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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

yeah nunu didn't have load time problems either, and most of the stuff that makes it better is in the script, so whats happening in the world and that the speech skill now has a reason.

fallout 3 was oblivion with guns (not that it was bad), new vegas is what fallout 3 should have been (even though its not that different). as for DLC, well thats what an expansion is! its just large enough to be stand alone. also if it was DLC its not like you'd be able to carry a character over.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

While I haven't gotten around to New Vegas yet, I don't see what the big deal about hardcore is, the first and near only mod I got for F3 did pretty much what that mode entails. The added save rules don't seem like that big a deal.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Mount & Blade. I remember you guys talking about it before once. I just got it off Steam along with the 'M&B: Warband' expansion. Downloading now. It claims the expansion is standalone, and of course improved in various ways. I'm left wondering how this works. Should I play the original M&B first, and then Warband, or is it the kind that I should go straight to the expansion, because it's the same thing with extra stuff/polish?

In other words, is this a Fallout: New Vegas kind of thing, or an Oblivion: Gold Edition kind of thing?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Exact same stuff with some extras, IE, you didn't need to buy the originial at all.

*Shares injoke with Inky* That was fast...
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Aw snap. Sneaky bastards. I did have suspicions when I choose to go with that deal, since I noticed the individual titles could be bought separately at the same discount. Could have saved myself £2.50, but oh well. It's Inky's fault for directing me back towards Steam (very rarely visit it unless pointed that way) that I'm spending this money at all.

Now I feel like I want to pass the non expansion version on to a friend or something, but it's a friggin digital copy. What on earth do I do with a useless digital copy? ¬_¬
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Aw snap. Sneaky bastards. I did have suspicions when I choose to go with that deal, since I noticed the individual titles could be bought separately at the same discount. Could have saved myself £2.50, but oh well. It's Inky's fault for directing me back towards Steam (very rarely visit it unless pointed that way) that I'm spending this money at all.

Now I feel like I want to pass the non expansion version on to a friend or something, but it's a friggin digital copy. What on earth do I do with a useless digital copy? ¬_¬

Download mods for the original and play that. The only significant things they added with the expansion were the ability to essentially start your own faction and better attack animations. Unfortunately, the new attack animations also make combat 10 times as difficult, since your sword/axe.mace.whatever is going to be going in weird directions while you're trying to swing it at someone standing in front of you. Very irritating.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

And the sixth faction.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Oh. You actually mean despite already having the expansion, I should ignore it and go for mods instead? Do these mods not work for Warband? Or is it really bad enough to actually make the original preferable? Due to visitors at my place I still haven't started yet.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

fallout 3 was oblivion with guns.

I still think this is a false statement as even the levelling system is more traditional RPG in Fallout 3 than what Oblivion did (still like Oblivion's levelling system the best) but I suppose we all have our own opinions.

Oh. You actually mean despite already having the expansion, I should ignore it and go for mods instead? Do these mods not work for Warband? Or is it really bad enough to actually make the original preferable? Due to visitors at my place I still haven't started yet.

There are seperate mods for Warband. I never bought the original game, just warband. Tis fun.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I prefer warband, personally.

For starters, it's more friendly to new players, because it actually has an introduction to the game at the start. And I've never had any problems hitting people in it.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

obviously the expansion is going to be better, but the question is, is it better enough to rekindle interest in the game.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I'll start with Warband then. I can look into mods latter. Had an amusing D20 Modern game tonight. Involved a prison break gone wrong, lots of dynamite, and an "electrogravitic assisted pickaxe".

I also agree that Fallout 3 isn't Oblivion with guns, but I also claim that Fallout 3 isn't really Fallout either.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

obviously the expansion is going to be better, but the question is, is it better enough to rekindle interest in the game.

For Warband... probly not enough to rekindle interest. But it's better for starting players.

I also agree that Fallout 3 isn't Oblivion with guns, but I also claim that Fallout 3 isn't really Fallout either.

I never got into the original Fallouts as much so I can't really argue for or against that.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I played the original Fallouts first, because I heard about the big uproar when 3 got announced. Bought it off a friend, really liked it, downloaded two, really liked. Then I got 3, and liked it even more, because its not 10 years old! Yeah, the feel is totally different, but times change.

(And no, it isn't about the graphics, I'm very much on the "anti-graphics" end of the spectrum, if you could call it that)
Re: Games Discussion Thread

God of War 3 is too fucking short.

Something that fun should not be complete-able in two days (both days having worked 8-hour shifts).

It was pretty cool though. Some of the animation is off, and I still don't know if Kratos is believable as a character (90% of the time he is the personification of the word 'brute,' and then he has big softie moments, not sure if that makes sense), but the combat, which is what this franchise has always been about, is SO goddamn fun. The little throwbacks to mythology are cool too, even if Cronos is far less impressive this time around than he was in the first game. It was cool to see how the world reacted to each major action he took.

Spoiler alert:
He kills every motherfucking god and goddess you can imagine. About the only one he spares is Aphrodite, and only because she gives him red orbs when you fuck her.

Definitely would recommend it to anybody who has the console for it.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I played the original Fallouts first, because I heard about the big uproar when 3 got announced. Bought it off a friend, really liked it, downloaded two, really liked. Then I got 3, and liked it even more, because its not 10 years old! Yeah, the feel is totally different, but times change.

(And no, it isn't about the graphics, I'm very much on the "anti-graphics" end of the spectrum, if you could call it that)

Not trying to sound like a retrofag, but to me the old games are the best because they were made when the games industry wasn't this huge monster trying to swallow up every single penny it can get its greedy little fat hands on. Sure, there's some awesome games out these days but the majority of them are cookie cutter bullshit where the characters wouldn't feel out of place in same genre games. It's the reason why I've been buying a fuckton of old PS1/2 games.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Not trying to sound like a retrofag, but to me the old games are the best because they were made when the games industry wasn't this huge monster trying to swallow up every single penny it can get its greedy little fat hands on. Sure, there's some awesome games out these days but the majority of them are cookie cutter bullshit where the characters wouldn't feel out of place in same genre games. It's the reason why I've been buying a fuckton of old PS1/2 games.

Perhaps, but Fallout 3 is not one of the cookie cutter games, so perhaps it'd be best to direct it elsehwere :p
Re: Games Discussion Thread

True, but it's an pile of utter shit compared to New Vegas. Plus, I was only voicing my opinions on old games v new games.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

True, but it's an pile of utter shit compared to New Vegas. Plus, I was only voicing my opinions on old games v new games.

Not fair to compair F3 to NV. But if you're making an observation on something else, don't quote me :p
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Well it was kind of on topic to what you said, because you did say you prefered FO3 to the previous games because it wasn't 10 years old.