that signed the "papers please" law letting police arrest you if you can't immediately prove your a legal resident, or if you know, you look like a Mexican. Jan Brewer of all people thinks long form birth certificates are too much! That's how ridiculous this whole thing is. I mean, I didn't even know a long form birth certificate existed before this year. :confused:
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

By this point I almost wonder if ripping up the Department of Education and constructing a new one from the ground up would be more effective with how bad of a spot education is in right now.

As evident by the tea party, we literally have hordes of old people who don't care about the next generation as long as they get out good.

I was part of a very good discussion on the issue a while back, pertaining not only to the US, but most of the EU as well. Back in the day, people relied on their children to support them in old age. Now most first world countries have a functioning welfare state. Now, regardless of opinion on a welfare state, the modern incarnation requires a birthrate of 2.5 kids per couple to sustain. The problem is that across much of Europe the birthrate is now well below that, below replenishment (2.0) levels even.

In the US it's currently 2.4, but augmented by immigration, so we really can't use that excuse, as mismanagement play's a large part. In fact, there's several simple solutions that would avert the crisis if we simply raised taxes. The whole hubub about taxes is really too big to get into here, but also simply making retirement age 70 instead of what it is now would get rid of 60% of the problem (with time).

Just to augment you point a little:)

The thing about the need for 2.5 children per citizen is actually just dependent on how much tax people pay. Now, I'm not going to say Norways economic model is perfect, but we have a birthrate of some 1.8-1.7 and our economy is still doing fine. Most people that are not familiar with Norwegian politics usually just choc this up to our oil, but that's actually not where that money is coming from. In Norway, we have a fund, that grows every year, currently it's at some 100 billion dollars. Doesn't sound like a lot, but for a country with 4.7 million people, that's a lot of money.

The reason we have this fund, is that too much inflow of capital causes a non-sustainable market dynamic, and therefore the capital inflow into the Norwegian market from among other things the oil has been heavily moderated.

The thing that really keeps the machine going, is the fact that we have high taxes, not just on what a person earns, but on anything imported or sold.
If you buy a computer in Norway, the state gets 25% of the money you used,
that adds up to a lot of money for the state.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Just to augment you point a little:)

The thing about the need for 2.5 children per citizen is actually just dependent on how much tax people pay. Now, I'm not going to say Norways economic model is perfect, but we have a birthrate of some 1.8-1.7 and our economy is still doing fine. Most people that are not familiar with Norwegian politics usually just choc this up to our oil, but that's actually not where that money is coming from. In Norway, we have a fund, that grows every year, currently it's at some 100 billion dollars. Doesn't sound like a lot, but for a country with 4.7 million people, that's a lot of money.

The reason we have this fund, is that too much inflow of capital causes a non-sustainable market dynamic, and therefore the capital inflow into the Norwegian market from among other things the oil has been heavily moderated.

The thing that really keeps the machine going, is the fact that we have high taxes, not just on what a person earns, but on anything imported or sold.
If you buy a computer in Norway, the state gets 25% of the money you used,
that adds up to a lot of money for the state.

I believe that in Norway as in Finland the largest generations have yet to retire. Finland's birthrate hovers around 2.0 I think(can't be bothered to check) and we don't have a crisis - yet. But there will be one, when more people start retiring as fewer people come into working age. At least, that's what everyone is saying.

People can only afford to pay so much in taxes and Norway just happens to be one of the richest countries in the world, so it's not really comparable.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Norway just happens to be one of the richest countries in the world, so it's not really comparable.

Yes, but why?

It's not just the oil. How is it that a Norwegian can afford to pay some 25-50% tax on everything he earns, whilst buying food that also has a 25% tax on it? Why can we afford that?

Well, it might be partly because those taxes makes a lot of things free for us. We have free healthcare, free education, and lots of other nice things. As a student, I get a loan from the state, that has no interest for the years I'm studying. Do you know why? Because the state knows that "Sure, a cashier is needed at that store down the road, but that cashier will only provide for him/herself, and not for the state as a whole.

I really don't know the answer, but I ask again, Why?
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Yes, but why?

It's not just the oil. How is it that a Norwegian can afford to pay some 25-50% tax on everything he earns, whilst buying food that also has a 25% tax on it? Why can we afford that?

Well, it might be partly because those taxes makes a lot of things free for us. We have free healthcare, free education, and lots of other nice things. As a student, I get a loan from the state, that has no interest for the years I'm studying. Do you know why? Because the state knows that "Sure, a cashier is needed at that store down the road, but that cashier will only provide for him/herself, and not for the state as a whole.

I really don't know the answer, but I ask again, Why?

Because oil is expensive? Norway GDP is almost double that of Finlands, and the two countries are superficially very similar in most things except Norway has oil and fishing where as Finland has forests. Norway has a little higher tax rate apparently, but the differences aren't really that big.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

other way round silly.

The arrogent douchbags that make us look like America?

...I feel like I devided by zero here or something D:
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

The arrogent douchbags that make us look like America?

...I feel like I devided by zero here or something D:

If you were polite, people would think you were englishmen with poor spelling. Or canadians.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

If you were polite, people would think you were englishmen with poor spelling. Or canadians.

And now ya see why I work on my literature ideas in Microsoft Word :p

And yes, more often then not I'm facepalming at the actions of the so-called 'normal' peoople, because they're all rude as fuck -_-
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Cut government official's salaries. You know the President makes 400,000$ a year? And he's not the only one, and their salaries have been climbing higher and higher in the last few years.

Stop cutting funding from education plz Government... It's kind of necessary

The leader of what is arguably the most powerful nation in the world - ergo, some would say, the most powerful man in the world - makes $400,000 a year.

Compare this to the richest 1% in America, many of whom make hundreds of millions - even billions of dollars a year.

Trust me, the men and women who work for the government do NOT do it for the paycheck. They do it because they believe the country should be run a certain way and they want to run it that way. When you consider how much exponentially more you can make being a successful entrepreneur or even the CEO of a decently large corporation, the president's paycheck looks positively minuscule.

Sure, 400 large seems big to you and I, who make somewhat less than 50 a year, but you really need to put it into perspective. Saying anything otherwise sounds either very ignorant or very naive - no disrespect intended.

(I know, I'm late. Sue me.)
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

And how much does it cost to run for president?
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

And how much does it cost to run for president?

Does that count? I was under the impression that campaigns weren't funded out-of-pocket but by constituent donations.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

It's like any business, you still need a pretty large start-up capital. But yes, it's sort of like being a fighter. The amount of money you get from sponsors is up and down and you get a small amount of money for the fight, but you have to pay the entire way up to the event.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Man. Does everything thread derail like this? Came hoping to see funny stories.. and you're talking about elections.

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